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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Chapter 7 - Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War


NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 - Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War - Free PDF Download

Have you ever wondered who used to live in villages, and how did they begin their agricultural and life processes? Vital villages and thriving towns is a chapter that will help you understand how iron tools and Agriculture came into practice. We have been taking all these things for granted, but History is a subject that will take you back to the beginning of agriculture. Out of these websites, Vedantu is a promising ed-tech platform that offers the best NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 7.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6


Class 6 Social Science

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Social Science History Our Pasts

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Chapter 7 - Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War


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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science

1. Make a list of the occupations of the people who lived within the Mauryan empire.

Ans: The Mauryan empire consisted of cities like Pataliputra, Taxila, Ujjain where many people lived. They were engaged in various occupations as listed below:

  • Trade and commerce

  • Administrative works

  • Handicrafts

On the other hand, people living in villages were engaged in different types of occupations like:

  • Agriculture (farming and herding)

  • Hunting

  • Gathering forest produce


2. Complete the following sentences:

a. Officials collected ____ from the area under the direct control of the ruler.

Ans: Officials collected tax from the area der the direct control of the ruler

b. Royal princes often went to the provinces as ____. 

Ans: Royal princes often went to the provinces as governors.

c. The Mauryan rulers tried to control ____ and ____ which were important for transport.

Ans: The Mauryan rulers tried to control rivers and roads which were important for transport.

d. People in forested regions provided the Mauryan officials with _____.

Ans: People in forested regions provided the Mauryan officials with timber, honey, and wax, etc.

3.  State whether true or false:

a. Ujjain was the gateway to the north-west.

Ans: False

b. Chandragupta's ideas were written down in the Arthashastra.

Ans: False

c. Kalinga was the ancient name of Bengal.

Ans: False

d. Most Ashokan inscriptions are in the Brahmi script.

Ans: True

4.  What were the problems that Ashoka wanted to solve by introducing dhamma?

Ans: In Ashoka’s empire, there were several problems which he aimed to solve by the introduction of dhamma. Some of those problems are as follows:

  • The difference in religious beliefs of people resulted in conflicts at times.

  • Animal sacrifice.

  • Maltreatment of slaves and servants.

  • Arguments and quarrels in families and neighborhoods.


5.  What were the means adopted by Ashoka to spread the message of dhamma?

Ans: To spread the message of his dhamma, emperor Ashoka adopted several measures. Some of those measures are as follows:

  • Appointment of officials known as ‘dhamma mahamatta’ whose task was to travel from place to place and make people aware of dhamma.

  • Inscription of his messages on rocks and pillars for officials to read them out to those who couldn’t read on their own.

  • Sending messengers in foreign lands like Egypt, Syria, Greece, and Sri Lanka to spread the ideas of dhamma outside India.


6.  Why do you think slaves and servants were ill-treated? Do you think the orders of the emperor would have improved their condition? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: The main reason behind the ill-treatment of the slaves and servants is the hierarchical nature of society. The varna system existed which divided the society into hierarchical levels. People in a higher hierarchical level considered themselves superior and thought they had the right to treat others badly. As slaves and servants belonged to the lowest levels, they were supposed to have no rights or say of their own; hence, they were often captivated by their masters and were maltreated.

An emperor used to have the responsibility of controlling an entire empire. So, if he issued any orders regarding punishing those who abuse slaves, it would have brought improvements in their conditions and freed them from all the tortures of their masters.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 - Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War - Free PDF Download

Class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 - Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War talks about the life of one of the greatest rulers of the subcontinent.

It first starts by describing Ashoka's kingdom and his ancestors and the life of people at that time. We additionally learn about the administration of his empire. The chapter talks about the well-known struggle of Kalinga that led Ashoka to surrender violence and as a substitute exercise dhamma, or Dharma. The chapter would give up by describing how Ashoka viewed and practised dhamma and his teachings.

  • His grandfather, Chandragupta Maurya, founded Ashoka's empire. Around 2,300 years ago.

  • There have been numerous well-known cities in the empire, like Ujjain and Taxila.

  • The capital of the empire was Pataliputra.

  • Merchants and artisans lived in Ujjain and Taxila.

  • Herders and farmers lived in other areas, and people using forest produce and searching for animals lived in central India.

  • The place around Pataliputra was managed directly by the emperor.

  • Royal princes controlled different regions and cities.

  • Officials gathered taxes. Those who disobeyed the ruler have been punished.

  • The Mauryas additionally controlled forests and rivers as they were means of transportation.

  • Ashoka was the most well-known Mauryan ruler. He introduced the use of inscriptions to unfold his messages.

  • The war of Kalinga was fought and won by Ashoka. However, while he saw the violence that was caused, he gave up fighting and adopted dhamma's practice.

  • Ashoka's dhamma did not contain the worship of any god or sacrifices. He noticed many religious and cultural issues in his empire and thus, travelled to specific places to solve these issues.

  • He inscribed his messages on rocks and pillars for everyone to look at and preach.

NCERT Class 6 Social Science History - Our Past Chapterwise Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Books Available for

NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 7 Overview: Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War

This chapter will give a deep insight into the lives of village people and how they have started working from scratch. You will be able to understand the capital and labour which is required to conduct the agricultural processes. We know that agriculture is the backbone of our country, but a lot of us do not know agricultural History. Our farmers had to increase production, pay taxes, and also worked as labour on the farm.

When we have a better knowledge of all these events that occurred in the past, it becomes easy to understand how the present circumstances are happening. Good knowledge of our History always helps us in making better decisions in the future. 

In order to have a more precise idea of this chapter, it is suitable to refer to NCERT questions with solutions for Class 6th History. NCERT textbook questions are designed in a way that helps students pick and learn the rights topics. These questions require appropriate solutions according to the question asked.

The students who are studying Social sciences for Class 6th are advised to refer to NCERT solutions to score good marks at school. Not only sound effects matter but a good understanding of the subject matter. Our solutions are provided in a way that makes the content of the chapter clear to the student pointwise. Questions other than NCERT are also included along with solutions.


NCERT Social Science Class 6 Solutions Chapter 7: An Overview

Chapter 7 of NCERT Class 6th Social sciences includes a lot of topics for students to gain knowledge upon. These topics include the usage of iron tools in agriculture, and when did we start using them in our Indian agriculture. 

You will be able to understand how irrigation plays a vital role in agriculture and what are the different ways with which irrigation can be done. You will get an insight into the life of ordinary village people and how they take forward their generations. 

The position of the village headman used to be based on hereditary, and this practice was continued for generations. Long back, the village life included people who were landowners and farmers, and also it included blacksmiths, porters, and artisans and how they built up their shrines to conduct business, etc.

You will come across different jataka stories which will be evidence for you to understand how people used to operate their businesses, how they used to live. Also, you will get to know about how sculpture and archaeology became a source of the Representation of the past. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Chapter 7 – “Vital villages, thriving towns“ of Social sciences have been presented for the children in a systematic and detailed way. Students who have the habit of learning in a question-answer format can refer to these solutions for their learning and still not miss out on important details from the chapter.


NCERT Social Science Class 6 Solutions: Syllabus

The syllabus for Class 6th NCERT is divided into three different sections -

The first section is History which talks about the beginning of life to a study of different kingdoms and empires that existed and how they have been thriving throughout. You will also have an insight into the new empires and kingdoms that had emerged and how buildings paintings or books have been a great source of information.

The second section is social and political life which includes knowledge about how the government runs and what are the essential elements of a democratic government. You will also learn about how decision-making processes were conducted in village areas, including the differences between rural administration and urban administration. Also, you will be able to strike a difference between the livelihoods of rural and urban areas. 

The third and the final section is geography which includes learning about our earth and our solar system that we have been learning since childhood. A new addition to the globe would be the study of latitudes and longitudes and how Indian standard time is different from PST. 

You will come to you know no about the motions of the earth and the various landforms that persist on our planet. Along with this, you will also be learning about India and its wildlife and vegetation.


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  • Well-Structured Solutions: Vedantu provides comprehensive and well-structured answers to all NCERT questions for Class 6th, covering all relevant points in a clear and easy-to-understand language.

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NCERT Solutions plays a crucial role in Class 6 exam prep. Start by thoroughly reading the textbook chapter. After that, solve the NCERT questions for Class 6 Chapter 7 - Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War. You can find detailed solutions on Vedantu, aligning with CBSE guidelines. Download the free NCERT Solutions for Class  6 Chapter 7 - “Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War” to guide your exam preparation with expert-reviewed answers.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Chapter 7 - Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War

1. What is the importance of Class 6 Social Science History?

The subject history is included in Class 6 syllabus so that it can provide the students with valuable knowledge of our past and its origin. It is important for the students to know about all the old practises, norms and cultures that were followed in our country. Class 6 Social Science Our Past gives a detailed chapter-wise description of various important historical events that occurred in the past.

2. Is Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 7 Notes Available Online?

Yes,  Class 6 Socia Science History Chapter 7 notes is available online. There are various online learning platforms that provide solved NCERT solutions for all the subjects. However, if students are looking for a reliable source, they can download the Class 6 Social Science History notes from the official website of Vedantu. We provide students with free PDF downloads for solved NCERT solutions. We have also added the NCERT Solutions Class 6 History Our Past Chapter 7 pdf at this site for your reference.

3. What are the topics included in Class 6 Social Science History Our Past Chapter 7?

Class 6 Social Science History Our Past Chapter 7 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns includes the following topics:

  • Iron tools and agriculture

  • Other steps to increase production: irrigation

  • Who lived in the villages?

  • Coins

  • Cities with many functions

  • Crafts and craft persons

  • A closer look – Arikamedu

4. How many Chapters are included in the Class 6 History Book?

11 chapters are included in the Class 6 History book which are as follows:

  • What Where When How

  • From Hunting Gathering To Growing Food

  • In The Earliest Cities

  • What Books And Burials Tell Us

  • Kingdoms Kings And An Early Republic

  • New Questions And Ideas

  • Ashoka The Emperor Who Gave Up War

  • Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

  • Traders Kings And Pilgrims

  • New Empires And Kingdoms

  • Buildings Paintings And Books

5. What were the means adopted by Ashoka to spread the Dhamma?

Ashoka adopted the following means to spread the Dhamma among the people:

  • Ashoka appointed Dhamma Mahamattas to travel from place to place and preach about Dhamma.

  • He inscribed the messages of Dhamma on rocks and pillars for his people.

  • He instructed his officials to deliver his messages about Dhamma to those who can’t read.

  • He also sent messengers to various countries, including Syria, Egypt, Greece, and Sri Lanka, to teach dhamma ideals.

6. What was Ashoka’s Dhamma according to Chapter 7 of Class 6 History?

After the war of Kalinga, Ashoka decided to follow the path of Dhamma. Dhamma is a Prakrit word which in Sanskrit means ‘Dharma’. He believed that Dhamma is not about worshipping God or performing sacrifices but it is the way one lives his life. Inspired by the teachings of Buddha, he made his people understand that they should live with compassion with every other living being. And one should never disrespect any other religion.

7. Why was Ashoka a unique ruler?

Everyone knows about the great king of all time, Ashoka. Ashoka was the most famous Mauryan ruler. He is considered as the most unique ruler ever known in history. He was the first ruler to try to communicate with the people through inscriptions about Dhamma. The majority of his inscriptions were written in Prakrit and in the Brahmi script. He is known for his decision to give up wars after conquering Kalinga.

8. Why did Ashoka give up the war?

The war of Kalinga was the turning point in Ashoka’s life. When Ashoka returned from the Kalinga War and saw the entire battlefield littered with ruins and the blood of those who had died, he was depressed. Even though he conquered Kalinga, he couldn’t ignore the fact that lakhs of people died and many were imprisoned. Realising this, he decided to give up on war that results in mass destruction and is determined to follow the path of ‘Dhamma’.

9. From where can I download NCERT Class 6 Social Science NCERT Solutions in PDF?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science are available in PDF format free of cost in the Vedantu app and their website. Vedantu answers all of the questions at the end of each chapter. You can use these solutions to study for your examinations. To get NCERT Solutions, you can do so by clicking the link-NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science, which will take you to a page where you can find the NCERT solutions.