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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 9 Kabeer Ke Pad


NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chapter 9 Kabeer Ke Pad Hindi (Aroh) - FREE PDF Download

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The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chapter 9: Kabeer Ke Pad from the Hindi (Aroh) textbook offer essential support for students studying the thought-provoking poetry of Saint Kabeer. This chapter includes a selection of Kabeer's verses that convey deep spiritual wisdom and reflect on themes such as love, devotion, and the quest for truth. Kabeer’s simple yet powerful language resonates with readers and encourages them to think critically about life and spirituality.

These solutions are aligned with the Class 11 Hindi syllabus and provide clear explanations, summaries, and discussions on the key themes presented in the poems, helping students understand the significance of Kabeer's teachings. Students can easily access the FREE PDF download of the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi (Aroh) by visiting the landing page here. With structured answers and expert guidance, these solutions not only simplify the study process but also prepare students effectively for their exams, making them a valuable resource for mastering the chapter and appreciating Hindi literature.

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Hindi पाठ 9 - कबीर के पद

प्रश्न-अभ्यास-पद के साथ:

1. कबीर की दृष्टि में ईश्वर एक है। इस कथन के समर्थन में उन्होंने क्या तर्क दिए हैं? 

उत्तर: कबीर की दृष्टि में ईश्वर एक है। इस

के समर्थन में उन्होंने निम्नलिखित तर्क दिए हैं:

1. संसार में, सब जगह, एक पवन और एक ही जल है। 

2. सभी में, एक ही ज्योति समाई है।

3. एक ही मिट्टी से, सभी बर्तन बने हैं।

4. एक कुम्हार के ही द्वारा, सभी मिट्टी बनाई जाती है।

5. सभी प्राणी में एक ही ईश्वर विद्यमान है। केवल प्राणी के रंग-रूप अलग होते हैं। 

2. मानव शरीर का निर्माण किन पाँच तत्वों से हुआ हैं? 

उत्तर: मानव शरीर का निर्माण निम्नलिखित पांच तत्वों से हुआ है:

1. अग्नि

2. वायु

3. पानी

4. मिट्टी

5. आकाश

3. “जैसे बाढी कष्ट काटे, अग्नि ना काटे कोई।

सब घटी आंतरि तूही, व्यापक धरै सरूपै सोई ।।” इस कथन के आधार पर बताइए कि कबीर के दृष्टि में ईश्वर का क्या स्वरूप है?

उत्तर:  कबीर की दृष्टि में ईश्वर, अविनाशी रूप में विद्यमान है। कबीर के अनुसार, सभी जीवो के अंदर, परमात्मा का वास, आत्मा के स्वरूप में है। उदाहरण स्वरूप, जैसे लकड़ी के अंदर अग्नि होती है। ईश्वर सर्वव्यापक, अजर-अमर और अविनाशी है। बढ़ई, लकड़ी को अनेक भागों में चीर सकता है परंतु उस में व्याप्त अग्नि को नष्ट नहीं कर सकता है। ठीक इसी प्रकार, शरीर नश्वर है परंतु आत्मा अमर है।

4. कबीर ने अपने को दीवाना क्यों कहा है? 

उत्तर: इस संदर्भ में दीवाना का अर्थ, “पागल” है। कबीर ने ईश्वर के वास्तविक स्वरूप को प्राप्त कर लिया है और कबीर ईश्वर की भक्ति में लीन है। जहां तक बाहरी दुनिया को देखा जाए, वह अभी भी ईश्वर को ढूंढ ही रहे हैं। कबीर अपनी भक्ति को आम विचारधारा से भिन्न होने के कारण, स्वयं को दीवाना कहते हैं।

प्रश्न-अभ्यास-पद के आसपास:

1. अन्य संत कवि, जैसे नानक, रायदास, दादू आदि के ईश्वर संबंधित विचारों का संग्रह करें और उन पर एक परिचर्चा करें।

उत्तर: अन्य संत कवि, जैसे नानक, रायदास, दादू आदि का ईश्वर के प्रति कबीर की तरह ही विचार था। जैसे कबीर, ईश्वर की उपासना मन से करते हैं और बाहरी दिखावे में भरोसा नहीं रखते, ठीक इसी तरह अन्य संत कवियों का भी मानना है। जहां तक नानक की बात की जाए, नानक का मानना है कि प्रेम के बिना परमात्मा नहीं मिल सकते। यदि हम एक दूसरे से प्रेम नहीं करेंगे तो हमें ईश्वर की प्राप्ति कभी नहीं होगी। इसी तरह राय दास का मानना है कि लोगों को बाहरी दिखावे में भरोसा नहीं करना चाहिए। सबका मन एक होता है और जाति के कारण, हमें किसी से बैर नहीं करना चाहिए। राय दास मानते हैं कि यदि हम दीन दुखियों और गरीबों की सहायता करेंगे तो ईश्वर खुद प्रसन्न होंगे। अच्छे काम करके हम ईश्वर को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। दादू भी कबीर की तरह ही सोच रखते थे। हमें, ईश्वर के प्रति प्रेम की भावना, दादू के रचनाओं में मिल सकती है।संत कवियों का यही मानना था कि ईश्वर को मन से पूछना चाहिए। ईश्वर किसी पत्थर या मूर्ति में नहीं बल्कि मनुष्य के मन में विराजित है। जब तक मनुष्य अपने मन में झांक कर ईश्वर को नहीं ढूंढेगा तब तक ईश्वर बाहरी किसी भी वस्तु में नहीं मिलेंगे।

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 9 - Kabeer Ke Pad

NCERT Solutions Class 11 Hindi Kabeer Ke Pad by Sant Kabeer is a poem written in rhyming couplets where Kabeer explains the intricacies of human life through his philosophies. Kabeer was a great poet and saint who belonged to the Bhaktikal of Hindi Sahitya and became a social - reformer later on. Kabeer never went to school and was illiterate, but this did not stop him from becoming a scholar.

He was a scholar of philosophies, where through the couplets used in his poems he reflects on how to connect with God. How to cleanse your inner self of all the impurities that the modern world lay in us. In one of his couplets, Kabeer says that education does not make you a scholar but learning to be human and love humanity does. He professed that all religions are equal, and no human is superior or inferior.

Filled with the mesmerising philosophies of life, Kabeer Ke Pad inspires readers. The words used by Kabeer and the allegory behind it can be fully understood only when you can completely decode it. NCERT solutions Class 11 Hindi Kabeer ke Pad helps you define and explain what the poets wanted to convey and the hidden meaning behind their words. Download NCERT solutions Class 11 Hindi Kabeer ke Pad free pdf available here for better understanding of Chapter 9.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Chapter 9

  1. The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Chapter 9 provide clear explanations of the themes and messages in "Kabeer Ke Pad," helping students grasp the essence of Kabeer's teachings effectively.

  2. Developed by experienced educators, these solutions offer valuable insights into Kabeer's poetry, including its cultural and historical context, enriching students' comprehension.

  3. The chapter-wise solutions present structured answers to important questions, making it easier for students to study and review the material systematically.

  4. The solutions help enhance vocabulary and grammar through the analysis of Kabeer's simple yet impactful language, allowing students to improve their Hindi language proficiency.

  5. NCERT Solutions are readily available online, providing students with easy access to study materials whenever needed.

  6. By thoroughly covering all key aspects of the chapter, these solutions help students approach exam questions with confidence, knowing they are well-prepared.

  7. The solutions include examples that connect the themes of Kabeer's poetry to real-life situations, helping students understand their relevance in today's context.

  8. The solutions cover all likely exam topics, ensuring students are well-prepared for questions related to "Kabeer Ke Pad."

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 9 Kabeer Ke Pad

1. How can we Scale our Percentile Graph by Opting for Hindi?

Hindi should be opted by students because it is an insight into the vast, tremendous work of writing by great Indian poets. It does not require much of your time if you are studying it using NCERT Solutions. The time you save can be easily invested in studying other subjects, and Hindi gives you a scope to score the maximum possible marks easily. Even if you do not score good enough in the other subjects, English and Hindi are the subjects that have your back and will not let your percentage go instantly down.

2. How are Vedantu NCERT Solutions Different From the ones that the Book Provides?

It is for the fact that a single book cannot incorporate everything you need, and you will have to spend your time looking up the internet and scrolling for different other books. Vedantu Class 11 Hindi Aroh Ch 9 NCERT Solutions should be your go-to buddy as you get access to all the material you need to pass your exams with good grades all in a single place. You can study hassle-free by simply downloading the PDF available and reading and understanding it thoroughly.

3. What is the Poem Kabir Ke Pad?

NCERT Solutions of Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 9 talks about Kabir Ke Pad, where poet and saint Kabir Das reflects on his philosophies about life. Kabir Das was a devotee and talked about connecting with the Almighty; he discusses the importance of a Guru in every man's life, which helps in showing the right direction to living a better life. NCERT Solutions gives a detailed analysis of the lines Kabir Das has written, and one can easily understand the hidden meanings of the words used by learning from the solutions.

4. Why has Kabir Called himself Deewana?

Kabeer has called himself Deewana because he is busy praying to God, and he has attained the true form of God. He is devoted to God. In the outside world, people are still looking for God. He prays to God with full devotion and does not care about the outside world. Kabeer believes that his devotion and belief are different from the rest of the world, and therefore he calls himself Deewana.

5. Why does Kabir feel that the world is boring?

Kabeer feels that the world is boring because in this world people kill those who tell the truth and praise those who tell lies. Kabeer condemns people who fight in the name of God. Kabeer believes that God only needs true devotion. One does not have to pretend anything to attain God. The world also criticises Kabeer due to his thinking. Society considers hypocrites to be good and therefore Kabeer feels that the world is boring.

6. Kabir believes that God is one. What arguments he had given to support this statement?

Kabeer believes that God is one and to support this statement Kabeer says that there is only one wind and one water in the whole world and there is only one light. He says that all utensils are made from the same clay and all clay is made by a single potter. There is only one God in all living beings. Only the shape and colour of every living being are different.

7. Kabir has pointed out the shortcomings of the people who follow religion and rules. What are they?

Kabeer says that the biggest problem of people who follow religion and rules is that they stay away from the elements of God. Such people believe only in external worship, superstitions, going to pilgrimage, etc. Such people do not know the true nature of religion. God is present inside us, but people do not know this. They do not pray to God in the real sense. People try to find God outside and do not realise God lives in their hearts.

8. How many questions are given in Chapter 9 poem of Class 11 Hindi Aroh?

There are a total of eight questions given in the Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 9 poem. Students can download NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 poems of Class 11 Hindi Aroh from Vedantu. All solutions are available for free, and students can study for their exams using the NCERT Solutions. The solutions can help students to understand the main theme of the poem. They can also understand the correct way of answering questions in the final exams using NCERT Solutions.

9. How do NCERT Solutions for "Kabeer Ke Pad" assist students?

The NCERT Solutions provide detailed explanations of the poems, analyses of the themes, and interpretations of Kabeer's verses, helping students understand the deeper meanings behind his words.

10. What emotions are conveyed in Kabeer's poems?

Kabeer's poems express emotions such as love for God, longing for spiritual connection, and a desire for truth and understanding, often reflecting the struggles of the human experience.