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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Aroh Chapter 9 Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo Ke Pankh


NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chapter 9 Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh (Poem) Hindi (Aroh) - FREE PDF Download

Download the FREE PDF of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Chapter 9 - "Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh," a beautiful poem included in the "Aroh" textbook. This poem vividly describes the simple yet meaningful connection between the poet Umashanker Joshi and his small field, reflecting themes of love for nature, hard work, and attachment to the land. The NCERT Solutions provide easy-to-follow explanations that make understanding the poem effortless, helping you prepare for exams with confidence.

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These NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi (Aroh) Solutions are aligned with the latest Class 12 Hindi CBSE syllabus, ensuring that you stay on track with your learning requirements. Download the PDF now to study conveniently and understand the depth of this poem. Download FREE PDF and also check the Syllabus for more details.

Glance on Class 12 Hindi (Aroh) Chapter 9 - Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh (Poem)

  • The poem "Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh" reflects the poet's deep connection and love for his small field. It captures the affection and pride a farmer feels for his piece of land, emphasising the simplicity and emotional bond tied to nature.

  • Umashankar Joshi conveys a strong sense of belonging and pride in the poem. The poet portrays his small field not just as a plot of land, but as an important part of his life and identity, highlighting the value of rural life.

  • The poem expresses the poet’s closeness to nature. Through vivid imagery, the poet describes his field, which symbolises his connection to the earth, the joy of nurturing it, and the peaceful fulfilment it brings.

  • The poet uses simple language to depict the simplicity of rural life. The small field represents the uncomplicated, self-sufficient lifestyle of a farmer, showing the beauty in leading a humble, contented life.

  • Umashankar Joshi uses rich imagery to paint a picture of the small field, describing its elements in detail. The poet's emotions are clearly felt through his descriptions, creating a vivid picture for the reader to imagine the life of a farmer.

  • The poem also celebrates the values of hard work and dedication. It reflects the farmer’s efforts in cultivating the field, his patience, and the satisfaction he gains from working the land, highlighting the fulfilment that comes from honest labour.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Aroh Chapter - 9 छोटा मेरा खेत - बगुलों के पंख

1. छोटे चौकोने खेत को काग़ज़ का पन्ना कहने में क्या अर्थ निहित है? 

उत्तर: कवि उमाशंकर जोशी ने अपने कर्म यानी कवि-कर्म को किसान का कर्म बताया है। कवि कहता है कि मैं भी एक किसान हूँ। उसके पास एक छोटा सा चौकोर खेत है जेसे, मेरे पास यह काग़ज़ की चादर है। यह एक वर्ग क्षेत्र के समान है। किसान अपने खेत में बीज, पानी और उर्वरक बोता है, और फिर फल , फूल, अनाज आदि उगाता है। इसी तरह, कवि अपने भावों के बीज को एक काग़ज़ पर बोता है और अपनी कल्पना, कहानी और कविता को एक फसल के रूप में प्राप्त करता है। 

2. रचना के संदर्भ में अंधड़ और बीज क्या है? 

उत्तर: रचना के संदर्भ में ‘अंधड़’ का तात्पर्य है- भावना का आवेग और ‘बीज’ का अर्थ है- कवि के मन में उत्पन्न हुआ ‘विचार व अभिव्यक्ति’। 

3. रस का अक्षयपात्र से कवि ने रचनाकर्म की किन विशेषताओं की ओर इंगित किया है? 

उत्तर: कवि कहते हैं की कविता रस का अक्षयपात्र होती है। रस के अक्षयपात्र से कवि रचनाकर्म के विभिन्न विशेषताओं का वर्णन किया है। कवि कहते हैं कि कविता आनन्द प्रदान करती है तथा कविता का आनंद बहुत ही आत्मीय तथा अधिक समय तक रहता है। एक अच्छी कविता कालजयी होती है। यदि कविता के निर्माण में सौंदर्य, रस तथा भाव का प्रयोग किया गया है तो वह कभी भी समाप्त नहीं होगा।

4. व्याख्या करें,  

(1) शब्द के अंकुर फूटें, 

पल्लव - पुष्पों से नामित हुआ विशेष।

उत्तर: कवि उमाशंकर जोशी जी की कविता “छोटा मेरा खेत”  में खेती के रूप में व्याख्या कवि द्वारा की गई है। जिस तरह से पृथ्वी में बीजों को बोया जाता है और उस बीज को विभिन्न रसायनों , वायु, जल आदि को पीकर अलग अलग अवस्थाओं में जाना जाता है। इसी तरह, जब कवि को एक भावना का बीज मिलता है, तो कवि उसे ग्रहण करता है। फिर बीज से, बीज की कलियाँ उग जाती है और फिर विशेष भाव से पत्ते और फूल पनपते हैं।

5. रोपाई  क्षण की,

कटाई अनन्ता की 

लूटते रहने से ज़रा भी नहीं कम होती।

उत्तर: कवि कहता है कि साहित्यिक रचनाओं की सबसे बड़ी विशेषता यह है कि वह कालजयी है। उनमें निहित सौंदर्य, रस और भाव न तो कम होते हैं और ना ही नष्ट होते हैं। कवि कहता है कि कवि रैया कार्य में क्षण भर के लिए की जाती है, अर्थात एक क्षण में भाव बोया जाता है, लेकिन उस भाव से बनी रचना लोगों को अनंत काल तक खुश रखती है। इस फसल की कटाई अनंत काल तक चलती है इसके रस की जितनी भी मात्रा लुटाई जाए वह बिल्कुल भी नहीं घटती।

6. शब्दों के माध्यम से जब कवि दृश्यों, चित्र, ध्वनि योजना अथवा रूप- रस -गंध को हमारे एनरिक अनुभवों में साकार कर देता है तो बिंब का निर्माण होता है। इस आधार पर प्रस्तुत कविता से बिम्ब की खोज करें।

उत्तर:  इस कविता में  निम्नलिखित बिम्बों का निर्माण हुआ है, 

चाक्षुष बिंब

1.छोटा मेरा खेत चौकोना

2.कागज का एक पन्ना

3.कोई अंधड़ कहीं से आया

4.पल्लव पुष्पों से निमित

5. नभ में पांति बंधे बगुलों की पाँखें

6. तैरती सांझ की सतेज श्वेत काया।

आस्वाद बिंब,

1.अमृत धाराएं फूटती

2. कल्पना के रसायनों को पी बीज गया निशेष।

7. जहाँ उपमेय और उपमान का आरोप हो, रूपक कहलाता है। इस कविता में से रूपक का चुनाव करें।


1.भावो रूपी आंधी।

2. विचार रूपी बीज।

3.पल्लव पुष्पों से निर्मित हुआ विशेष।

4.तैरती सांझ की सतेज श्वेत काया।

5.कजरारे बादलों की छाई नभ छाया ।

Chapter Summary 

Chapter 9, “Poem Chota Mera Khet - Bangulo Ke Pankh” is a poignant and reflective poem that explores the dreams and aspirations of a small plot of land and its comparison to the vast wings of forest. The poem beautifully delves into the emotions of the land, expressing its desire to soar high like the wings of a forest. It illustrates the small field’s longing to embrace boundless horizons and the immense beauty of nature. The verses portray the land’s yearning for freedom and expansion, contrasting the confinement of a tiny field to the limitless expanse of a forest’s wings. The chapter evokes a deep sense of yearning and human tendency to dream of unbounded possibilities, making it a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant poem.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi (Aroh) Chapter 9 Poem Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh

  • The solutions provide clear, well-structured answers crafted by subject experts, helping students understand the poet’s thoughts and themes.

  • These solutions follow the latest CBSE guidelines, ensuring relevance for exams and classroom discussions.

  • By referring to these solutions, students can learn how to present answers effectively in exams.

  • Students can download the solutions in PDF format for free and study anytime, anywhere.

  • The solutions cover important questions, preparing students for board exams with confidence.

  • The solutions help in breaking down poetic devices, themes, and language for better understanding.

  • It saves students’ time by providing direct answers, eliminating the need for extensive searching.

  • Each explanation enhances clarity and ensures students fully grasp the poem's meaning and its context.


NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Chapter 9 - “Poem Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh - Bangulo Ke Pankh” are a valuable resource for students. These solutions provide profound insights, empowering students to develop a solid comprehension of the chapter and approach their examinations with confidence. We believe that these NCERT Solutions by Vedantu will enrich your understanding of the chapter’s depth. The PDF version is readily available for your convenience, allowing easy access for reference whenever needed. For Further related materials and enhanced support, we encourage you to explore Vedantu, your gateway to a vast array of resources that will enrich your learning experience. 

Important Study Material Links for Hindi Class 12 Chapter 9

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Aroh Chapter 9 Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo Ke Pankh

1. Who composed the poem Chota Mera Khet – Bangulo ke Pankh of Class 12 Hindi Aroh and how can the students understand the poem?

The poem is composed by Shri Umashankar Joshi who is an Indian scholar and poet, who has contributed massively towards Gujarati Literature. The poem has four conceptual questions. The students can read the summary and understand the poem with the help of Vedantu's NCERT Solutions and grasp the concepts easily. This also will help them get knowledge of the language and the way the poems are written. The poems are different from reading the lessons as they are more of inner and hidden meanings and also comparisons.

2. What are the number of conceptual questions in the poem Chota Mera Khet – Bangulo Ke Pankh of Class 12 Hindi Aroh?

There are a total of three conceptual questions in the poem. Students can prepare them using the NCERT Solutions provided by Vedantu. The poem has to be understood correctly as it has an inner and deep meaning. Students can only answer the questions correctly only if the meaning of each line is clear to them.

3. Why has the poet compared the work of a poet the same as that of a farmer according to  Chapter 9 of Class 12 Hindi Aroh?

The work of a poet is the same as that of a farmer because the poet will pour his emotions and feelings on the piece of paper and see it in the form of poetry and the story. The farmers will sow the seeds in the field to get the fruits. So the poet has a piece of paper and the farmer has a piece of land. Both of them are similar according to the poet.

4. What is the importance of poetry according to the poet?

The poet has explained the importance and the meaning of a good poem. A good poem will always give an immense pleasure in reading and be filled with emotions and deep feelings which can be understood for those who really take pleasure in reading the poem. It is both a mixture of happiness and sorrow. A good poem will always be an attraction to the readers. However, you can refer to the Vedantu for details and the explanation of the poem.

5. What is the concept of the poem Chota Mera Khet – Bangulo ke Pankh of Class 12 Hindi Aroh?

The poet Shri Umashankar Joshi has given the explanation with the comparison of human emotions in the form of a poem. He has said that when we sow the seed the outcome is many different ways.Similarly the poem is nothing but a single emotion which comes out in various ways. It is the inner feeling of a poet with his life experiences which is reflected in the poem. For More details, you can refer to NCERT Solutions which have a chapter-wise explanation. These solutions are available at free of cost on Vedantu’s website (

6. What is the poem "Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh" about?

The poem "Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh" by Umashankar Joshi reflects the poet's love and deep connection with his small field. It describes the simplicity and beauty of rural life, emphasising the bond between the poet and his land.

7. How do the NCERT Solutions help in understanding this poem?

The NCERT Solutions provide easy explanations of the poem's meaning, line by line, helping students grasp the key emotions, themes, and the poet's feelings effectively.

8. What themes are present in the poem "Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh"?

The poem includes themes like love for nature, pride in one’s work, simplicity of rural life, and the emotional bond between a farmer and his land.

9. How do the NCERT Solutions explain the importance of nature in this poem?

The NCERT Solutions discuss the close relationship between the poet and nature, highlighting how the poet sees his field as an important part of his life that brings him joy and peace.

10. Can the NCERT Solutions help me prepare for exams?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions cover all questions related to the poem in detail, making it easier for you to understand the poem thoroughly and prepare effectively for exams.

11. What kind of language is used in "Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh"?

The poem uses simple and vivid language to describe the beauty of the field, which makes it easy for readers to imagine and feel the poet’s emotions.

12. How do these solutions help in understanding the poet's emotions?

The solutions explain the emotions of love, pride, and contentment that the poet feels for his field, making it easier for students to connect with the poem.

13. What values does the poem "Chota Mera Khet, Bangulo ke Pankh" teach?

The poem teaches the values of hard work, dedication, appreciation for nature, and finding happiness in the simple things in life.