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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 20 - Viplav


Class 7 Hindi Vasant NCERT Solutions for Chapter - 20 Viplav - Gaayan

Class 7 Vasant Chapter 20 solution contains a chapter-wise complete solution with images and precise explanation, enabling students to get more marks. At the end of chapter Hindi Vasant Class 7 Chapter 20, all the exercise questions answers are solved for the students in an easy to understand manner by experts. You can download CBSE NCERT solutions of Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 20 now for well-written answers, which follow CBSE guidelines and will help you in your exams.


NCERT Solutions for Class 7


Class 7 Hindi

Subject Part:

Hindi Part 2 - Vasant

Chapter Name:

Chapter 20 - Viplav


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

  • Exercise Wise

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  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant पाठ 20 - विप्लव-गायन

कविता से

1. ‘कण-कण में है व्याप्त वही स्वर......कालकूट फणि की चिंतामणि'

(क) ‘वही स्वर ,'वही ध्वनि’ एवं 'वही तान' आदि वाक्यांश किसके लिए तथा किस भाव के लिए प्रयुक्त हुआ है?

उत्तर: 'वह स्वर’,'वही ध्वनि' एवं 'वही तान’ कवि ने आंदोलन, नवनिर्माण के आह्वान के लिए किया है और जनता में जागरूकता लाने के लिए भी प्रयुक्त किया है।

(ख) वही स्वर , वही ध्वनि एवं वही तान से संबंधित भाव का ‘रूध्द -गति की क्रुद्ध तान है/निकली मेरी अंतरतर से’ - पंक्तियों में क्या संबंध बनता है?

उत्तर: दोनों पंक्तियों का संबंध कवि की क्रांति सोच से बना है तथा दोनों पंक्तियां ही परिवर्तन के संदर्भ में लिखी गई है।

2. नीचे दी गई पंक्तियों का भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए-

“सावधान! मेरी वाणी में…… दोनों मेरी ऐंठी है।” 

उत्तर: इन पंक्तियों में कवि ने कहा है कि उनकी वाणी से कोमल स्वर की जगह कठोर स्वर निकल रहा है इसकी वजह से उनकी उंगलियों के मिजराबे टूट कर गिर गयी। असल में कवि ने परिवर्तन के बारे में सावधान करने के लिए इसका प्रयोग किया है।

कविता से आगे

1. स्वाधीनता संग्राम के दिनों में अनेक कवियों ने स्वाधीनता को मुखर करने वाली ओजपूर्ण कविताएं लिखी। माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी, मैथिलीशरण गुप्ता और सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी 'निराला'की ऐसी कविताओं की चार-चार पंक्तियां इकट्ठा कीजिए, जिनमें स्वाधीनता के भाव ओज से मुखर हुए हैं।

उत्तर: प्यारे भारत देश

गगन-गगन तेरा यश फहरा

पवन-पवन तेरा बल गहरा

क्षिति-जल-नभ पर डाल हिंडोले

चरण-चरण संचरण सुनहरा।।-माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी

मानस भवन में आर्यजन जिसकी उतारें आरती,

भगवान! भारतवर्ष में गूंजे हमारी भारती।

हो भद्रभावोभ्दाविनी वह भारती हे भवगते!

सीतापते! सीतापते! गीतामते! गीतामते।।-मैथिलीशरण गुप्ता

जैसे हम हैं वैसे ही रहे,

हाथ लिए एक दूसरे का,

अतिशय सुख के सागर में बहे।

मुंडे पलक, केवल देखें उर में,

सुने सब कथा परिमल-सुर में,

जो चाहे, करे वे ।।-सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी

अनुमान और कल्पना

1. कविता की मूल भाव को ध्यान में रखते हुए बताइए कि इसका शीर्षक 'विप्लव-गायन 'क्यों रखा गया?

उत्तर: कवि ने समाज में परिवर्तन लाने के लिए यह कविता लिखिए। समाज को कुसंस्कार, गलत रीति रिवाज मुक्त करके समाज में परिवर्तन लाने के लिए कवि ने इस कविता के द्वारा लोगों को जागरूक करने की कोशिश की है। इसीलिए कविता की मूल भाव को ध्यान में रखते हुए इसका शीर्षक  'विप्लव-गायन’ रखा गया है।

भाषा की बात

1. कविता में दो शब्दों के मध्य (-) का प्रयोग किया गया है जैसे – ‘ जिसे उथल-पुथल मत जाए’एवं ' कण- कण मैं है  व्याप्त वही स्वर’ । इन पंक्तियों को पढ़िए और अनुमान लगाइए कि कभी ऐसा प्रयोग क्यों करते हैं?

उत्तर: कवि ने दो शब्दों के बीच (-) का प्रयोग करके शब्दों को ज्यादा प्रभावशाली बनाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया है। जैसे कि 'कण-कण में है व्याप्त वही स्वर्ग' इसमें ‘कण- कण ' में इन दोनों शब्दों का प्रभाव बढ़ाने के लिए (-) का प्रयोग किया गया है।

2. कविता में (-। आदि) विराम चिन्हों का उपयोग रुकने, आगे-बढ़ने अथवा किसी खास भाव को अभिव्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है। कविता पढ़ने में इन विराम चिन्ह का प्रभावी प्रयोग करते हुए काव्य पाठ कीजिए। गध में आमतौर पर (है) शब्दों का प्रयोग वाक्य के अंत में क्या जाता है, जैसे - देशराज जाता है। अब कविता की निम्नलिखित पंक्तियों को देखिए-

‘ कण-कण है व्याप्त…….. तान तान गाती रहती है,

इन पंक्तियों में (है) शब्द का प्रयोग अलग-अलग जगह पर किया गया है।

कविता में अगर आपको आगे ऐसे अन्य शब्द मिले तो उनको छांटकर लिखिए।

उत्तर: चिंगारियां आने बैठी है।

टूटी है मिज़राब उंगलियां।

कण - कण में है व्यापक वह स्वर।

वही तान गाती रहती है।

3. निम्नलिखित पंक्तियों को ध्यान से देखिए- 'कवि कुछ ऐसी तान सुनाओ….. एक हिलोर उधर से आए’, इस पंक्ति में (आए-जाए) जैसे तुक मिलने वाले शब्दों का प्रयोग किया गया है। इसे तुकबंदी या अत्यानुप्रास कहते हैं। कविता से तुकबंदी के अन्य शब्दों को छांटकर लिखिए। छांटें गए शब्दों से अपनी कविता बनाने की कोशिश कीजिए। 

उत्तर: कविता में तुकबंदी या अन्त्यानुप्रास पद निम्नलिखित है-

(क) बैठे हैं, एंठी हैं। (ख) रूध्द होता है, युद्ध होता है। (ग) स्वर से, अंतरतर से। (घ) ध्वनि, चिंतामणि।(ड़) समझ आया हूं, परख आया हूं। (च) जीवन के, मानस के।

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 20 Viplav Gaayan - Free PDF Download

Vedantu’s Viplav - Gayan class 7 is available with important test paper questions and answers. Hindi is getting more favor all over the world, so it's necessary to learn this language accurately. The solution will give the in-depth meaning of this chapter, students can easily understand the main fact which is hidden under the text. Vedantu provides the easiest study material to students where the CBSE students can have a good grip on the book knowledge. In Chapter 20 Vasant Class 7, the important questions which are often seen to come in the exams, are vividly interpreted by Vedantu's solution.

Vedantu tries to deliver the solutions of text-related questions, important questions, and also previous year question answer solutions to give a clear idea of question patterns that follow the CBSE guidelines. Practising these kinds of questions of this chapter will confirm the excellent marks in the exams as well as it will develop the self-confidence of students.

Class 7 Hindi Chapter 20 Viplav - Gaayan is now available here and also can be accessed in offline without any cost. Download the 7th Hindi Chapter 20 now for improving the marks. 

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 20 

  • Class 7 Hindi Vasant Ch 20 NCERT solutions are composed by the Vedantu's experts, are easy to understand. All the question answers are 100% accurate and written efficiently.

  • All the solutions strictly fulfil the CBSE guidelines that will enable the students to understand the question pattern, marks division, and how to write an answer for a particular question.

  • CBSE Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 20 solutions organized in a way that will help the students to have a strong foundation of the concept and also enable them to improve their grades.

  • Class 7 Hindi Chapter 20 Viplav - Gaayan is available both for free online access and also can be downloaded offline for future use. 

  • It will also enable students to read up faster and better.

Using the Vedantu app and its NCERT solution of Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 20, students can attempt all the questions, which could bother them in the examination. Without any worry, students can easily attain all the questions sharply and can score better.

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The solutions are written using simple terms that every student can easily understand. These solutions also help students to get the whole concepts of the chapter in the grip. They can clear their doubts easily by themselves. 

Vedantu tries to give a classroom-based teaching-learning platform, where students can easily earn more knowledge without spending much time and energy. They can easily achieve it at any time at any location. Experts from renowned industries are always there for students, they also clear additional doubts of students. This teacher-learner interaction process makes this app more preferable. Download the Vedantu app to get the best guidance.


The NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 20 - "Viplav" provide a thorough understanding of the literary nuances and cultural elements embedded in the text. By delving into the detailed solutions, students can grasp the essence of the chapter, exploring its themes, characters, and the socio-cultural context it portrays. These solutions not only aid in better comprehension of the Hindi language but also foster a deeper appreciation for the rich literary heritage. Utilizing these resources, students can enhance their language skills, critical thinking, and cultural awareness, contributing to a holistic and enriching educational experience. 

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 20 - Viplav

1. Which types of questions come from this particular text?

There are mainly descriptive types of questions that come from this text, such as summary and justification of title. To attend to those questions smoothly, one has to read the whole content perfectly. Some types of analytical questions and short types of questions also come in the exam, such as the aim and line-related questions. Previous year questions help to know about many hidden portions and various facts. So, to get good marks, one has to finish all the previous year's questions. To perceive the exact thing, not once but two or three times, the text has to be read, as practice makes a person perfect. Thus one can attend all questions regarding this particular chapter by covering the whole text attentively.

2. How much is necessary to read the summary to perfectly answer every question?

It is too much necessary to cover the summary, as it helps to know every corner about the text. However questions come in the exam from the text, if one reads a summary with a great concentration then he or she will be able to answer it. Summary denotes the whole thing and the main facts, the author's feelings. So, by reading this, enough perception will be fixed in one's mind about the text. From there, one can prepare a particular answer on his or her own. Many short questions and line related queries come in the exam. The specific answer is perhaps unknown to us but if one covers the summary of the text he can create it anyway. So there is much significance to reading the summary for answering different questions as well as knowing everything about the text perfectly.

3. How Vedantu helps to gain confidence in students?

Vedantu is a perfect educational app, where students can learn about their respective lessons as per their syllabus. Many students get puzzled or nervous before an exam. It mainly occurs when the preparation is not up to marks and there are so many confusions related to the text. From that, one cannot properly complete their answer sheet in the exam hall. So, practice is much necessary before an exam with the guidance of an experienced expert. Vedantu does it very well as they solved previous years' questions so that students get some confidence. There are so many pdfs, videos, and demonstrations that are available on its online sites from where one can know the best. All the doubts are cleared by experts with proper explanation. It also revises the topic repeatedly, so that students know more and become confident about the topic. No portions are left by them so it gives huge support to achieve the confidence of students.

4. What is the concept of the poem in Chapter 20 of Class 7 Hindi Vasant?

In this poem, the poet has explained that unless we break the social evils that are even practiced today in many places, one cannot achieve any progress. The poet Balakrishna Sharma Naveen wants to bring change in society through his poems. It has been explained to get rid of the old to give the new society a new concept and modern thinking. The voice will always be pulled back, which tries to bring change in society.

5. Explain the meaning of the first four lines of Chapter 20 of Class 7 Hindi Vasant?

The Lines are from the poem ‘Viplav Gayan’ composed by Balakrishna Naveen. In these lines, the poets desire to sing a song to bring revolution in the society with the changes eradicating the practice of the social evils and changing the society having a strong foundation. Today the old customs, bad evils are still followed which have to be taken out then only we can say the society as new. 

6. What lines convey the message in Chapter 20 of Class 7 Hindi Vasant?

The poem is an explanation that the song has stopped the throat of destruction and he has stopped singing the song. Whenever the voice is raised to bring change in society, it is always suppressed. These voices will rise again, and no one can suppress them for a long time, and the attempts to bring change in society will always be there. The determination to bring change in society will always be there.

7. What you understand by the lines  कण-कण में है व्याप्त वही स्वर……... पोषक सूत्र परख आया हूँ of Chapter 20 of Class 7 Hindi Vasant?

In these lines, it has been explained that each particle or a thing has a song of revolution coming from all directions. The Sheshnag is always worried about the gem the same way the whole world is only thinking of the revolution. The following lines explain that society's changes can only be seen when the corrupt society is destroyed and a new society can be raised. 

8. What message do we get from Chapter 20 of Class 7 Hindi Vasant?

The poem, through the song, conveys the change in society and the revolution. Whenever attempts are made to bring change in society, it gets suppressed but cannot be suppressed for long. When the evil and corrupt society vanishes, then only one can expect a new society. The revolution in society can change many things, but the change is not simple and easy. One has to keep trying though there will be lots of abstractions and difficulties one should not stop. The NCERT Solutions for Chapter 20 of Class 7 Hindi Vasant are available free of cost on the Vedantu website and the Vedantu app.