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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 12 Champa Kale Kale Akshar Nehi Chinhati


NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chapter 12 Champa Kale Kale Akshar Nehi Chinhati Hindi (Aroh) - FREE PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chapter 12, titled "Champa Kale Kale Akshar Nehi Chinhati," is an important part of the Hindi (Aroh) curriculum. This chapter explores the themes of language, identity, and communication through the story of a young girl named Champa. The solutions provided for this chapter help students understand the text better, grasp its meanings, and prepare for exams effectively.

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For those looking for a free PDF download of the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi (Aroh), you can find it here. This resource is beneficial for reinforcing learning and ensuring a clear understanding of the concepts covered in the Class 11 Hindi syllabus.

Glance on Class 11 Hindi (Aroh) Chapter 12 - Champa Kale Kale Akshar Nehi Chinhati

  • The poem ‘Champa Kale Kale Akshar Nehi Chinhati’ written by Trilochan, revolves around the significance of language and communication in shaping identity.

  • It highlights the struggles and aspirations of the protagonist, Champa, as she navigates her world. Champa, a young girl, faces challenges related to her ability to read and write. Her journey reflects her determination to overcome obstacles and embrace education.

  • The character of Champa represents resilience and the desire for self-improvement. Through her experiences, readers gain insights into the importance of literacy and knowledge.

  • The chapter provides a glimpse into societal attitudes toward education, especially for girls. It encourages discussions about the value of education in personal and social growth.

  • The language used in this chapter is simple yet effective, making it accessible to students. The narrative style engages readers while conveying deeper messages about education and empowerment.

  • The chapter emphasises the transformative power of education. It inspires readers to appreciate the importance of literacy and the opportunities it brings.

Access NCERT solutions for Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 12 - चंपा काले काले अक्षर नहीं

1. चंपा ने ऐसा क्यों कहा कि कलकत्ता पर बजर गिरे?

उत्तर: बजर गिरने का अर्थ है बहुत मजबूत, कठोर  अर्थात  वह  किसी मजबूत  वस्तु को कलकत्ता पर गिरा कर नष्ट  कर देना चाहती है  क्योंकि उसका  मानना था कि कलकत्ता मे सभी पढ़े लिखें लोग होते है जो झूठे  होते है दूसरी तरफ वह  अपने पति सें भी बिछड़ना नहीं चाहती। वह कभी भी अपने पति  को कलकत्ता नहीं भेजना चाहती क्योंकि उसके मुताबिक लोग वहा जाकर झूठे  हो जाते है। 

2. चंपा को इसपर क्यों विश्वास नहीं होता कि गाँधी बाबा ने पढ़ने  लिखने  कि बात कही होंगी?

उत्तर: चंपा ऐसा इसलिए कहती है क्योकि उसका मानना है कि पढ़ना लिखना समझदार और अकल्मन्दओं कि निशानी नहीं है। बल्कि पढ़े लिखें लोग तो झूठे  अलड  किस्म के होते है। और गांधी जी ने तो हमेशा समाज का भला  ही चाहा है, समाज को हिंसा सें हमेशा दूर रखना चाहते थे, लोगो को उत्तम विचार देते थे ताकि लोग जागरूक रहे वे भला  लोगो को झूठे और मक्कार बनने  को क्यों कहेंगे। इसलिए वे कवि कि इन बातों को नहीं मानती।

3. कवि ने चंपा कि किन विशेषताओं का उल्लेख किया है?


  1. चंपा  चरवाही करना जानती है  वह  रोज जानवरो को चराने  जाती है. वह  उनसे बहुत प्रेम करती है 

  2. उसका बहुत शांत सावभाव  है। वह  अक्सर कवि को पढ़ते हुए देखती रहती है 

  3. वह कवि कि कलम  और काजग़  छुपा देती है उसका नटखट  स्वभाव कवि को प्रिय है।

  4. चंपा आशिक्षित  है  और वह पूर्ण जीवन अशिक्षित  ही रहना चाहती है 

  5. चंपा अपने परिवार के संग रहना चाहती है  इसलिए  वह कहती है कलकत्ता पर बजर  गिरे।

4. चंपा ने ऐसा क्यों कहा कि वह नहीं पढ़ेगी?

उत्तर: कविता के माध्यम से चंपा ने ऐसा इसलिए कहा होगा क्योंकि वह झूठी नहीं बनना चाहती। उसका मानना है कि पढ़ने  लिखने वाले लोग निर्दयी और अहंकारी होते है और अपने घर को छोड़कर  विदेशो मे चले जाते है। इससे उनके रिश्तो मे भी उतने ही फासले हो जाते है।

5. चंपा पढ़ि लिखी होती तो कवि से कैसे बाते करती?

उत्तर: यदि चंपा पढ़ी लिखी होती तो हमें उसका भोलापन नहीं दिखता। वह बात करते समय ऐसी  बाते बोलती जो कवि के लिए कर्णप्रिय हो। जो चंपा के व्यक्तित्व को उभारे,उसके व्यक्तित्व मे हमें निश्छलता  नहीं दिखाई पड़ती।

6. इस कविता मे पूर्वी प्रदेश कि स्त्रियों कि किस विडंबना का वर्णन हुआ है?

उत्तर: कवि ने पूर्वी प्रदेश कि स्त्रियों कि स्थिति का वर्णन करते है कहा है कि वे पढ़ी लिखी नहीं होतीहै, उन्हें सम्मान नहीं दिया जाता है। रोजगार के कारण उनके पति दूसरे शहरो मे जाकर बस जाते है और चिट्ठी  आने पर वह पढ़ नहीं पाती नाहि वे अपनी भावना और अनिभूतियों को बता पाती है। उन्हें इसी वियोग का आजीवन  सामना करना पड़ता है।

7. सन्देश  ग्रहण करनेर भेजनें मे असमर्थ होने पर एक अनपढ़ लड़की को किस वेदना और विपत्ति को भोगना पडता हा?

उत्तर: कविता के माध्यम से एक अनपढ़  स्त्री को अपने पति  से दूर रहने का वियोग सहन करना पड़ता है। वह अपने पति कि प्रतीक्षा मे ही अपना जीवन न्योछावर कर देती है। तन्हाई और पृथकता का दर्द उसे सहन  करना पडता है। उसे सन्देश पढ़वाने के लिए भी आस पड़ोस से मदद लेनी पडती है। जिसमे उसे अपमान और शर्मिंदगी  का सामना करना पड़ता है।

An Overview of Class 11 Hindi Chapter 12 Champa Kale Kale Akshar Nehi Chinhati

This poem is composed by the poet Shri Trilochan. The poet depicts the situation of a family which is abandoned by their children for study and job purposes. The protagonist is a little girl Champa who does not want to study and wants to be illiterate forever. She claims that people who study black coloured characters (words) become selfish and abandon their family to go to cities. They get attracted to the high-profile lifestyle and never come back. The leftover people live in loneliness and pain.

She believes that people who study become smart, selfish, and cunning. Their wives living in the villages are illiterate and hence cannot read and send letters. She curses cities and their fancy lifestyle, which fascinates every kid of the family and breaks the happy families apart.

This poem includes many tones of poetry and thus become important to understand each line of the poem precisely. Solving NCERT questions should always be your priority as it gives an idea of arising questions and help you to understand the chapter in a better way.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi (Aroh) Chapter 12 Champa Kale Kale Akshar Nehi Chinhati

  • Comprehensive Understanding: NCERT Solutions provide a detailed explanation of the chapter, helping students understand the key themes and messages presented in "Champa Kale Kale Akshar Nehi Chinhati."

  • Summarisation of Content: The solutions summarise the chapter effectively, making it easier for students to grasp the main ideas without getting overwhelmed by details.

  • Structured Answers: They depict the proper format and structure for answers, guiding students on how to express their thoughts clearly and concisely in their own responses.

  • Highlighting Key Points: The solutions identify the most important aspects of the chapter, allowing students to focus on critical information that may be relevant for exams.

  • Improving Language Skills: The NCERT Solutions help enhance language skills by providing examples of good writing and vocabulary usage, which is particularly important for Hindi subjects.

  • Boosting Exam Preparation: By highlighting essential parts of the chapter, the solutions assist students in preparing effectively for exams, ensuring they cover all necessary content.

  • Facilitating Quick Revision: The solutions offer a resource for quick revisions, enabling students to review important concepts and key points before tests and assessments.

  • Accessibility: NCERT Solutions are available in both online and offline formats, making them easily accessible for students to study at their convenience.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi (Aroh) Chapter 12 "Champa Kale Kale Akshar Nehi Chinhati" serve as an invaluable resource for students. They not only provide a comprehensive understanding of the chapter's themes and characters but also enhance language skills and exam preparation. By summarising content, highlighting key points, and offering structured answer formats, these solutions support effective learning and critical thinking. The availability of these resources in both online and offline modes ensures accessibility, making it easier for students to revise and consolidate their knowledge. Overall, NCERT Solutions play a crucial role in empowering students to excel in their Hindi studies.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 12 Champa Kale Kale Akshar Nehi Chinhati

1. Why Does Champa Curse Megacities Only?

Champa believes that studying makes people vulnerable, and due to arisen selfishness, people move to megacities. These megacities entangle them into a luxurious false environment and break happy families. That is why she curses megacities. If there were no cities, no one would study, and leave their family.

2. Which Section of People is Focused on Poems by the Poet?

It signifies the situation of married women and old parents of eastern India. Women are mostly illiterate there and hence can't read and send letters to their husbands and brothers. Their loved ones move to megacities and never come back.

3. Does Champa Change her Mind Towards Study?

No, even after the author struggles a lot with Champa by explaining to her the benefits and consequences of studying; she denies it. She is rigid in her thoughts and believes that words and letters are a curse for families. She prefers being illiterate rather than being cunning and selfish.

4. Is the Mock Test Series Available on Vedantu?

Vedantu has a lot of practice sets available on the website for students. These include mock test series; previous year solved papers, sample papers, most expected questions, and many more.

5. Why does Champa say that Kolkata should fall in distress?

The poet was trying to explain to Champa the benefits that come along with education. He says that when she would get married, her husband might leave her to pursue his career in Kolkata, and it will get harder for Champa to communicate with her spouse if she is unable to read and write. To this, Champa gets agitated and declares that she would never marry anyone, and if due to certain circumstances, she is forced to marry, then she will always stick to her husband and never let him go to the city. This is the reason Champa wants the city of Kolkata to fall in distress, as it will snatch her husband away from her.

6. What state of the womenfolk has the poet tried to present to his readers?

The writer talks about the women of the eastern states. The husbands of these women often leave their families and go to work in the big cities. Once there, they fall in awe and admiration for the pomp and splendour that these cities provide and thus become a part of it. The women and the children are left all alone without any protection from their spouse and father. They are always waiting for their husbands to return to them. Moreover, these women are not educated and so, they cannot read and write, which makes it difficult for them to read the letters sent in by their husband’s.

7. How does the poet describe Champa?

The poet describes Champa to be a beautiful girl. She is the daughter of Sundar, and every morning she takes her father’s castles to the field. She is a good girl, but can often be naughty and mischievous. The poet explains this by giving the example of how Champa would often hide his pens. He would go in search of her to find these pens, but the moment he would return back, he would find his papers missing. This way, Champa would usually trouble and play with the poet, and though he would feel tired at times because of her mischief, he would still enjoy her company and her little games.

8. What example of Gandhi did the poet give to Champa, and what did she reply to it?

In the eyes of Champa, reading and writing are baseless activities. She questions the poet on why he keeps writing all day long. To this, the poet advises her to learn to read and write as well. He gives the example of Mahatma Gandhi, who had envisioned complete literacy for our country. But Champa declined his offer. She feels that studying is an evil activity and so she questions the poet about the character of Gandhi himself. She asks if he really was a good and honoured person, why did he place emphasis on reading and writing.

9. Is the analysis of the poem easily available?

Yes, the analysis is easily available to this poem. One can avail the website of Vedantu or can download the app to get the resources. The answers are designed by student matter experts to fulfil the requirements of the students. These are detailed analyses of every chapter that makes it easier for the student to grasp and understand the topic. Moreover, these exercises help in polishing the skills and intellect of the student helping him secure good grades in his or her exams.The solutions provided by Vedantu are free of cost.