NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 - Does It Look the Same
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 Does It Look The Same
1. What is There in the Chapter ‘Does it Look the Same’?
Ans. The chapter deals with a lot of challenging problems that involve mirror images. Sometimes mirror images are symmetrical, and sometimes they are not. It builds up to the problem of symmetry in higher mathematics. The questions are both interesting and require mental skill and imagination.
NCERT solutions Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 will help those students who find it difficult to do these problems because of the visual aspect of it. Students need to imagine how mirror images work. Otherwise, the chapter can be quite challenging.
2. Where can I get the Solutions for ‘Does it Look the Same’?
Ans. You can quickly get these answers for Does it Look the Same Class 5 Maths from any online portal. And students can make use of them whenever they require. Vedantu also offers solutions in a very efficient and easy-to-understand format. Vedantu’s solution set has an advantage over others, because of its ease of access and superior working out of problems.
It comes in an easy to download pdf format. So you can also use it for offline use as well. Students who are struggling to visualise the concepts of this chapter should make use of the solution set since visualisation is not everybody’s cup of tea.
3. What is Symmetry or “Mirror” Symmetry?
Ans. Mirror symmetry or reflection symmetry refers to the symmetry of an object as it appeared when it reflected in a mirror. For example, take a square and draw a dotted line along its centre. Placing a mirror along this dotted line, you will notice that the reflection of the rectangle (a square cut in half) is the same as the opposite part of the cut square. It proves they are symmetrical along the central dotted line.
CBSE Class 5 Maths Chapter 5 solutions can help students in their quest to understand symmetry. The answers will guide students and clear all their doubts regarding the symmetry of objects.
4. What are the concepts covered in Chapter 5 of Maths of Class 5?
Ans: The concepts that are predominantly covered in Chapter 5 of Maths of Class 5 are;
Drawing different patterns and making comparisons between them
Comprehending the shapes of the different patterns
Jumbling the position of the different alphabets and figures and making a comparison between them.
To understand and master all the concepts that the Chapter 5 of Maths of Class 5 offers, it is important that the student refers to the NCERT solutions. The different exercises that this exercise offers will help the student in attaining a thorough and in-depth understanding of the topics, which will, in turn, help them solve all the questions that might be asked from this particular chapter.
5. Which numbers from 0-9 look the same after half a turn?
Ans: When counting from 0 to 9, the numbers that look exactly the same after half the turn are; 0,1, and 8. These numbers can be divided into equal and similar halves.
To understand this more, the student should practise drawing these numbers and then dividing them in half. Referring to the NCERT solutions will prove to be the best source of guidance. The exercises from these solutions will make the learning process much easier for them, and make them adept at all the important topics.
6. Where to access the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 5 of Maths of Class 5?
Ans: The NCERT Solutions for Chapter 5 of Maths of Class 5 can be easily downloaded from the website of Vedantu. These exercises are designed by experts to meet the needs of the students. The various exercises tend to cover all the important areas in the chapter so that the student is not left behind on anything. The language that is used is extremely lucid, which helps the student retain all the important topics. With the practice of the Exercises that the NCERT solutions offer, the student no doubt will be the master of his/her subjects. The solutions are free of cost. They are also available on Vedantu Mobile app.
7. How to prepare for Chapter 5 of Maths of Class 5?
Ans: Maths as a subject requires continuous practice in order to be a master of it. Therefore, the student should make it routine to practice all the exercises regularly in order to be thorough with the concepts. Apart from this, Chapter 5 of Maths of Class 5 is a very interesting chapter, as it requires the student to play with diagrams, and learn about them as well. Thus, the student is never bored and will always enjoy the learning process.
8. What is symmetry according to Chapter 5 of Maths of Class 5?
Ans: Symmetry refers to the shape that an object or a figure takes when it is flipped, turned or cut into half. It is the balanced and equal proportions that are found when the object is cut into two halves. This chapter deals with the basic understanding of the concept of symmetry. With a stronghold on this, the student will be able to deal with much more complex concepts in the future that will revolve around the understanding of this chapter. Therefore, it is evident for the students of Class 5 to be thorough with all the concepts that this particular chapter offers.