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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS (The World Around Us) Chapter 6: Living in Harmony


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In Chapter 6 of Class 3 EVS, titled ‘Living in Harmony,’ students learn about the importance of living peacefully with nature and each other. This chapter highlights how humans, plants, and animals can coexist and support one another. It teaches kids about respect for all living things and the role of harmony in our environment.

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To help students understand these concepts better, we offer NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS in a simple and easy-to-follow format. The solutions include clear explanations, engaging activities, and practice questions that make learning enjoyable. You can download the FREE PDF to study anytime and anywhere, making it a valuable resource for young learners. For more details, check the Class 3 EVS Syllabus

Glance on Class 3 EVS (The World Around Us) Chapter 6 Living in Harmony

  1. Chapter 6 of Class 3 EVS ‘Living in Harmony’ explains the concept of harmony, which means living peacefully and respectfully with nature and other living beings.

  2. It highlights how all living things—humans, animals, and plants—are connected and depend on each other for survival.

  3. Students learn the importance of respecting nature, including plants and animals, and how this respect leads to a healthier environment.

  4. The chapter provides examples of how different species live together in harmony, such as birds nesting in trees and humans planting gardens.

  5. It discusses how people can live harmoniously in communities by helping and supporting each other, promoting kindness and cooperation.

  6. The chapter emphasizes the need to protect nature and wildlife, explaining how pollution and destruction can harm the balance of life.

  7. Engaging activities are included to encourage students to think about how they can contribute to living in harmony with their environment.

  8. The chapter teaches moral values such as kindness, empathy, and responsibility toward nature and others in the community.

  9. It explains how nature provides resources like air, water, and food, and why it’s essential to take care of our environment.

  10. Students are encouraged to observe their surroundings and reflect on their actions, promoting awareness of how they can live in harmony with nature and each other.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 Living in Harmony

Discuss (Page 73)

Question 1. Do any of these animals, birds, insects, and plants live with you in your house?
Hint: Yes, there is a cat that lives in my house. I also have a rose plant on my balcony.
You can also write the names of animals, birds, insects, and plants according to your choice.

Question 2. Do you and your family take care of them?
Hint: Yes, I go downstairs with my elder brother and give bread and milk to the cat. I also water the rose plant every day.

Find Out (Page 73)

Question 1. Are there any animals, birds, and insects that you have spotted that are not in the picture given on page 72?

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Hint: Yes, some animals that are spotted by me are not given in the picture.

Question 2. Try to find out their names and write them in the table given below. One example has been done for you.

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Hint: Some examples are given below in the table.

Name of the Animal

The place where you have seen them




Nearest Field







Question 3. Discuss with elders in your family which animals and plants they kept at home when they were young. Ask them to share any story about these animals and plants.
Hint: My grandmother lived with her parents in a village. She wished to pet a little dog. One day, she said to her mother, “Mother, I want a little dog.” Her mother replied that keeping a pet is a big responsibility and she would not be able to take care of the pet. Listening to this, my grandmother was disappointed.

After a few days, when my grandmother turned six years of age, her mother thought of adopting a stray puppy. My grandmother was very happy to see the new puppy in her home. Since the day my grandmother adopted the little puppy, she had taken care of it.

My grandmother’s parents were very happy to see their daughter capable of taking the responsibility of a pet. My grandmother’s parents promised her that they would gift her another little puppy on her next birthday.

Discuss (Page 74)

Discuss in Pairs

Question 1. Which are the uninvited animals, birds, and insects that visit your home?
Answer: Uninvited animals such as rats, lizards, crows, pigeons, cuckoos, spiders, etc., visit our homes.

Question 2. Why do you think they come to your homes?
Answer: These animals come to our homes for food, shelter, and protection.

Question 3. How do you feel about their presence in your home?
Hint: Some of the uninvited animals such as pigeons make me happy but some animals like lizards and spiders make me nervous as I am scared of them.

Question 4. Which of them do you like?
Hint: I like pigeons and cuckoo.

Question 5. What do you do when you do not like them?
Answer: I do not like rats, lizards, and spiders. I usually drive them out of my house.

Discuss (Page 77)

Question 1. How are we dependent on plants and animals?

We get lots of things from plants and animals:

  • We get wood, shade, medicines, fibres, fruits, fresh air, etc., from plants.

  • We get many valuable items like wool, silk, honey, milk, eggs, etc., from animals.

Question 2. How do plants help animals?
Plants provide fresh air, food, shelter, and shade for animals.

Question 3. How do animals help plants?
Answer: Animals help plants in seed dispersal. They also release carbon dioxide for plants to make their food through photosynthesis.

Question 4. How do you look after plants and animals in your surroundings?
Answer: I look after plants and animals in my surroundings by giving them water, food, and shelter.

Question 5. How do animals and plants depend on us?
Answer: Animals and plants depend on us for love, care, protection, food, water, and shelter.

Activity 1 (Page 78)

Get to Know an Animal

  • Observe the animals around you.

  • Choose any animal that you see often, such as a goat, cow, dog, cat or bird like a crow, pigeon, sparrow, parrot, or duck.

  • Observe it closely whenever you get a chance. You can also keep a bowl of water and some grains for it.

Answer: Do it yourself.

Write (Page 78)

Write a short description of the animal or bird-

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Question 1. Name and describe the animal or bird that you have chosen.
Answer: Cow. It was of black and white colour with four legs and a tail.

Question 2. When and where did you first see it?
Answer: I saw it on the roadside when I was going to school.

Question 3. Was it there alone or with its friends?
Answer: It was alone.

Question 4. Describe its movement.
Answer: The cow walks slowly and steadily on all four legs.

Question 5. What sounds did it make?
Answer: It made a sound like moo-moo.

Question 6. Did you see it eating, sleeping, talking to its friends, or maybe fighting sometimes?
Answer: The cow was eating grass.

Question 7. Did it do anything that surprised you or made you laugh?
Answer: The cow was wagging her tail and kicking away the insects flying around her. This action of her drew my attention towards her.

Question 8. Share your story with your classmates.
Answer: Do it yourself.

Activity 2 (Page 79)

Busy, Busy, Busy and Clever Ants!

You may do this activity near your plant friend, in your classroom, or at home. Bring small amounts of three types of food from your kitchen:

  • Sweet like sugar or jaggery;

  • Fried like a papad or murukku;

  • Boiled or cooked like bread, chapati, idli, rice, or ragi.

Keep these three types of food on the floor in a straight line with one-foot distance between them.

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Make a Guess

Question 1. Who will come for the food?
Answer: All the animals given in the picture such as rats, birds, crows, ants, and dogs will come for the food.

Question 2. Which will be their favorite food?

  • Rat – papad or murukku

  • Bird – Rice or ragi

  • Crow – Bread or chapati

  • Ants – Sugar or jaggery

  • Dog – Bread, chapati, idli, rice or ragi

Question 3. Will any ants come to your food?
Answer: Yes.

Question 4. Where would they come from?
Answer: Ants live in soil burrows, trees, leaf litter, etc.

Question 5. Will all the ants look the same?
Answer: Yes, all ants look the same.

Question 6. What food item will they go to first?
Answer: Ants will go to sugar and jaggery.

Question 7. How many ants will come to the food?
Answer: Many ants will come to the food.

Question 8. What will they do with the food?
Answer: They will eat the food and may store it for their future usage.

Activity 3 (Page 80)

Guess Who I Am?

Sit in pairs. One of you will think of the name of an animal, bird, insect, or tree and whisper it in the ear of your partner. Make sure you don’t say it too loud! Your partner will have to act and move like the animal, bird, or insect and the class will have to guess it! You can switch roles after this.

For example:
Gopa’s friend Ali whispered ‘Frog’ into his ear. What do you think Gopa did?
Sukhiya’s friend Surya whispered ‘Peepal/ tree’ into her ear. What do you think Sukhiya did?

Hint: Do it yourself with the help of your parents or teacher.

Let us reflect (Pages 81-82)

A. Discuss

Question 1. How are we dependent on plants and animals?
Answer: We get lots of things from plants and animals:

  • Plants: Shelter for Animals, Wood, Shade, Medicine, Fibre, Fruit, Fresh air, etc.

  • Animals: Seed dispersal, Wool, Milk, Eggs, etc.

Question 2. How should we care for plants and animals in our environment?
Answer: We can take care of plants and animals in our surroundings by giving them water, food, and shelter.

Question 3. How do plants and animals depend on us?
Answer: Animals and plants depend on us for love, care, protection, food, water, and shelter.

B. Write

Question 1. Complete these sentences with the names of plants, birds, animals, or insects:

  1. I like looking at __________ because __________

  2. __________ make me laugh because __________

  3. My friend __________ likes __________ because __________

  4. I would like to take care of __________ because __________


  1. I like looking at butterflies because of their bright color and beautiful designs.

  2. Parrots make me laugh because they can mimic human talk.

  3. My friend Reena likes rose plants because of their beautiful flower.

  4. I would like to take care of street dogs because they also need food and shelter.

Question 2. a. Which is your favourite animal, bird, insect, or plant among those you have named above?

Hint: Parrots

b. Why do you like it?
Hint: I like parrots because they can mimic the human talk.

c. Write down the names of all the animals, birds, and insects that you have seen or learned about from the smallest to the largest.

Answer: Grasshopper < Frog < Rabbit < Lion < Hippopotamus < Elephant

C. Draw

Question 1. Name and draw animals, birds, and insects that have:
a. Two legs
b. Four legs
c. Six legs
d. Eight legs

a. Two legs – Parrot
b. Four legs – Cow
c. Six legs – Ant
d. Eight Legs – Spider

Children can draw animals on their own.

Do you know? (Page 83)

A True Story!
This is a story of a small town called Valparai in Tamil Nadu. Throughout the school year, the children and teachers in different schools in Valparai look for and record birds that come to their town. Just after the rains and in the winter months they plan a special welcome for these birds, Grey Wagtails! These birds are commonly known as Vaalatti kuruvi in Tamil.

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During the cold winter months, the Grey Wagtails arrive from the mountains to the warmer parts of India and stay there for a few months. When the first Grey Wagtails arrive in Valparai, the children and teachers celebrate their arrival by putting up welcome posters for the birds and they distributing sweets to everyone!

Question 1. Do you know why these birds are called Wagtails? Find out!
Answer: Grey Wagtails are grey and have a habit of pumping or wagging their tails. Hence, these are named so.

Question 2. Do you want to give a title to the story?
Answer: Title: Welcoming Grey Wagtails.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 Living in Harmony

  • The NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 Living in Harmony provide clear and straightforward explanations of the concepts in Chapter 6, making it easy for young students to understand the importance of living in harmony.

  • The solutions include fun and interactive activities that encourage students to think about how they can practise harmony in their everyday lives.

  • Students can find practice questions in the solutions, helping them review and reinforce what they have learned about coexisting with nature and others.

  • Many solutions feature pictures and diagrams that help illustrate the concepts, making learning more visual and easier to grasp.

  • The solutions encourage students to reflect on their actions and consider how they can contribute to a peaceful environment, fostering a sense of responsibility.

  • Available in a free PDF format, the NCERT Solutions can be downloaded for easy access, allowing students to study whenever and wherever they want.

  • These solutions are helpful for preparing for tests, ensuring students are well-equipped with knowledge about living in harmony with nature and their communities.

  • By studying these solutions, students develop a greater awareness of the environment and the importance of respecting all living things.


Chapter 6, "Living in Harmony," teaches us the importance of respecting and peacefully coexisting with nature and each other. Understanding how plants, animals, and humans depend on one another helps us appreciate the balance in our environment. The NCERT Solutions for this chapter provide clear explanations, engaging activities, and practice questions that make learning enjoyable.

By using these solutions, students can reflect on their actions and learn how to contribute to a harmonious world. Overall, this chapter helps build awareness and responsibility toward nature and the community, making it essential for young learners.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS (The World Around Us) Chapter 6: Living in Harmony

1. What is Chapter 6 Living in Harmony about?

Chapter 6, "Living in Harmony," focuses on the relationship between humans, plants, and animals. It teaches students how these living things coexist and depend on each other for survival. The chapter highlights the importance of respecting nature and fostering peaceful relationships within our communities.

2. How do humans, plants, and animals live in harmony?

Humans, plants, and animals live in harmony by respecting each other’s needs. For example, humans plant trees and care for animals, which provide food, shelter, and clean air. In return, plants and animals help maintain a balanced ecosystem, which is vital for all living beings.

3. What examples of harmony between plants and animals are discussed in the chapter?

The chapter provides examples such as birds building nests in trees, animals using plants for food and shelter, and bees pollinating flowers. These interactions demonstrate how plants and animals rely on each other to thrive in their environment.

4. Why is it important to respect nature as per Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 Living in Harmony?

Respecting nature is crucial because it helps maintain the balance of our ecosystem. When we take care of plants and animals, we ensure that they can continue to provide essential resources like oxygen, food, and clean water for us and future generations.

5. What role do plants play in living in harmony in Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 Living in Harmony?

Plants play a vital role in living in harmony by producing oxygen and serving as a food source for many animals. They also provide shelter for various creatures, contributing to a balanced ecosystem where all living things can thrive together.

6. How can we practise living in harmony in our daily lives according to Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 Living in Harmony?

We can practise living in harmony by planting trees, caring for animals, reducing waste, and being kind to others. Simple actions, like recycling and respecting wildlife, help create a more harmonious environment.

7. What activities are included in the chapter to help understand living in harmony?

The chapter includes activities that encourage students to observe nature, such as exploring their surroundings, identifying local plants and animals, and discussing how they can contribute to a harmonious community.

8. How do the NCERT Solutions enhance learning for this chapter?

The NCERT Solutions provide clear explanations, engaging activities, and practice questions that help reinforce the concepts of living in harmony. These resources make it easier for students to understand the material and apply it to real-life situations.

9. Why should we care about protecting the environment?

Protecting the environment is essential for maintaining the health of our planet. A clean and balanced environment ensures that plants, animals, and humans can coexist and thrive. By caring for our surroundings, we help prevent pollution and habitat destruction.

10. Is this chapter suitable for all Class 3 students?

Yes, Chapter 6 is designed for Class 3 students, using simple language and relatable examples. It is easy to understand, making it accessible for all young learners interested in nature and the importance of living in harmony.