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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 - Rumaal


Class 6 Hindi Durva NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 Rumaal

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 Rumaal are considered exceptionally helpful for exam preparation. The Class 6 Chapter 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions are created by our subject experts and are based on the latest CBSE guidelines. They have designed these Solutions for the benefit of students and to give them a better scope of learning. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 help to improve the Hindi vocabulary of students. It enables the students to answer various types of questions in the exam. They can download the Chapter 8 Hindi textbook Solutions PDF from Vedantu for free.


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 Hindi - Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 8 - Rumaal

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapter: 8 रूमाल

1.  पहचानो और बोलो:

रु  रू  ऋ  ष  भ 

मृग  रूमाल  ऋतु  रुपया 

उत्तर: रु- रुपया

रू- रूमाल

ऋ- ऋतु

मृ- मृग


2. सुनो और बोलो। 

ऋण   तृण   रूई   गरुड़  रुपया  गुरुनाथ  

ऋतु   मृग   रूप   पुरुष  करुणा  पुरुराज  

ऋषि  गुरु   शुरू   तरुण  डमरू  मरुभूमि  

कृषि  कृपा   ज़रूर  वरुण  कंगारु  ज़रूरत 

उत्तर: ऋण- ऋ+ण, तृण- तृ+ण, रूई- रू+ई, गरुड़- ग+रु+ड़, रुपया- रु+प+या, गुरुनाथ- गु+रु+ना+थ

ऋतु- ऋ+तु, मृग- मृ+ग, रूप-रू+प,पुरुष- पु+रु+ष, करुणा- क+रु+णा,पुरुराज- पु+ रु+रा+ज

ऋषि- ऋ+फिर, गुरु- गु+रु, शुरू- शुरू+ रू, तरुण- त+रुण,डमरू- ड+म+रू, मरुभूमि- म+रु+भू+मि

कृषि- कृ+फिर, कृपा- कृ+पा, जरूर- जो+रू+र, वरुण- व+रु+ण, कंगारू-कं+ गा+रू

3. बार बार बोलो।

रुपया‐रूप  पतला-बदला  कली-गली   ताप-दाब  टीला-ढीला  बाग-भाग  

उत्तर: रुपया‐रूप  पतला-बदला  कली-गली   ताप-दाब  टीला-ढीला  बाग-भाग रुपया‐रूप  पतला-बदला  कली-गली   ताप-दाब  टीला-ढीला  बाग-भाग 

4. नीचे दिए गए वर्णों को लिखने का अभ्यास करें।

ऋ ……………….  रु ………………. रू ……………….  

उत्तर: ऋ- ऋषि

रु- रुपया

रू- रूमाल

5. चित्रों के नाम लिखो ।

(Image will be uploaded soon)

उत्तर: 1- रूमाल

2- रुपया

3- मृग

6. उत्तर अभ्यास ।

अध्यापक बोलेगें और विद्यार्थी उत्तर देंगे। जैसे:-

अध्यापक                              विद्यार्थी

तुम सुबह कितने बजे उठते हो?       मैं सुबह छह बजे उठता हूँ। 

उत्तर:  1. क्या तुम सुबह पढ़ते हो? जी हाँ, मैं सुबह पढ़ता हूँ। 

2. क्या तुम्हारी बहन कक्षा छः में पढ़ती है? जी हाँ,मेरी बहन कक्षा छः में पढ़ती है। 

3: क्या तुम बाजार कलम खरीदने के लिए जाते हो? जी हाँ, मैं बाजार कलम खरीदने के लिए जाता हूँ।

4: क्या राहुल मित्रों से मिलकर खुश है? जी हाँ, राहुल मित्रों से मिलकर खुश है। 

5: क्या रंजना स्कूल की छुट्टी के बाद घर आती है? जी हाँ, रंजना स्कूल की छुट्टी के बाद घर आती है।

6: क्या रमन खेल के मैदान में जाता है? जी हाँ, रमन खेल के मैदान में जाता है।

मौखिक पाठ

1. अध्यापक वाक्य बोलेगें और विद्यार्थी सुनेंगे ।

तुम कौन सी कक्षा में पढ़ती हो?   मैं छठी कक्षा में पढ़ती हूँ ।

पिता जी बैंक में काम करते हैं।  मेरी बहन नौ बजे पाठशाला जाती है।  आप कौन-सा अखबार पढ़ते हैं? आप बाज़ार क्या लाने गए थे? 

2. अध्यापक वाक्य बोलेंगे और विद्याथी दोहराएंगे । 

क. क्या तुम पाठशाला साइकिल से आते हो? 

उत्तर: जी हाँ, मैं पाठशाला साइकिल से आता हूँ।

ख. क्या तुम सुबह कसरत करते हो? 

उत्तर: जी हाँ, मैं रोज सुबह कसरत करता हूँ।

ग. क्या रूपा मैसूर में रहती है? 

उत्तर: जी हाँ, रूपा मैसूर में रहती है।

घ. रोली, क्या तुम सुबह गीत गाती हो? 

उत्तर: जी हाँ, मैं सुबह गीत गाती हूँ और वीणा बजाती हूँ।

ङ. क्या पिताजी सुबह पाँच बजे उठ जाते हैं? 

उत्तर: जी हाँ, पिताजी प्रतिदिन सुबह पाँच बजे उठ जाते हैं।

3: प्रश्नोत्तर अभ्यास । 

अध्यापक पूछेंगे और विद्याथी उत्तर देंगे। 

1.अध्यापक - क्या आप गांधीनगर में रहते हैं? 

उत्तर:विद्यार्थी- जी हाँ, मैं गांधीनगर में रहता हूँ।

2.अध्यापक -आज बहुत गर्मी है। 

उत्तर: विद्यार्थी - जी हाँ, आज बहुत गर्मी है।

3. अध्यापक - यह अखबार नागपुर से निकलता है। 

उत्तर: विद्यार्थी- जी हाँ, यह अखबार नागपुर से निकलता है।                              

NCERT Solution For Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 - Free PDF Download

It is easy to download the NCERT Solutions Rumaal Class 6 PDF from the website and mobile app of Vedantu. Our Solutions for 6th grade Hindi are particularly preferred by school students for exam coaching as the questions are explained step by step. Students can get free access to NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8. All questions, given in the exercise of this chapter Rumaal, are explained by our highly experienced Hindi teachers who are well-versed with the latest syllabus and guidelines of CBSE Class 6. To prepare well for your Class 6 Hindi exams, we recommend you to download and study our NCERT Solutions Rumaal Class 6 and begin your exam preparation now. NCERT Solutions Chapter 8 Hindi Durva Class 6 Rumaal is prepared in an easy to understand language so that students can learn and remember them easily.

NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Hindi

Chapter 8 - Rumaal

NCERT Hindi Class 6 Chapter 8 Rumaal is an interesting chapter in the textbook Durva. Students of Class 8 should learn the chapter and understand the concept of this chapter by studying the NCERT textbook Durva. The NCERT Solutions on Vedantu are quite simple to understand. Our experts have tried to make it interesting by adding some activities which will help you in the preparation. Our subject experts have prepared these NCERT Solutions to provide a strong foundation for the subject. This enables school students to prepare better for the exams, specifically in subjects where they are susceptible. The language of the solution is simple so that students can understand them without any problem and relate to the ideas and answers. By following these NCERT Solutions, students will be able to understand the main plot, summary, and analysis of this chapter, better.

Class 6 Hindi Chapter-Wise Marks Weightage

This NCERT Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 has a weightage of 20 marks and this is one of the most important chapters covered in the syllabus. These easy to understand NCERT Solutions will help students to prepare effectively for their exams.

Here is more detail about the contents of Chapter 8 Rumaal  Class 6.

8.1 Write the summary of the chapter (1 long).

8.2 Fill in the blanks (3-4 MCQ).

8.3 Name the pictures given below (3-4 short questions).

8.4  True or False (4-5 short questions).

Why are NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 Important?

  • NCERT Solutions Hindi Class 6 Chapter 8 cover all the important points of the chapter.

  • These NCERT Solutions boost the confidence of students for the exam time.

  • Our answers are well articulated and unbiased using which your scores can escalate to the next level.

  • All the questions in the exercises given for this chapter in the textbook are solved and explained in these NCERT Solutions.

  • These NCERT Solutions make excellent revision material from an examination point of view and acts as the best source to lay a strong foundation of Hindi.

  • NCERT Solutions help students to improve their vocabulary as well as to score good marks in the exam.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8 - Rumaal

1. Why are NCERT Solutions for Chapter 8 Hindi Rumaal Important?

Students may not be capable of answering some questions many times. By referring to our NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Chapter 8 Rumaal, we will assist them in analyzing the Solutions to all such questions. Our teachers provide these Solutions for students to assist them with the problem-solving techniques easily. These Solutions are written from the examination point of view such that scholars can recognize the way of writing answers for the exams. This will benefit students in fetching more marks. They should try solving the questions given in the book upon understanding the concepts.

2. How to Prepare for Exams with the Help of NCERT Solutions Class 6 Hindi Chapter 8?

  • Plan your research on what you need to examine and devote enough time to each and every concept. Apart from analyzing, keep time for your relaxation.

  • Once you have completed reading chapter 8, make a habit of practising the answers to the questions given in the exercise because it will help you examine how much time you take for it.

  • Practice all the questions thoroughly as it will help you to answer quickly in the exam.

  • Refer to NCERT Solutions for a better understanding of the chapter and the types of questions commonly asked in the examination.

3. How to manage time in a Hindi exam of Class 6?

When it comes to language papers, time management is quite important. This is due to the fact that language papers are generally longer, with the literature and writing sections being the longest. You must ensure that time is divided into portions and that time is allocated efficiently. While you carefully consider your responses, keep track of the time and make sure you don't spend more time on any one question than is necessary. 

4. How to formulate a study plan for the Hindi exam for Chapter 8 of  Class 6 ?

NCERT Chapter 8 Rumaal of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva is a fascinating chapter. Students in Class 8 should study the NCERT textbook Durva to master the chapter and grasp the concepts. The CBSE curriculum must be adhered to at all times, and the NCERT book should be used for a more thorough examination. Guides and reference books should be avoided since they often give unnecessary information. The purpose of the Hindi exam is to see how effectively you can structure your language and recall the literature. So, keeping all this in mind, curate a study schedule for yourself.

5. What are the tips to get a full score in the NCERT Chapter 8 Rumaal of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva?

NCERT Chapter 8 Rumaal of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva is worth 20 points and is one of the most significant chapters in the curriculum. These simple NCERT Solutions will assist students in efficiently preparing for their exams.The CBSE curriculum also offers you an indication of how your year's or session's paper pattern will be. As a result, you must read it completely. The CBSE curriculum evolves in accordance with the NCERT pattern or textbooks, although physical textbooks cannot always be updated. As a result, make sure you download the most recent NCERT textbook and solutions from Vedantu. The solutions are free of cost and also available on Vedantu Mobile app.

6. How to avoid grammatical errors in the Hindi exam of NCERT Chapter 8 Rumaal of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva?

You should verify that your response sheet is clear of grammatical errors in order to avoid losing marks as a result of such errors. You should practise on a regular basis and get your writing reviewed. Your teacher will be able to provide you with a more detailed overview of how you may develop in many areas. It is possible to practise writing essays and get them checked. You should also review your past writings to identify where you may enhance your grammar skills.

7. What is the importance of NCERT Solutions of NCERT Chapter 8 Rumaal of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva?

NCERT Chapter 8 Rumaal of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva Solutions are really beneficial in test preparation. Our subject specialists developed the NCERT Chapter 8 Rumaal of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva Solutions, which are based on the most recent CBSE recommendations. They created these solutions for the benefit of students and to expand their learning opportunities. NCERT Solutions for NCERT Chapter 8 Rumaal of Class 6 Hindi Textbook Durva assist students in expanding their Hindi vocabulary. From an examination standpoint, these NCERT Solutions provide great revision material and are the finest source for laying a firm foundation in Hindi.