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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of Data


Class 11 Statistics NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 Collection of Data: Free PDF Download

CBSE Class 11 students can now access the NCERT Solutions for Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of Data for free. Each question in the NCERT Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 comes with a thorough and step-by-step answer, as well as illustrations and explanations (wherever applicable) to help students understand the concepts and solve the problems. Top subject-matter experts at Vedantu’s created NCERT Solutions for Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of Data, who aim to provide comprehensive and precise explanations of the topics covered in the chapter through solved textbook question answers. Students can download the solutions through the pdf link provided below.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 11


Class 11 Statistics

Chapter Name:

Chapter 2 - Collection Of Data


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

  • Exercise Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Topics Covered in Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2

Below are the key topics covered in the Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2.

  • Meaning and purpose of data collection

  • What are the different sources of data?

  • How do we collect data?

  • Census and Sample Surveys

  • Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors

  • Census of India and NSSO

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of Data

Statistics Class 11 NCERT Solutions Collection of data is available in a PDF format that is free to download. If the students can download it once, they don’t have to bother about the internet connection. Also, these PDFs help recollect at the time of examinations. These PDFs are also helpful to share between the friends by taking hardcopy. It can be stored for the future as a reference for competitive examinations.

Brief Overview of the Topics Covered in Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2

1. Introduction

In this section, the NCERT Solutions of Class 11 Chapter 2 of Statistics gives a quick recap of economics and statistics, which they have already learned in their previous chapter. Also, it explains to students that they are about to know the importance of data and the sources of data, and the available modes to calculate and represent the data. 

2. What are the sources of Data?

NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 wants to introduce the different data sources with which we can proceed to the next level of implementing a project. Here, the students will learn that the data sources are of two types. One is the primary source we can collect by conducting surveys or inquiries. This is also known as first-hand information. In contrast, another source of collecting the data is the secondary source. It can be obtained from a third-party agency, documents, newspapers, reports, search engines, or others.

3. How do we collect the Data?

As the main aim of Chapter 2 of Statistics is collecting the data, it is essential to teach the students how we need to collect the data from either source. Class 11 Statistics NCERT Solutions Chapter 2 has given a high priority to explaining the data collection process. It involves the preparation of questionnaires as well as the mode of collecting the data. The preparation of a questionnaire has several guidelines regarding how to prepare questionnaires. Also, students learn that the questionnaire depends on the context and the product we will survey. 

NCERT Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of data explains three different data collection modes. And each mode is illustrated with a set of examples along with their pros and cons. The modes are personal interviews, mailing questionnaires, and telephonic interviews. In this section, students also learn a new topic called a pilot survey. It is a sample survey that can be a trial version done on a limited group of people.

4. Census and Sample Surveys

This section of the chapter concentrates on two kinds of sampling methods. One is random sampling, and the other is non-random sampling. The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 explain each method with illustrations.

5. Sampling and Non-sampling Errors

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 also helps students be aware of the errors which may occur during the surveys. This allows students to mark their ultimate results in practical projects at the workplace. As we all know, prevention is better than cure, these solutions aim to clarify rather than rectify mistakes.

6. Census of India and NSSO

Here the students will understand the current scenario of our country and the other Sensex organisations. This knowledge will help the students to understand the importance of statistics and their tools. From there, the students should be attended to while learning these concepts.

Important Questions for Practice

Very Short Answer Type Questions

  1. What is data?

  2. What are the different sources of data?

  3. What is primary data?

  4. What is secondary data?

  5. Name the instruments used in the survey.

Short Answer Type Questions

  1. What is the disadvantage of mail surveys?

  2. What does the term population mean in Statistics?

  3. What is random sampling?

  4. How are non-random saplings selected?

  5. What is a non-response error?

Long Answer Type Questions

  1. How do we collect the data?

  2. Explain sampling and non-sampling errors in brief.

  3. How do errors arise in the data acquisition process?

Key Takeaways of the NCERT Solutions of Class 11 for Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of Data free pdf

The NCERT Solutions of Class 11 Statistics PDF which is available on the official website of Vedantu is very helpful in providing knowledge. Some of the benefits are as follows:

  • It provides a lot of information on every topic and gives examples.

  • Experienced subject experts prepare the material and provide updated versions.

  • They contain both solved and unsolved test papers to score better marks.

CBSE Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 Other Study Materials

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Important Study Material Links for Chapter 2 Collection of Data


Class 11 Collection of Data Important Questions


Class 11 Collection of Data Revision Notes


NCERT Solutions of Class 11 for Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of Data PDF available on the official website of Vedantu has concluded this chapter by explaining six different concepts along with the examples and exercise questions. Download the pdf and improve your understanding of the chapter.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics

Important Related Links for CBSE Class 11 Statistics

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of Data

1. Do samples provide better results than surveys? Explain.

It is not a matter of comparison between the samples and the survey. Because both the methods are effective in providing primary data. The effectiveness of the survey depends on the number of people. Similarly, the effectiveness of a sample depends on the size of the sample. Also, it is important to verify whether it is a random sample or a nonrandom sample.

2. Explain various modes of collecting the data?

We have three major modes of collecting the data. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. They are as follows:

  • Personal interviews are the interviews conducted face to face. It has a high response and can provide open-ended questions. The reliability is high compared to other methods.

  • Mailing questionnaires is sending a set of questions through emails. It doesn't disturb or consume the time of people. It also gives reliable answers without any inferiority or ambiguity. But we can't expect more people to answer.

  • Telephone interviews are the interviews done by telephone. It is very cheap and provides more reliability. But consumes a lot of time and many people may refuse unknown calls.

3. What is the collection of data in Chapter 2 of Class 11 Statistics?

Data is defined as a tool that helps make a sound conclusion based on the collected information. The collection of data is important for statistical investigation. Data may be collected from different sources such as primary sources, secondary sources, published sources, and unpublished sources. Primary data is the data collected from the primary source that means from the source of origin. Secondary data is collected from a secondary source which means it is collected from some agency. 

4. How do we collect the data in Chapter 2 Class 11 Statistics?

Data collection is necessary for statistical investigation. Data can be collected from different sources. Primary data may be collected from: 

  • A personal interview

  • Sending emails

  • Telephonic interview

  • Collecting information from local sources

  • Enumerator method

Secondary data may be collected from published and unpublished sources. Published sources include government publication, semi-government publication, reports of committees and private and international publications. Unpublished sources include records maintained by private companies, scholars, workers etc. 

5. Write a short note on data collection for Class 11.

Data collection is the process of collecting information from different sources to conclude. There are two types of data, primary data and secondary data. The two types of data are collected from different sources. The primary data is collected directly from the source through observations, experiments, and surveys. The secondary data is collected by some other person and not by the user. The secondary data may be collected from books, magazines, newspapers, etc. 

6. What is the source of data Class 11?

A source of data is an agency from where the data is collected. It may be a primary source or a secondary source. Primary source gives us primary data, and secondary source gives us secondary data. A primary source is directly related to the user, and the example of a primary source is experiments and observations made by the person. A secondary source is already available, and another person collects data. For example, newspapers, magazines, journals, books are examples of secondary sources. 

7. Where can I find NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2?

Students can download NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics on the internet. Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 in easy and simple language. Students can visit the website and the app. They can download the PDF file free of cost on their computer and can revise from the NCERT Solutions for their exams. All answers are given in simple language and prepared by expert subject teachers to help students understand the concepts properly.