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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 7 Aatmatraan


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Chapter 7 Aatmatraan Hindi (Sparsh) - FREE PDF Download

Explore the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 7  Aatmatraan. This resource helps students understand the chapter better. It includes clear explanations, summaries, and answers to NCERT questions according to the Latest CBSE Class 10 Hindi Syllabus. The chapter tells the story, making it relatable and enjoyable for students. By downloading this free PDF, students can get the help they need to study and prepare for their exams effectively.

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This guide provides easy-to-understand answers and key points that simplify learning. It is designed for students to grasp the main ideas of the chapter without difficulty. With these NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi, students can practise and improve their skills in Hindi. Don't miss the chance to download this valuable resource for free and enhance your learning experience.

Glance on Class 10 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 7 -  Aatmatraan (Poem)

Chapter 7, "Aatmatraan," is a profound poem written by Ravindra Nath Tagore that explores themes of self-realisation, inner strength, and the quest for freedom. Here’s a brief overview of the chapter:

  • Theme of Self-Discovery: The poem emphasises the journey of self-discovery and the importance of understanding one's true self. It encourages readers to delve deep into their thoughts and feelings.

  • Inner Strength: "Aatmatraan" highlights the concept of inner strength and resilience, suggesting that true freedom comes from within. The poem motivates individuals to harness their inner power to overcome challenges.

  • Imagery and Symbolism: The poet uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey complex emotions and ideas, making the experience of self-realisation relatable and engaging for readers.

  • Philosophical Reflection: The poem invites readers to reflect on their lives and the choices they make, emphasising that the path to liberation involves personal growth and enlightenment.

  • Encouragement for Change: It serves as an encouragement for individuals to embrace change and seek a higher purpose in life, reminding them that self-awareness is the key to achieving true freedom.

  • Emotional Resonance: The emotional depth of the poem resonates with readers, evoking a sense of introspection and prompting them to consider their own journeys of self-discovery.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Chapter 7 – आत्मत्राण

निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए:

1. कवि किससे और क्या प्रार्थना कर रहा है ? 

उत्तर : कवि भगवान से प्रार्थना कर रहा है जो कि बेहद दयालु, कृपालु और सर्व व्याप्त हैं। कवि भगवान से यह प्रार्थना कर रहा है कि भगवान उसे इतनी शक्ति व साहस दें कि वह अपने जीवन में आने वाले कष्टों, मुश्किलों व दुखों का डटकर सामना कर सके। साथ ही ऐसे समय में भी उसकी आस्था में कभी कोई कमी न आए।

2. ‘विपदाओं से मुझे बचाओ, यह मेरी प्रार्थना नहीं’- कवि इस पंक्ति के द्वारा क्या कहना चाहता है?

उत्तर : इस पंक्ति के द्वारा कवि यह कहना चाहते हैं कि है ईश्वर, मैं यह नहीं कहता कि मुझ पर कोई संकट नहीं आए, मेरे जीवन में कोई दुख परेशानी, कोई दुख ना आए बल्कि मैं यह चाहता हूँ कि मुझे इतनी शक्ति देना कि मैं इन विपदाओं, परेशानियों व दुखों का डटकर सामना कर सकूं और उन पर विजय हासिल कर सकूँ।

3. कवि सहायक के न मिलने पर क्या प्रार्थना करता है ?    

उत्तर :  कवि सहायक के न मिलने पर यह प्रार्थना करता है कि उसकी हिम्मत, साहस, हौंसलें, आस्था और विश्वास में कभी भी कोई भी कमी न आए, यदि संसार में उसे कोई दुःख, परेशानी, कष्ट, मुश्किल भी मिले तो भी उसमें उसे सहने की शक्ति हमेशा हो।

4. अंत में कवि क्या अनुनय करता है ?

उत्तर : अंत में कवि यह अनुनय करता है कि चाहे जीवन में कितनी भी परेशानियां आए परंतु भगवान पर से उसका भरोसा और विश्वास कभी कम ना हो अपितु मुमकिन हो तो भगवान उन परेशानियों को सहने की उसे शक्ति दें।

5. ‘आत्मत्राण ‘ शीर्षक की सार्थकता कविता के सन्दर्भ में स्पष्ट कीजिए।

उत्तर : आत्मत्राण का मतलब है आत्मा का त्राण अर्थात आत्मा का निवारण, मन के भय से हमेशा के लिए मुक्ति। कवि चाहता है कि जीवन में आने वाले दुखों को वह निडर होकर सहें, उसे कभी भी कोई परेशानी या दुख ना मिले ऐसी वह प्रार्थना नहीं करता बल्कि स्वयं के लिए उस स्थिति में भी साहस व धैर्य रखने की मांग करता है इसलिए यह शीर्षक मेरे अनुसार पूर्णतः सार्थक है।

6. अपनी इच्छाओं की पूर्ति के लिए प्रार्थना के अतिरिक्त आप और क्या – क्या प्रयास करते हैं ? लिखिए।

उत्तर : अपनी इच्छाओं की पूर्ति के लिए प्रार्थना के अतिरिक्त हम निरतंर प्रयास, कड़ी मेहनत, अथक संघर्ष व लक्ष्यपूर्ण कार्य कर सकते हैं। इन सभी प्रयासों से हम अपनी इच्छाओं की पूर्ति अवश्य ही कर पाएँगे।

7. क्या कवि की यह प्रार्थना आपको अन्य प्रार्थना गीतों से अलग लगती है। यदि हाँ, तो कैसे ?

उत्तर : जी हाँ, कवि की यह प्रार्थना मुझे अन्य प्रार्थना गीतों से अलग लगती है क्योंकि अन्य प्रार्थना गीतों में दास भाव, आत्मसमर्पण के भाव, सभी दुखों को दूर करके खुशहाली वाले जीवन की प्रार्थना, मानवता का विकास, सभी कार्य पूर्ण हो ऐसी प्राथनाएँ होती है परंतु इस कविता में परेशानियों से मुक्ति की प्रार्थना ना करके उन्हें सहने की शक्ति प्रदान करने की प्रार्थना की गई है। साथ ही परेशानियों में भी आस्था ज्यों की त्यों बनी रहे ऐसी कामना भी की गई है।

निम्नलिखित अंशों के भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए:

(1) नत शिर होकर सुख के दिन में

तव मुख पहचानूँ छिन-छिन में।

उत्तर : इन पंक्तियों में कवि यह कहना चाहते हैं कि सुख के दिनों में भी वह सिर झुकाकर ईश्वर को याद रखें| वह एक पल के लिए भी ईश्वर को कभी भुलाना  नहीं चाहते|

(2) हानि उठानी पड़े जगत् में लाभ अगर वंचना रही

तो भी मन में न मानूँ क्षय 

उत्तर : इन पंक्तियों के द्वारा कवि ईश्वर से यह प्रार्थना करते हैं कि जीवन में उन्हें लाभ मिले या हानि, वह किसी भी परिस्थिति में अपना संयम व मनोबल ना खोए। वह उस परिस्थिति का डटकर, साहस के साथ सामना करें।

(3) तरने की हो शक्ति अनामय।

‘मेरा भार अगर लघु करके न दो सांत्वना नहीं सही।

उत्तर : इन पंक्तियों में कवि ईश्वर से यह प्रार्थना करते हैं कि यदि ईश्वर उन्हें दुख दें तो उसे सहने की शक्ति भी दें। वह यह प्रार्थना बिल्कुल नहीं करते कि ईश्वर उन्हें दुख, परेशानी, कष्ट ना दें बल्कि वह पूर्ण आस्था से ईश्वर से यह प्रार्थना करते हैं कि जीवन की हर परिस्थिति को सहने की ईश्वर उन्हें शक्ति दें।

Aatmatraan: Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 7 Summary

Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel Laureate, is the greatest Bengali poet of all time. Translating his poem in Hindi is not an easy task. Despite the language barrier, Acharya Hari Prasad Dwivedi has excellently translated it into Hindi and let the readers feel how brilliant the poem is. In this poem, the poet said that suffering makes a human stronger. A diverse condition takes your test and you emerge stronger. He urges to God that he does not need an easy life but prays to give him the strength of belief and confidence. He never wants to doubt himself and wants to continue his struggle to survive. The poet is not even bothered that his life is full of sorrows. He knows that happiness and sorrow are not the only things that matter. He just needs to be strong enough to handle sorrow and should have faith in himself.

NCERT Hindi Class 10 Sparsh Chapter 7 describes how a human should be. The poet describes what makes a man weak. It is the doubt in his mind that makes him weaker every day. The poet shows his mental strength and also wants God to maintain the same. He wants to remember, in happiness and sorrow, that he can overcome any problem in life if God gives him the strength. He does not need to lead a comfortable life, rather he wants the confidence to stay strong and walk with confidence.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 7 - Aatmatraan (Poem)

  1. Enhanced Understanding of Themes: The NCERT Solutions provide in-depth explanations of the poem's central themes, such as self-discovery and inner strength. This helps students grasp the profound messages conveyed by the poet.

  2. Analysis of Poetic Devices: The solutions break down various poetic devices used in "Aatmatraan," including imagery and symbolism. Understanding these devices enriches students' appreciation of the poem's literary qualities and enhances their analytical skills.

  3. Structured Answers for Exam Preparation: With organised answers to chapter-related questions, students can prepare effectively for exams. The structured format helps them learn to articulate their interpretations and analyses clearly.

  4. Encouragement of Reflective Thinking: The poem encourages readers to reflect on their personal journeys and the concept of self-realisation. The NCERT Solutions prompt critical thinking, allowing students to connect the poem's themes to their own experiences.

  5. Improvement of Language Skills: Engaging with these solutions helps students enhance their language skills as they learn to express complex ideas and emotions effectively in their responses.

  6. Accessibility of Resources: The NCERT Solutions are readily available online, providing easy access for students to review and study at their convenience, reinforcing their learning experience.

  7. Inspiration and Motivation: The themes of self-discovery and inner strength in "Aatmatraan" serve as a source of inspiration, motivating students to explore their own identities and pursue personal growth.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 7: Aatmatraan (Poem) are an invaluable resource for students aiming to understand the intricate themes of self-discovery and inner strength expressed by the poet Ravindra Kesar. These solutions provide clear insights into the poem's messages, helping students navigate its emotional depth and philosophical reflections. By engaging with the structured answers and analyses, students can effectively prepare for exams. The accessibility of these resources further enhances the learning experience, making it easier for students to revisit key concepts and deepen their appreciation for poetry. 

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 7 Aatmatraan

1. How can you make Framing the Answers for Class 10th Hindi Sparsh Chapter 7 Easier?

You should follow the classroom sessions, study the poem and try to understand what the poet wanted to describe and then proceed to the exercise. Check out the answers framed by the mentors of Vedantu and discover how you can make your answers better.

2. Why Should You Download CBSE Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 7 Solution?

When you download the Aatmatraan Solution PDF file, you can use it as a base to study offline and prepare for the exams on your own.

3. Why Should I use Chapter 7 Hindi Sparsh Class 10 Solution from Vedantu?

The prime reason for downloading the solution file from Vedantu is quality answers and convenience. You will be able to make your preparation better and score higher in exams. Download NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 7 Rabindranath Tagore for better scores in the Hindi exams.

4. Who has written Chapter 7 (Poem) of Class 10 Hindi Sparsh?

Chapter 7 (Poem) of Class 10 Hindi Sparsh is “AAatmatraan”. Ravindranath Thakur is the poet of this poem.

Ravindranath Thakur was born on 6 May 1861 in Bengal. He lived in a  joint family. The poet is also a Nobel Prize awardee. He went abroad to study law. He was a nature lover and he has written almost 1000 poems and 2000 songs. For his book “Geetanjali”, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Following are some works of Ravindranath Thakur: Purbi, Balalaika, Kabuliwala, Gora and many more.

5. What are the divisions of the back exercise of Chapter 7 (poem) of Class 10 Hindi Sparsh?

“AAatmatraan” is Chapter 7 (poem) of Class 10 Hindi Sparsh. The back exercise is divided into the following parts:

  • The “Prashna Abhyas” section is further distributed into two portions. The first portion is ‘Answer the following' which contains seven questions. ‘Express the following is the second portion which includes three questions.

  • “Yogyata Vistar” is the second section in which there are two questions.

  • The third section is “PariyojanaKarya”. This section contains four questions.

Students will be able to find the solutions to these questions on Vedantu's official website

6. What is the poet praying for and to whom?

The poet is a true devotee of God. He has genuine faith in the Lord. In the poem “AAatmatraan”, the poet is praying to God to give him the strength to fight against every problem in life. He says that God should help him to face each adversity of life. The poet doesn’t want to panic. He says that he doesn’t need any helper but he wants God to be with him so that he can cross every hurdle of life. He doesn’t want his physical strength and self-power to get weakened. He desires that God should be there so that he can face each challenge of life fearlessly.

7. In what ways does the poem “AAatmatraan” is different from other prayer songs?

The poem “AAatmatraan” is different from other prayer songs because, in other poems, the people wish that God should not give any trouble to them. They ask for materialistic things for their happiness. They want God to make their lives free of challenges. But in the poem “AAatmatraan”, the poet prays that he only wants courage so that he can face every problem in life. He wants his self-power to get stronger so that he can conquer every difficult situation. He wants God to be with him in his bad and good times.

8. Which procedure one should attain to download the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 7 (Poem) of Class 10 Hindi Sparsh?

Beneath are the techniques one should acquire to download the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 7 (Poem) of Class 10 Hindi Sparsh:

  • Visit the page NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 7.

  • On selecting the link, the official page of Vedantu will appear on your device screen.

  • There is the availability of the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 7 (poem) of Class 10 Hindi Sparsh.

  • At the peak of the PDF file, you will discover the option of “Download PDF”.

  • Choose that option.

  • The NCERT Solutions will be downloaded in the form of a PDF file.

9. How can I use the NCERT Solutions for effective exam preparation?

Students can use the NCERT Solutions to review key themes, practice answering questions, and improve their understanding of the poem's context. This comprehensive preparation helps boost confidence and performance in exams.

10. What poetic devices are used in "Aatmatraan"?

The poem employs various poetic devices such as imagery, symbolism, and metaphors. These devices enhance the emotional impact of the poem and contribute to the exploration of its central themes.