Class 11 Statistics NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 Collection of Data: Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of Data
1. Do samples provide better results than surveys? Explain.
It is not a matter of comparison between the samples and the survey. Because both the methods are effective in providing primary data. The effectiveness of the survey depends on the number of people. Similarly, the effectiveness of a sample depends on the size of the sample. Also, it is important to verify whether it is a random sample or a nonrandom sample.
2. Explain various modes of collecting the data?
We have three major modes of collecting the data. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. They are as follows:
Personal interviews are the interviews conducted face to face. It has a high response and can provide open-ended questions. The reliability is high compared to other methods.
Mailing questionnaires is sending a set of questions through emails. It doesn't disturb or consume the time of people. It also gives reliable answers without any inferiority or ambiguity. But we can't expect more people to answer.
Telephone interviews are the interviews done by telephone. It is very cheap and provides more reliability. But consumes a lot of time and many people may refuse unknown calls.
3. What is the collection of data in Chapter 2 of Class 11 Statistics?
Data is defined as a tool that helps make a sound conclusion based on the collected information. The collection of data is important for statistical investigation. Data may be collected from different sources such as primary sources, secondary sources, published sources, and unpublished sources. Primary data is the data collected from the primary source that means from the source of origin. Secondary data is collected from a secondary source which means it is collected from some agency.
4. How do we collect the data in Chapter 2 Class 11 Statistics?
Data collection is necessary for statistical investigation. Data can be collected from different sources. Primary data may be collected from:
A personal interview
Sending emails
Telephonic interview
Collecting information from local sources
Enumerator method
Secondary data may be collected from published and unpublished sources. Published sources include government publication, semi-government publication, reports of committees and private and international publications. Unpublished sources include records maintained by private companies, scholars, workers etc.
5. Write a short note on data collection for Class 11.
Data collection is the process of collecting information from different sources to conclude. There are two types of data, primary data and secondary data. The two types of data are collected from different sources. The primary data is collected directly from the source through observations, experiments, and surveys. The secondary data is collected by some other person and not by the user. The secondary data may be collected from books, magazines, newspapers, etc.
6. What is the source of data Class 11?
A source of data is an agency from where the data is collected. It may be a primary source or a secondary source. Primary source gives us primary data, and secondary source gives us secondary data. A primary source is directly related to the user, and the example of a primary source is experiments and observations made by the person. A secondary source is already available, and another person collects data. For example, newspapers, magazines, journals, books are examples of secondary sources.
7. Where can I find NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2?
Students can download NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics on the internet. Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 in easy and simple language. Students can visit the website and the app. They can download the PDF file free of cost on their computer and can revise from the NCERT Solutions for their exams. All answers are given in simple language and prepared by expert subject teachers to help students understand the concepts properly.