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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Hindi Chapter 1 Food: Where Does It Come From


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Food: Where Does It Come From in Hindi PDF Download

Download the Class 6 Science NCERT Solutions in Hindi medium and English medium as well offered by the leading e-learning platform Vedantu. If you are a student of Class 6, you have reached the right platform. The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science in Hindi provided by us are designed in a simple, straightforward language, which are easy to memorise. 


You will also be able to download the PDF file for NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science in English and Hindi from our website at absolutely free of cost. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


NCERT, which stands for The National Council of Educational Research and Training, is responsible for designing and publishing textbooks for all the classes and subjects. NCERT textbooks covered all the topics and are applicable to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and various state boards. 


We, at Vedantu, offer free NCERT Solutions in English medium and Hindi medium for all the classes as well. Created by subject matter experts, these NCERT Solutions in Hindi are very helpful to the students of all classes.


NCERT Solutions For Class 6


Class 6 Science in Hindi

Chapter Name:

Chapter 1 - Food: Where Does It Come From

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 1 – भोजन: यह कहाँ से आता है?


1. क्या सभी जीवों को एक ही किस्म के भोजन की आवश्यकता होती है? 

Ans: नहीं, सभी जीवों को एक ही किस्म के भोजन की आवश्यकता होती है| जीव शाकाहारी, मांसाहारी और सर्वाहारी होते है| शाकाहारी जीव पादप और पादप उत्पाद खाते है | मांसाहारी जीव मांस खाते है और सर्वाहारी जीव दोनों खाते है |

2. पाँच पौधों के नाम लिखिये तथा बताइये इनके कौनसे भाग का उपयोग खाद्य पदार्थ के रूप में होता है|

Ans: पाँच पौधों के नाम इस प्रकार है- 

  • आलू – आलू की जड़ का उपयोग खाद्य पदार्थ के रूप में होता है|

  • प्याज – प्याज के तने का उपयोग खाद्य पदार्थ के रूप में होता है|

  • पालक – पालक के पत्तों का उपयोग खाद्य पदार्थ के रूप में होता है|

  • केला – केले के फल का उपयोग खाद्य पदार्थ के रूप में होता है|

  • गेहूँ – गेहूँ के बीज का उपयोग खाद्य पदार्थ के रूप में होता है|

3. कालम 1 में दिए गए खाद्य पदार्थ का मिलान कालम 2 से कीजिए|

कालम 1

कालम 2

दूध,  दही, पनीर, घी 

दूसरे जंतुओ को खाते है 

पालक, फूलगोभी, गाजर   

पादप एवं पादप उत्पाद खाते है 

शेर एवं बाघ 

सब्ज़ियाँ है


सभी जन्तु उत्पाद है 

Ans: सही मिलान निम्न है - 

कालम 1

कालम 2

दूध,  दही, पनीर, घी 

सभी जन्तु उत्पाद है 

पालक, फूलगोभी, गाजर   

सब्ज़ियाँ है 

शेर एवं बाघ 

दूसरे जंतुओ को खाते है 


पादप एवं पादप उत्पाद खाते है 

4. दिए गये शब्दों से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए|

( शाकाहारी, पादप, दूध, गन्ना, मांसाहारी)

(1) बाघ एक ....... है क्योँकि यह केवल मांस खाता है |

Ans: मांसाहारी 

(2) हिरण केवल पादप उत्पाद खाता है और इसीलिये इसे ........ कहते है |

Ans: शाकाहारी 

(3) तोता केवल ........ उत्पाद खाता है |

Ans: पादप 

(4) जो ....... हम पीते है वह गाय, भैन्स या बकरी से प्राप्त होता है, इसलिये यह           जन्तु उत्पाद है |

Ans: दूध 

(5) हमे चीनी ....... से मिलती है |

Ans: गन्ना 

NCERT Solutions (In Hindi) for Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Food: Where Does It Come From in Hindi

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions are provided everywhere on the internet with an aim to help the students to gain a comprehensive understanding. Class 6 Science Chapter 1 solution Hindi mediums are created by our in-house experts keeping the understanding ability of all types of candidates in mind. NCERT textbooks and solutions are built to give a strong foundation to every concept. These NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 1 in Hindi ensure a smooth understanding of all the concepts including the advanced concepts covered in the textbook.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 1 in Hindi medium PDF download are easily available on our official website ( Upon visiting the website, you have to register on the website with your phone number and email address. Then you will be able to download all the study materials of your preference in a click. You can also download the Class 6 Science Food: Where Does It Come From solution Hindi medium from Vedantu app as well by following the similar procedures, but you have to download the app from Google play store before doing that. 

NCERT Solutions in Hindi medium have been created keeping those students in mind who are studying in a Hindi medium school. These NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Food: Where Does It Come From in Hindi medium pdf download have innumerable benefits as these are created in simple and easy-to-understand language. The best feature of these solutions is a free download option. Students of Class 6 can download these solutions at any time as per their convenience for self-study purpose.

These solutions are nothing but a compilation of all the answers to the questions of the textbook exercises. The answers/ solutions are given in a stepwise format and very well researched by the subject matter experts who have relevant experience in this field. Relevant diagrams, graphs, illustrations are provided along with the answers wherever required. In nutshell, NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science in Hindi come really handy in exam preparation and quick revision as well prior to the final examinations.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Hindi Chapter 1 Food: Where Does It Come From

1. What is the food we get from plants?

The food we get from plants are food grains, fruits, vegetables etc. The food grains are maize, rice and wheat. Cereals are the food grains that we get from plants. We also get oil from the plant. Both human beings and animals get food from plants. Many spices are also derived from plants. Thus we can say that plants are the main source of food for both plants and animals.

2. What are the main applications of food on our body?

Food is the nutrients that the living creatures eat or what the plant absorbs. The main applications of food on our body is for energy generation which is required for growth, for the smooth functioning of the body, and helps in keeping the body healthy.  This chapter is very interesting and students will learn the variety of food and the source. This can be easily studied and prepared by referring to NCERT solutions from Vedantu which will help the students to have a comprehensive study structure. These solutions are available at free of cost on Vedantu’s website( and mobile app.

3. Describe plants as a source of food?

Plants roots, leaves and the food made by plants are the main sources of food. For example, roots of plants like carrot, turnip, cabbage and beetroot are rich in nutrients. The leaves of plants like spinach, cabbage and onion are consumed as food. The stems of plants are also taken as food for example potato, coriander and ginger. Blossoms of the plant used to make food are roses, bauhinia etc. Fruits are also a source of plant food. The food-grade seeds are maize, paddy, wheat pulses, green gram etc.

4. Define herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous animals and the animal as a source of food?

Herbivores are animals that eat only plants, for example, cows, goats etc.


Carnivores are animals that eat the flesh of other animals for example tiger, lion etc.


Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and the flesh of other animals, for example, bears, foxes, dogs etc. 


As plants, even animals are the source of food. The food that comes from animals is milk, eggs, honey, meat from animals, fish, prawns and crabs.

5. What concepts can I learn from Chapter 1 of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Hindi?

Chapter 1 of the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science “Food: Where Does It Come From?”, in Hindi, is available on Vedantu. It talks about the different sources of food available for regular human consumption. Further, this chapter discusses plants and animals as the main source of food. The food we get from plants and animals. The chapter has also discussed the different types of food consumed by different animals.

These topics are the basics of Science in Class 6 and students need to be focused so they get the proper grip of the subject from the initial stage.