NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened - Jalebis - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7 Jalebis
1. How to Download the NCERT Solutions of Class 8 English Supplementary Chapter 7?
You can download the complete NCERT solutions for class 8 English supplementary jalebis in the PDF format by clicking on the download file on the website. Similar to every other subject, students will find the PDF format of this chapter to download and start preparing on mobile and desktop. The process is simple and fast.
2. Are NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Jalebis Easy to Learn?
Yes, students can easily grasp the information of NCERT solutions for class 8 English it so happened chapter jalebis because it is finely drafted in simple language. In-house authors of Vedantu prepare every solution in easy language so that students can grasp it easily. Students do not have to seek dictionary help to understand any word.
3. What do you Learn From NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter Jalebis?
The NCERT solutions for class 8 English supplementary jalebis teaches us many things, especially to kids. It says it’s ok to fulfil our desire and taking the risk. Moreover, if you have made any mistake, make sure you except it. In this story, the kid who was supposed to be the school fees ended up buying jalebis, which he could not resist. However, he later started praying to Allah pleading sorry for his mistake he committed and asked for some miracle so he can get his money back.
4. What lesson does the school boy learn from his mistakes in Chapter 7-Jalebis?
Elders had advised the young man about misusing the school expenses. Despite this, he blows the entire money on jalebis. The lesson he learns is to never waste money that his parents have worked hard to obtain. In addition, he discovers that no matter how prepared you are, things can always turn out differently than you expect. The tale also teaches us to think things through before acting. Moreover, it reminds us that we can't only rely on prayer to meet our needs completely.
5. What was the consequence of buying jalebis with the fees money in Class 8 English Chapter 7?
The boy's eventual consequence of purchasing jalebis with his fees money was that he had to miss school for the first time in his life. He was aware that he had defied his parents for the first time, and he felt bad about using the fees money to satisfy his sweet addiction. The repercussions of buying jalebis were worse than he had anticipated. It seemed as if even God was trying to impart some wisdom on him. He learned that he'd be getting his scholarship money the following month.
6. What reasons did Munna give for not eating the jalebis?
Because of the sheer number of jalebis, Munna was unable to consume them all. He shared the last of the jalebis with the neighbourhood kids. He'd eaten so many jalebis that he couldn't keep them all down anymore. His greatest worry was that one or two jalebis might make him burp out. He had eaten to the point that if anybody had pushed his tummy with their finger, jalebis would have exploded through his ears and nose.
7. How can I download the NCERT Solutions of Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7?
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8. How did the school boy try to resist the temptation of buying the jalebis?
He tried reasoning with the four rupees in his pocket. He told them he was a decent kid and if they misunderstood him, it wouldn't be good for them. He already had so much at home that simply glancing at something at the bazaar felt like a sin. They were, after all, his fees and fund money. How would he show his face to Master Ghulam Mohammed in school the very next day and subsequently to Allah miyan at Qayamat, if he were to spend the money that day?