NCERT Solutions for Political Parties Class 10 Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Political Parties
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Political Parties
1. How Political Parties Class 10th NCERT Solutions Help you Score Efficiently?
As these solutions are written in the CBSE-specific format, you can impress the evaluators with your answers.
2. How Crucial is it to Adhere to the Guidelines from CBSE Class 10 Civics Chapter 4?
If you want to score high, always adhere to the guidelines from CBSE. SST Class 10 Political Parties are based on the latest guidelines prescribed by CBSE.
3. How are Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Civics Chapter 4 Beneficial to Students?
With the help of NCERT Class 10 Civics Political Parties PDF solutions, you don’t have to waste your time finding the right answers. This helps you to prepare smartly and impress the evaluators.
4. What is a political party in Class 10 Political Parties Question Answer?
As we discussed in Political Parties Class 10 Solutions, a political party refers to a group of people who act together while contesting elections and holding power in the government. Their goal is to promote the good of society. To achieve that, they implement policies and programmes. Therefore, a party is known by what it stands for, which policies it supports, and who it represents. A political party consists of leaders, active members, and followers.
5. What are the challenges to political parties Class 10 Social Science?
As discussed in Class 10 Chapter 4, the lack of internal democracy within the parties, the dynastic succession of leaders, the unethical role of money and muscle power in parties, and not giving a meaningful choice to the voter to select their representatives are the major challenges to the political parties. It is desired that the parties overcome all these challenges and do what they are meant for, the welfare of the people.
6. Why do we need political parties in Class 10?
As discussed in Class 10 Chapter 4, we need political parties because they are an integral part of a democratic nation. They form and run the government, put forward different policies and programmes for the welfare of people, play a decisive role in making laws for a country, shape public opinion by educating them about these policies, and allow people to access the government system and welfare schemes implemented by the government.
7. What are the characteristics of a political party Class 10 Vedantu?
As discussed in Class 10 Chapter 4, you will learn about the characteristics of a political party which are as follows:-
A political party has members who contest in elections and form the government.
In a political party, all the members decide on agreement with some policies and programs and either seek to implement these policies by getting support from the common people through elections or oppose a policy if they think that will not be good for the people.
Secondly, in a political party, there is a leader, and workers, along with its supporters.
8. What are some steps to strengthen the political parties?
The steps that might be taken to strengthen the political parties are as follows:-
Party leaders should make stricter laws regarding internal conflicts of the party which they themselves are bound to obey too. Each party must have a reservation of one-third of seats for women so that issues related to women in the country are better addressed and the problems related to gender inequality are resolved. If any party member is proved to be indulged in any sort of crime, that person should be rusticated from the party. Government should impose stricter laws regarding expenditures before elections to keep the political parties away from influencing the voters with money.
9. How do political parties influence policy making?
Political parties influence policy making by formulating party manifestos based on their ideologies and promises to voters. Once in power, parties implement these policies through legislation and government programs. Opposition parties also play a role by scrutinising and proposing alternatives to government policies.
10. Why is it important for citizens to be aware of political parties and their agendas?
As we studied in Class 10 Political Parties Question Answer, Citizens' awareness of political parties and their agendas is crucial for making informed voting decisions and holding parties accountable. Understanding party platforms helps citizens assess which party aligns with their values and priorities, thereby contributing to a vibrant and responsive democratic system.