NCERT Class 8 English (Poem) - The Ant and the Cricket Question Answer - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 1 The Ant and The Cricket
1. What Message has the Poet Tried to Convey in The Ant And The Cricket Class 8?
Class 8 English poem The Ant and The Cricket on an allegorical level depicts two types of humans- one who works hard in his presence for a better future, and the other who lazily sits back and enjoys his present not worrying about what might happen in future. The poet wants to say that one should live and enjoy their present to the fullest but should also be aware of what is happening and be prepared for the future. If you are a procrastinator, you will suffer someday, and it will be too late to repent at that time.
2. How can Vedantu’s Chapter 1 The Ant And The Cricket Class 8 Question Answer help in Self-Studies?
Since you are not wasting your time in coaching and studying on your own with Vedantu, you will understand any topic much better than you did earlier. The study material is planned out by experienced professionals who acknowledge the necessity of the students and the problems most of the students face. The practice questions are made keeping in mind the previous year's question papers and cover all the topics so that students have an idea about the type of question that can be asked. Vedantu is the place where you can find study material that is sufficient enough to pass with flying colours.
3. Why did the cricket not save any food for the winter?
The cricket did not save any food for the winter because it spent the entire warm season singing and enjoying itself without thinking about the future. It did not work hard like the ant, which spent the summer gathering and storing food to survive during the winter months when food would be scarce. The cricket's carefree attitude and lack of foresight led it to face hunger when winter arrived, contrasting with the ant's diligent preparation.
4. What is the moral of the story "The Ant and the Cricket"?
The story "The Ant and the Cricket" shows us that working hard and getting ready for the future is very important. The ant works diligently to collect food for the winter, teaching us the value of planning ahead. Meanwhile, cricket enjoys itself all summer and doesn't prepare. When winter comes, the cricket faces hunger and learns the hard way about laziness. This story teaches us to be responsible and work hard to succeed in life.
5. What is the summary of Ant and the Cricket NCERT Class 8 English?
Aesop's story ‘The Ant and the Cricket’ is written in the style of poetry. This poem tells the story of a desperate and short-sighted cricket and a miserly yet practical ant. During the warm and spring months, the cricket would not bother about the future and enjoy his days. He never kept food for the harsh winter. But the Ants worked hard so that food was available when winter arrived. It is one of Aesop’s popular fables.
6. How did the cricket learn his lesson?
The cricket was short-sighted and never bothered about the harsh winter days ahead. Instead of preparing for it, he used to be in a jolly mood and goof around during the warm days. He paid the price for his stupidity later on during the winter, when he had to starve with no food to eat as he had saved nothing.
7. Why did the ant refuse to help the cricket?
The ant refused to help the cricket because when the cricket had the opportunity to collect food during the summer, it spent its time singing and did not work hard like the ant. The ant had diligently gathered and stored food for itself, knowing that winter would bring scarcity. When the cricket asked for help during the harsh winter, the ant reminded it of its folly and the consequences of laziness, suggesting that everyone must bear the results of their actions.
8. What are some literary devices used in "The Ant and the Cricket"?
Literary devices such as personification (giving human qualities to animals), metaphor (the ant and cricket symbolizing industriousness and laziness), and moral allegory (teaching a moral lesson through a story) are employed in the narrative to effectively convey its message.
9. Why is "The Ant and the Cricket" considered a fable?
"The Ant and the Cricket" is considered a fable because it uses animals as characters to teach a moral lesson. The ant represents industriousness and foresight, while the cricket symbolizes laziness and lack of preparation. The story's purpose is to impart wisdom about the consequences of hard work versus idleness.
10. How can students improve their understanding of Chapter 1 - The Ant and the Cricket using NCERT Solutions?
NCERT Solutions provides detailed explanations, summaries, and answers to questions related to the chapter. By using these solutions, students can clarify concepts, deepen their comprehension of the story's themes, and enhance their analytical skills.