Class 12 NCERT Solutions for Accountancy Chapter 1 Accounting for Share Capital Free PDF Download
Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Accountancy Chapter 1 Accounting for Share Capital Class 12 Solutions aligned according to the latest CBSE Class 12 Accountancy syllabus helps students to understand how the companies manage their share capital, issue of shares, different types of shares, and how companies record the transactions in their books.

This study resource includes correct NCERT Solutions prepared by our experienced Master teachers. The Class 12 Accountancy NCERT Solutions offers clear, step-by-step explanations of Accounting for Share Capital Class 12 Solutions to help students master the content.
Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 1 - Accounting for Share Capital
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 1 explains the concept and importance of share capital in company finances.
This chapter explores the types of Shares ie, equity and preference shares, and their characteristics.
Details procedures for issuing shares at par, premium, or discount, impacting the company's financial structure.
Describes the process of handling applications, allotments, and managing calls in arrears and advance, crucial for financial planning.
Access NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 1 – Accounting For Share Capital
Question 1
What is a public company?
Answer: The company which is not a private company and is different from them in various respects is known as a public company. The public companies can thus issue the shares to the general public and there are no restrictions as far as the transfer of shares is concerned. The value of the public company is determined through the daily trading of its shares. The public company uses the word ‘limited’ at the end of its name.
Question 2
What is a private company?
Answer: A business entity that is not owned by nongovernmental organisations and which comprises few numbers of shareholders and thus can no sell or purchase the share of the concerned company is a public company A private company is a business entity that is owned by a non-governmental organisation or by a relatively smaller number of shareholders or members who do not sell purchase its shares to the general public on the stock market. Instead, the company's shares are owned, offered, exchanged, and traded privately. The total number of members is restricted to a maximum of 200 in the case of a private company. It has to incorporate the word “private limited” at the end of its name.
Question 3
When can share be forfeited?
Answer: The forfeiture of shares occurs when the shareholders of any company fail to pay the amount of call money when it is demanded by any company. The forfeiture of shares thus amounts to the cancellation of the membership of the concerned shareholder in the company.
Question 4
What is meant by Call in Arrears?
Answer: Calls in Arrears occur when the shareholders fail to pay the amount of the sum of the allotment and the call money and it thus becomes due. Any company that issues shares may decide to consider the payment of the amount against the full price or else may decide to consider it based on the allotment and the call money. The shareholders in the latter cases have to pay the amount of the sum in exchange for the allotment made to them. In the cases when the shareholders fail to pay the amount of the sum as and when it becomes due, the amount is considered to be the calls in arrears.
Question 5
What do you mean by a listed company?
Answer: Listed company refers to a company that is listed and recognized by the National Stock Exchange or the Bombay Stock Exchange. In other words, when the stock exchange of the country recognises the existence of the company, it is known to be listed. The listed companies have the responsibility to adhere to the requirements of the stock exchange.
Question 6
What are the uses of a securities premium?
Answer: The uses of the securities premium are as follows:
1. To write off the preliminary expense.
2. To write off the expenses such as commission, or discount allowed on the issue of shares and debentures.
3. To issue fully paid-up bonus shares
4. To provide premium payable on the redemption of preference shares and debentures
5. To buy back the share owned by us.
Question 7
What is meant by Calls in Advance?
Answer: During the time of the call of the shares by the company, the shareholders pay the whole or he part of the sum called by the company in advance, i.e. before even when the company calls for the amount. This amount is a liability for the company and such amount has to be adjusted towards the payment of the call as and when it becomes due. For example: A company has made a breakup of Rs. 100 per share in the following manner: Rs. 50 (On Application), Rs. 20 (On Allotment), and Rs. 30 (On 1 Call). A person may pay more than Rs. 50 during the time of the application or the allotment which results in the deposition of the additional amount in the company which is recorded as the calls in advance in the books of the account.
Question 8
Write a brief note on “Minimum Subscription”.
Answer: The ‘Minimum Subscription’ refers to the minimum amount of issue that must be subscribed to on the date of the closure by the public. The Security Exchange Board of India guidelines suggest that the minimum subscription of the share must be 90% of the size of the issue. In the case when the public fails to achieve the amount of minimum subscription then the shares by the company cannot be issued and they have to repay the money called on the application.
Question 9
What is meant by the word ‘Company’? Describe its characteristics.
Answer: A company is referred to as a legal entity which is created under the due procedure of law and has its spate legal existence under the common seal and with the perpetual succession. The characteristics of the company are as follows:
1. Artificial Person which is created by Law: A company is also known as the artificial person which is created by the law. Thus it enjoys all the rights of the natural person.
2. Separate Legal Entity: A company is considered to be an artificial person. It is a legal entity that has a separate and distinct identity from its members. Thus the company being a separate legal entity has its own name and seal. The assets and liabilities of the company are distinct and separate from its members.
3. Perpetual Succession: The perpetual succession of the company infers that the company is not related to the life of its members and it is created by the law and thus can be dissolved by the law only. Hence the existence of the company is unaffected by the death of any of its members, or the insolvency of any of the members, or the transfer of the shares of its members.
4. Common Seal: The company being a legal entity having its separate and distinct identity has a common seal which acts as the signature of the company.
5. Limited Liability: The Limited liability feature of the company is important for any company as it provides the security of the company when anything goes wrong in the company. If anything goes wrong with the company, the risk is only to the extent of the number of his shares and nothing more. Thus it is a condition in which the shareholders of the company are liable to the company for their part of share only.
6. Transferability of Shares: The transferability of the shares infers that the shares can be transferred to another member with or without the consent of the members of the company. There can be certain limitations put upon this feature of the shares under the Articles of Association. The private companies on the other hand have more limitations than the public companies when it comes to the transfer of the shares. But it is however important to note that the transferability of shares cannot be repealed and stopped and it is done in some or the other manner.
Question 10
Explain in brief the main categories in which the share capital of a company is divided.
Answer: The main categories in which the share capital of the company is divided are as follows:
1. Authorised Capital:It refers to the amount which is stated under the Memorandum of Association. The authorised capital is the maximum amount that any company can raise by issuing shares. This amount is laid down by the procedures which are stated in the Company Act.
2. Issued capital: It is referred to as the amount that is a part of authorised capital and is offered to the general public by the company in order to achieve subscription.
3. Subscribed capital: It is the part of the issued capital for which the applications are received from the public and hence the subscriptions are made.
4. Unissued Capital: It is the amount under the authorised capital that is not issued by the company but can be issued in the future to the general public
5. Unsubscribed Capital: The unsubscribed capital is the part of the issued capital that is not subscribed by the public.
6. Called-up capital: It is referred to as the part of the subscribed capital which is called by the company to pay.
7. Paid-up capital: It is the part of the subscribed capital which is paid up by the shareholders.
8. Uncalled up Capital: Uncalled up capital is the part of the subscribed capital which is not called in the routine course of the business but which may be called as the need for the winding of the company arises.
9. Reserved capital: Any limited company may call up any proportion of the share capital which is uncalled for in the cases when the company has to wind up and pay its creditors. Thus, the amount of the uncalled capital is reserved in order to pay back the creditors and hence this amount is not used by the company to meet any other purpose. Thus, the proportion of such the amount which is reserved is known as the reserve capital.
Question 11
What do you mean by the term ‘share’? Discuss the types of shares, which can be issued under the Companies Act, 2013 as amended to date.
Answer: Share is referred to as the amount of the capital which is divided into the definite value units. The people who hold such shares are called shareholders.
Any company issues two types of shares:
1. Preference Shares: Those shares in which the shareholders have the preference over payment of the dividend or the repayment of the capital in the case when the company winds up. The dividend to such shareholders is paid at a fixed rate
2. Equity Shares: Equity shares are the type of shares in which the shareholders have the right to participate in the profits of the organisation after the claims of the preference shareholders are settled. The rate of dividend of such shareholders is not fixed and they vary from year to year. The shareholders have the right to vote and control the affairs of the business.
Question 12
Discuss the process for the allotment of shares of a company in case of over-subscription.
Answer: The oversubscription is referred to as the situation in which the company receives the excess of the application that is called by the company. In the case of the allotment of the shares, the allotments can be made in three cases:
i) In the case when the amount received in excess of the application is returned back to the applicants after they are refused.
Share Application A/cDr.
To Share Capital A/c
To Bank A/c (Excess application money returned)
ii) In the case when the company allots the shares on a pro-rata basis to all the applicants of shares. The excess of the amount which is received on the application of the shares is adjusted during the allotment.
Share Application A/cDr.
To Share Capital A/c
To Share Allotment A/c
(Adjustment of application money on allotment)
iii) In the case when the companies follow the combination of both the refund of the money and the adjustment through a pro-rata basis on the excess of the amount received.
Share Application A/cDr.
To Share Capital A/c
To Share Allotment A/c
To Bank A/c (Application money transferred to Share Capital Account and the balance amount is transferred to Share Allotment Account and the excess application money is refunded)
Question 13
What is a ‘Preference Share’? Describe the different types of preference shares.
Answer: Preference Shares refer to the types of shares which get preferential treatment over equity shares when it comes to the payment of the dividend and the repayment of the capital in the case when the company winds up itself. The preference shares entitle the owner to get the dividend at a fixed rate. The following are the types of preference shares:
1. Callable: The companies have the right to call back such shares at the certain price on any certain date.
2. Convertible: The preference shareholders have the option of converting their shares to the company’s common stock at any conversion ratio.
3. Cumulative: The preferred shareholders which have this type of shares have the right to receive the dividend on the shares even when the company does not have the financial resources for the same. The companies are thus liable for the payment of such dividend as the dividend gets accrued.
4. Non-cumulative: The preferred shareholders do not pay the liability upon the company to pay the dividend in the future years if they fail to pay the scheduled dividend to them.
5. Participating: This is the type of preference share in which the company is required to pay an increasing amount of dividend if there is a participation clause for the same in the share agreement.
Question 14
Describe the provisions of laws relating to ‘Calls in Arrears’ and ‘Calls in Advance’
Calls in Arrears: The calls in arrears occur when the shareholder fails to pay the sum of the allotment and the call money when it is due. The rate of interest on call in arrears is 10% and this will have to be paid for the period from the fixed date of the payment to the time of the actual payment.
Calls in Advance: The calls in advance happen in the situation in which the shareholders pay the amount wholly or partly when the call was not yet demanded from the company. This amount is the liability for the company and the rate of interest on the calls in advance is 12% per annum.
Question 15
Explain the terms ‘Oversubscription’ and ‘Under subscription’. How are they dealt with in accounting records?
Oversubscription: The situation of oversubscription occurs when the company issues more shares than are offered by the company. In the case of the oversubscription of the shares the company can opt for any of the three situations:
i) In the case when the amount received in excess of the application is returned back to the applicants after they are refused.
Share Application A/c Dr.
To Share Capital A/c
To Bank A/c
(Excess application money
ii) In the case when the company allots the shares on a pro-rata basis to all the applicants of shares. The excess of the amount which is received on the application of the shares is adjusted during the allotment.
Share Application A/c Dr.
To Share Capital A/c
To Share Allotment A/c
(Adjustment of application money on allotment)
iii) In the case when the companies follow the combination of both the refund of the money and the adjustment through pro-rata basis on the excess of the amount received.
Share Application A/c | Dr. |
To Share Capital A/c |
To Share Allotment A/c | |
To Bank A/c |
(Application money is transferred to the Share Capital Account the balance amount is transferred to the Share Allotment Account and the excess application money is refunded) |
Under subscription: Under subscription of the shares is the case in which the application for the shares is less than the shares issued by the company. For instance, a company issued 1,000 shares to the public and the company received applications for 900 shares only from the public. This situation is called under-subscription.
In such cases the allotment of the shares to the number of people who have subscribed for it is 900 shares. It is thus important to note that any company cannot be allowed to make the allotment of the shares if the minimum subscription is below at least 90%. In such cases the company is not allowed to allot the shares and they will be required to pay back the money they have received from the applicants.
Question 16
Describe the purposes for which a company can use the amount of Securities Premium.
Answer: The purposes for which the company may use the amount of the securities premium wholly or in part are as follows:
It orders to issue the fully paid bonus shares of the company.
It orders to write off the preliminary expenses of the company.
It orders to write off the expenses such as discount allowed, and commission paid on the issue of any shares or debentures.
it orders to purchase its own shares this is also termed as Buy Back.
It orders to provide the premiums payable upon the redemption of the preference shares or debentures.
Question 17
State clearly the conditions under which a company can issue shares at a discount.
Answer: The issue of shares at a discount means that any company is issuing the share at a price that is lower than the face value of the share. For example: If a share of Rs 1000 is issued at Rs 850, then Rs 150 (i.e. Rs 1000-850) is the amount of discount.
The conditions in which the shares are issued at discount are as follows:
The rate of discount of shares should not exceed 10%.
The shares must belong to a class that has already been issued by the company.
The discount must be provided when at least one year from the date of which the company was allowed to commence its business has passed.
The issue of such discount is sanctioned by the Company Law Board and is authorised by the passing of the resolution passed by the company in their general meeting.
The court may allow the issue of such shares within the two months of the sanction by the court or within the extended time as allowed by the court.
Question 18
Explain the term ‘Forfeiture of Shares’ and give the accounting treatment on the forfeiture.
Answer: The forfeiture of shares happens when at the time of the allotment of the shares they fail to pay money and further fail to pay the subsequent amount of the call money by the company concerned demanded by the company. The shareholders are liable to pay the amount of the allotment money and the amount of the call when it is called by the company. Hence the failure to pay such an amount makes the companies forfeit the shares of such shareholders.
The Accounting Treatment for Forfeiture is given below:
Share capital A/c DR
To Share Forfeiture A/c
To Share Allotment/Call A/c
(Being Shares forfeited for non-payment)
Questions 19
Anish Limited issued 30,000 equity shares of Rs 100 each payable at Rs 30 on application, Rs 50 on allotment and Rs 20 on Ist and final call. All money was duly received. Record these transactions in the journal of the company.
Books of Anish Limited
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Application A/c (Application money received on application for 30,000 equity shares @ Rs 30 per share) |
| 9,00,000
6,00,000 | 9,00,000
6,00,000 |
Equity Share Application A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Share application money transferred to Share Capital Account) | ||||
Equity Share Allotment A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Allotment money due on 30,000 @ Rs 50 per share) | ||||
| Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share Allotment A/c (Share allotment money received for 30,000 shares @ Rs 50 per share) |
6,00,000 |
6,00,000 |
Equity Share First and Final Call A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Share First and Final Call money received for 30,000 shares @ Rs 20 per share) | ||||
Bank A/c Dr. To Equity Share First and Final Call A/c (Share First and Final Call Money received for 30,000 shares @ Rs 20 per share) |
Question 20
The Adarsh Control Device Ltd. was registered with an authorised capital of Rs.3,00,000 divided into 30,000 shares of Rs.10 each, which were offered to the public. The amount payable as Rs.3 per share on the application, Rs.4 per share on the allotment, and Rs.3 per share on the first and final call. These shares were fully subscribed and all money was duly received. Prepare a journal and Cash Book.
Books of Adarsh Control Device Ltd.
Date | Particulars | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Equity Share Application A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Share Application money for 30,000 shares @ Rs 3 per share transferred to Share Capital Account) |
| 90,000
1,20,000 | 90,000
1,20,000 |
Equity Share Allotment A/c Dr. | ||||
| To Equity Share Capital A/c (Share Allotment money due on 30,000 @ Rs 4 per share) |
| 90,000 |
90,000 |
Equity Share First and Final Call A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Share First and Final Call due on 30,000 @ Rs 3 per share) |
Cash Book (Bank Column)
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F | Amount Rs | Date | Particulars | J.F | Amount Rs |
| Equity |
| 90,000 |
| By Balance |
| 30,00,000 |
Share | 1,20,000 | c/d |
| ||||
Application | 90,000 |
| ||||
Equity Share |
| ||||||
30,00,000 | 30,00,000 | ||||||
Allotment |
| ||||
Equity |
| ||||
Share First |
| ||||
and Final |
| ||||
Call |
Question 21
Software solution India Ltd invites applications for 20,000 equity shares of Rs 100 each, payable Rs 40 on application, Rs 30 on allotment and Rs 30 on call. The company received applications for 32,000 shares. Applications for 2,000 shares were rejected and money returned to Applicants. Applications for 10,000 shares were accepted in full and applicants for 20,000 shares allotted half of the number of shares applied and excess application money adjusted into allotment. All money received due on allotment and call. Prepare a journal and cash book.
Books of Software Solution India Ltd. Journal
Date | Particulars | L. F | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Equity Share Application |
| 120,00,000 |
A/c Dr. |
| 8,00,000 | ||
To Equity Share Capital |
| 4,00,000 | ||
A/c |
| ||
To Equity Share |
| ||
Allotment A/c |
| ||
(Application money |
| ||
transferred to Equity |
| ||
Share Capital for 20,000 | 6,00,000 |
| ||
| shares @ Rs 40 and Rs 4,00,000 is adjusted towards allotment) |
6,00,000 | 6,00,000 6,00,000 |
Equity Share Allotment A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Equity Share Allotment money due on 20,000 @ Rs 30 per share) | ||||
Equity Share First and Final Call A/c Dr. To Equity Share Capital A/c (Equity Share on First and Final Call due on 20,000 @ Rs 30 per share) |
Cash Book (Bank Column)
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F | Amount Rs | Date | Particulars | J.F | Amount Rs |
| Equity Share Application |
| 12,80,000 2,00,000 6,00,000 |
| Equity Share Application |
| 80,000 20,00,000 |
| Equity Share Allotment Equity Share First and Final Call |
| 20,80,000 |
| By Balance c/d |
| 20,80,000 |
Working Note:
Amount due on Allotment for | 6,00,000 |
20,000 shares @ Rs 30 per share | 4,00,000 |
Money Adjusted on application 10,000 shares @ Rs 40 each Money to be received on Allotment | |
2,00,000 | |
Question 22
Rupak Ltd. issued 10,000 shares of Rs 100 each payable Rs 20 per share on application, Rs 30 per share on allotment and balance in two calls of Rs 25 per share. The application and allotment money were duly received. On the first call all members paid their dues except one member holding 200 shares, while another member holding 500 shares paid for the balance due in full. Final call was not made.
Give journal entries and prepare a cash book.
Books of Rupak Ltd Journal
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Share Application A/c |
| 2,00,000 |
Dr. |
| 2,00,000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| ||
(Application money for |
| ||
| ||
transferred to Share |
| ||
Account Capital) | 3,00,000 |
| ||
| 3,00,000 | |||
Share Allotment A/c |
| ||
Dr. |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c (Allotment money due on 10,000 shares @ Rs 30 per share) | 2,50,000 | 2,50,000 | ||
| |||
Share First Call A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c (Share First Call due on | 5,000 | 5,000 | ||
10,000 @ Rs 25 per |
| ||
share) |
| ||
Calls in Arrears A/c Dr. |
| ||
| To Share First Call A/c (Call in arrears on 200 shares @ Rs 25 per share) |
Cash Book (Bank Column)
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J. F | Amount Rs | Date | Particulars | J. F | Amount Rs |
| Share Application |
| 2,00,000 |
| By |
| 7,57,500 |
Share Allotment | Balance |
| |||||
Share First Call | 3,00,000 | c/d |
| ||||
Calls in Advance |
| |||||
| 2,45,000 |
| ||||
| |||||
| 12,500 |
| ||||
| 7,57,500 |
| 7,57,500 | ||||
Working Note:
Money due on First Call for 10,000 | 2,50,000 |
shares @ Rs 25 per share | (5000) |
Less: Calls in Arrear for 200 shares @ Rs 25 per share | 2,45,000 12,500 |
Money Revised on First Call | 2,57,500 |
Add: Calls received in advance on |
500 share @ Rs 25 per share |
Question 23
Mohit Glass Ltd. issued 20,000 shares of Rs 100 each at Rs 110 per share, payable Rs 30 on application, Rs 40 on the allotment (including Premium), Rs 20 on first call and Rs 20 on final call. The applications were received for 24,000 shares and allotted 20,000 shares and rejected 4,000 shares and amount returned thereon. The money was duly received.
Give journal entries.
Books of Mohit Glass Ltd. Journal
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Bank A/c Dr. To Share Application A/c (Application money received on application for 24,000 shares @ Rs 30 per share) |
| 7,20,000 7,20,000 | 7,20,000 6,00,000 1,20,000 |
Share Application A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c(Bank Column) To Bank A/c | ||||
| (Share Application of 20,000 shares @ Rs 30 transferred to Share Capital Account and the Balance returned) |
| 8,00,000 8,00,000 4,00,000 4,00,000 4,00,000 4,00,000 | 6,00,000 2,00,000 8,00,000 4,00,000 4,00,000 4,00,000 |
Share Allotment A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c To Share Premium A/c (Allotment money due on 20,000 shares @ 40 per share including Rs 10 for premium) | ||||
Bank A/c Dr. To Share Allotment A/c (Allotment money received on 20,000 shares @ Rs 20 per share) | ||||
Share First Call A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c (Share Final Call Money due on 20,000 @ Rs 20 per share) | ||||
Bank A/c Dr. To Share First Call A/c | ||||
| (Share First Call money received on 20,000 shares @ Rs 20 per Share) |
| 4,00,000 |
Share Final Call A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c (Share Final Call money due on 20,000 shares @ Rs 20 per share) | ||||
Bank A/c Dr. To Share Final Call A/c (Share Final Call money received on 20,000 shares @ Rs 20 per share) |
Question 24
A limited company offered for subscription of 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 2 per share. 2,00,000. 10% Preference shares of Rs 10 each at par.
The amount on share was payable as under:
| Equity Shares | Preference Shares |
On Application | Rs 3 per share | Rs 3 per share |
On Allotment | Rs 5 per share(including a premium) | Rs 4 per share |
On First Call | Rs 4 per share | Rs 3 per share |
All the shares were fully subscribed, called-up and paid. Record these transactions in the journal and cash book of the company:
Books of the limited company Journal
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Equity Share Application |
| 3,00,000 |
A/c Dr. | 6,00,000 |
| ||
10% preference Share |
| 3,00,000 | ||
Application A/c Dr. |
| 6,00,000 | ||
To Equity Share Capital |
| ||
A/c |
| ||
To 10% preference Share |
| ||
Capital A/c | 5,00,000 |
| ||
(Application money | 8,00,000 |
| ||
transferred to Equity Share |
| 3,00,000 | ||
Capital) |
| 2,00,000 | ||
| 8,00,000 | ||
Equity Share Allotment |
| ||
A/c Dr. |
| ||
| 10% preference Share |
Allotment A/c Dr. | 4,00,000 |
| ||
To Equity Share Capital | 6,00,000 |
| ||
A/c |
| ||
To Securities Premium A/c |
| 4,00,000 | ||
To 10% preference Share |
| 6,00,000 | ||
Allotment A/c |
| ||
(Amount due on |
| ||
allotment) |
| ||
Equity Share First and |
| ||
Final Call A/c Dr. |
| ||
10% preference Share first |
| ||
and Final Call A/c Dr. |
| ||
To Equity Share Capital |
| ||
A/c |
| ||
To 10% preference Share |
| ||
Allotment A/c |
| ||
(Amount on First and |
| ||
Final Call due) |
Cash Book (Bank Column)
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J. F | Amount Rs | Date | Particulars | J. F | Amount Rs |
| Equity Share |
| 3,00,00,0 |
| By |
| 32,00,0 |
Application | Balance | 00 | |||||
10% Preference | 6,00,000 | c/d |
| ||||
Share |
| |||||
Application |
| ||||
Equity Share | 5,00,000 |
| ||||
Allotment |
| |||||
10% Preference | 8,00,000 |
| ||||
Share Allotment |
| |||||
Equity Share |
| ||||
First and Final | 4,00,000 |
| ||||
Call |
| |||||
10% Preference |
| ||||
Share First and | 6,00,000 |
| ||||
Final Call |
| |||||
| 32,00,000 |
| 32,00,000 |
Questions 25
Eastern Company Limited, having an authorised capital of Rs 10,00,000 in shares of Rs 10 each, issued 50,000 shares at a premium of Rs 3 per share payable as follows:
On Application | Rs 3 per share |
On Allotment (including premium) | Rs 5 per share |
On first call (due three months after allotment) and the balance as and when required. | Rs 3 per share |
Applications were received for 60,000 shares and the directors allotted the shares as follows:
(a) Applicants for 40,000 shares received shares, in full.
(b) Applicants for 15,000 shares received an allotment of 8,000 shares.
(c) Applicants for 500 shares received 200 shares on allotment, excess money being returned.
All amounts due on allotment were received.
The first call was duly made and the money was received with the exception of the call due on 100 shares.
Give journal and cash book entries to record these transactions of the company. Also prepare the Balance Sheet of the company.
Note: In order to solve this question, the applicant of category C has been assumed as 5000 instead of 500 and allotment to the applicant of this category has been taken as 2000 in place of 200.
Books of Eastern Company Ltd
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Share Application A/c Dr. |
| 1,80,000 |
To Share Capital A/c |
| 1,50,000 | ||
To Share allotment A/c |
| 30,000 | ||
(Share Application |
| ||
money for 50,000 shares |
| ||
transferred to Share |
| ||
Capital Account and the |
| ||
excess money transferred |
| ||
to share Allotment | 2,50,000 |
| ||
Account) |
| 1,00,000 | ||
| 1,50,000 | ||
Share Allotment A/c Dr. |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| ||
To Share Premium A/c |
| ||
(Allotment money due on 50,000 shares @ Rs 5 per share including Rs 3 | 1,50,000 | 1,50,000 | ||
security premium) |
| ||
Share First Call A/c |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| ||
(First Call due on 50,000 |
| ||
share @ Rs.3 per share) |
Cash Book (Bank Column)
Dr. Cr.
Date | Particulars | J.F | Amount Rs | Date | Particulars | J.F | Amount Rs |
| Share |
| 1,80,000 |
| By Balance |
| 5,49,700 |
Application | 2,20,000 | c/d |
| ||||
Share | 1,49,700 |
| ||||
Allotment Share First |
| ||||||
5,49,700 | 5,49,700 | ||||||
Call |
Eastern Company Limited Balance Sheet
Particulars | Note No. | Amount (Rs) |
I. Equity and Liabilities 1. Shareholder’s Funds a. Share Capital b. Reserves and Surplus 2. Non Current Liabilities 3. Current Liabilities |
1 2 |
3,99,700 1,50,000 |
Total |
| 5,49,700 |
II. Assets 1. Non-Current Assets 2. Current Assets a. Cash and Cash Equivalents |
3 |
5,49,700 |
Total |
| 5,49,700 |
Notes to Accounts
Note No. | Particulars | Amount (Rs) |
1 | Share Capital |
3 | Authorised Share Capital 1,00,000 shares of Rs 10 each Issued Share Capital 50,000 shares of Rs 10 each Subscribed, Called up and Paid up Share Capital 50,000 shares of Rs 10 each, Rs.8 call up 4,00,000 Less : Calls-in-arrears (300) Reserves and Surplus Securities Premium
Cash and Cash Equivalent Cash at Bank | 10,00,000 |
5,00,000 | ||
3,99,700 | ||
5,49,700 |
Question 26
Sumit Machine Ltd issued 50,000 shares of Rs 100 each at a discount of 5%. The shares were payable Rs 25 on application, Rs 40 on allotment and Rs 30 on first and final call. The issue was fully subscribed and money was duly received except the final call on 400 shares. The discount was adjusted on allotment. Give journal entries and prepare a balance sheet.
Books of Sumit Machine Ltd.
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Bank A/c Dr. To Share application A/c (Share application money received on application for 50,000 shares @ Rs 25 per share) |
| 12,50,000
20,00,000 2,50,000
15,00,000 |
15,00,000 |
Share Application A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c (Share application money of 50,000 shares transferred to share Capital Account) | ||||
Share Allotment A/c Dr. Discount on issue of Share Dr. To Share Capital A/c (Share Allotment money due on 50,000 shares @ Rs 40 each at discount of Rs 5) | ||||
Bank A/c Dr. | ||||
| To Share allotment A/c (Allotment money received for 50,000 shares @ Rs 40 per share) |
14,88,000 12,000 |
15,00,000 |
Share First and Final Call A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c (Share First and Final due on50,000 shares @ Rs 30 per share) | ||||
Bank A/c Dr. Calls in Arrears Dr. To Share First and Final Call A/c (Share First and Final Call received except 400 Shares) |
Sumit Machine Limited
Balance Sheet
Particulars | Note No. | Amount (Rs) |
1.Equity and Liabilities 1.Shareholder’s Funds |
a. Share Capital 2. Non Current Liabilities 3. Current Liabilities | 1 | 49,88,000 |
Total |
| 49,88,000 |
2. Assets 1. Non-Current Assets a. Other Non-Current Assets 2. Current Assets a. Cash and Cash Equivalents |
3 |
47,38,000 |
Total |
| 49,88,000 |
Note No. | Particulars | Amount (Rs) |
3 | Share Capital Authorised Share Capital……… shares of Rs 100 each Issued Share Capital 50,000 shares of Rs 100 each Subscribed, Called up, and Paid up Share Capital 50,000 shares of Rs 100 50,00,000 Less: Calls-in-arrears (12,000) Other Non-Current Assets Discount on the issue of shares |
50,00,000 | ||
49,88,000 | ||
2,50,000 | ||
| Other Non-Current Assets Discount on the issue of shares Cash and Cash Equivalent Cash at Bank | 47,38,000 |
Question 27
Kumar Ltd purchases assets of Rs 6,30,000 from Bhanu Oil Ltd. Kumar Ltd. issued equity shares of Rs 100 each fully paid in consideration. What journal entries will be made, if the shares are issued, (a) at par, (b) at a discount of 10 % and (c) at a premium of 20%.
Books of Kumar Ltd. Case (a)
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Sundry Assets A/c Dr. |
| 6,30,000 |
| To Bhanu Oil Ltd |
| 6,30,000 | |
| (Assets purchased from |
| |
| Bhanu Oil Limited) |
| |
| 6,30,000 |
| |
(a) |
| 6,30,000 | ||
Bhanu Oil Ltd | ||||
| Dr. |
| |
| To Share Capital |
| |
(b) | (6,300 shares issued at par to Bhanu Ltd.) | 6,30,000 70,000 |
| |
| Bhanu Oil Ltd |
| 7,00,000 |
| Dr. |
| |
| Discount on issue of |
| |
(c) | Share A/c Dr | 6,30,000 |
| |
| To Share Capital A/c |
| 5,25,000 | |
| (7,000 shares issued at |
| 1,05,000 | |
| 10% discount) |
| |
| Bhanu Oil Ltd. |
| |
| Dr. |
| |
| To Share Capital A/c |
| |
| To Securities Premium |
| |
| A/c |
| |
| (5,250 shares are issued |
| |
| at 20% premium) |
No. of Shares issued at par = Amount Payable/Face Value = 630000/100 = 6300 shares
Case (b)
Date | Particulars | L. F | Debit Amount (Rs) | Credit Amount (Rs) |
| Sundry Assets A/c |
| 6,30,000 |
Dr. |
| 6,30,000 | ||
To Bhanu Oil Ltd |
| ||
(Assets purchased from |
| ||
Bhanu Oil Ltd.) | 6,30,000 |
| ||
| 70,000 |
7,00,000 |
Bhanu Oil Ltd. Dr. Discount on issue of Share A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c (7,000 shares issued at 10% discount to Bhanu Ltd. In consideration to assets purchased) |
No. of Shares issued at discount = Amount Payable/(Face Value – Discount per Share) = 6,30,000/(100-10) = 7,00,000 shares
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount (Rs) | Credit Amount (Rs) |
| Sundry Assets A/c |
| 6,30,000 |
Dr. |
| 6,30,000 | ||
To Bhanu Oil Ltd A/c |
| ||
(Assets purchased |
| ||
from Bhanu Oil Ltd.) | 6,30,000 |
| ||
| 5,25,000 | ||
| 1,05,000 | ||
Bhanu Oil Ltd. | ||||
Dr. |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| ||
| To Securities Premium A/c (5,250 shares issued at 20% premium to Bhanu Ltd. In consideration to assets purchased) |
No. of Shares issued at Premium = Amount Payable/(Face Value + Premium Per Share) = 6,30,000/(100+20) = 52,50 Shares
Question 28
Bansal Heavy machine Ltd purchased a machine worth Rs 3,20,000 from Handa Trader. Payment was made as Rs 50,000 cash and remaining amount by issue of equity share of the face value of Rs 100 each fully paid at an issue price of Rs 90 each.
Give journal entries to record the above transaction.
Books of Bansal Heavy Machine Ltd
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount (Rs) | Credit Amount (Rs) |
| Machinery A/c Dr. |
| 3,20,000 | 50,000 |
| To Cash A/c To Handa Traders (Machine Purchased from Handa Traders paid Rs 50,000 in cash immediately) |
2,79,000 30,000 | 2,70,000
3,00,000 |
Handa Trader Dr. Discount on issue of shares A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c (3,00,000 shares issued at Rs 90 face value of Rs 100 each to Handa Traders in consideration of the amount due to him for machinery purchased) |
Working Notes:
1. Number of Share issued = Amount Payable / Issue Price = 2,70,000/90 = 3,000 shares
Question 29
Naman Ltd issued 20,000 shares of Rs 100 each, payable Rs 25 on application, Rs 30 on allotment, Rs 25 on first call and The balance on final call. All money duly received except Anubha, who holding 200 shares did not pay allotment and calls money and Kumkum, who holding 100 shares did not pay both the calls. The directors forfeited shares of Anubha and kumkum.
Give journal entries.
Books of Naman Ltd.
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Bank A/c Dr. To Share Application A/c (Share application money received on application for 20,000 shares @ Rs 25 per share) |
| 5,00,000
6,00,000 | 5,00,000
6,00,000 |
Share Application A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c (Share Application money for 20,000 shares @ Rs 25 share transferred to Share Capital account) | ||||
Share Allotment A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c | ||||
| (Share Allotment money due on 20,000 shares @ Rs 30 per share) |
| 5,94,000
3,94,000 |
3,94,000 |
Bank A/c Dr. To Share Allotment A/c (Allotment money received for 19,800 shares @ Rs 30 per) | ||||
Share First Call A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c (Share First Call money due on 20,000 shares @ Rs 25 per share) | ||||
Bank A/c Dr. To Share Final Call A/c (Share First Call money for 19,700 shares @ Rs 25 each) | ||||
Share Final Call A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c | ||||
| (Share Final call money due on 20,000 shares @ Rs 20 per share) |
| 30,000 |
10,500 6,000 7,500 6,000 |
Bank A/c Dr. To Share Final Call A/c (Share Final Call money received for 19,700 shares @ Rs 20 per share and 300 shares failed to pay call) | ||||
Share Capital A/c Dr. To Share Forfeiture A/c (200´25+100´55) To Share Allotment (200´300) To share First Call A/c (300´25) To Share Final Call A/c (300´20) (300 share forfeited) |
Working Note:-
1. Forfeited Amount
Amount on application (300 shares @ Rs 25 each) = Amount on allotment (100 shares @ Rs 30 each) = | 7,500 3,000 |
10,500 |
Question 30
Kishna Ltd issued 15,000 shares of Rs 100 each at a premium of Rs 10 per share, payable as follows:
On application | Rs 30 |
On allotment | Rs 50 (including premium) |
On first and final call | Rs 30 |
All the shares subscribed and the company received all the money due, With the exception of the allotment and call money on 150 shares. These shares were forfeited and reissued to Neha as fully paid shares of Rs 12 each.
Give journal entries in the books of the company.
Books Of Krishna Ltd
Date | Particulars | L.F | Debit Amount Rs | Credit Amount Rs |
| Bank A/c Dr. To Share Application A/c |
| 4,50,000 |
4,50,000 |
| (Share Application |
6,00,000 1,50,000
4,45,500 |
money received for |
| |||
15,000 shares @ 30 per | 4,50,000 | |||
share) |
| |||
Share Application A/c |
| |||
Dr. |
| |||
To Share Capital A/c (Share Application | 7,50,000 | |||
money of 15,000 shares |
| |||
transferred to Share |
| |||
Capital Account) |
| |||
Share Allotment A/c |
| |||
Dr. To Share Capital A/c | 7,42,500 | |||
To Securities Premium |
| |||
A/c |
| |||
(Share Allotment money |
| |||
on 15,000 shares @ Rs 50 per share including | 4,50,000 | |||
Rs 10 securities premium |
| |||
due) |
| |||
Bank A/c |
| |||
Dr. To Share Allotment A/c | 4,45,500 | |||
(Share Allotment |
| |||
received on 14,850 |
| |||
| shares and 150 shares |
7,500 4,500 4,500
15,000 3,000
4,500 |
failed to pay the money |
| |||
due) |
| |||
| 15,000 | |||
| 1,500 | |||
Share First and Final Call | ||||
A/c Dr. |
| |||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Share First and Final |
| |||
Call for 15,000 shares @ |
| |||
Rs 30 per share due) |
| |||
Bank A/c Dr. | 18,000 | |||
To Share First and Final |
| |||
Call A/c |
| |||
(Share First and Final |
| |||
Call received for 14,850 |
| |||
shares @ Rs 30 per share and 150 shares failed to | 4,500 | |||
pay the amount due) |
| |||
Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(150´100) Dr. |
| |||
Share premium |
| |||
A/c(150´10) Dr. |
| |||
To Share Allotment |
| |||
A/c(150´50) |
| |||
To Share First and Final |
| |||
Call A/c(150´30) |
| |||
| To Share Forfeiture A/c(150´30) (150 share forfeited for non-payment of Share Allotment and Share First and Final Call) |
Bank A/c Dr. To Share Capital A/c To Securities Premium A/c (150 shares of Rs 100 each reissued @ Rs 120 to Neha) | ||||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr. To Capital Reserves A/c (Balance of Share Forfeiture Account transferred to Capital reserve account) |
Note: In the solution, the reissued price of Rs.12 has been assumed as Rs.120 per share.
Question 31
Arushi Computers Ltd issued 10,000 equity shares of Rs 100 each at a 10% discount. The net amount payable is as follows:
On application | Rs 20 |
On allotment | Rs 30 (Rs 40 – discount Rs 10) |
On the first call | Rs 30 |
On final call | Rs 10 |
A shareholder holding 200 shares did not pay a final call. His shares were forfeited. Out of these 150 shares were reissued to Ms. Sonia at Rs 75 per share.
Give Journal entries in the books of the company.
Books of Arushi Computers Ltd.
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Bank A/c Dr |
| 200000 |
To Share Application A/c |
| 200000 | ||
(Share application money received for 10000 |
| ||
shares @ Rs.20 per share) |
| ||
Share Application A/c Dr | 200000 |
| ||
(Share application money for 10000 shares |
| 200000 | ||
transferred to share capital account) |
| ||
Share Allotment A/c Dr |
| 300000 | ||
Discount on Issue of Shares A/c Dr |
| 100000 | 400000 | |
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Share allotment money due @ Rs.30 per share |
| ||
excluding discount Rs.10, on 10000 shares) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 300000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| 300000 | ||
(Share allotment money received for 10000 |
| ||
shares @ Rs.30 per share) |
| ||
Share First Call A/c Dr |
| 300000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 300000 | ||
(Share first call money due on 10000 shares @ |
| ||
Rs.30 per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 300000 | ||
To Share First Call A/c |
| 300000 | ||
Rs.30 per share) |
| ||
Share Final Call A/c Dr |
| 100000 | 100000 | |
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Final Call money due on 10000 shares @ |
| ||
Rs.10 per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 98000 | ||
To Share Final Call A/c |
| 98000 | 98000 | |
(Final call money received for 9800 shares @ |
| ||
Rs.10 per share and 200 shares failed to pay) |
| ||
Share Capital A/c Dr (200 x 100) |
20000 | ||
To Share Final Call A/c (200 x 10) |
| 2000 | ||
To Discount the Issue of Share A/c (200 x 10) |
| 2000 | ||
To Share Forfeiture A/c (200 x 80) |
| 16000 | ||
(200 shares forfeited for non-payment of final call |
| ||
Rs.10 per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr (150 x 75) |
| 11250 | ||
Discount on Issue of Shares A/c Dr (150 x 10) |
| 1500 | ||
| Share Forfeiture A/c Dr (150 x 15) |
| 2250 |
To Share Capital A/c (150 x 100) |
| 15000 | ||
(150 forfeited shares reissued @ Rs.100 per |
| ||
share for Rs.75) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 9750 |
| ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 9750 | ||
(Balance of 150 reissued shares are transferred |
| ||
to capital reserve account) |
Working Note:
Amount transferred to Capital Reserve A/c
Share Forfeiture Account credited | Rs.80 per share |
Less: Share Forfeiture Account debited | Rs.15 per share |
Amount transferred to Capital Reserve Account, after adjustment | Rs.65 per share |
Amount transferred to Capital Reserve Account = Balance per share after adjustment x Number of Shares reissued = 65 x 150 = Rs.9750
Raunak Cotton Ltd. issued a prospectus inviting applications for 6,000 equity shares of Rs 100 each at a premium of Rs 20 per shares, payable as follows:
On application | Rs 20 |
On allotment | Rs 50 (including premium) |
On the first call | Rs 30 |
On final call | Rs 20 |
Applications were received for 10,000 shares and allotment was made Pro-rata to the applicants of 8,000 shares, the remaining applications Being refused. Money received in excess on the application was adjusted toward the amount due on allotment.
Rohit, to whom 300 shares were allotted failed to pay allotment and calls money, his shares were forfeited. Itika, who applied for 600 shares, failed to pay the two calls and her shares were also forfeited. All these shares were sold to Kartika as fully paid for Rs 80 per share.
Give journal entries in the books of the company.
Books of Raunak Cotton Ltd. | ||||
Date | Particular | L.F | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
Bank A/c Dr |
| 200000 | 200000 120000 40000 40000 180000 120000 247000 180000 157500 | |
To Share Application A/c |
| |||
(Share application money received for 10000 |
| ||
shares @ Rs.20 per share) |
| ||
Share Application A/c Dr |
| 200000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| |||
To Bank A/c |
| |||
(Share application money for 10000 shares |
| ||
are adjusted) |
| ||
Share Allotment A/c Dr |
| 300000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
To Share Premium A/c |
| |||
(Share allotment money due) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 247000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| |||
(Allotment money received except 300 shares) |
| ||
Share First Call A/c Dr |
| 180000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 157500 | ||
To Share First Call A/c |
| 120000 105000 | ||
(First call money received except 750 shares) |
| ||
(300 + 450) |
| ||
Share Final Call A/c Dr |
| 120000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Final Call money due) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 105000 | ||
To Share Final Call A/c |
| |||
(Final call money received except 750 shares) |
| ||
Share Capital A/c Dr (750 x 100) |
75000 | ||
Share Premium A/c Dr (300 x 20) |
| 6000 | 13000 22500 15000 30500 | |
To Share Allotment A/c |
| |||
To Share First Call A/c (750 x 30) |
| |||
To Share Final Call A/c (750 x 20) |
| |||
To Share Forfeiture A/c (200 x 80) |
| |||
(750 shares forfeited) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 60000 | ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr |
| 15000 | ||
| To Share Capital A/c |
15500 | 75000 |
(Forfeited shares reissued @ Rs.80 per share) |
| |||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr |
| |||
To Capital Reserve A/c | 15500 | |||
(Balance of reissued shares are transferred to |
| |||
capital reserve account) |
Working Note:
1. Number of share applied by Rohit = (Total number of applied shares/Total number of allotted shares) x Number of allotted shares = (8000/6000) x 300 = 400 shares
2. Call in arrears by Rohit on allotment
Money received on application | (400 x 20) | 8000 |
Less: Transfer to share capital | (300 x 20) | 6000 |
Excess adjusted on allotment |
2000 |
Allotment due | (300 x 50) | 15000 |
Less: Excess adjustment on allotment |
| 2000 |
Call in arrear |
| 13000 |
3. Number of share allotted to Itika = (Total number of allotted shares/Total number of applied shares) x Number of applied shares = (6000/8000) x 600 = 450
4. Share forfeiture amount
Amount on application |
300 x 20 |
6000 |
| 450 x 20 | 9000 |
Excess amount received from Rohit for allotment on pro-rata basis |
| 2000 |
Amount received on allotment by Kartika |
| 13500 |
| 30500 |
Question 33
Himalaya Company Limited issued for public subscription of 1,20,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 2 per share payable as under:
With Application | Rs 3 per share |
On allotment (including premium) | Rs 5 per share |
On First call | Rs 2 per share |
On Second and Final call | Rs 2 per share |
Applications were received for 1,60,000 shares. Allotment was made on a pro-rata basis. Excess money on application was adjusted against the amount due on allotment.
Rohan, whom 4,800 shares were allotted, failed to pay for the two calls. These shares were subsequently forfeited after the second call was made. All the shares forfeited were reissued to Teena as fully paid at Rs 7 per share.
Record journal entries in the books of the company to record these transactions relating to share capital. Also show the company’s balance sheet.
Books of Himalaya Company Ltd.
Date | Particular | L.F | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Bank A/c Dr |
| 480000 |
To Share Application A/c |
| 480000 | ||
(Share application money received for 160000 |
| ||
Shares @ Rs.3 per share) |
| ||
Share Application A/c Dr | 480000 |
| ||
To Equity Share Capital A/c |
| 360000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| 120000 | ||
(Share application money for 120000 shares @ |
| ||
Rs.3 per share transferred to share capital |
360000 240000 480000 240000 230400 240000 | ||
Share Allotment A/c Dr | 600000 | |||
To Equity Share Capital A/c |
| |||
To Securities Premium A/c |
| |||
(Share allotment money due including premium) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 480000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| |||
(Allotment money received) |
| ||
Share First Call A/c Dr |
| 240000 | ||
To Equity Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Share first call money due) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 230400 | ||
To Share First Call A/c |
| |||
(First call money received on 115200 shares and |
| ||
4800 shares failed to pay) |
| ||
Share Final Call A/c Dr |
| 240000 | ||
To Equity Share Capital A/c |
| |||
| Bank A/c Dr |
| 230400 | |
To Share Final Call A/c |
| 230400 | ||
(Final call money received except 4800 shares) |
| ||
Equity Share Capital A/c Dr (4800 x 10) |
48000 |
| ||
To Share First Call A/c (4800 x 2) |
| 9600 | ||
To Share Final Call A/c (4800 x 2) |
| 9600 | ||
To Share Forfeiture A/c (4800 x 6) |
| 28800 | ||
(4800 shares forfeited) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr | 33600 |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 14400 |
| ||
To Equity Share Capital A/c |
| 48000 | ||
(Forfeited shares reissued @ Rs.7 per share) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 14400 |
| ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 14400 | ||
(Balance of reissued shares are transferred to |
| ||
capital reserve account) |
Himalaya Company Limited Balance Sheet
Particular | Note No. | Amount (Rs.) |
I. Equity and Liabilities |
1. Shareholders' Fund |
a. Share Capital | 1 | 1200000 |
b. Reserve and Surplus | 2 | 254400 |
2. Non-Current Liabilities |
3. Current Liabilities |
Total |
| 1454400 |
II. Assets |
3 |
1454400 |
1. Non-Current Assets | ||
2. Current Assets | ||
a. Cash and Cash Equivalents | ||
Total |
| 1454400 |
Note No. | Particulars | Amount (Rs) |
1 | Share Capital | |
Authorised Share Capital ............. shares of Rs.10 each | ||
Issued Share Capital 120000 shares of Rs.10 each | 1200000 | |
Subscribed, Called-up and Paid-up Share Capital | ||
| 120000 shares of Rs.10 each | 1200000 |
2 | Reserve and Surplus |
| Securities Premium | |
| Capital Reserve | 254400 |
3 | Cash and Cash Equivalents |
| Cash at Bank | 1454400 |
Question 34
Prince Limited issued a prospectus inviting applications for 2,00,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 3 per share payable as follows:
1 With Application | Rs 2 |
On Allotment (including premium) | Rs 5 |
On First Call | Rs 3 |
On Second Call | Rs 3 |
Applications were received for 30,000 shares and allotment was made on a pro-rata basis. Money overpaid on applications was adjusted to the amount due on allotment.
Mr. ‘Mohit’ whom 400 shares were allotted, failed to pay the allotment money and the first call, and her shares
were forfeited after the first call. Mr. ‘Joly’, whom 600 shares were allotted, failed to pay for the two calls and hence, his shares were forfeited.
Of the shares forfeited, 800 shares were reissued to Supriya as fully paid for Rs 9 per share, the whole of Mr. Mohit’s shares being included.
Record journal entries in the books of the Company and prepare the Balance Sheet.
Books of Prince Ltd.
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Bank A/c Dr |
| 600000 |
To Share Application A/c |
| 600000 | ||
(Share application money received for 300000 |
| ||
shares @ Rs.2 per share) |
| ||
Share Application A/c Dr | 600000 |
| ||
To Equity Share Capital A/c |
| 400000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| 200000 | ||
transferred to share capital account and balance |
400000 600000 798400 600000 597000 1200 1600 1200 | ||
adjusted to allotment |
| ||
Share Allotment A/c Dr |
| 1000000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
To Securities Premium A/c |
| |||
(Share allotment money due including premium) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr (600000 - 200000 - 1600) |
798400 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| |||
(Allotment money received) |
| ||
Share First Call A/c Dr |
| 600000 | ||
To Equity Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Share first call money due) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr (600000 - 1200 - 1800) |
597000 | ||
To Share First Call A/c |
| |||
(First call money received) |
| ||
Share Capital A/c Dr |
| 2800 | ||
Share Premium A/c Dr |
| 1200 | ||
To Share Forfeiture A/c |
| |||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| |||
(400 shares forfeited after first call) |
| ||
Share Final Call A/c Dr |
| 598800 | 598800 | |
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Final Call money due on 199600 shares) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr (598800 - 1800) |
597000 | ||
To Share Final Call A/c |
| 587000 | ||
(Final call money received except 600 shares) |
| 1800 1800 2400 | |
Share Capital A/c Dr |
| 6000 | ||
To Share First Call A/c |
| |||
To Share Final Call A/c |
| |||
To Share Forfeiture A/c |
| |||
(600 shares forfeited) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 7200 | ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr |
| 800 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 800 | ||
(Forfeited shares reissued @ Rs.9 per share) |
| 2000 | |
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr |
| 2000 | ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| |||
(Balance of reissued shares are transferred to |
| ||
| capital reserve account) |
Prince Limited |
Balance Sheet |
Particular | Note No. | Amount (Rs.) |
I. Equity and Liabilities |
1. Shareholders' Fund |
a. Share Capital | 1 | 1998000 |
b. Reserve and Surplus | 2 | 601600 |
2. Non-Current Liabilities |
3. Current Liabilities |
Total |
| 2599600 |
II. Assets |
3 |
2599600 |
1. Non-Current Assets | ||
2. Current Assets | ||
a. Cash and Cash Equivalents | ||
Total |
| 2599600 |
Note No. | Particulars | Amount (Rs.) | |
1 | Share Capital |
- | |
Authorised Share Capital ............. shares of Rs.10 each | |||
Issued Share Capital 200000 shares of Rs.10 each | 2000000 | ||
| Subscribed, Called-up and Paid-up Share Capital |
601600 | |
| 199800 shares of Rs.10 each | ||
2 | Reserve and Surplus | ||
| Securities Premium | 5980800 2800 | |
| Capital Reserve | ||
3 | Cash and Cash Equivalents | ||
| Cash at Bank | 2599600 |
Working Note:
1. Number of shares applied by Mohit = (Total number of applied shares/Total number of allotted shares) x Number of shares allotted = (300000/200000) x 400 = 600 shares
Money received on application (600 x 2) |
1200 |
Less: Utilised on application (400 x 2) | -800 |
Excess amount received | 400 |
Amount due on allotment (400 x 5) |
2000 |
Less: Excess amount received | -400 |
Amount due on allotment |
1600 |
2. Amount to be transferred to capital reserve
Amount forfeited on Mohit's 400 shares |
1200 |
Amount forfeited on Joly's 600 shares | 2400 |
Amount forfeited on Joly's 400 shares {(2400/600) x 400} |
| 1600 |
Less: Discount allowed on 800 shares reissued |
| 2800 |
| -800 | |
Amount to be transferred to capital reserve |
2000 |
Question 35
Life machine tools Limited, issued 50,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each at Rs 12 per share, payable at to Rs 5 on application (including premium), Rs 4 on allotment and the balance on the first and final call.
Applications for 70,000 shares had been received. Of the cash received, Rs 40,000 was returned and Rs 60,000 was applied to the amount due on allotment, the balance of which was paid. All shareholders paid the call due, with the exception of one shareholder of 500 shares. These shares were forfeited and reissued as fully paid at Rs 8 per share. Journalise the transactions.
Books of Life Machine Tools Ltd.
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Bank A/c Dr |
| 350000 |
To Share Application A/c |
| 350000 | ||
(Share application money received for 70000 |
| ||
Shares @ 5 per share including premium Rs.2) |
| ||
Share Application A/c Dr | 350000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 150000 | ||
To Securities Premium A/c |
| 100000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| 60000 | ||
To Bank A/c |
| 40000 | ||
(Share application money for 50000 shares |
| ||
transferred to share capital account and securities |
| ||
premium Rs.60000 adjusted to allotment and |
| ||
Rs.40000 returned) |
| ||
Share Allotment A/c Dr | 200000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 200000 | ||
(Share allotment money due @ Rs.4 per share |
| ||
on 50000 shares) |
| ||
To Share Allotment A/c | 140000 | |||
(Share allotment money received for all the share) |
| 150000 148500 1500 3500 | |
Share First and Final Call A/c Dr |
150000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Share first and final call money due on 50000 |
| ||
shares @ Rs.3 per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| |||
To Share First and Final Call A/c |
| 148500 | ||
(Share first and final call money received for |
| ||
49500 shares @ Rs.3 per share and 500 shares |
| ||
failed to pay) |
| ||
Share Capital A/c Dr (500 x 10) |
5000 | ||
To First and Final Call A/c (500 x 3) |
| |||
To Share Forfeiture A/c (500 x 7) |
| |||
(500 shares of Rs.10 per share fully paid-up |
| ||
forfeited for non-payment of first and final call |
| ||
| Rs.3 per share) |
Bank A/c Dr | 4000 |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 1000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 5000 | ||
(500 shares @ Rs.10 each for Rs.8 per share |
| ||
fully paid-up, reissued) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 2500 |
| ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 2500 | ||
(Balance of 500 reissued shares are transfer to |
| ||
capital reserve account) |
Question 36
The Orient Company Limited offered for public subscription 20,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of 10% payable at Rs 2 on application; Rs 4 on allotment including premium; Rs 3 on First Call and Rs 2 on Second and Final call. Applications for 26,000 shares were received. Applications for 4,000 shares were rejected. Pro-rata allotment was made to the remaining applicants. Both the calls were made and all the money were received except the final call on 500 shares which were forfeited. 300 of the forfeited shares were later on issued as fully paid at Rs 9 per share. Give journal entries and prepare the balance sheet.
Books of Orient Company Ltd.
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Bank A/c Dr |
| 52000 |
To Share Application A/c |
| 52000 | ||
(Share application money received for 26000 |
| ||
shares @ 2 per share) |
| ||
Share Application A/c Dr | 52000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 40000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| 4000 | ||
To Bank A/c |
| 8000 | ||
(Share application @ Rs.2 per share for 20000 |
| ||
shares transferred to share capital and remaining |
| ||
for 4000 shares returned) |
| ||
Share Allotment A/c Dr | 80000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 60000 | ||
To Securities Premium A/c |
| 20000 | ||
(Share allotment money due @ Rs.4 per share |
| ||
including Re.1 securities premium, on 20000 |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr | 76000 |
76000 60000 60000 40000 39000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| |||
(Share allotment money received for all the share |
| ||
after adjustment of money transferred from |
| ||
share application) |
| ||
Share First Call A/c Dr |
| 60000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Share first call money due on 20000 shares @ |
| ||
Rs.3 per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 60000 | ||
To Share First Call A/c |
| |||
(Share first call money received for 20000 |
| ||
shares @ Rs.3 per share) |
| ||
Share Second and Final Call A/c Dr |
40000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Share second and final call money due on 20000 |
| ||
shares @ Rs.2 per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 39000 | ||
To Share Second and Final Call A/c |
| |||
| (Share second and final call money received for |
19500 shares @ Rs.2 per share except 500 shares) |
| ||
Share Capital A/c Dr | 5000 |
| ||
To Second and Final Call A/c |
| 1000 | ||
To Share Forfeiture A/c |
| 4000 | ||
(500 shares of Rs.10 per share fully called-up |
| ||
forfeited for non-payment of second and final call |
| ||
Rs.2 per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr | 2700 |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 300 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 3000 | ||
(300 shares @ Rs.10 each for Rs.9 per share |
| ||
reissued) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 2100 |
| ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 2100 | ||
(Balance of 300 reissued shares are transfer to |
| ||
capital reserve account) |
Oriented Company Limited Balance Sheet
Particular | Note No. | Amount (Rs.) |
I. Equity and Liabilities |
1. Shareholders' Fund |
a. Share Capital | 1 | 199600 |
b. Reserve and Surplus | 2 | 22100 |
2. Non-Current Liabilities |
3. Current Liabilities |
Total |
| 221700 |
II. Assets |
3 |
221700 |
1. Non-Current Assets | ||
2. Current Assets | ||
a. Cash and Cash Equivalents | ||
Total |
| 221700 |
Note No. | Particulars | Amount (Rs.) | |
1 | Share Capital |
- |
Authorised Share Capital ............. shares of Rs.10 each | |||
Issued Share Capital 20000 shares of Rs.10 each |
| 200000 | |
Subscribed, Called-up and Paid-up Share Capital |
| |
19800 shares of Rs.10 each | 198000 | ||
| Add: Shares Forfeiture | 1600 | 199600 |
2 | Reserve and Surplus |
| Securities Premium | 20000 |
| Capital Reserve | 2100 | 22100 |
3 | Cash and Cash Equivalents |
| |
| Cash at Bank | 221700 |
Working Note:
Share Forfeiture Account credited | Rs.8 per share |
Less: Share Forfeiture Account debited | Rs.1 per share |
Amount transferred to Capital Reserve Account, after adjustment | Rs.7 per share |
Amount transferred to Capital Reserve Account, after adjustment for 300 shares = 300 shares @ Rs.7 per share = Rs.2100
Question 37
Alfa Limited invited applications for 4,00,000 of its equity shares of Rs 10 each on the following terms:
Payable on application | Rs 5 per share |
Payable on allotment | Rs 3 per share |
Payable on first and final call | Rs 2 per share |
Applications for 5,00,000 shares were received. It was decided:
(a) to refuse allotment to the applicants for 20,000 shares.
(b) to allot in full to applicants for 80,000 shares.
(c) to allot the balance of the available shares’ pro-rata among the other applicants, and
(d) to utilise excess application money in part as payment of allotment money.
One applicant, whose shares had been allotted on pro- rata basis, did not pay the amount due on allotment and on the call, and his 400 shares were forfeited. The shares were reissued @ Rs 9 per share. Show the journal and prepare a Cash book to record the above.
In the books of Alfa Limited
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Share Application A/c Dr |
| 2400000 |
To Share Capital A/c |
| 2000000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| 400000 | ||
(Share application money adjusted) |
| ||
Share Allotment A/c Dr | 1200000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 1200000 | ||
| (Share allotment money due) |
800000 |
800000 |
Share First and Final Call A/c Dr | ||||
To Share Capital A/c | ||||
(Share first and final call due) |
Working Note:
1.Number of Share Applied by Applicant = (Total number of Applied Shares/Total number of Allotted Shares) x Number of Shares Allotted = (400000/320000) x 400 = 500 shares
2.Call in arrears by applicant on allotment
Money received on Application (500 x 5) | 2500 |
Less: Amount adjusted on Application (400 x 5) | 2000 |
Amount adjusted on Allotment | 500 |
Money due on Allotment (400 x 3) | 1200 |
Less: Money adjusted | 500 |
Balance due on Allotment | 700 |
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Share Capital A/c Dr |
| 4000 |
To Share Allotment A/c |
| 700 | ||
To Share First and Final Call A/c |
| 800 | ||
To Share Forfeiture A/c |
| 2500 | ||
(400 shares forfeited) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 400 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 400 | ||
(Share reissued and loss on issue charged from |
| ||
share forfeiture account) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 2100 |
| ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 2100 | ||
(Share forfeiture account transferred to capital |
| ||
reserve account) |
Cash Book (Bank Column)
Date | Particular | J. F | Amount | Date | Particular | J. F | Amount |
2500000 |
| Share Application |
| 10000 0 |
Share | |||||||
Application | |||||||
| Share |
| 79930 0 |
| Balance c/d |
| 40021 00 |
Allotment | |||||||
| Share First and Final Call |
| 79920 0 |
| Share Capital |
| 3600 |
| 41021 00 |
| 41021 00 |
Question 38
Ashoka Limited Company which had issued equity shares of Rs 20 each at a discount of Rs 4 per share, forfeited 1,000 shares for non-payment of final call of Rs 4 per share. 400 of the forfeited shares are reissued at Rs 14 per share out of the remaining shares of 200 shares reissued at Rs 20 per share. Give journal entries for the forfeiture and reissue of shares and show the amount transferred to capital reserve and the balance in Share Forfeiture Account.
Books of Ashoka Ltd.
Date | Particular | L.F | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Share Capital A/c Dr |
| 20000 |
To Final Call A/c | 4000 | |||
To Share Discount A/c | 4000 | |||
To Share Forfeiture A/c | 12000 | |||
(1000 shares of 20 per share final call money @ |
| |||
| Rs.4 per share) |
Bank A/c Dr (400 x 14) | 5600 |
| ||
Discount on Issue of Shares A/c Dr (400 x 4) | 1600 |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr (400 x 2) | 800 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 8000 | ||
(400 shares @ Rs.20 per share reissued for |
| ||
Rs.14 per share fully paid- up) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr | 4000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 4000 | ||
(200 shares @ 20 per share reissued for Rs.20 |
| ||
per share fully paid-up) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 6400 |
| ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 6400 | ||
(Balance of 600 shares in share forfeiture |
| ||
account transferred to capital reserve account, |
| ||
after reissue) |
Balance in Share Forfeiture Account (12000 – 800 – 6400)
= Rs.4800
Working Note:
For 400 Shares
Share Forfeiture Account credited | Rs.12 per share |
Less: Share Forfeiture Account debited Amount transferred to Capital Reserve Account, after adjustment | Rs.2 per share |
Rs.10 per share |
Amount of 400 shares transferred to Capital Reserve Account, after reissue = 400 shares @ Rs.10 per share = Rs.4000
For 200 Shares
Share Forfeiture Account credited | Rs.12 per share |
Less: Share Forfeiture Account debited | Nil |
Amount transferred to Capital Reserve Account, after | Rs.12 per share |
adjustment |
Amount of 200 shares transferred to Capital Reserve Account, after reissue = 200 shares @ Rs.12 per share = Rs.2400
Total amount transferred to Capital Reserve Account for 600 shares = Capital Reserve for 200 shares + Capital Reserve for 200 shares = 4000 + 2400 = Rs.6400
Question 39
Amit holds 100 shares of Rs 10 each on which he has paid Re.1 per share as application money. Bimal holds 200 shares of Rs 10 each on which he has paid Re.1 and Rs 2 per share as application and allotment money, respectively. Chetan holds 300 shares of Rs 10 each and has paid Re.1 on application, Rs 2 on allotment and Rs 3 for the first call. They all fail to pay their arrears and the second call of Rs 2 per share and the directors, therefore, forfeited their shares. The shares are reissued subsequently for Rs 11 per share as fully paid. Journalise the transactions.
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Share Capital A/c Dr (600 x 8) |
| 4800 |
To Share Allotment A/c (100 x 2) | 200 | |||
To Share First Call A/c (300 x 3) | 900 | |||
To Share Second Call A/c (600 x 2) | 1200 | |||
To Share Forfeiture A/c | 2500 | |||
(600 shares @ Rs.10 per share Rs.8 called-up |
| |||
| forfeited after making second call) |
Bank A/c Dr | 6600 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 6000 | ||
To Securities Premium A/c |
| 600 | ||
(600 shares @ Rs.10 each for Rs.11 per share |
| ||
fully paid-up reissued) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 2500 |
| ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 2500 | ||
(Balance of share forfeiture account transferred |
| ||
to capital reserve account after reissue) |
Working Note:
Share Forfeiture Account credited | |||
Amit | (100 x 1) | = | 100 |
Bimal | (200 x 3) | = | 600 |
Chetan | (300 x 6) | = | 1800 |
| 2500 |
Question 40
Ajanta Company Limited having a normal capital of Rs 3,00,000, divided into shares of Rs 10 each offered for public subscription of 20,000 shares payable at Rs 2 on application. Rs 3 on allotment and the balance in two calls of Rs 2.50 each. Applications were received by the company for 24,000 shares. Applications for 20,000 shares were accepted in full and the shares allotted.
Applications for the remaining shares were rejected and the application money was refunded.
All monies due were received with the exception of the final call on 600 shares which were forfeited after legal formalities were fulfilled. 400 shares of the forfeited shares were reissued at Rs 9 per share.
Record necessary journal entries and prepare the balance Sheet showing the amount transferred to capital reserve and the balance in Share forfeiture account.
Books of Ajanta Company Ltd
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Bank A/c Dr |
| 48000 |
To Share Application A/c |
| 48000 | ||
(Share application money received for 24000 |
| ||
shares @ 2 per share) |
| ||
Share Application A/c Dr | 48000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 40000 | ||
(Share application @ Rs.2 per share for 20000 |
| 8000 | ||
shares transferred to share capital and remaining |
| 60000 60000 50000 50000 50000 50000 1500 4500 40000 | |
for 4000 shares rejected) |
| ||
Share Allotment A/c Dr |
| 60000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Share allotment money due @ Rs.3 per share |
| ||
on 20000 shares) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 60000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| |||
(Share allotment money received for 20000 |
| ||
shares @ Rs.3 per share) |
| ||
Share First Call A/c Dr |
| 50000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Share first call money due on 20000 shares @ |
| ||
Rs.2.5 per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 50000 | ||
To Share First Call A/c |
| |||
(Share first call money received for 20000 |
| ||
Share Final Call A/c Dr |
| 50000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Share final call money due on 20000 @ Rs.2.5 |
| ||
per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 48500 | ||
Call in Arrears A/c Dr |
| 1500 | ||
To Share Final Call A/c |
| |||
(Share final call money received for 19400 |
| ||
shares @ Rs.2.5 per share except 600 shares) |
| ||
Share Capital A/c Dr |
| 6000 | ||
To Calls in Arrears A/c |
| |||
To Share Forfeiture A/c |
| |||
(600 shares forfeited @ Rs.10 each for the non |
| ||
payment of share final call @ Rs.2.5 per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 3600 | ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr |
| 400 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(400 shares @ Rs.10 each for Rs.9 per share |
| ||
reissued) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr |
| 2600 | ||
| To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 2600 |
(Balance of 400 reissued shares are transfer to | ||||
capital reserve account) |
Ajanta Company Limited |
Balance Sheet |
Particular | Note No. | Amount (Rs.) |
I. Equity and Liabilities |
1. Shareholders Fund |
a. Share Capital | 1 | 199500 |
b. Reserve and Surplus | 2 | 2600 |
2. Non-Current Liabilities |
3. Current Liabilities |
Total |
| 202100 |
II. Assets |
3 |
202100 |
1. Non-Current Assets | ||
2. Current Assets | ||
a. Cash and Cash Equivalents | ||
Total |
| 202100 |
Note No. | Particulars | Amount (Rs.) | |
1 | Share Capital |
300000 |
| Authorised Share Capital 30000 shares of Rs.10 each | ||
| Issued Share Capital 20000 shares of Rs.10 each |
200000 | |
| Subscribed, Called-up and Paid-up Share Capital |
199500 | |
| 19800 shares of Rs.10 each | 198000 | |
| Add: Shares Forfeiture | 1500 | |
2 | Reserve and Surplus |
| Capital Reserve | 2600 | |
3 | Cash and Cash Equivalents |
| |
| Cash at Bank | 202100 |
Working Note:
Share Forfeiture Account credited | Rs.7.5 per share |
Less: Share Forfeiture Account debited | Rs.1 per share |
Amount transferred to Capital Reserve Account, after adjustment | Rs.6.5 per share |
Question 41
Journalise the following transaction in the books Bhushan Oil Ltd:
(a) 200 shares of Rs 100 each issued at a discount of Rs 10 were forfeited for the non payment of allotment money of Rs 50 per share. The first and final call of Rs 20 per share on these shares were not made. The forfeited shares were reissued at Rs 70 per share as fully paid-up.
(b) 150 shares of Rs 10 each issued at a premium of Rs 4 per share payable with allotment were forfeited for non- payment of allotment money of Rs 8 per share including premium. The first and final call of Rs 4 per share were not made. The forfeited shares were reissued at Rs 15 per share fully paid-up.
(c) 400 shares of Rs 50 each issued at par were forfeited for non-payment of final call of Rs 10 per share. These shares were reissued at Rs 45 per share fully paid-up.
Case (a)
Books of Bhushan Oil Ltd.
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Share Capital A/c Dr |
| 16000 |
| To Share Allotment A/c |
| 10000 |
To Share Forfeiture A/c |
| 4000 | ||
To Discount on Issue of Shares A/c |
| 2000 | ||
(200 shares forfeited @ Rs.100 each issued at |
| ||
a discount of Rs.10 for the non-payment of |
| ||
allotment money Rs.50 per share) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr | 14000 |
| ||
Discount on Issue of Shares A/c Dr | 2000 |
| ||
Share Forfeited A/c Dr | 4000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 20000 | ||
(200 shares reissued @ Rs.70 per share fully |
| ||
paid-up) |
Case (b)
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Share Capital A/c Dr |
| 900 |
Securities Premium A/c Dr | 600 |
| ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| 1200 | ||
To Share Forfeiture A/c |
| 300 | ||
| (150 shares @ Rs.10 each forfeited for non |
payment of allotment money Rs.8 per share |
| ||
including premium Rs.4) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr | 2250 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 1500 | ||
To Securities Premium A/c |
| 750 | ||
(150 shares @ Rs.10 each reissued for Rs.15 |
| ||
per share fully paid-up) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 300 |
| ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 300 | ||
(Balance of share forfeiture account transferred |
| ||
to capital reserve account) |
Case (c)
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Share Capital A/c Dr |
| 20000 |
To Share Final Call A/c | 4000 | |||
To Share Forfeiture A/c | 16000 | |||
(400 shares @ Rs.50 per share forfeited for |
| |||
| Non-payment of final call Rs.10 per share) |
Bank A/c Dr | 18000 |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c | 2000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 20000 | ||
(400 shares @ Rs.50 each reissued for Rs.45 |
| ||
fully paid-up) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 14000 |
| ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 14000 | ||
(Balance in share forfeiture account transferred |
| ||
to capital reserve account) |
Question 42
Amisha Ltd invited applications for 40,000 shares of Rs 100 each at a premium of Rs 20 per share payable; on application Rs 40 ; on allotment Rs 40 (Including premium): on first call Rs 25 and Second and final call Rs 15.
Applications were received for 50,000 shares and allotment was made on a pro-rata basis. Excess money on application was adjusted on sums due on allotment.
Rohit to whom 600 shares were allotted failed to pay the allotment money and his shares were forfeited after allotment. Ashmita, who applied for 1,000 shares failed to pay the two calls and his shares were forfeited after the second call. Of the shares forfeited, 1,200 shares were sold to Kapil for Rs 85 per share as fully paid, the whole of Rohit’s shares being included.
Record necessary journal entries.
Books of Amisha Ltd.
Date | Particular | L.F. | Debit Amount Rs. | Credit Amount Rs. |
| Bank A/c Dr |
| 2000000 |
To Share Application A/c |
| 2000000 | ||
(Share application money received on 50,000 |
| ||
shares @ 40 per share) |
| ||
Share Application A/c Dr | 2000000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 1600000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| 400000 | ||
(Share application money adjusted) |
| ||
Share Allotment A/c Dr | 1600000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 800000 | ||
To Share Premium A/c |
| 800000 | ||
(Share allotment money due including premium) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr | 1182000 |
| ||
(Share allotment money received except 600 |
| 1182000 18000 30000 985000 965000 591000 | ||
shares) |
| ||
Share Capital A/c Dr |
| 36000 | ||
Share Premium A/c Dr |
| 12000 | ||
To Share Allotment A/c |
| |||
To Share Forfeiture A/c |
| |||
(600 shares forfeited after allotment) |
| ||
Share First Call A/c Dr |
| 985000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(First call money in due on 39400 shares) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 965000 | ||
To Share First Call A/c |
| |||
(First call money received except 800 shares) |
| ||
Share Second and Final Call A/c Dr |
591000 | ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| |||
(Second and final call money due on 39400 |
| ||
shares) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr |
| 579000 | ||
| To Share Second and Final Call A/c |
| 579000 |
(Second and final call money received except |
| ||
| ||
Share Capital A/c Dr | 80000 |
| ||
To Share First Call A/c |
| 20000 | ||
To Share Second and Final Call A/c |
| 12000 | ||
To Share Forfeiture A/c |
| 48000 | ||
(800 shares forfeited) |
| ||
Bank A/c Dr | 102000 |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 18000 |
| ||
To Share Capital A/c |
| 120000 | ||
(Forfeited shares reissued 1200 @ 85 per share) |
| ||
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr | 48000 |
| ||
To Capital Reserve A/c |
| 48000 | ||
(Profit on 1200 reissued shares are transfer to |
| ||
capital reserve account) |
Date | Particular | J.F | Amount | Date | Particular | J.F | Amount |
| Share Application |
2000000 |
Balance c/d |
4828000 |
| Share Allotment |
1182000 |
| Share First Call |
| 965000 |
| Share Final Call |
| 579000 |
| Share Capital |
| 102000 |
| 4828000 |
| 4828000 |
Working Note:
1. Number of Share Applied by Rohit = (Total number of Applied Shares/Total number of Allotted Shares) x Number of Allotted Shares = (50000/40000) x 600 = 750 shares
2. Call in arrears by Rohit on allotment
Money received on application (750 x 40) | = | 30000 |
Less: Amount adjusted on application (600 x 40) | = | 24000 |
Amount adjusted on Allotment | = | 6000 |
Money due on allotment (600 x 40) | = | 24000 |
Money adjusted | = | 6000 |
Balance due on allotment | = | 18000 |
4. Number of shares allotted to Ashmita = (Total number of Allotted Shares/Total number of Applied Shares) x Number of Applied Shares = (40000/50000) x 1000 = 800 shares
5. Profit on the forfeiture of 600 shares of Rohit = Rs.30000 Profit on the forfeiture of 600 shares of Ashmita = 48000 x (600/800) = Rs.36000
Profit on forfeiture of 1200 shares (30000 + 36000) | = | 66000 |
Less: Loss on reissue of shares | = | 18000 |
Transfer to Capital Reserve | = | 48000 |
6. Balance in Share Forfeiture Account = 48000 – 36000 = Rs.12000
Topics Covered In Chapter 1 Accountancy Class 12 - Accounting for Share Capital
Accountancy Class 12 Chapter 1 Topics |
Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 1 – Accounting for Share Capital
Provides complete shared capital concepts, types, and issuance procedures in which students can improve their analytical skills.
Improve in understanding of how share capital works in real-world corporate scenarios.
Covers all essential topics related to share issuance, accounting treatments, and legal aspects, ensuring thorough preparation for exams.
Each exercise question is addressed with clear, detailed answers, ensuring that students can follow along and understand the logic behind each step.
By providing thorough answers and explanations, these solutions help students prepare effectively for their exams, boosting their confidence and performance.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 1 - Accounting for Share Capital provides a comprehensive understanding of how businesses raise capital through shares and how they manage it. These solutions, offered by Vedantu, break down complex concepts into simple and easy-to-understand explanations. By studying this chapter, students gain valuable insights into the world of corporate finance and accounting, which is crucial for their academic success and future careers. It equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to analyse and interpret financial statements, making them well-prepared for the challenges of the business world. So, keep learning and exploring the fascinating world of accounting for share capital!
Related Links for Class 12 Chapter 1 - Accounting for Share Capital
S.No. | Important Links for Class 12 Chapter 1 Accounting for Share Capital |
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2 | Chapter 1: Accounting For Share Capital Important Questions |
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy- Other Chapter-wise Links - FREE PDF
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Related Important Links for Class 12 Accountancy
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7. | CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Important Questions |
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy Ii Chapter 1 Accounting For Share Capital
1. What Are Preference Shares? Mention the Type of Preference Shares?
Preference shares are offers which qualify the holder to get profit. It is furthermore the option to get capital and put resources into the request of inclination before value investors when the organization is winding up. There are eight types of preference shares.
Cumulative and Non-cumulative Preference shares deliver profit before value investors are paid and those which are paid from profit. Partaking and non-partaking inclination shares are those shares which offer overflow benefits to the investors and those that don't. Convertible and non- convertible Preference Shares are those which can be changed to value shares and those which can respectively. Redeemable Preference Shares are those shares which can be repaid to the investor after a given time. Ensured Preference Shares are the ones that earn a fixed profit every year.
2. What Are the Provisions for Calls in Arrears?
Suppose a financial investor neglects to pay all the portions for the allocated shares in due time. In that case, the organization anticipates that the speculator should pay the sum on resulting calls or stages. The measure of cash that is paid at later stages is called Call-falling behind financially. The organization is approved by its Article of Association for charging an enthusiasm at a predefined rate on the bring falling behind financial sum from the due date till the date of the instalment. When the Article of Association doesn't make reference to or is quiet about such a case, a 5% charge is collected. The sum is deducted from called up share capital on the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet. When the due sum isn't paid, the offers can be relinquished with legitimate notification to investors.
3. What are the concepts covered in company accounts Issue of Shares Class 12 Solutions?
Chapter 1 is about accounting for share capital and covers a whole lot of topics. NCERT Solutions make these concepts easier for students because of their simple and legible structure enabling students to score well for their exams. The following points outline the concepts covered in the chapter:
Features or characteristics of a company
Different types of companies
Classes and types of shares
Treatment of issue shares in accounting
Treatment of issue shares in accounting for cash
4. What are the characteristics of a company?
A company is an artificial body that has been created by law such that it has a separate entity with a common seal and perpetual succession. As such, Chapter 1 outlines various characteristics that a company has in Class 12. The following points list out the characteristics of a company:
Artificial body
Voluntary involvement
Created by law
Divisible capital into transferable shares
Liability is limited
Perpetual succession
Common seal
Separate entity
Maybe sued or may not be sued
5. What are the most important definitions in Chapter 1 of Class 12 Accountancy?
'Accounting for Share Capital' is the first Chapter In Class 12 of Accountancy where students are introduced to concepts of companies, shares, etc. Therefore, this chapter is a rich source of definitions usually asked in the board exams.
Share capital, Authorised, Issued, Called up, Paid-up, and Reserve Capital
Equity Share and Preference Share
Under and over Subscription
Calls in arrear and advance
Forfeit of shares
Using NCERT Solutions can be helpful for students in learning all these definitions.
6. Which are the different types of shares mentioned in Chapter 1?
Students are introduced to two different types of shares in Chapter 1 of Class 12 Accountancy, namely Preference Shares and Equity Shares.
Preference shares are those shares that have preferential rights. They are of different types: cumulative and non-cumulative, participating and non-participating, convertible and non-convertible, redeemable and irredeemable preference shares.
An equity share is an ordinary share where each member is an owner.
Chapter 1 of NCERT Solutions elaborates all these concepts for students to easily learn and score well.
7. How are Accounting For Share Capital questions with Solutions PDF class 12 useful for learning Chapter 1 of Class 12 Accountancy?
Accountancy as a subject is very difficult irrespective of the chapter that students are learning. For chapter 1, NCERT Solutions provided by Vedantu can prove to be the optimum choice for students because these Solutions help students write answers properly as they are expertly created. Other than this, the material provides concept clarity, a revised syllabus, topic-wise weightage, and 100 percent accuracy. The PDF format allows easy portability for quick reference. All these benefits of Chapter 1 of Class 12 Accountancy can be accessed here through the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 1.
8. How do Accounting For Share Capital Questions with Solutions Class 12 help in mastering Accounting For Share Capital?
Accounting For Share Capital Questions with Solutions Class 12 offers step-by-step solutions, clarifies concepts, and enhances problem-solving skills, crucial for mastering this fundamental aspect of corporate finance.
9. What is the accounting treatment for share capital transactions?
The accounting process involves recording transactions like share application, and allotment, and handling calls in arrears and advance, ensuring accurate financial reporting.
10. How are shares issued at par, premium, or discount?
Shares are issued at par when the issue price equals the face value, at a premium when above face value, and at a discount when below face value, impacting company finances and investor perception.