NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions For Class 6 English Honeysuckle
1. What are the topics discussed in NCERT Solution for class 6-English Honeysuckle?
Honeysuckle is one of the best books for class 6 students of the CBSE board. Honeysuckle contains various poems and prose, such as-
Poems are -
The kite
The Quarrel
Where do all the teachers go
A house, A home
The wonderful world
What if
Prose is -
Taro's Reward
Who Did Patrick's Homework
Who I Am
A Different Kind Of School
How the Dog Found Himself a New Master
A Game of Chance
Fair Play
The Banyan Tree
Questions come from the topic mentioned above in the near exam. If you cover all the topics with little more attention, one will secure good grades in the exam, and no such difficulties will arrive.
2. In the lessons 'Desert Animal ' what are the ways the author mentioned adapting the weather to an animal?
In the lesson, the author would live on the various animals that belong to a desert area. Desert refers to a place where there is no water. It is the driest place on the earth, where rain doesn't occur for a month or even a year. As the animal can't survive without water for a long while, they found methods to adapt themselves according to their surroundings.
Firstly, gerbils send the hottest part of the day in who Durrow below the ground and the type of insects for darkling beetles are experts to catch the drop of the moisture on their leg and able to live them into the air and drop theirs into the mouth, that how they fulfil their thirst.
The other animals, Mongoose, have the power to kill the snake without hearing themselves. In the rocket desert of America, their lives snakes who able to makes sounds by their tails terms as RattleSnake, there are two different types of camel such as dromedary and bacterial camel, in their hump, they store fat, when they have nothing to eat they feed to eat. It is a source for their future to feel their stomachs, so the text helps the student with the different methods of coping with the worst situations.
3. How Vedantu helps the students to improve their English skills?
Vedantu contains various topics, according to the NCERT syllabus, which helps to understand the subject English in a good manner, and by reading it spontaneously, one can correct his/her grammatical errors and misperceptions. By attending regular online classes, one can pay the full focus on a particular subject, by completing their revision one becomes a mastermind about the particular chapter, they can gain the whole knowledge regarding the mentioned topic and ensure their skills or learning are reaching a great high. One's disadvantage turns into his/her comfort zone by receiving the mistakes, So, no doubt it is a great learning app in the kid's progress as well as the skills in English.
4. Which book is the best to prepare for the Class 6 English exam?
The best book to prepare for your Class 6 English exam is the NCERT textbook. The reason behind this is that these books follow the curriculum given by the CBSE in a strict manner. By studying from these books, you will have a strong base for your board examination. They also contain question papers set as per the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE.
5. Does Vedantu provide free solutions for NCERT Class 6 English?
Yes, you can access the solutions for NCERT Class 6 English for free on Vedantu’s website. These solutions are available in pdf format and can be downloaded for offline reading. If you are having any issues while solving problems from exercises given in the NCERT textbooks, you should get these pdf solutions. All the answers have been created by experts in a way that is easier for you to study and understand.
6. Are the Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions of Class 6 English textbook Honeysuckle important?
Yes, the Vedantu solutions of Class 6 English are really important. These solutions give you an idea as to how to write the answers in our examination. They also help you learn the chapters in a more thorough manner. Other than that, practising the solutions will help the students prepare for their exam in a better manner and help them score well in the said examinations. These solutions can also be downloaded free of cost from the Vedantu website (
7. Is NCERT Class 6 English Honeysuckle interesting?
NCERT Class 6 English is really interesting. There are a variety of stories and poems in two textbooks of your Class 6 English. All of these stories and poems are unique and interesting in their own way. Each of these poems and stories teaches a different and unique lesson to the students. Students will enjoy reading them as they are told in the form of stories and poems and will also learn a lot from them.
8. How can I score good marks in Class 6 English Honeysuckle?
You can score good marks in your NCERT Class 6 English in the following ways-
Be up to date with whatever is being taught in your class.
Get all of your doubts cleared by your teacher, even if it is a tiny doubt.
Read all the stories and poems in your textbooks thoroughly and try to understand them.
Practise all kinds of questions and answers as much as you can.
Keep revising from time to time.
9. How many chapters are there in Class 6 English Honeysuckle?
For the sixth standard, NCERT has two books. The two textbooks are- the main textbook that is followed as part of the syllabus and a supplementary textbook along with that. Both the main textbook and the supplementary reader have ten chapters each. So including both the books, there are a total of twenty chapters in NCERT Class 6 English.
10. What are the important chapters in Class 6 English Honeysuckle?
There are no chapters in your Class 6 English that can be considered less important than the others. A student should always give equal importance to each chapter. Sometimes chapters are also interconnected. In that case, if one chapter is left out, the student would not be able to understand the next chapter. All of the chapters are equally important and will carry weightage in your examination. Hence, equal importance should be given to all the chapters. To study all the chapters students can refer to the Vedantu website and the app.