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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 3 Journey To The End of The Earth


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Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT Solutions to Chapter 3 -Journey to the End of the Earth Question Answers. The Class 12 Chapter, Journey to the End of the Earth sheds light on life in the most isolated continent in the world, Antarctica. The chilly regions, barren wasteland, and tundra life are all featured aspects of the chapter.

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The NCERT Solutions for Class 12 are prepared by Master Teachers and Top Experts and updated according to the latest CBSE Class 12 Syllabus. Apart from these solutions, students can also refer to Vedantu for comprehensive expert-compiled solutions for all chapters for NCERT English Class 12.

Glance on Class 12 English Chapter 3 Journey to the End of the Earth

  • Gondwana, a supercontinent 650 million years ago, split into smaller continents.

  • The author visited Antarctica to study continental formation and Earth's origins.

  • India collided with Asia, forming the Himalayas. South America drifted, creating the Drake Passage.

  • The author, from sunny southern India, found Antarctica chilling.

  • Antarctica Holds 90% of Earth's ice and lacks human markers, altering perspective and time.

  • Human impact: Population growth and fossil fuel burning raised CO2 levels, causing climate change.

  • Antarctic ice holds crucial ancient carbon records for climate study.

  • The author joined "Students on Ice," led by Geoff Green, to inspire environmental respect and future policymakers.

  • Retreating glaciers and collapsing ice shelves highlight global warming and Simple Ecosystem shows how minor changes impact the global carbon cycle.

  • Walking on the frozen ocean emphasized Earth's delicate balance.

  • The author found hope in young students' optimism for environmental change.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter -3 Journey to the End of the Earth

Read and Find Out

1. How do geological phenomena help us to know about the history of humankind?

Ans: Geographical lands carry fossils as imprints of history. The fossils provide us with major evidential data to study evolutionary history. Using modern technology like Carbon Dating helps us to determine the age of the fossil. Various civilizations have been excavated at various locations across the globe. Mammals and other flora and fauna existed on land even before the separation of landmass. 


1. What are the indications for the future of humankind?

Ans: As civilization progressed the pollution and damage to nature have been on the continuous increase too. Carbon emissions have increased multiple folds which have led to global warming and the greenhouse effect. These all have melted the glaciers and have led to the extinction of flora and fauna. The gases have depleted the ozone layer which in turn has led to the penetration of UV rays into the atmosphere. These all-environmental issues not only affect the flora and fauna but humankind too and can lead to its end. Antarctica has given significant shocking and much concerning warnings to humanity that the damage it's causing can lead to the end of all.


1. ‘The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica.’ How is the study of this region useful to us?

Ans: Antarctica was once a part of the supercontinent Gondwana land. It later got separated from India and drifted south to create the present continent. The climate on the land changed from warm and humid to extremely cold and frigid. It hence carries a lot of history with itself and can be useful for archaeological purposes too. It is a place one should visit to get a glimpse of past, present, and future coexisting together in a pure and realistic form. The secrets of life are embedded in the deep layers of ice.  Antarctica also provides us warning signs to foresee the consequences of present damage to the environment are. It reminds us that the effects of global warming are real and can produce disastrous consequences.

2. What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students in the Students on Ice expedition?

Ans: Tishani Doshi traveled South to the end of the Earth to Antarctica along with an expedition group ‘Students on Ice.’ Geoff Green took high schools on the expedition because he wanted to make young minds sensitive about climatic changes that are happening around the world. He believes that these young minds are the future policymakers of the world, and it is in their hands that the future lies. He considers them to be the best ones to shoulder the responsibility to save the world and the environment and can turn the situation better.

3. ‘Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves.’ What is the relevance of this statement in the context of the Antarctic environment?

Ans: The statement points out the fact that building up trivial habits and making insignificant changes can bring a substantial change in the world we live in. If every individual takes small steps, the total impact on the world will be massive. The book provides an example of phytoplankton, which are small photosynthetic plants and serve as food for several marine birds and animals. If the ozone layer depletes further, the phytoplankton might get depleted and its contribution to the ecosystem will be depleted which in turn would affect the globe on a large scale. We need to focus on small things and make slight changes so that we can save the world together and make it a better place to live. 

4. Why is Antarctica the place to go to, to understand the earth’s present, past, and future?

Ans: Antarctica was part of the Gondwana land. It, hence, has a mass of lands that have existed millions of years ago and is untouched by humankind. Its present state of melting and breaking apart tells us about the crisis the environment is going through now. Our neglect of the environment has led to an increase in global warming. The state of earth points out the fact that if the present state continues the earth will not sustain for long and the end is near. We need to be conscious and take small steps to protect our Earth from the potential threat and decline its heading towards.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Journey to the End of the Earth Question Answer

  • NCERT Solutions for Journey to The End of The Earth Question Answer provides detailed explanations, enhancing comprehension of the complex geological and environmental concepts discussed in the chapter.

  • These solutions to Class 12 Journey to the End of the Earth Question Answers break down important ideas like the formation of continents, the impact of climate change, and the significance of Antarctica, making them easier to grasp.

  • Through the Class 12 Vistas Chapter 3 Question Answers, students are introduced to specific scientific and environmental terminology used in the chapter, helping to expand their vocabulary and language skills.

  • Thought-provoking Journey to the End of the Earth Solutions Questions encourage students to analyse the text critically, fostering a deeper understanding of the themes such as human impact on the environment and global warming.

  • Model answers and important questions provided in the NCERT Solutions to Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 3 Question Answers help students prepare effectively for exams, ensuring they are familiar with the types of questions that might be asked.

  • Interactive and relatable examples in the Class 12 Journey to the End of the Earth Question Answer solutions make the chapter more engaging and encouraging .

  • The chapter's focus on environmental issues and the significance of Antarctica helps students develop a sense of environmental responsibility and awareness of global ecological challenges.


Journey to the End of the Earth is an eye-opening chapter that introduces students to the adverse effects of global warming, and climate change and sheds light on life on one of the most barren desolate wastelands on earth. Vedantu offers comprehensive Journey to The End of The Earth NCERT Solutions which are compiled by top experts and master teachers at Vedantu. Students can use these solutions to gain a huge boost in their exam preparation and walk into that exam half-prepared like never before.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 3 Journey To The End of The Earth

1. How Much will the Reader be influenced by Reading the NCERT Solution Chapter 2- 'Journey to the End of the Earth'?

From the very first beginning to the last, the author Tishani Joshi describes her journey experienced in Antarctica. This creates a significant impact on the journey lover as well as the nature lover. From this story, one can learn about travelogue in detail. There are so many things which influence a lot such as the beauty of nature and other facts as the author says, that Antarctica, a very beautiful place, stores 90% of earth's total ice volume and there is not a single tree, building, and anything.

There are so many sea animals, birds, and the seal, so it is an amazing environmental view that will impact little more in the reader. Other things have to be observed, such as global warming which will affect Antarctica's biodiversity and ecosystems.

The ozone layer present in Antarctica, which depletes a consent rate if it carries on the reserved beauty of Antarctica will be dangerously affected in the near future. So, the overall journey and the beauty of natural reality, of climate change, global warming, and the variety of flora and fauna, biodiversity will create a significant impact on the newcomer as well as the learner.

2. Is Antarctica a suitable place to live according to the Chapter Journey to the End of The Earth?

No, Antarctica is not a suitable place to live. Antarctica is a barren wasteland that is very cold all year round, has no water, faces extreme weather conditions, and is home to numerous wild animals. However, it is defined as a beautiful wasteland according to the Chapter, Journey to the End of The Earth.

3. Is the Text ' Journey to The End of The Earth ' Beneficial for Travel Story Writers?

Yes, of course. It is beneficial for those who love travelling and want to create such content. Here, the author Trishani Joshi beautifully explains her journey experience to Antarctica throughout the entire content. She explained all the things very carefully as to which vehicle used to go there, how many days she spent there; what things mesmerized her etc.

As the analysis of the beauty of the natural ecosystem flora and fauna, all good aspects of nature Besides pointing out the good things, the author also described the worst sites such as the bad effect of global warming, contributors to climate change, damaging the quality of Antarctica. She also warns about the endangered sea animals, the disbalance of the ecosystem, and bad impact on human life as well as environmental surroundings briefly.

By reading this, the reader easily understands that to make content more efficient, one has to cover the good or bad aspects of nature and learn about the pattern, quality, and limitation of the story, so lastly it is very grateful to the travel story writer indeed.

4. Where can I find Journey to The End of The Earth NCERT Solutions?

You can access comprehensive NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 3 Question Answer and download them for FREE in PDF format here on Vedantu. These solutions can be access even offline for students to be able to study anywhere, anytime, on the go.

5. Explain the history of mankind according to Chapter 3 of Class 12 English Vistas ?

Geological phenomena will help us to know about the history of mankind. The evidence of the data is provided by the fossils which further helps in the study of the environment. The age of the fossil is determined by carbon dating. Many civilizations have been emptied from the earth in different locations. Many mammals existed much before the scattering of the landmasses.  The chapter details can be further found in NCERT solutions from Vedantu which will be helpful for students to understand comprehensively.

6. What is the future of mankind according to Chapter 3 of Class 12 English Vistas?

The increase in pollution has caused great damage to the atmosphere and the damage to nature is continuing. The emission of carbon has enormously led to global warming. The gases have exhausted the ozone layer which has made it easier for the UV rays to penetrate the atmosphere. These factors are not only affecting the environment but also mankind. This is a warning of the end of all and one has to be aware of the same.

7. Describe Antarctica's environment as discussed in Chapter 3 of Class 12 English Vistas?

Antarctica is described as a mass of land that remains untouched by mankind even after all these years.  The present state of Antarctica, which is being melted and broken, can analyze the situation and the crisis that we are undergoing. The situation we face today is because of the negligence of humankind. If the same situation continues, then the day is not far when everything is going to end. Now is the time to act and take all the necessary steps to protect the earth. It is the duty of everyone to be involved and contribute to our home so that the earth is protected.

8. Explain about the students in the ice expedition according to Chapter 3 of Class 12 English Vistas?

The writer travelled along with the expedition group. Geoff  Green included the high school students on the expedition as he wanted to make the students know about the climatic changes and the environment. He wanted to make them aware of the present condition.  He believes that the young ones are the future who can make the policy. The earth’s future lies in the young minds and can save the environment by taking responsibility.

9. Who is the writer of the Chapter 3 of Class 12 English Vistas?

Tishani Doshi is the writer of Chapter 3 of Class 12 English Vistas. She was born on 09th December 1975. This chapter is an explanation about students being taken to Antarctica to make them know about the past, present, and future of the landmass. Tishani Doshi is an Indian Poet and a journalist. She was also a dancer and got her degree in the field of creative writing.  This is about Antarctica's present situation and a warning to all of us to take the steps to save the earth, which is getting damaged day by day due to global warming. To study more about the Chapter, visit Vedantu’s official website ( Here, the solutions and the study material can be downloaded free of cost.