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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1: Who Did Patrick’s Homework (Honeysuckle)


Class 6th English Chapter 1 Question Answers FREE PDF Download

The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 PDF, Who Did Patrick’s Homework, is offered by Vedantu. The Honeysuckle textbook covers various prose and poetry chapters that span various genres. Chapter 1 of the Honeysuckle textbook is about a young boy who dislikes doing homework. The change in his attitude and responsibility after meeting a tiny elf is what the story revolves around. You can find NCERT Solutions to Class 6 English Chapter 1 PDF here on Vedantu. These PDFs can be downloaded for absolutely FREE to access and read anywhere on the go. The solutions are compiled by master teachers and are constantly checked and updated for the latest Class 6 NCERT syllabus 2024-25.

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Glance on Class 6 English Chapter 1 - Who Did Patrick’s Homework 

  • The story revolves around a young boy named Patrick. Patrick, although a smart kid, hated doing his homework. 

  • He loves playing basketball, football, and video games but never does his homework despite repeatedly being pushed to do so by his parents and teachers.

  • One day, he finds his cat playing with a doll. He removes the doll from its mouth only to discover that it is a small elf.

  • Happy that Patrick saved him from the cat, the elf grants him a wish. Patrick asks the elf to do his homework for him every day so that he can get straight A’s. The elf reluctantly agrees.

  • Despite agreeing to do so, the elf turns out to be very bad at doing the assigned work. He continuously asks Patrick for help with certain subjects. 

  • Patrick had to read history books on his own, teach the elf different formulas, ask for a dictionary, and then Patrick’s help in understanding the meanings, and more often than not, it was Patrick who ended up doing the majority of the work.

  • Finally, on the last day of school, Patrick finished all the homework and got straight A’s. All the classmates, teachers, and parents were amazed. 

  • Patrick himself was a changed man by the end of the year, and he realised that even though, in hindsight, it might have looked like the elf did his homework, it was him who did all the work.

  • This whole incident changed Patrick's attitude and his outlook for the better.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Questions and Answers

Question 1: What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really? 

Answer: Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a doll. It was in fact a small elf. This elf looked like a miniature man.

Question 2: Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish? 

Answer: The elf was happy and relieved that Patrick had saved him from the cat. For this, the elf granted Patrick one wish.

Question 3: What was Patrick’s wish? 

Answer: Patrick was a young boy who loved playing games and video games and hated doing homework. So, when the elf granted him one wish, he asked the elf to do all his homework

Question 4: In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework? 

Answer: The elf needed help in English, Maths, and History subjects as he was very weak in these. For these subjects, he constantly called out to Patrick, who helped him.

Question 5: How did Patrick help him?

Answer: Patrick was of great help to the elf. He would stay up late at night and help him while doing the homework. He would often bring out books, read aloud from the dictionary and gave him solutions to math problems.

Question 6: Who do you think did Patrick’s homework — the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: In conclusion, it was actually Patrick himself who did his own homework. He had to help the elf over and over, guide him with various subjects, bring books and read up to then explain them to the elf and read out words from the dictionary so that the elf could understand them.

Working with language (Pages 11-12)

Question A: Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the words or phrases from the box. (You may not know the meaning of all the words. Look such words up in a dictionary, or ask your teacher.)

out of luck


true to his word



between you and me

look up

1. Some people find household ————————————— a bore, but I like to help at home.

2. Who stole the diamond is still a —————————————.

3. This ————————————— we are going to have a class exhibition.

4. —————————————, the elf began to help Patrick.

5. Can you ————————————— this word in the dictionary?

6. I started early to be on time, but I was ———————————. There was a traffic jam!

7. She says she’s got a lot of books, but ———————————— I think most of them are borrowed.


1. Some people find household chores a bore, but I like to help at home.

2. Who stole the diamond is still a mystery.

3. This semester, we are going to have a class exhibition.

4. True to his word, the elf began to help Patrick.

5. Can you look up this word in the dictionary?

6. I started early to be on time, but I was out of luck. There was a traffic jam!

7. She says she’s got a lot of books, but between you and me, I think most of them are borrowed.

Difficult Word Meanings for Class 6 Chapter 1 English - Who Did Patrick’s Homework? 

The NCERT Class 6 English Chapter 1 contains several difficult words that the students might not understand on the first go. So, we have curated a list of such words and their meanings in simple language so that you get everything available at  Vedantu and you don’t have to open the dictionary repeatedly!

S. No

Difficult Words




A video game



Ignorant person, fool, who knows nothing



Small fairy boy with pointed ears



Short/ knee-length trousers



Very small



A woman believed to practice black magic



Shout, scream, cry, cheer



Six months-long period of a school year 



A laundry basket with cover



Ugly expression showing anger



To contract eyebrows in displeasure


Pursed his lips

To express disapproval by pressing lips tightly together forming a rounded shape



Sudden or temporary fault or problem



High pitched noise that is not very loud



A swear word, unfortunate, evil magic word/phrase

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 6th English Honeysuckle Chapter 1

The benefits of NCERT solutions for Class 6th English that students can gain are given below:

  • The NCERT Solutions for Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions and Answers are accessible in PDF format. Students can download this PDF to access it anywhere, anytime on the go. 

  • Solutions to English Honeysuckle Class 6th Chapter 1 are provided in easy and simple language so that all students can easily understand and grasp the concepts. 

  • Students don’t have to go for tuition and spend money when the solution is just a step away for free. 

  • The answers are formulated as per the guidelines issued by the CBSE board. 

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Questions and Answers PDF provided by Vedantu, students can revise all the questions asked in the chapter, clear their doubts without any external help, and perform well in the exams.

Study Materials for English Class 6 Chapter 1

Now that you have a grasp on the Honeysuckle Class 6 English Chapter 1, you can refer to the important questions from the Class 6 English Ch 1 chapter to gain a headstart on your study process and fully up your understanding of the chapter.


The Class 6 English Chapter 1 from the Honeysuckle textbook, Who Did Patrick’s Homework, highlights the story of Patrick, a young boy who does not like to do his homework. He then meets an elf who offers to do his homework for him. What follows next is the story of how Patrick changes his ways and, through hard work and dedication, completes his homework without realising it.  Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Who Did Patrick's Homework PDF with answers that are available to download for absolutely FREE. These solutions are vetted and checked by professionals with years of experience dealing with the NCERT and CBSE Syllabus. This ensures the accuracy of these solutions. Best of luck with your exams.  

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1: Who Did Patrick’s Homework (Honeysuckle)

1. Why did the elf grant Patrick a wish?

The elf granted Patrick a wish because he saved his life from the cat which was clawing at him. He was a short man wearing a woollen shirt and short trousers. The elf was happy and relieved and granted Patrick a wish he would fulfil. Patrick decided to make the elf do his homework because he thought it was boring.

2. How did the elf do Patrick’s homework?

The elf had no knowledge about any of the subjects and couldn’t do the homework properly. Then Patrick decided to help the elf by making him understand the subjects. He got books from the library to help the elf. He used a dictionary to get the meaning of the words and often read his History lessons to the elf. For Maths, he made him understand the concept and showed him how to solve the problems. In this way by educating the elf, he also understood the lessons himself.

3. Are the NCERT solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 1 from Honeysuckle ‘’Who did Patrick’s Homework’’ any helpful?

The NCERT solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 1 offered by Vedantu are very helpful in getting a better understanding.of the chapter. The material is prepared by our experts and is well comprehensible. The solutions are written as per the guidelines of the CBSE and students can even mould the answers in their own words. The pdf is available free of cost and can be used in offline mode also which is a plus point. Also, the question and answer approach is a very effective way of revising the chapter.

4. Who did Patrick’s homework?

Patrick had aided a small guy and saved his life, and in exchange, the small man had granted Patrick a desire. Patrick, who disliked doing his homework, wished that the small man would do it all for him. As a result, the small man granted Patrick's wish and completed his schoolwork but with some assistance from Patrick, as the little guy was not very good in a few areas. For more elaborate explanations of problems related to this chapter, visit the Vedantu official page for the solutions.

5. Why did Patrick hate doing his homework and how did he avoid doing them?

He despised doing his schoolwork. Patrick never completed his schoolwork because he disliked it. Instead, he engaged in outdoor activities such as hockey and basketball. His teacher told him that if he didn't finish his homework, he wouldn't be able to learn anything. This was followed by Patrick saving a little elf’s life who had in turn granted him a wish. Patrick used this as an opportunity to avoid doing his homework and took the elf’s help in completing his entire homework for almost a month. The elf was not good in a few subjects and Patrick had to help him with those.

6. How can I download the PDF version of the Solutions of Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1?

The solutions are easily available free of cost on the Vedantu’s website and Vedantu app. 

  1. Visit the webpage with Vedantu’s solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1.

  2. To download these solutions, click on the Download PDF button and you can view the solutions offline. For solutions related to the other chapters or topics, visit Vedantu’s website, or the Vedantu app.

7. How did Patrick help the elf in completing the homework?

Patrick had saved the elf’s life and in return the elf granted him a wish. Patrick requested him to complete his homework. His request was granted, and the little man finished his homework. But he had to take Patrick's help, as the small man was not particularly excellent in a few areas. Patrick aided the little elf by guiding him and bringing him books from the library, which he read aloud to him. In this manner, he helped the elf in the subjects in which the elf was not particularly very good. This continued for almost a month and the elf did all of Patrick’s homework.

8. How did Patrick save the elf’s life?

Patrick once discovered his cat playing with a doll while he was away. That little doll turned out to be an elf and was saved by the youngster. As an act of gratitude, he vowed to grant the dying saviour’s desire. As a result of Patrick's instruction, he completed all of his schoolwork for 35 days. Later on, Patrick even helped the elf complete the homework and in doing so, Patrick began to learn his subjects well and went on to score good marks as well.

9. Where can I find the answer to the class 6th English Chapter 1 Question?

You can find the Class 6 English Chapter 1 PDF here on Vedantu. You can download this PDF for absolutely FREE to study on the go.

10. Are the NCERT solutions for Who Did Patrick's Homework PDF with answers accurate?

The NCERT Solutions to English Honeysuckle Class 6 Chapter 1 - Who Did Patrick’s Homework is designed and curated by top professionals in the industry. These professionals are Subject Matter Experts who hold years of experience dealing with CBSE and NCERT Syllabus. The accuracy and relevancy of the solutions are above par and updated for the latest syllabus.