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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 8 - A Pact With The Sun


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 8 - A Pact with the Sun - Free PDF Download

English is one of the commonly spoken languages in the entire world. There are also many experts who regard English as the international business language. Because of these reasons, students from a very young age are taught English in their classes.


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 English - A Pact with The Sun

Chapter Name:

Chapter 8 - A Pact with The Sun

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Soon, students are expected to have excellent reading and writing skills in this language. Sadly, this is not possible for many students, as English is a tricky language. This raises the question of what one should do if he or she is stuck while answering the Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 8 questions given in NCERT Solutions Hindi textbook.

If you are stuck in this situation, then you should buckle down and download Class 6 A Pact with the Sun Chapter 8 solutions pdf offered  by Vedantu. Students can download these solutions in pdf format and access it anytime and anywhere.

Subjects like Science, Maths, English,Hindi will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 6 Science , Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 8- A Pact With The Sun

1. What did the physicians ask Saeeda's mother to do to get well? Did their advice  help her? If not, why? 

Ans: The physicians prescribed medicines and Saeeda’s mother was forbidden to eat  normal food. She was also given strict orders to remain confined in a small, dingy room  with all doors and windows shut and was deprived of sunlight and fresh air. No, the physician’s advice did not help her. Her health showed a few signs of improvement  but again relapsed into her old condition. She always had new complaints regarding body ache, painful joints etc, hence in a way their advice deteriorated her condition. 

2. What did the specialist prescribe in addition to medicine? 

Ans: The specialist prescribed an hour of sunlight and fresh air. Also, the doctor suggested  that she should change her room and shift to a bigger room and keep the doors and windows  open. He also allowed her to eat anything she wished like chapati, vegetables, fruits, milk,  etc.  

3. What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do? 

Ans: Saeeda made a special request to the sunrays to bring lots of warmth and brightness  because her mother was ill and in need of the sunrays' help. 

4. Why were the sunrays keen to go down to the earth the next day? 

Ans: The sunrays were keen to go down to the earth the next day as they had promised  Saeeda to help her mother. They made a pact with Saeeda that they will come back with  warmth and brightness the next day. They kept their promise and went to her courtyard. 

5. What is your formula for keeping good health? 

Ans: My formula for keeping good health is early to bed and early to rise and also an hour  of exercise in fresh air helps in keeping a good health. 

6. Who would you recommend to a patient in your neighborhood - the physicians  contacted first or the specialist contacted next? Give reasons for your choice?

Ans: I would recommend the patient to contact the specialist as the advice he gave was the  best advice one could ever give to a patient. Breathing clean and fresh air and basking in  the sunlight for sometime helps us fight several diseases and is also essential for our well  being. 

7. When would you make a pact with the Sun? When you are going on a picnic or  when you are playing a cricket match? Things of other occasions?

Ans: I would make a pact with the Sun when I am going for a picnic with my friends and  family. Also, I would like to make a pact with the Sun on occasions like festivals. 

NCERT Solution Class 6 A Pact With The Sun Chapter 8  - Free PDF Download

We at Vedantu believe that students should use all the help at their disposal. This can help students in scoring the best possible marks. We also help students by providing the NCERT Solutions for all the subjects.

On this page, we are providing NCERT Solutions for Class 6 A Pact with the Sun Chapter 8 in pdf format for free.

Students can download NCERT solutions for Class 6  A Pact with the Sun Chapter 8 through the link given below for free. These solutions are written by the best teachers in India. These teachers are extremely knowledgeable, talented, and qualified.

This also means that all solutions are completely accurate and reliable. Students can use these files to understand all the mistakes that they commonly make. This will provide them with knowledge of what they should or should not do.

Students can download these solutions by tapping on the pdf link given below.

NCERT Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter Wise Solutions

Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 8: A Pact with the Sun

Chapter 8 of Class 6 English NCERT supplementary book ‘A Pact with the Sun’ comes with the same name, i.e. ‘A Pact with the Sun.’ In this chapter, readers are introduced to an emotional story of a little girl named Saeeda and her sick mother. Saeeda’s mother is ailing from fever, cough, and body and joint pain. Despite several efforts, no treatment has helped her yet. On the recommendations of a  specialist, she moves to a bigger room to bask in the sunlight and inhale the fresh air daily.

Unfortunately, the sun does not show up in the sky for a few days and it is gloomy and cloudy. Saeeda then prays and makes a pact with the sun rays so that they appear the next morning and her mother gets the warmth and starts recovering well. Do you think the sun's rays kept their promise? Download the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 ‘A Pact with the Sun’ Chapter 8 in PDF format for free and learn more about the story of Saeeda and her mother. 

Marks Weightage of Class 6 English Chapter 8 A Pact With The Sun

Chapter 8 of the English NCERT book is an interesting chapter. A thorough reading of the chapter is required along with solving textbook questions and other sample questions. Students should be adept with the theme of the story and essential concepts before they appear for the exam. 


This chapter teaches a lot of important lessons. Students can expect to receive both long and short answer-type questions from this chapter. The questions might also range from being 1, 3, 4, or even 5 marks.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for A Pact With The Sun Class 6 Chapter 8

There are many benefits of downloading Chapter 8 A Pact With The Sun Class 6 NCERT solutions. Some of those benefits are mentioned below.

  • All solutions are followed by an explanation. This explanation helps students better understand the meaning of both the question and the answer.

  • All solutions can be downloaded for free.

  • Solutions are available in a pdf file. This file can be viewed on almost all devices.

  • Students can also take online live classes.

  • Students can post their queries online if they have any doubts.

These are all the major benefits of downloading pdf solutions. Do you wish to experience the same benefits? If yes, then download the Vedantu app today!

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We at Vedantu have made it our aim to help all students in their mission to get the best possible marks. We understand that all of this is only possible if students can access high-quality academic help.

We provide students with just that kind of academic help. Students can access the Vedantu platform to download the solutions to NCERT questions. Students can enroll in online live classes and post their queries on the Vedantu platform.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 8 - A Pact With The Sun

1. Where Did the Young Boy Go with His Uncle?

The young boy was named Rasheed, and he visited the local Eid fair with his uncle.

2. Is it Common to Come Across ‘lucky shops’? What Should Have Rasheed Done After Looking at the Lucky Shop?

 It is common for people to come across shops like the ‘Lucky Shop.’ And after coming across the shop, Rasheed should have waited for his uncle on the side. He should not have spent all his money to try his luck.

3. I Didn’t Understand the Answer to a Question in the pdf Document. I Have Looked at the Explanation, and I Still Have a Doubt. What Should I Do?

If a student has gone through the entire pdf document and still has doubts, then he or she should post those queries on the Vedantu platform. One of our in-house teachers will reply to the query with the correct answer as soon as possible.

4. What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do according to NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 of Class 6 Supplementary English?

Saeeda asked the sunrays to touch the earth's surface the next day with a lot of warmth and brightness. Saeeda requested this so that her mother could get well with the help of the rays of the Sun. 

For a more detailed answer to this question, students should read their textbook more carefully and thoroughly. Also, students can consult the Vedantu solutions for Class 6 English. They are available online for free and are also available for download.

5. Why were the sunrays keen to go down to the earth the next day as discussed in NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 of Class 6 Supplementary English?

The sunrays had given their word to Saeeda that they would come down the next day to help Saeeda’s mother get well. This is the reason why the Sun rays were keen to go down to the earth the next day. To keep their word, the sunrays were very keen to go down to the earth the next day. This is the answer that has been discussed in NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 of Class 6 Supplementary English.

6. What was a pact with the Sun?

A pact with the Sun is the name of the Supplementary book of Class 6 NCERT English. There is a chapter of the same name in this book. In this chapter, the story discusses the life of a mother and her daughter, Saeeda.


Saeeda made a pact with the Sun where she asked them to come down the next day with lots of warmth and happiness so that her mother’s health could be improved.

7. Who made the pact with the Sun? What was it about according to Chapter 8 of Class 6 Supplementary English?

Saeeda made a pact with the Sun. She asked the Sun to come down to earth the next day with lots of warmth and happiness so that it could improve her mother’s health. A pact with the sun is a story about an ailing mother and her daughter, Saeeda, who makes a pact with the sun in order to cure her mother.

8. What did the specialist prescribe in addition to medicine in the chapter, A pact with the Sun?

The specialist prescribed a few very costly medicines. Along with that, the doctor asked her to eat healthy food like vegetables, fruits, chapati, etc. He also asked them to move to a bigger room with lots of open windows and a big door.


The students should read the chapter from their textbook to remember this answer properly. They should also refer to the Vedantu solutions for more detailed and accurate answers.