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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 10 - The Comet


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened - The Comet - II - Free PDF Download

English literature is an interesting subject. You will find it wonderful to study, and the love for the subject increases as you understand the inner meanings conveyed by the stories. However, understanding these hidden meanings is difficult, and you might need help regarding this. If you are studying Ch 10 English Class 8 It So Happened, you will need assistance, which is presented to you in the form of NCERT Solution for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 10. Such solutions detail every hidden meaning of the phrases, thus helping you grasp the chapter easily. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 10 also have presented model questions and answers that will help you score high marks in your examinations. Science Students who are looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science will also find the Solutions curated by our Master Teachers really Helpful. You can also Download NCERT Solution for Class 8 Maths to help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 English It So Happened

Chapter Name:

Chapter 10 - The Comet II

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Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

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English and Hindi

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Comprehension Check

1. “For a moment James wondered if he had done his sums right.” Why was James doubtful about his sums and calculations?

Ans: James looked out from his window and saw a night sky full of stars and he felt doubtful. He looked at the stars and thought about Comet Dutta which was amongst those stars and was heading to earth for the collision. It was a peaceful night but it was difficult for him to believe the calamity of the future.

2. What did the scientists at the conference say about James’ sums?

Ans: The scientists checked James’ sums many times and came to a horrible conclusion that he was right. There was very little chance that the comet would just scrape through the earth’s atmosphere but even if it did, huge damage would still be caused.

3. Immediate action was needed, the scientists decided. Give one example each of ‘defensive’ and ‘offensive’ action mentioned in the text.

Ans: The scientists took a defensive action of living in underground bunkers. They thought of an offensive action of slightly deflecting the Comet by pushing it from its path. The Comet could be deflected by sending a spaceship having a nuclear payload to intercept the approaching comet and detonate it.

4. “I am not buying any Christmas presents till December 15”. What did Sir John mean by that?

Ans: When Sir John said this, he meant that he was very sure of the success of the operation. The operation was to take place on December 15 and if it failed, the earth would be hit by the comet. 

5. What was Duttada expected to do on his return from London?

Ans: Duttada’s wife, Indrani Devi, arranged a Shanti yagna which was to be performed by Duttada on his return from London. This yagna was arranged to appease the evil spirit behind the comet.

6. What is his reaction to the proposal?

Ans: Dutta said that it was superstition and reacted very angrily. He refused to perform the yagna because he did not support such superstitions.

7. (i) What does ‘Project Light Brigade' refer to?

Ans: As soon as the scientists confirmed the collision of the earth and the comet, they started making plans to save the Earth. ‘Project Light Brigade’ was the plan to change the path of the comet by the nuclear explosion.

(ii) What did Sir John say about the Project in his letter to Duttada in October?

Ans: Sir John in his letter to Duttada says that the charge of the Light Brigade has begun and they hope for the best indicating that the spaceship has been launched on time.

8. Did Sir John buy Christmas presents on December 15? How did Duttada get to know about it?

Ans: Yes Sir John buys Christmas presents on December 15. Duttada gets to know about it through the letter that Sir John writes to him. In the letter, he says that he was confident of buying presents for Christmas which indicates the success of the project.

9. Why, according to Indrani Debi, had the comet not been disastrous? Do you agree with her?

Ans: According to Indrani Debi, the yagna performed at her house was the reason that the comet has not proven to be disastrous.

No, I do not agree with her, as it was the scientists' project that stopped the comet from colliding with the Earth.

10.  Is Duttada’s general outlook

(i)  rational?

(ii)  moral?

(iii)  traditional?

Choose the right word. Say why you think it is right.

Ans: Duttada has a rational outlook. He is a scientist and believes in reason and facts and not in customs. He knows that there is no connection between the collision and the yagna and so denies performing the yagna.

Why Should You Download the Solutions for English Chapter 10 Class 8?

English literature is not an easy subject to score. It is wrought with inner meanings, and the examiners have the leverage to deduct marks based on their impression about the answers. To know the right way to present the answers, you must follow NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 10. This solution is being prepared by top teachers from eminent institutes who know how to present the topic. The Comet 2 Class 8 PDF has been made available for download for students. Students can download it at their convenience on their laptop or android device. Therefore, students can study from these solutions for any examination. The following aspects of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English The Comet 2 will help you score well.

The Material is Prepared for Exam Preparation

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English supplementary Comet 2 are prepared, keeping in mind the nuances of any examination. The notes highlight those parts of the chapter, which is important for exams. The entire Comet 2 Class 8 chapters’ solutions have been converted into a set of important points which students can study. Moreover, the note series also presents a model question and answer list that students can follow for any examination. This examination-oriented approach will help students in many ways.

The Notes Follow CBSE Specified Rules

English literature is one such subject where the examiners can deduct marks depending on their impressions about the answers. This creates a disparity in marks since different examiners have a different way of checking the paper. As a result, the marks for different students will vary. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has designated a set of rules for answering that will help students fetch full marks. NCERT Class 8 English supplementary Chapter 10 follows these CBSE specified regulations while designing the model questions and answers. If the students follow these rules, they will face no issues answering the questions and fetch full marks in examinations. The examiners will not deduct any marks if they get answers fulfilling all the rules.

The Notes are Made to Support Revisions

It isn't easy to complete the vast English literature syllabus before the examination. Every student desires a point-wise representation of each chapter to revise the complete chapter in lesser time. NCERT Solution for Class 8 English chapter The Comet 2 has been prepared in the same manner so that the chapter's salient features are represented. The solution notes cover all marks scoring areas of the chapter. Additionally, NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English supplementary Chapter 10 also cover model questions and answers, which also focus on the main areas targeted by the questions. If a student studies NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Comet 2, he will be best prepared for all examinations.

Why Should you Follow Vedantu for NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter The Comet 2?

Vedantu is one of the best places for online learning. Their way of representation of study notes excels with respect to others. For example, NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 10 The Comet 2 is best prepared at Vedantu. The website follows a point-wise approach to express an overview. Moreover, the chapter's inner meanings are also provided in The Comet 2 Class 8 NCERT Solutions. If a student follows NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English supplementary chapter The Comet 2, he will score high in any examination.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 10 - The Comet

1. What is the Best Way to Prepare from NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 10 the Comet?

The best way to prepare from NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English supplementary ch 10 is to follow the important points and model answers.

2. How can I Benefit From NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Comet 2?

If you want to extract the most benefits from the solution sets, you must focus on every detail and answers provided by experts in the NCERT Solutions.

3. How to Develop Answering Skills From Solution Sets?

You can score high marks in examinations by sharpening your writing skills as per the expert’s answers mentioned in the solution sets.

4. Why was Duttada invited to a secret conference in Chapter 10 of Class 8 English?

Manoj Dutta was invited by Sir John to a secret conference. Astronomers, biologists, and nuclear space scientists were other members who were called to attend this conference which lasted for a week. The agenda of the conference was a secret. The main agenda of the conference was to check James Forsyth’s results about Comet Dutta. It was a secret mission and Sir John did not want to disclose it to anyone.

5. What action was taken to meet the challenge of the new comet in Chapter 10 of Class 8 English?

A conference was scheduled to discuss the ways to meet the challenges of the new comet. The members who attended the conference discussed two ways to save human lives. One way was defensive and the other way was offensive. They said that people could be asked to stay in underground bunkers until the comet passed away. The other way was to change the course of movement of the comet using nuclear power.

6. Why, according to the wife of Duttada, the comet was not disastrous?

According to the wife of Duttada, the comet was not disastrous because she performed a Shanti yajna at her house that helped in changing the path of the comet from hitting the earth. She was very superstitious. The path of the comet was changed by the joint action of the scientists in the secret conference who made a plan to change the path of the comet. They did an experiment that helped in diverting the path of the comet to prevent an explosion.

7. Where can I find free NCERT solutions for Chapter 10 of Class 8 English?

Students can download the NCERT solutions for Class 8 English textbook-It so happened of Chapter 10 from Vedantu app and website. NCERT solutions can be downloaded free of cost. All NCERT Solutions are prepared by expert English scholars who have a deep understanding of the concepts and their subject. All solutions are available in simple language so that students can prepare for their Class 8 English exam. NCERT Solutions can help students to remember the textbook questions easily and understand the main story of the chapter.

8. What do you know about “Project Light Brigade” from Chapter 10 of Class 8 English?

In Class 8 English Chapter 10, a comet was about to hit the Earth. A conference was organized to find out ways to prevent the collision of the comet with the earth. They thought of two different processes. The plan“Project Light Brigade” was made to divert the path of the comet. They planned to launch a spacecraft and explode a nuclear device near the comet. The project was successful and people and the earth were saved.