NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 16 - Who Will Do This Work
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Evs Chapter 16 Who Will Do This Work
1. What is the inspirational childhood story given in the lesson?
The story is about a seven-year-old boy. One day, he went away on vacation with his father where he saw that a barber is cutting long hair of a buffalo. The buffalo's owner paid him a lot of money. He went to the barber and asked him to cut his hair. The barber replied that as you are an untouchable person, I should not cut your hair. If so, I and my scissors will also become dirty like you. After a long time, he became a world-recognized person known by the name of Bhimrao Baba Saheb Ambedkar. He is the person who fought for the eradication of untouchability, and the Constitution was made by him.
2. Which jobs are considered as cleaning jobs?
The cleaning jobs include cleaning the surroundings, cleaning our houses, etc. These jobs will come under the cleaning jobs. Sweeping roads, cleaning utensils, haircuts, drainage cleaners, maids, garbage collectors, etc. will come under the cleaning jobs. These are common cleaning jobs in society. We should always treat them with courtesy and respect.
3. Why can’t the people do any other kind of work besides cleaning in Chapter 16 of Class 5 EVS?
According to Chapter 16 of Class 5 EVS, those working as cleaners belonged to a group of people who had been doing the same job for a number of generations. Therefore, even if they had a decent education and a degree, they still ended up working in the same field and doing the same job. There is no way for them to stop what has been occurring for a very long time.
4. Who tried to change the situation of these people doing nothing but cleaning jobs for generations?
As per Chapter 16 of Class 5 EVS, most of the people who did cleaning jobs were from a community that was engaged in the same field of work for generations. People had taken their work for granted and placed them in a position below dignity standards. The person who tried to change this notion was Mahatma Gandhi. However, changing this is never easy, especially when it has existed for so long and has been going on for generations.
5. Why does Mahatma Gandhi say that cleaning is a skill?
Mahatma Gandhi was a person who worked for the welfare of the people. He tried to change the notions regarding the community of people who had been doing cleaning jobs for several years and generations of their life. However, Gandhiji viewed all kinds of jobs, including cleaning, as something that can benefit each person. Each job allows a person to learn a lesson, and learning things is like learning skills.
6. Who is BR Ambedkar mentioned in Chapter 16 of Class 5 EVS?
Bhim Rao Ramji Ambedkar in Chapter 16 of Class 5 EVS used to be known as little Bhim in his childhood years. He had become very famous during his lifetime, and he is now known all over the world as BR Ambedkar, the maker of the Indian Constitution. He was an advocate of justice, and he actively fought for other Dalits and people like him who were marginalised, downtrodden, and regarded as untouchables.
7. What is the main idea behind Chapter 15, ‘Who will Do This Work’ in EVS for Class 5 students?
Chapter 15 helps students learn about the work done by the poor community of the country and how they cannot escape this kind of work. Cleaning jobs include removing trash, dirt, and garbage lying around, and this is a difficult job for which no credit or dignity is given. The chapter encourages students to see the work for its value and treat them with kindness and respect. The solutions provided by Vedantu are free of cost. They are also available on the Vedantu Mobile app.