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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 2 Toy Joy


NCERT Class 3 Chapter 2 Toy Joy Question and Answers - FREE PDF Download

NCERT Solution for Class 3 Maths Chapter 2 Toy Joy is as per the newly updated CBSE Class 3 Maths Syllabus.  Our team of master teachers has provided a detailed concept of different shapes in which students will explore different shapes, their names, characteristics, and how they can identify them in the world around us. 

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The Class 3 Maths NCERT Solutions will educate kids on shapes, edges and corners, designs, etc., and grow their interest with the help of creative real-life examples. The solutions are self-explanatory and help them reach the answer logically. Download the Class 3 Maths Chapter 2 FREE PDF for an enhanced understanding of the foundation of basic shapes and patterns.

Glance on Class 3 Maths Chapter 2 - Toy Joy

  • The chapter includes a few exercises through which the students can understand different shapes and differentiate between them.

  • Students will learn about the properties of different shapes and patterns, such as whether edges and surfaces are flat or curved.

  • Creating new structures with the help of stacking two or more basic shapes.

  • This chapter includes 15 questions and experiments that ensure the students understand shapes and patterns.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 2 – Toy Joy

Let us Do

Question A: Use old boxes (cubes and cuboids) and bottles (cylinders) to do craft work. Draw faces on them.

Ans: Here are some ideas students can follow to make use of the old boxes and bottles for craft work and drawing faces on them:

Materials Needed: Old boxes (cubes and cuboids) and Old bottles (cylinders), Markers or paint, Scissors, Glue, Construction paper or coloured paper and Craft accessories (like googly eyes, yarn for hair, etc.)


  1. Clean the boxes/ bottles and ensure all boxes and bottles are clean and dry.

  2. Decide on faces or characters you want to create. This can be animals, people, or imaginative creatures.

  3. Use markers or paint to draw faces on each box and bottle. For the boxes, you can draw faces on one side or multiple sides.

  4. For bottles, draw the face around the curved surface.

  5. Add Details by cutting out shapes from construction paper for additional features like ears, noses, and mouths. Use glue to attach these features to the boxes and bottles.

You can arrange your crafted faces to create a scene or display them around your room!

Question B: Jaya is building a rocket with her shapes. What shapes has she used? How many of each?

Cube: _____________ Cuboid: _____________

Cone: _____________ Cylinder: _____________

What shape is between the red cuboid and yellow cuboid?

What shape is on the top of the orange cylinder?

What shape is under the pink cone?

hape is under the pink cone

Ans: By the image given, the arrangement of different shapes is shown.

There is one huge cylinder in the middle at the bottom which is making the body of the rocket, four cuboids around the cylinder are making the wings and the cubes and cones are making the upper body and nose of the rocket. So there are:

Cube: _____2________ Cuboid: _________4____

Cone: ______1_______ Cylinder: _______1______

There is an orange cylinder between the red and yellow cuboid.

There is a blue cube on top of the cylinder.

There is a purple cube under the pink cone. 

Question C: Devika went to a shop and bought a toy engine.

Here is Devika’s toy engine. It has many

parts. Count and fill.

________ red cylinder(s) ________ yellow cone(s)

________ grey cuboid(s) ________ blue cube(s)

a toy engine

Ans: In the image shown, the train has one big red cylinder, two yellow coloured cones on top of the cylinder, one grey cuboid at the bottom and one blue cube.

__1______ red cylinder(s) _____2___ yellow cone(s)

______1__ grey cuboid(s) _____1___ blue cube(s)

Let us Discuss

Question A: Here are some more toys from the toy shop. They are made up of different shapes.

What shapes are used in these toys?

are made up of different shapes


toy dog is made up of a cone and a cylinder

This toy dog is made up of a cone and a cylinder.

toy is made up of a sphere and a thin cylinder

This toy is made up of a sphere and a thin cylinder.


This toy cat is made up of cones, a sphere and a cylinder.


There are cubes and cuboids in this given set of toys.

Let us Do

Question 1: Can you find these shapes in the classroom? Fill in the table with their names.











a. Name the shape that you find the most. __________

b. Name the shape that you find the least. __________

c. Name the objects that are made up of more

than one shape. __________

Ans: Here are some ideas for students: 







Look at these shapes


Look at these shapes and answer


Water Bottles


Chalk box


Birthday Cap




Pencil Case


Tennis ball



Question 2: Look at these shapes and answer the following questions.

Which shapes can you build

  • Circle ⭕ the cubes.

  • Put a tick ✅ against the shapes that are cones.

  • Put a cross ❎ against the shapes that are cylinders.

  • Put a box ⏹️ around the cuboids. 


shapes using cubes

Question 3: Name the shapes

  • with no edges. ______________

  • with only flat faces. ______________

  • with only curved faces. ______________

  • with both straight and curved edges. ______________

  • with both flat and curved faces. ______________

Ans: Shapes with

  • with no edges. _______Sphere_______

  • with only flat faces. ______Cube, Cuboids________

  • with only curved faces. _______Sphere_______

  • with both straight and curved edges. _____Semi circle_________

  • with both flat and curved faces. _____Cylinder_____

Question 4: Which shapes can you build?

Look at a die

Ans: You can create shapes using clay and sticks. Use clay to make the corners (vertices) and sticks to connect them (edges). Try making simple shapes like a cube, cuboid, pyramid by joining the sticks with clay at each corner. It's a fun way to learn geometry!

Question 5: Try to make these shapes using cubes.

In what order is this model built.

Ans: To make these shapes using cubes, start by stacking cubes as shown in the picture. For the first shape, place three cubes in a line and add two more on top. For the second shape, stack two cubes vertically and attach three cubes in an L-shape around them.

Question 6: In what ways are these shapes the same? In what ways are they different?

how many different ways can you join 3 cubes



All the given shapes have faces, edges, and vertices.


Shapes like the cylinder and cone have curved surfaces, while the cuboid and cube have flat faces.

The number of faces, edges, and vertices are different for each shape.

Question 7: Look at a die. The faces have 1 to 6 dots.

This can be arranged in two different ways either in a straight line or top of each other

What number is on:

• the face opposite number 1? _____________

• the face opposite number 2? _____________

• the face opposite number 3? _____________

• What pattern do you notice? _____________

Ans: A dice is basically a cube with six faces having dots numbered from 1 to 6.

In a standard dice:

The face opposite to number 1 is number 6.

The face opposite to number 2 is number 5.

The face opposite to number 3 is number 4.

The pattern that emerges is that the sum of the numbers on opposite faces of a dice always equals 7.

Question 8: In what order is this model built?

The two cubes can be adjacent to each other in two different ways, and the third cube can be on either end.

Ans: The model is built in the following order:

  1. Two cuboid platforms at the bottom.

  2. The stack of pink cuboids as stairs.

  3. A thin cuboid placed on the platform.

  4. Four cylinders placed on the corners of the cuboid.

  5. Again a thin cuboid placed on the cylinders.

  6. The blue cones are placed at the top of the cuboid.

Question 9: In how many different ways can you join 3 cubes? Try and see.

seo images

Ans: All three cubes in a straight line: This can be arranged in two different ways: either in a straight line or top of each other.

third cube can be on either end

how the shapes are arranged to make them.

Two cubes together and one cube separate: The two cubes can be adjacent to each other in two different ways, and the third cube can be on either end.

the structures we will get.

Question 10: Name the shapes used in these models. Describe how the shapes are arranged to make them.

the structures we will get b

Ans: (a) Uses four cuboids arranged in layers with one orange cuboid horizontally, two green cuboids placed on it horizontally in the middle, and one red cuboid at top of them.

(b) Uses 7 cuboids such that six of them are the same size stacked vertically, alternating colours, with one big green cuboid on top of the stack.

(c) Uses 7 cuboids all of them stacked vertically, alternating between red and orange.

(d) Uses 3 cuboids stacked horizontally in layers with green, red and yellow cuboids each shifted to the right.

Question 11:  Use six dice to make the following shapes:

(a) A Cuboid

(b) A tower 

(c) Any other shape of your choice

Ans: The following are the structures we will get:


the structures we will get d






NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 5 - "Toy Joy" plays a pivotal role in shaping young minds' mathematical foundation. This chapter introduces children to the captivating world of geometry simply and engagingly. Through these solutions, students learn to identify and understand various shapes and develop problem-solving skills by working through exercises and activities. The comprehensive nature of NCERT solutions ensures that students of all abilities can grasp the concepts effectively. Furthermore, these solutions promote critical thinking, spatial awareness, and creativity. Overall, NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 2 is a vital resource for educators and parents, fostering a love for mathematics and nurturing a solid mathematical foundation in young learners.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths Chapter 2 Toy Joy

1. What are the basic shapes taught in Class 3 Chapter 2 Toy Joy?

Circle, semi circle, square, rectangle, triangle, and oval.

2. What is a pattern?

A pattern is a sequence of shapes or objects that repeats in a specific order.

3. How can a student of Class 3 Maths identify a pattern?

By looking for repeating sequences in shapes, colours, or objects.

4. What is a 2D shape taught in Class 3 Maths Chapter 2?

A shape that has length and width but no depth, like a square or circle.

5. What is a 3D shape taught in Class 3 Maths Chapter 2?

A shape that has length, width, and depth, like a cube or sphere.

6. How do you create a pattern from shapes taught in Class 3 Chapter 2 Toy Joy?

By arranging shapes in a repeating sequence, like circle, square, circle, square.

7. What is symmetry taught in Class 3?

Symmetry is when one half of a shape is a mirror image of the other half.

8. What are some examples of 3D shapes?

Cube, sphere, cylinder, and cone.

9. How do shapes and patterns help in Class 3 Maths Toy Joy?

They help in understanding geometry, spatial awareness, and problem-solving.

10. How many questions on shapes and patterns appeared in previous exams of Class 3 Maths?

Typically, 3-5 questions related to shapes and patterns are asked in Class 3 exams.