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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 9 - What Happened To The Reptiles


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 9 - What Happened to the Reptiles - Free PDF Download

There are often two types of students. One type of students work hard all the time and manage to score good marks in almost all examinations. But these students often lack in other areas of their lives like physical education and social pursuits. On the other hand, there are types of students who somehow manage to do all of this without any issue. Have you ever wondered how those students do that?


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 English - A Pact with The Sun

Chapter Name:

Chapter 9 - What Happened to The Reptiles

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

If you have, then you are in the right place. The reason why some students seem to manage everything is that they get outside help. And in many cases, that help is sought from Vedantu.

We at Vedantu provide NCERT solutions for Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Chapter 9 pdf on this page for the students who are looking for the solutions of the exercises covered in Chapter 9.

Subjects like Science, Maths, English,Hindi will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 6 Science , Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 6 English Chapter 9 – What Happened To The Reptiles

1. In what way is Pambupatti different from any other village?

Ans: Pambupatti's residents lived in harmony. They were not fighting for religious or linguistic reasons. Pambupatti is unlike any other village in this regard.

2. Why is Prem determined not to return to his village?

Ans: The communal disturbances in his hamlet made life in the village dangerous for him and the other residents. During the riots, people set fire to their homes and killed each other. For this reason, Prem was adamant about not returning to his village.

3. Why did Makara dislike tortoises, snakes, and lizards? Write a line about each.

Ans: Tortoises were Makara's least favourite animals since they were slow and foolish.

Snakes were repulsive to him because they were slimy and made amusing noises.

He despised lizards since they were unreliable due to their colour changes.

4. What went wrong when the tortoises, snakes, and lizards left the forest?

Ans: There was a difficult period. In the absence of tortoises, the woodland became filled with the terrible odour of rotting fruits and fish. In the absence of snakes, rats multiplied, and there were millions of insects in the forest without lizards.

5. Why do you think Prem wants to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village?

Ans: People in Prem's hamlet had gone insane, and they were fighting amongst themselves in the name of religion. Pambupatti's story conveyed a message of peace and coexistence. It emphasized the importance of cohabitation. As a result, Prem desired to deliver the message to his village.

6. Do you agree that it is difficult not to go along with someone powerful? Express your views frankly and clearly.

Ans: The general people are indeed peace-loving people. They live in continual terror of the troublesome acts of the powerful and wealthy. It is human instinct to side with the power to ensure one's safety. People, on the other hand, stand up to bullies when they are pushed to the limit. They take up arms and effectively combat the enemies.

7. If you were a baby crocodile, would you tell Makara that he was wrong? What would you say to convince him?

Ans: As a newborn crocodile, I would tell the adults that this world belongs to all living creatures. To persuade my father, Makara, that he is mistaken, I shall provide him with the following arguments:

(a) It is the responsibility of the powerful to protect the vulnerable rather than to harass them.

(b) This planet is not solely owned by one human or animal.

(c) All are interconnected and play a vital role in the creation of the earth's lovely ecosystem. All are interconnected and play a vital role in the creation of the earth's lovely ecosystem.

NCERT Solutions For Class 6 A Pact with The Sun Chapter 9 - Free PDF  Download

If a student wants to score the best possible marks, then he or she cannot afford to lose time. Students who are highly motivated to score good marks should also get all the extra academic help that they can.

We at Vedantu understand all of this. This is why we have made it our aim to help all students in any way that we can. We provide students with various academic services like NCERT solutions for all subjects in pdf format, live online classes, doubts sessions etc.

In this article, we are offering NCERT Solution for Class 6 A Pact With The Sun Chapter 9 pdf for the students who are facing issues while solving the exercise questions of this chapter. These solutions can be downloaded by students for free in a pdf format. Further, it is important to note that these answers are completely reliable and accurate. Students can always refer to these answers whenever they are in doubt.

NCERT Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter Wise Solutions

Class 6 A Pact With The Sun Chapter 9: What Happened to the Reptiles

Question 1. When Prem reached Pambupatti what type of village did he see?

(a) Prem saw a deserted village

(b) Prem saw a village of forests

(c) Prem saw a peaceful village

(d) Prem saw a wild village

Answer: (c) Prem saw a peaceful village

Question 2. What did the people in Pambupatti village believe in?

(a) The people of Pambupatti village believed in simple living

(b) The people of Pambupatti village believed in fighting in the name of religion

(c)  The people of Pambupatti village believed in fighting in the name of

(d) The people of Pambupatti village believed in leading a peaceful living language

Answer: (d) The people of Pambupatti village believed in leading a peaceful living language

Question 3. What did Prem feel when he opened his eyes?

(a) When Prem opened his eyes he saw himself to be surrounded by the

(b) He got to eat rich food love people

(c) He got to play the whole day

(d) He got to browse the net

Answer:(a) When Prem opened his eyes he saw himself to be surrounded by the


Question 4. What did Prem wish for?

(a) Prem wished to enjoy living without parents

(b) Prem wished to never go back to his village

(c) Prem wished to continue playing cricket

(d) Prem wished to continue to work at the garage

Answer: (b) Prem wished to never go back to his village

Question 5. Why was Makara rated important?

(a) Makara was rated important as he was the president

(b) Makara was rated important as he was the biggest

(c) Makara was rated important as he was the wisest

(d)  Makara was rated important as he was strong and powerful

Answer: (d)  Makara was rated important as he was strong and powerful

Question 6. What did the lizards do?

(a) The lizards could carry trees

(b) The lizards could not carry trees

(c) The lizards could carry eggs

(d) none of the above

Answer: (b)  The lizards could not carry trees

Chapter 9 of Class 6th English NCERT book is titled ‘What Happened to the Reptiles.’ In this chapter, students are introduced to a peaceful village, which is called Pambupatti. This village is inhabited by a lot of people.

Students are told about the story of how long ago only reptiles used to live in the forest. This caused disruption in the lives of the villagers. Through this story, students are taught about the importance of co-existence.

Students are made to understand the fact that every living being holds importance in how the world functions. And one should never ignore the fact and cause destruction blindly.

Marks Weightage of Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 9 Question Answer

In Chapter 9, which is titled ‘What Happened to the Reptiles,’ students are taught a very important lesson. This lesson is to never underestimate the role that every animal plays in the functioning of the world.

This lesson is something that is very valid to the current times. Because of this, students can expect quite a few questions from this chapter. The questions can range from 1, 3, and 6 marks. If a student wants to be prepared with all the questions, then he or she should solve every NCERT question mentioned at the end of the chapter.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 9

There are many exciting benefits that students tend to experience after they download NCERT solutions of the English CBSE book from Vedantu. Do you want to know what those benefits are? If yes, then go through the list that is mentioned below.

  • All answers are written according to the guidelines set by CBSE

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  • The solutions are available for students to download without having to pay anything!

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 9 - What Happened To The Reptiles

1. How Was Pambupatti Village Different from Other Villages?

The one characteristic feature of the Pambupatti village was that it was very peaceful. In this village, people did not fight or cause riots. Everybody lived in harmony with one another.

2. What Happened When the Tortoise, Snake, and Lizards Left the Forest?

Once the tortoise left the forest, the entire forest started smelling like rotten fruit. Eventually, that attracted rats, and since there were no snakes and lizards, the rats started to multiply and grew a lot. There were also many other nasty insects that inhabited the forest.

3. Why Didn’t Prem Want to Go Back to His Village?

Prem lived in a very violent village. In this village, people were always fighting and causing riots. There were other groups of men who burned houses and caused disruption. Prem had successfully escaped that environment and did not ever want to go back there.

4. Is the pdf Available for Free?

Yes, students can download the pdf file containing all the answers for free!

5. Why is Prem determined not to return to his village?

Prem was determined not to return to his village because the people of his village went mad and burned down mosques and temples. There was a religious crisis in his village. The chaos that ensued in Prem’s village due to religious conflicts made Prem determined to not return to his village. To get more detailed and better answers, read your textbook. Also, do not forget to consult Vedantu for the solutions to all of these questions related to the chapter and more.

6. What was it that made Prem leave his village?

There were communal riots in Prem’s village which made living there unsafe for him. This is the reason why Prem left his village. The reasons for the conflicts are more detailed and are necessary for the students to know. For long answers, students need to read this chapter from their textbook very thoroughly. The textbook will help students answer all kinds of questions properly. If students need references or solutions, they can always consult Vedantu. Vedantu is a legit and trustworthy website that provides students with the best chapter wise answers for their NCERT subjects free of cost.

7. In what way is Pambupatti different from any other village?

Pambupatti was different from any other village because it was a peaceful village whereas, in other villages, there were clashes among the people. Pambubatti posed a sense of peace and serenity over its residents, unlike other villages which posed a sense of chaos. Refer to the Vedantu solutions for Class 6 NCERT English to get more proper and detailed answers regarding any questions. The solutions are available for free and also downloadable in PDF format from the Vedantu website and app.

8. What happened to the reptile's answer?

Makara was very selfish. Being selfish, he drove all the other reptiles out. He got rid of snakes, turtles, and everything else one by one. To learn more about the story of the reptiles and the forest, please refer to your textbook. In order to answer a question properly, one needs to be very thorough with the text of the chapter. If it is done in a proper way, then students would not face any difficulties regarding answering any questions.

9. What went wrong when the tortoise snakes and lizards left the forest in Chapter 9 of Class 6 English?

When all the snakes, lizards, and tortoises were driven out of the forest, the forest slowly began to fill with the foul smell of rotting fruits and fishes. The presence of rats also increases due to the absence of snakes. Without the lizards, millions of insects filled the forest.