Class 6 Hindi Durva NCERT Solutions for Chapter 11 Parvat
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 11 - Parvat
1. What are the Different Modes of Transportation Used by People?
Ans: From the advent of the wheel to our modern luxury cars, transportation has evolved and grown from discovery to an industry. Prehistoric times suggest the evidence of the wheel used in carts and wheelbarrows to carry items from one place to another. In this modern-day and age, one can find a variety of vehicles that help us reach our destination. Some of these vehicles include cars, buses, trains, aeroplanes, boats, ships and trams.
2. What are the Various Natural Monuments a Person can Discover in Their Environment?
Apart from man-made structures that sprawl across landscapes and span centuries of its existence, the natural monuments of the world are fascinating. These structures have evolved with the Earth’s climatic conditions and still exist in beautiful regality. Natural lakes, streams, springs, and estuaries have been shaped and moulded with the changes in the landscape and provide an exquisite beauty. Admiration of this kind of beauty can be portrayed by protecting our environment. One must always cherish this natural phenomenon and guide others to do the same.
3. How can Vedantu help Class 6 students in understanding Hindi Textbook - Durva Chapter 11 “Parvat?”
Chapter 11 "Parvat" introduces some new vocabulary to Class 6 students. This new terminology is extremely important from an examination perspective. Class 6 students may find it hard to grasp this new vocabulary without any external aid. In the era of online studies, Vedantu makes sure that it provides essential explanations of the vocabulary of the chapter along with the information required to understand the chapter better. This allows a smooth understanding of this chapter without any fuss.
4. Are Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 11 of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva accessible offline?
Yes, Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 11 are available for a hassle-free download. Here is how you can download these solutions:
- Go to Vedantu and choose the chapter of your choice.
- Select the option to “Download PDF” as you scroll down on the next page.
- This will redirect you to a new page from where you will be able to easily download the PDF file.
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5. How should students study Chapter 11 of the Class 6 Hindi Durva textbook?
Chapter 11 of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva introduces the students to various modes of transportation in the Hindi language. It also presents them with the vocabulary of various natural structures like mountains, seas, etc. To ace this chapter, students should go through the text, vocabulary, and information provided in the NCERT textbook multiple times. Then they should refer to Vedantu's explanations here to intensify their grasp on the new words and the objectives of the chapter. The solutions are free of cost on Vedantu’s website( They are also available on the Vedantu Mobile app.
6. Does Vedantu provide answers to all the questions of Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 11 “Parvat”?
Yes, Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi (Durva) Chapter 11 “Parvat” provides answers to each exercise question in the textbook. There are a total of seven written questions and four oral exercises in the textbook. Vedantu provides suitable answers to all these exercise questions.
Students can refer to these solutions for practicing the new words learned in the chapter as well as improving their Hindi speaking skills through the oral exercise solutions.
7. What kind of questions can be asked from the Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter 11 textbook in the examination?
Class 6 Hindi Durva Class 11 mainly teaches the students new words through different objects, action words, and things in our environment. Students can expect questions that test their understanding of these words in the exams. For example, questions asking them to match the word to a related picture, fill the blank in a sentence using a relevant word and making their own sentences. If students are through with the words provided in the textbook and exercise questions, they will not find the questions in the exam difficult.