NCERT Solutions for EVS Chapter 1 Super Senses Class 5 - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Evs Chapter 1 Super Senses
1. Which animal is considered to be having the strongest power sense?
Among other terrestrial mammals, bears have the strongest smelling sense. Black bears can travel up to eighteen miles in a straight direction to find a source of food, while the brown ones can locate a carcass underwater. In addition, polar bears can determine the smell of seals across three feet of ice.
2. Which animals are smarter – dogs or cats?
Researches have stated that dogs are relatively smarter than cats. To be precise, dogs hold 530 million cortical neurons, while the number for cats is 250 million.
3. Which organisms have super senses?
The animals which have super senses are Bats (echolocation), Platypus (electroreception), Snakes (infrared radiation detection), Catfish (sense of taste), Octopus (polarised vision), Jewel Beetles (detect the presence of fire), Cavefish (sense of hearing), African Bush Elephant (sense of smell), Bees (understanding of the magnetic field of Earth), Spiders (sensitive to touch), Mantis Shrimp (complex visual system), etc.
4. What are super senses?
Animals have senses that help them see, hear, taste, smell and feel. But these senses are more enhanced in some animals. For example, some animals can hear the faintest sounds whereas some can locate their friends just by their smell. These senses are known as super senses as they are a more amplified version of the usual senses like taste and smell. For complete details on Chapter 1 Class 5 EVS, you can visit Vedantu app or the website.
5. In what ways do human beings make use of this special sense of dogs?
Dogs mark their area and they can identify any other animal evading their area just by the smell of its excreta or urine. This way, they can be used by the army to help them detect any terrorists who might be entering the army camps or in any unwanted territory. Their sense of smell can also be used to detect drugs or weapocns by training them to do so.
6. What are the benefits of Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Question Answer?
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 are quite beneficial to students for a comprehensive study. All of the solutions are written to follow the CBSE standards in the letter. They are created by knowledgeable specialists who are well-versed in the field. Learners may get an understanding of question patterns as well as how to compose them in order to achieve high marks. As a result, standard 5 students should go ahead and get Vedantu's Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 answer PDF. You may also see study resources on the internet.
7. How long did it take for the ant to come?
When something sweet is dropped to the ground or at any place within the reach of ants, it only takes a few minutes for an ant to come. As soon as one ant comes, the other ants follow it and they collect the sweet that was on the ground. This is because the ants have a great sense of smell and they also leave a smell when they go somewhere, this way the other ants can follow them or they can find their way back to their nest.
8. Can animals see colours?
Animals are unable to see as many colours as humans. Animals that are awake during the day are thought to be able to see some colours. Those animals who are awake at night can only view black and white images. This concept is explained in detail in Class 5 Science Chapter 1. Students can download the NCERT Solutions free of cost to study offline.
9. What are some key takeaway points from Class 5th EVS Chapter 1?
It’s important to understand that our senses are invaluable tools that connect us with our surroundings. Each sense uniquely influences our perception of the world, and caring for them ensures a healthier and more enriched life experience.
10. What main topics are covered in Class 5 Chapter 1 PDF?
Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 explores how our senses—sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—help us experience and understand the world around us. It discusses their functions, importance, and how we can care for them.