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NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Mridang Chapter 1 Two Little Hands


NCERT Solutions for Class 1 Chapter 1 English - FREE PDF Download

Class 1 English NCERT Solutions Chapter 1, Two Little Hands, provides children with different body parts and their functions in a playful way. With our step-by-step explanations, practice exercises, and colourful illustrations, students will learn the concepts easily and enjoy the learning process.

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Our solutions for Class 1 English NCERT Solutions Mridang break down the poem into easy-to-understand explanations, making learning fun and interactive. With engaging activities and exercises, students will learn about body parts and develop essential language skills. Check out the revised CBSE Class 1 English Syllabus and start practising English Class 1 Chapter 1. 

Glance on Class 1 English (Mridang) Chapter 1 - Two Little Hands

  • The poem introduces young learners to various body parts like hands, legs, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

  • The poem emphasises actions associated with each body part, making learning interactive and engaging.

  • It encourages children to use their senses to explore the world around them.

  • The poem employs rhythmic language and repetition, making it easy for children to memorise and understand.

  • It lays the foundation for understanding the human body and its functions.

  • The playful tone of the poem makes learning enjoyable for young learners.

  • The poem often accompanies colourful illustrations to enhance understanding.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 1 Two Little Hands

A. Repeat after the teacher

Teacher: I clap with my hands.
Children: I …

I tap with my feet.
I look with my eyes.
I walk with my legs.
Answer: This is an activity for students.

B. Talk in pairs

Ask your partner questions such as the ones below.

Nitin: What is this?
Neha: This is my nose.
Neha: What are these?
Nitin: These are my shoulders.
Nitin: What is this?
Neha: This is my mouth.
Neha: What are these?
Nitin: These are my ears.
Nitin: What is this?
Neha: This is my mouth.
Neha: What are these?
Nitin: These are my hands.
Nitin: What are these?
Neha: These are my legs.

Answer: This is an activity for students.

Match the parts of the body with their pictures.

Match the parts of the body with their pictures


The parts of the body with their pictures in order

Let us read

Look at the pictures. Read the word, then read the sentence.

The pictures showing facial features

Answer: Students to see the pictures in the textbook and read the sentences themselves.

Let us do

My hand
Place one palm in the centre of the box given below. With your other hand, outline. Decorate the hand with colours. coloured paper bits. bindis or anything else.

A box given for drawing the outline of your palm

Now compare your drawing with your friend’s drawing.
Answer: This is the Class Activity to be performed in groups.

Let us do

Washing Hands

A boy open the tap

1. Open the tap or pour water on your hands.

A boy Rubbing hid hand with soap

2. Rub soap on your hands.

Washing between the fingers

3. Wash between the fingers.

Boy Rinsing the hands

4. Rinse your hands again.

Let Us Sing

Alphabet song


X Y Z, Sugar on bread
Next day morning, come to me
We will learn the AB C…
Happy, happy we shall be
When we know the A B C….

Sing the Alphabet song yourself from the textbook.

Let us write

A. Write the letters.

Letters to write in a copy note


Letters in a copy note

Let us sing

A. Sing the alphabet (phonics) song for these letters before you start reading the words.
You may sing it in this way: 


The alphabet (phonics) song

Let us speak

Letter sounds
Answer:  Do it yourself as given below.

Letter sounds

Notice the initial sounds of the words in each row. Find the odd one out.

Few images to find out the odd one


Circle the odd images according to the alphabet

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 1 Poem Two Little Hands

  • Class 1 English Lesson 1 Question Answers provide detailed explanations of the story, helping students learn the moral lessons about sharing and cooperation.

  • The solutions Break down the text and vocabulary, making it easier for students to understand the context and characters' actions.

  • Offers clear answers to textbook questions, enabling students to complete their assignments accurately and efficiently.

  • Class 1 English Chapter 1 Two Little Hands Question Answers encourage critical thinking and discussion about empathy, cooperation, and problem-solving in real-life situations.

  • NCERT Solutions include engaging exercises and activities related to the poem, making learning fun and interactive for students.

  • It helps students feel more prepared and confident in understanding the chapter's themes and content. 

  • The Class 1 English Chapter 1 Two Little Hands Question Answer PDF is available for FREE download so that students can easily access it as and when they need it. 

Important Study Material Links for English Chapter 1 Class 1 - Two Little Hands

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 1 Two Little Hands


Class 1 Two Little Hands Important Questions


Class 1 Two Little Hands Revision Notes


NCERT Solutions for English Class 1 Chapter 1 Two Little Hands is a comprehensive resource for understanding the poem’s concepts. With step-by-step explanations and examples, students can learn the concepts effectively. The solutions aid exam preparation with exercises and practice questions. Accessible in PDF format, students can review the material conveniently. These solutions for English Mridang Chapter 1 Class 1 enhance understanding, and exam performance, making it easier for students studying in Class 1. You can easily access and download the FREE Class 1 English Chapter 1 PDF from Vedantu updated for the 2024-25 syllabus. Students can refer to these solutions to perform better in their examinations. 

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 1 English - Mridang 

After familiarising yourself with the Class 1 English Chapter 1 Question Answers, you can access comprehensive NCERT Solutions from all English Class 1 Mridang textbook chapters.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English (Mridang)

S. No

Unit Name



Unit 1 My Family and Me


Unit 2 Life Around Us


Unit 3 Food


Unit 4 Seasons

Related Important Links for English (Mridang) Class 1

Along with this, students can also download additional study materials provided by Vedantu for English Class 1.


Important Links for Class 1 English


Class 1 English NCERT Book


Class 1 English Worksheet


Class 1 English Grammar Solutions


Class 1 English Revision Notes


Class 1 English Important Questions

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Mridang Chapter 1 Two Little Hands

1. What is the main theme of Class 1 English Chapter 1 "Two Little Hands"?

The main theme of "Two Little Hands" is to help children understand the different uses of their hands in daily activities.

2. What are the key learning objectives of the Class 1 English Chapter 1 Two Little Hands?

The key learning objectives are to improve vocabulary, understand the uses of hands, and enhance comprehension skills.

3. How does the chapter Class 1 English Chapter 1"Two Little Hands" help in vocabulary building?

The chapter introduces new words related to hands and their functions, helping children expand their vocabulary.

4. What activities are suggested in the NCERT Solutions for English Chapter 1 Two Little Hands Class 1?

Suggested activities include matching words with pictures, filling in the blanks, and simple writing exercises.

5. How can parents help their children with this  Class 1 English Chapter 1?

Parents can help by reading the text aloud, discussing the uses of hands, and engaging in related activities like drawing and colouring.

6. What types of exercises are included in the NCERT Solutions for English Chapter 1 Class 1 for comprehension?

The exercises include questions and answers, true or false statements, and sentence completion activities.

7. Are there any interactive activities in Class 1 English Mridang Chapter 1 Two Little Hands?

Yes, the chapter includes activities like singing rhymes, acting out actions, and drawing pictures of hands.

8. How do the exercises in the NCERT Solutions for  Class 1 English Chapter 1 Two Little Hands enhance reading skills?

The exercises encourage children to read the text carefully and understand the context, thereby improving their reading skills.

9. What are some keywords introduced in this chapter of Class 1 English?

Keywords include "clap," "wave," "hold," "write," and "draw."

10. How can teachers use this Class 1 English Chapter 1 Two Little Hands effectively in the classroom?

Teachers can use interactive activities, storytelling, and group discussions to make the lesson engaging and effective.