NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter-4 Poem - Beauty - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 4 - Beauty
1. What does this poem talk about?
The main focus of this poem is to teach readers about the existence of beauty around them. Often times, people tend to forget about how beautiful the world is. John Keats, through his romanticism, explains how beauty is unparalleled, and cannot be compared. It exists in every aspect of living or inanimate around us.
Through this solution, students are taught about the existence of beauty in this world in detail. Exercises present in this chapter will help students comprehend this lesson better.
2. How does the poet explain beauty?
Beauty has been explained by the poet to be all around us. He sees beauty in every aspect that students can learn by reading these solutions. The questions and answers present here have been constructed to help students attain proper knowledge on the diversity of beauty.
Exercises include filling the blanks and finding the meaning of a sentence to help students comprehend this poem.
3. What do students learn from this poem?
By reading this poem, students are taught about the existence of beauty around them. In a materialistic world, there is beauty all around us, and people need to realize it. Not only a person but even non-living things can be beautiful.
Happy thoughts and good dreams can also be beautiful if the person perceiving it sees beauty in that way. Golden hues of cornfields to even nightfall can seem beautiful for a person who can see the beauty in all things around them.
4. Who is the poet of Beauty Class 6?
The poem “Beauty” is written by the poet, E -Yeh Shure. In this poem, E- Yeh Shure tries to acknowledge the beauty of the things that are around us. According to him, everything has beauty, from the trees, the plants, the birds to the mountains, the winds, the laughs of children and whatnot! Beauty is dependent on the eyes of the person who is seeing these things. A beautiful mind sees everything beautifully.
5. How does the poet define beauty?
The poet, E Yeh Shure, believes that beauty is everywhere. It is present in the sunlight, in the children laughing, the people working, in the wind, the trees, the rain, the birds, the sunlight, the harvest of crops and everything else. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. An honest and sincere person will be able to feel the beauty around him easily. To study more about the chapter, visit Vedantu page NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English.
6. What is the meaning of the last stanza in Beauty?
In the last stanza of the poem ‘Beauty’ by E-Yeh-Shure, the poet is talking about the beauty of good deeds, happy thoughts, and the beauty that lies within us. The poet is urging all the people to carry out good deeds and think about good things. You should repeat good thoughts in your mind when you are dreaming, when you are at work, or even when resting. Good thoughts will make you positive.
7. When can beauty be heard?
According to the poet E Yeh Shure, beauty can be heard at any time. You can hear beauty during the night. You can experience beauty when the wind is blowing, the rain is falling, or when the singer is singing a melodious song. You can experience beauty whenever you want; all you need is the right mindset. A person who carries out good deeds and has good thoughts will easily admire the beauty around him.
8. What does the poet mean by ‘beauty is in yourself’ in Beauty?
The poet E-Yeh-Shure wants us to look at the beauty that lies within us. We should appreciate our beauty and love ourselves. It is only when we start appreciating ourselves that we will be able to see the beauty in other things. Carrying out good deeds and having happy thoughts will help us in being positive towards life. We should keep repeating these beautiful thoughts in our dreams, at our work, and even when we are relaxing.