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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 5 Footprints Without Feet


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Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Footprints Without Feet Class 10 Question Answers. The Class 10 English Chapter 5 highlights the story of an invisible man and the ruckus he causes in London and the village on its outskirts, Iping. Footprints without Feet Class 10 PDF deals with abnormal phenomena and is filled with thrills, suspense, and horror as the invisible man goes around town, creating a nuisance.

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The NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Question Answers are designed by Vedantu experts. They are updated according to the CBSE Class 10 English syllabus to ensure students always learn the best Vedantu offers.

Glance for Class 10 English Chapter 5 - Footprints Without Feet

  • Griffin, a brilliant but lawless scientist, creates a drug that makes a person invisible. He tests it on himself, becoming completely transparent.

  • After becoming invisible, Griffin accidentally leaves muddy footprints, first noticed by two young boys who follow them until they disappear.

  • Griffin's landlord dislikes him and asks him to leave the house. In revenge, Griffin sets the house on fire and wanders the streets of London without food, money, or clothes.

  • To escape the cold, Griffin sneaks into a London shopping centre, where he steals clothes and food. When store employees arrive the next morning, he removes his clothes to become invisible again and escape.

  • Griffin steals clothes and money from a theatre company and a shopkeeper, disguising himself with bandages, a false nose, glasses, whiskers, and a hat. He decides to move to the quieter Iping village.

  • At the inn, Griffin's strange appearance and reclusive behaviour arouse suspicion. When his money runs out, he starts stealing again, causing further alarm among the villagers.

  • The inn owner and his wife, suspecting something amiss, try to investigate Griffin's room. Griffin reacts violently, damaging furniture. 

  • When confronted by the town constable, Mr. Jaffers, Griffin reveals his invisibility by unwrapping his disguise, shocking everyone, and escaping by becoming invisible once more.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter -5 Footprints Without Feet

Read and Find Out

1. How did the invisible man first become visible?

Ans: The first trace of Griffin’s presence was detected by two boys who saw his fresh muddy imprint in the middle of London, out of nowhere. They pursued him until the muddy impressions grew fainter and fainter until they vanished completely.

2. Why was he wandering the streets?

Ans: Griffin was an amazing scientist, but he was also a lawless person. He set the home of his property owner on fire and got away without being seen by just removing his clothes. Consequently, he became a homeless wanderer.

Read to Find Out

1. Why does Mrs Hall find the scientist eccentric?

Ans: Mrs Hall thought the scientist was strange as he came to the inn in the winter and wore an unusual outfit. He was cold towards Mrs Hall's polite responses and told her he had no desire to interact and wanted to be left in solitude.

2. What curious episode occurs in the study?

Ans: Griffin robbed the home of a clergyman. He robbed it when they both were asleep and woke up from the noises coming from the study. When they went downstairs, they heard the chink of money being taken but could not find a trace of anybody, even when they looked under the desk, in the chimney, and behind the curtains. The money was missing, but no trace of the person could be found.

3. What other extraordinary things happen at the inn?

Ans: The scientist was a cold person since the first interaction with Mrs Hall. They never disturbed or interrupted him. But one day, his door was open, and they felt it was a good opportunity to peep into. The clothes on the bed were cold, and the scientist had been up for some time. Mrs Hall's attention was drawn to the hat that had slammed into her face after she felt a sniff near her ear. Followed by that, the chair became alive and sprang into the air toward her. She and her husband dashed out of the room and slammed the door behind them. They were terrified, and they fled for their lives.

Think About It

4. “Griffin was rather a lawless person.” Comment.

Ans: Griffin was a lawless person. He burned down the home of his property owner after being invisible. He did that because his proprietor disliked him and tried to eject him. He easily got away with that by removing his clothes and wandering as a homeless wanderer. He stole from the home of the clergyman and in a shop. He also attacked Mrs Hall and the proprietor when they entered his room. He tried to use his invention for his own selfish motives instead of helping people 

5. How would you assess Griffin as a scientist?

Ans:  Griffin was an Intelligent Scientist. He discovered how to make a human body invisible by swallowing certain rare drugs that made his body as transparent as glass. But instead of using it for the betterment of the civilization, he used it for his own benefit and gain. He did hurt others, stole, and even burnt the home of his proprietor. He was an unethical scientist.

Talk About It

1. Would you like to become invisible? What advantages and disadvantages do you foresee if you did?

Ans: I would like to be invisible for some time, if possible. I could do whatever I wished to do without being judged or having to worry about my safety. It would be fun and exciting to walk around carelessly. The disadvantage, on the other side, would be that it will make me feel very lonely and I won't have anyone’s company.

2. Are there forces around us that are invisible, for example, magnetism? Are there aspects of the matter that are ‘invisible’ or not visible to the naked eye? What would the world be like if you could see such forces or such aspects of matter? 

Ans: There are various forces that exist around us, like magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves, etc. These invisible forces help us in performing the basic functions of our daily needs. I believe it would be very absurd if these forces were visible to us. I believe it is better that they are invisible.

3. What makes glass or water transparent (what is the scientific explanation for this)? Do you think it would be scientifically possible for a man to become invisible or transparent? (Keep in mind that writers of science fiction have often turned out to be prophetic in their imagination!)

Ans:  Water contains free electrons that allow light to pass through it. Since no light is reflected, we see no colour, and it is transparent. I do not think it is possible for the human body to be transparent since it is composed of various complex cells and to make that vast variety of cells invisible isn't quite possible.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions Class 10 Footprints Without Feet

  • The NCERT Solutions for Footprints Without Feet Class 10 PDF are FREE to download, which means students can access and study the answers anytime, anywhere, on the go.

  • Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Question Answers are compiled and created by master teachers and subject matter experts with years of experience dealing with the CBSE syllabus, thus ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the solutions.

  • NCERT Solutions to English Class 10 Footprints Without Feet are given in simple and easy-to-understand language for all students to grasp and retain easily.

  • All the solutions to Footprints without Feet Class 10 Question Answers are available in one place and are sure to appear in the examinations. This eliminates the process of students searching for the correct solutions for hours together across different sources.


Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter highlights the story of Griffin, an incredibly smart yet lawless scientist who creates a drug formula that makes him invisible. Once attained, he uses this newly gained power to create a ruckus, cause chaos and disturb the lives of people around London and the neighbouring village in the outskirts called Iping. Vedantu offers comprehensive solutions compiled by master teachers for English Class 10 Footprints without Feet PDF. These solutions are constantly updated to comply with the latest 2024-25 syllabus and will certainly boost your study process and exam preparation. Best of luck and aspire high with Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for NCERT Solutions for Footprints without Feet Question Answer.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 5 Footprints Without Feet

1. Why do we need NCERT Solutions Class 10 Footprints Without Feet PDF?

The Class 10 Footprints Without Feet PDF solutions provide an in-depth understanding of concepts in a very simple language. Students who refer to solutions can easily comprehend the chapter with a better understanding of the difficult words and English grammar. Thus students can gain confidence in the subject.

2. Are Footprints Without Feet Class 10 Chapter 5 Solution" Beneficial to Students?

Yes, NCERT Solution Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 5 are very much beneficial to all students for exam preparation because these solutions are prepared by experts in accordance with the guidelines of the CBSE curriculum. The solutions are also updated on a timely basis so that none of the students faces any problems while answering the new pattern question paper.

3. How can we get Class 10 Footprints Without Feet Question Answer Solution?

You can easily get these solutions from the Vedantu website in PDF format. Students can also download the Vedantu app and get it directly from the app. These solutions are very handy to use as you can refer to them anytime, according to your convenience.

4. Which chapter is “Footprints without Feet Class 10”?

“Footprints Without Feet” is the 5th chapter in Class 10 English. The chapter is about a brilliant scientist named Griffin. He discovers a formula that can make a man invisible. But it has a disadvantage, too, as whoever drinks the formula can be touched and felt. The scientist himself drank that formula and got invisible, and the chapter shares the incidents of how the scientist misused his discovery, which could have been good for society. To know more, click on the given link, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 5.

5. How did the Invisible Man first become visible?

Griffin became invisible by drinking the chemical formula he invented. He became visible for the first time when he wore clothes. He was feeling cold, so he decided to go to the London store. To keep himself warm, he decided to sleep in that store while wearing some clothes he had taken from the store. The clothes made him visible, and he decided to take off the clothes to make him invisible again.

6. Who was Griffin?

Griffin was a brilliant scientist who discovered a chemical formula that can make a person invisible. The discovery, which was meant for the good of society, became a toy for him. He used that formula and became invisible. He misused his discovery and hurt everyone. He was using this great discovery for his benefit by taking revenge on his landlord.

7. Who was the invisible man?

The invisible man was Griffin, the brilliant scientist who had been working on a chemical formula that could make a person invisible. But the person could be touched and felt. The formula was consumed by Griffin, and he became invisible. That invisible man was a lawless person. He was misusing his powers and was troubling people. He was a type of scientist who worked for his own benefit.

8. Where did the invisible man go after creating a scene in the London Market?

English Class 10 Footprints Without Feet tells how the Invisible Man, Griffin, headed towards the outskirts of Iping to seek shelter away from the crowds of London.