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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope - Free Latest PDF (2024-25)


Chapterwise Class 12 English NCERT Solutions - FREE PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English (Kaleidoscope) at Vedantu provides students with exact and accurate answers to in-text questions. This offers comprehensive answers, explanations, and practise exercises to help students for their exams. With our expert guidance, students will develop essential skills. 

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They can also cross-check their answers and learn which points can be added to increase their exam score. Students must put in significant work and preparation throughout the year to achieve this. They should be familiar with all of the chapters in Class 12 English Kaleidoscope. So, along with the NCERT Solutions, you can also check the CBSE Class 12 English Syllabus.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Chapter-wise List

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 12 English - Kaleidoscope

Following Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope provides clear explanations and step-by-step guidance, making learning enjoyable and effective for young students.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions - Class 12 English (Kaleidoscope - Prose) 

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions - Class 12 English (Kaleidoscope - Poem)  

Chapter-wise Revision Solutions - Class 12 English (Kaleidoscope - Non-Fiction)

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English (Kaleidoscope - Drama)

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Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Links for Class 12 English (Drama)


Chapter 1 Chandalika Solutions


Chapter 2 Broken Images Solutions

Latest Syllabus Updations for CBSE Class 12 English (Kaleidoscope)

  • The CBSE Class 12 English syllabus has specific sections, and this book has been newly introduced.

  • Reading Comprehension: The note-making and summarising components have been removed.

  • Writing Skills: Topics such as advertisements, posters, business and official letters, debates, and speeches are no longer included.

  • CBSE Class 12 English (Kaleidoscope) comprises stories, non-fiction, dramas, and more.

CBSE Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Textbook: A General Overview

Kaleidoscope is the prescribed textbook for Class 12 English Elective students under the CBSE board. It offers a diverse collection of literary pieces spanning various genres like fiction, non-fiction, drama, and poetry. Key Features of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Textbook:

  • Diverse Representation: The book features works from authors representing different cultures and periods.

  • Thematic Richness: It covers a wide range of themes, providing students with exposure to different perspectives and ideas.

  • Language Focus: While primarily a literature textbook, it also incorporates language-related exercises to enhance students' linguistic abilities.

  • Critical Thinking: The exercises encourage students to analyse texts deeply, think critically, and express their opinions.

  • Fiction/Short Stories: Includes short stories, a total of 5 Chapters that explore various human experiences and emotions.

  • Non-fiction: Offers essays and articles on diverse topics, a total of 6 Chapters, developing critical thinking and analysis.

  • Drama: Presents plays that allow students to engage with characters and plot development, consisting of a total of 2 chapters.

  • Poetry: Includes a variety of poetic forms, a total of 8 Chapters, enhancing students' appreciation for language and imagery.

Key Features of NCERT Solutions Class 12 English - Kaleidoscope

  • In-depth Explanations: Each chapter is thoroughly explained, ensuring that students understand the themes, characters, and literary devices used.

  • Structured Format: The solutions are organised chapter-wise, allowing easy navigation and quick reference for students.

  • Practice Exercises: Additional exercises and questions are included to reinforce learning and prepare students for exams.

  • Clear Language: Solutions are presented in simple and clear language, making complex concepts easier to grasp.

  • Exam Preparation Focus: The content is aligned with the exam syllabus, highlighting important topics and providing insights into likely exam questions.

  • Analytical Insights: Students receive guidance on analysing texts and developing critical thinking skills, which are essential for literature studies.

  • Helpful Tips and Strategies: Practical tips for effective study habits and answering techniques are provided to enhance students' confidence in their exam performance.

Exam Preparation Guide for Class 12 English

  • Thorough Textual Analysis: Develop a deep understanding of literary devices, themes, characters, and plots in your prescribed texts.

  • Consistent Writing Practise: Regularly practise different writing formats (essays, letters, notices) to improve your expression and structure.

  • Effective Time Management: Allocate specific time for each section of the exam and practise answering questions within the given time frame.

  • Vocabulary Enhancement: Expand your vocabulary through reading and practise to express ideas precisely.

  • Previous Year Question Papers: Analyse past question papers from Vedantu’s official website to understand the exam pattern and practice answering different question types.

By effectively utilising CBSE Class 12 English Kaleidoscope NCERT Solutions, you can prepare well for exams and enhance your understanding of the rich literary devices presented in the textbook. These Solutions PDFs are a key resource for deeper exploration. Actively engage with the material, seek clarification when needed, and practise applying your knowledge. With consistent effort and all the study materials provided by Vedantu, you'll be well-prepared to excel in your Class 12 English exams and develop a deeper understanding of English literature.

Other Book-wise Links for CBSE Class 12 English NCERT Solutions

Related Study Materials Links for CBSE Class 12 English 

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope - Free Latest PDF (2024-25)

1. How Can I Find the PDF Version of NCERT English Kaleidoscope Book for Class 12?

Since the aim is to attain satisfactory results in both internal and board exams, students should focus on studying each chapter and solving important exercise questions. Finding the right kind of study material is a hard task these days since there are so many options available on the internet. NCERT Solutions Kaleidoscope Class 12 English solves that problem as the PDF version is available on most of the renowned educational website like Vedantu for FREE. Students can find reliable information from these solutions as they are drafted by academic professionals.

2. How to Attain Great Scores with Class 12 Kaleidoscope English NCERT Solutions?

The complexity of several subjects in CBSE Class 12 can be tedious for students, and they need to come up with better strategies to excel in examinations. From finding informative and authentic study materials to practising these questions regularly, one should maintain this strict schedule to get decent scores.

Apart from understanding the core concepts, study materials like NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope help students get rid of conceptual errors and get satisfactory results. 

3. What are the Chapters that NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Covers?

Class 12 English Kaleidoscope comprises 21 chapters that are equally important and should be prioritised to attain an overall decent score in board examinations. The focus should be to clarify the doubts by consulting study materials like Kaleidoscope Class 12 English Solutions. These solutions are drafted by subject matter experts to help students get a clear understanding of each chapter.

NCERT solutions cover all of these chapters and also in an organised way so that students get a hassle-free study experience. 

4. How many poems are there in Class 12 English Kaleidoscope?

Class 12 English Kaleidoscope comprises a total of eight poems. These poems are as follows:

  1. A Lecture Upon the Shadow

  2. Poems by Milton

  3. Poems by Blake

  4. Kubla Khan

  5. Trees

  6. The Wild Swans of Coole

  7. Time and Time Again

  8. Poetry – Blood

You can get a full explanation and analysis as well as the study material of all the poems prescribed in the syllabus of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope on the online website of Vedantu

5. What is a Drama in Class 12 English?

Drama is a type of literature. It is the depiction of fictional or non-fictional events with the help of written dialogue. Dramas can be performed live on stage or in a film, among other mediums of entertainment. Dramas are often referred to as plays, and their authors as playwrights or dramatists. Drama is quite prominent among people who study literature, and also it teaches a lot of elements connected to the literature. Owing to the fact, Class 12 English holds two dramas in its syllabus.

6. Is the syllabus of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope important for the students who want to pursue English Literature in higher classes?

Absolutely yes. The chapters included within the syllabus of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope comprises non-fiction, poetry, short stories and drama. The students who are willing to pursue English literature in their higher studies will gain a huge benefit if they imbibe the concepts and knowledge that the syllabus of Class 12 English imparts thoroughly. They will get an idea of what the various types of literature are and they will also get to know about some great writers of all time.

7. How should I make notes of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope?

It gets a little tricky to make notes in English. Well, it doesn’t have any factual theories or formulae to remember. The students, while making notes of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope, must begin by reading the entire chapter. As you go along with the paragraphs or stanzas, underline the important points necessary to form your answers. Write the theme, summary, and character sketches of the chapters. Write the important points down in your notebook so that you can revise the whole chapter in no time.

8. How do NCERT solutions of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope help in improving creativity?

In a subject like English, creative writing plays an important role in forming answers. CBSE has always attempted to improve students' creative abilities by including writing and comprehension sections in their curriculum. NCERT Solution of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope provided on the website of Vedantu are prepared by tutors holding years of experience in the field of teaching and have expertise in the English language. The answers formed by them justify the questions by stating to-the-point answers with a creative touch. These solutions are available at FREE of cost on the Vedantu website (

9. What is Non-fiction From Class 12 English Kaleidoscope?

Books that aren't rooted in a fictional narrative fall under the umbrella of nonfiction, which is an expansive genre. Nonfiction writing can be instructive, provide commentary and humour, and ponder philosophical questions, among other things. Some prominent types of non-fictions biographies, memoirs, travelogues, journalism, academic writings, etc. And some great writers who have given their fair share in the non-fiction genre are, George Orwell, James Baldwin, etc. CBSE Class 12 has included six chapters of non-fiction literature in its syllabus.