NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 8 I am the Music Man - Free PDF
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 8 I Am The Music Man
1. What are the sounds produced by the piano and big drum played by the music man?
The music man in the Class 2 poem I Am The Music Man Marigold can play the piano and big drum which create two different sounds. Pia-pia-piano is produced by the piano and boomdi-boomdi-boom is produced by the big drum.
2. Why you should go for Vedantu?
There are several causes for choosing Vedantu as your online companion for study. The Class 2 English notes I Am The Music Man and NCERT solutions Class 2 poem English unit 8 are prepared by the experienced teachers of Vedantu. The study material is completely accurate and significantly useful to ace the exam. The platform also offers students to get in touch with the subject experts to help clear their doubts.
3. Which musical instruments are played by the music man?
CBSE Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 8 poem discusses the music man who plays two musical instruments. One is a piano that makes a pia-pia-piano sound when played and the second instrument is a big drum that makes boomdi-boomdi-boom sound when played. So the musician plays both the instruments well and entertains people. This is a rather interesting poem to study that the children of Class 2 will enjoy. All detailed explanations to this chapter are available on our platform for helping you to do better in exams free of cost.
4. Who is a music man?
Here in this poem, I am the Music Man, the music man is both the protagonist and the narrator of the poem. The 17 lines long poem s talks about how the music man belongs to a faraway land and is known to play two musical instruments, the piano and the drum. His job might seem easy but it is not in reality. You will get to know about music after reading the poem properly which is given in your NCERT textbook.
5. How does music help to connect emotionally?
Music is a form of art. It plays an important role in entertainment. But apart from that it also helps people to connect emotionally. Music is therapeutic to many since it significantly aids to calm our minds and helps us to rejuvenate ourselves. People seek peace in music and consider it to be relaxing after a long tiring day at work or to lift up the mood of people at times. So music is way more than just entertainment and a lot of it depends on the musician in order to make the audience and listeners connect on an emotional level.
6. Is playing music an easy job?
No job is easy even if it looks easy. Similarly, music is also not an easy job. It takes a lot of passion, practice and devotion in order to do good music. A musician is not born overnight, regular practice from childhood and doing it with honesty and devotion will help musicians make a name for themselves by helping people with their music. Music is used to cure people of stress, anxiety etc. which again needs proper training and knowledge and is not at all an easy job for the one who does it. We must value and respect music and musicians.
7. What are some of the other instruments apart from the piano and drums?
Music originated long back and hence has a wide range of available musical products that are of varied types, structure, looks, sound etc. Two of the instruments measured here in this poem are the piano and the drums. But apart from this, there are many other famous musical instruments like the guitar, flute, violin, saxophone, trumpet, organ pipes, etc. All these instruments are different from each other and one needs proper training to play these.