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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 18 - Topi


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 18 - Topi PDF Download

Hindi Class 8 Vasant Chapter 18 ‘Topi’ is a brilliant depiction of the present scenario. Students will be able to correlate with these facts mentioned beautifully in this folk tale. To answer the questions of this chapter, you can take help from NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 18 Topi prepared by the top mentors of Vedantu. This NCERT solution file can be downloaded in PDF format and can be used offline to study the chapter.


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 Hindi Vasant

Chapter Name:

Chapter 18 - Topi

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

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  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

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Access NCERT solutions for class 8 Hindi वसंत - Chapter 18:टोपी

NCERT Solutions For CBSE Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 18- Free PDF Download

Vedantu provides the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 18 are prepared by our expert faculties in the pdf format, to help you in your exam preparations. Download NCERT Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 18 Solutions pdf to find a better approach to understand the chapter. Practicing the questions covered in the textbook will help you in analyzing your level of preparation and knowledge of concepts in the book.

The answers to all the questions covered in the chapter are written in an evident and lucid manner, keeping in the objective of textbooks.  Practicing textbook questions of Class 9 Hindi Vasant Chapter 18 will surely help you to prepare efficiently for your examination. Download the pdf through the link below.

CBSE Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 18 Topi Overview

The story of author Sanjay "Topi"  is a folktale. Through this story the author has tried to highlight the social problems. This story reviews the relations of the people with the ruling class. The author has described the determination and efforts of a little sparrow in this story and according to the author every person can be inspired by the little sparrow and make his life successful and meaningful. In this, the author has shown the pressure of the king and his ministers on the public in a very good way. It has been shown that even a small sparrow can bring the truth of the king to the public. The author has also tried to explain that everyone should get proper remuneration for his work, if he gets full wages, then anyone will be happy to do good work and someone will happily do his work with complete honesty.

1. गौरैया और गौरा के बीच किस बात पर बहस हुई और गौरैया को अपनी इच्छा पूरी करने का अवसर कैसे मिला? 

उत्तर: गौरैया और गौरा के बीच मनुष्यों के कपड़े पहनने पर बहस हुई थी। गौरैया को आदमी द्वारा पहने जाने वाले रंग बिरंगे वस्त्र पसंद थे और वह उसके पक्ष में थी। परंतु गौरा के अनुसार मनुष्य बिना वस्त्रों के ही अच्छा लगता है, वस्त्र उसकी खूबसूरती को छिपा देते हैं। गौरैया को अपनी इच्छा यानी टोपी पहनने की इच्छा को पूरी करने का अवसर एक दिन घूरे चुगते हुए मिला जब उसे दाना चुगते हुए एक रुई का फाहा मिला जिससे उसने अपनी टोपी बनवाई। 

2. टोपी बनवाने के लिए गौरैया किस किस के पास गयी? टोपी बनने तक के एक एक कार्य को लिखें। 

उत्तर: टोपी बनवाने के लिए गौरैया कुल चार लोगों के पास गयी - धुनिया, कोरी, बुनकर और दर्जी। पहले उसने धुनिया के पास जाकर रुई धुनाई, फिर कोरी के पास जाकर उसे कतवाया, उस सूत को वह बुनकर के पास लेकर गयी जहां उससे कपड़ा बनवाया और अंत में उस कपड़े को लेकर वह दर्जी के पास गयी जहां दर्जी ने उस कपड़े से गौरैया के लिए टोपी सिल दी तथा उस पर पांच फुंदने भी लगा दिए जिससे उसकी सुंदरता और भी बढ़ गयी। 

3. गौरैया की टोपी पर दर्जी ने पांच फुँदने क्यों जड़ दिए? 

उत्तर: गौरैया ने दरजी को वाजिब मजदूरी दी थी जिससे खुश होके दर्जी ने उसकी टोपी पर पांच फुँदने जड़ दिए थे। 

4. गौरैया के स्वभाव से यह प्रमाणित होता है कि कार्य की सफलता के लिए उत्साह आवश्यक है। सफलता के लिए उत्साह की आवश्यकता क्यों पड़ती है, तर्क सहित लिखिए। 

उत्तर: सफलता के लिए उत्साह अति आवश्यक है क्योंकि उत्साह ही व्यक्ति को काम करने के लिए प्रेरित करता है तथा उसमे ऊर्जा भरता है। उत्साह के बिना काम नीरस हो जाता है जिससे व्यक्ति में उसे पूरा करने की इच्छा खत्म हो जाती है और सफलता मिलना मुश्किल हो जाता है। 

5. टोपी पहनकर गौरैया राजा को दिखाने क्यों पहुंची जबकि उसकी बहस गौरा से हुई है और वह गौरा के मुँह से अपनी बड़ाई सुन चुकी थी। लेकिन राजा से उसकी कोई बहस हुई ही नहीं थी। फिर भी वह राजा को चुनौती देने पहुंची। कारण का अनुमान लगाइए। 

उत्तर: गौरैया टोपी पहनकर राजा को दिखाने इसलिए पहुंची क्यूंकि गौरा ने कहा था कि टोपी बस राजा पहनता है तो वह राजा को दिखाने पहुँच गयी तथा वह अपने आप को टोपी पहनकर राजा समझने लग गयी थी इसलिए वह उसे राजा को दिखाना चाहती थी कि लोगों से काम हमेशा मेहनताना देकर करवाना चाहिए ना कि मुफ्त में। 

6. यदि राजा के राज्य के सभी कारीगर अपने अपने श्रम का उचित मूल्य प्राप्त कर रहे होते, तब गौरैया के साथ उन कारीगरों का व्यावहार कैसा होता? 

उत्तर: यदि सभी कारीगर अपने अपने श्रम का उचित मूल्य प्राप्त कर रहे होते तब भी उनका व्यवहार गौरैया के प्रति समान्य ही होता। परंतु पहले वह राजा का काम करते फिर गौरैया का। 

7. चारों कारीगर राजा के लिए काम कर रहे थे। एक रज़ाई बना रहा था। दूसरा अचकन के लिए सूत कात रहा था। तीसरा बागा बुन रहा था। चौथा राजा की सातवीं रानी की दसवीं संतान के लिए झब्बे सिल रहा था। उन चारों ने राजा का काम रोककर गौरैया का काम क्यों किया? 

उत्तर: उन चारों ने राजा का काम रोक कर गौरैया का काम इसलिए किया क्योंकि गौरैया उन्हें उनकी मेहनत की कीमत चुका रही थी जबकि राजा उनसे मुफ़्त में काम करवा रहा था। 

भाषा की बात 

8. गाँव की बोली में कई शब्दों का उच्चारण अलग होता है। उनकी वर्तनी भी बदल जाती है। जैसे गौरैया, गौरैया का ग्रामीण उच्चारण है। उच्चारण के अनुसार इस शब्द की वर्तनी लिखी गयी है। फुँदना, फुलगेंदा का बदला हुआ रूप है। 

कहानी में अनेक शब्द हैं जो ग्रामीण उच्चारण में लिखे गए हैं, जैस - मुलुक- मुल्क, खमा- क्षमा, मजूरी- मज़दूरी, मल्लार- मलाल इत्यादि। आप क्षेत्रीय या गाँव की बोली में उपयोग होने वाले कुछ ऐसे शब्दों को खोजें और उनका मूल रूप लिखिए 


क्षेत्रीय भाषा

मूल भाषा









9. मुहावरों के प्रयोग से भाषा आकर्षक बनती है। मुहावरे वाक्य के अंग होकर प्रयुक्त होते हैं। इनका अक्षरशः अर्थ नहीं ब्लकि लाक्षणिक अर्थ लिया जाता है। पाठ में अनेक मुहावरे आए हैं। टोपी को लेकर तीन मुहावरे हैं, जैसे - कितनों को टोपी पहनानी पड़ती है। शेष मुहावरों को खोजिए और उनका अर्थ ज्ञात करने का प्रयास कीजिए। 


  • टोपी उछालना - बेइज्जती करना 

  • टोपी से ढक लेना - इज्जत ढक लेना 

  • टोपी कसकर पकड़ना - सम्मान बचाना 

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 18 – All Questions

Topi: Class 8th Hindi Chapter 18 Summary

Class 8 Chapter 18 Hindi Vasant is a story based on a folk tale. The writer Sanjay has depicted the social problems we face. He has also shown how we can follow the character of the story to make our lives more meaningful. The king and his sentries created a lot of pressure on the common people. This fact has been highlighted by a small sparrow to all the people. It shows how a sparrow can present the truth. The truth is that not everyone is paid what they deserve.

The story revolves around a young pair of sparrows. They live happily in their nest. In the morning, they wake up and search for grains in the field. When the sun sets, they return to their nest. As the story progresses, it tells us that the female sparrow was attracted to the colourful dresses of humans. Answering curiosity, the male sparrow said that clothes make humans ugly. The male sparrow then explained that the natural beauty of human beings gets curtained by clothes. 

Through the male sparrow, the author describes how humans are naturally beautiful. When you follow Class 8 Hindi Chapter 18 Solution, you will find that the female sparrow answers that clothes are not only used for beauty but also to protect from different weather conditions. The male sparrow explained that humans find petty reasons to make clothes. They also cover their feet and hands even if they have to work with them. It shows that they are lazy. This is how the story becomes interesting.

If you read Ch 18 Class 8 Hindi, you will find the male sparrow explain why there is no need to wear a cap on the head as humans have hair. He also explained that the king dupes every common man in different ways. This shows how a person misuses his power to control or exploit others. The simple story depicts how the author explained the exploitation of the people by those in power has always been a social issue. To understand the story even better, you can use NCERT Solution of Class 8 Hindi Chapter 18.

Advantages of Using Class 8 Hindi Ch 18 NCERT Solutions

This chapter is unique in its way. It is written in a folk tale format so that the author can pass on a message. The message shows how common hardworking people are always exploited by those in power. The entire story is quite intriguing. You will need proper assistance to study and prepare this chapter perfectly. This is where you need help from Class 8 Hindi Ch 18 NCERT Solutions. By using the solution, you can understand what the author actually means using the metaphoric language. You will be able to answer the questions on your own if you refer to the solution.

Add more convenience to your study schedule by downloading and using CBSE Class 8 Hindi Chapter 18 Solutions. You can prepare this chapter quickly and can save time. Use this time to revise the chapter. You can also use this solution as a quick guide to follow before an exam. All the answers are framed following the CBSE guidelines. You will be able to answer the questions in an exam perfectly and score well by following this format.

NCERT Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapterwise Solutions

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 18 - Topi

1. Why did the author use a folk tale format for his story?

The author Sanjib has used a folk tale format to make the story more penetrative and appealing. This story is a satire of what the powerful ones do to the weak. It also shows how weaker sections of the population fail to understand such wrongdoings generation after generation. If you follow Topi Class 8 NCERT Solutions, it will become clearer to you.

2. What is the best way to answer the questions of Chapter 18 Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

Follow the classroom lectures first and then proceed to NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Chapter 18. Discover how the experts of Vedantu has written the answers by following the CBSE format. Maintain simplicity in your language and frame answers accordingly.

3. How can you prepare Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 18 Topi within a short time?

Use the smart NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Topi to find the right answers and memorize them to prepare the chapter quickly.

4. What is the main idea given in Chapter 18 “Topi” of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

Chapter 18 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant is an interesting folk tale story. In the story, the writer wants to show the day-to-day problems we have to face when we have to get work done by someone else. The story shows how a king can maintain pressure on the common people. The story's main theme is that every person does not get the right pay according to work done.

5. Who is the writer of Chapter 18 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

Chapter 18 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant is written by Sanjay. Students will enjoy reading the story as a young pair of sparrows is the main character. One day, the female sparrow got attracted to the colorful clothes worn by human beings. The female sparrow also wanted to wear beautiful and colorful clothes like human beings. The story discusses the struggle of the female sparrow to get a topi stitched by several people. The story teaches us a good lesson of being happy and courageous to get work done.

6. How many questions are given in Chapter 18 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

There are seven questions given in Chapter 18 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant. Students can download all NCERT Solutions for Chapter 18 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant for free of cost from the Vedantu website and the Vedantu app. All solutions are written by expert Hindi teachers in the latest format given by the CBSE board. NCERT Solutions of Chapter 18 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant can help students understand the story, answer all questions in the exams, and score good marks.

7. Why did the tailor put five knots on the cap of the sparrow?

The tailor was doing the work of the King. he was making a dress for the King. But, the King and his men had never paid the tailor, and they asked him to work forcefully. On the other hand, the sparrow gave half the cloth in the form of wages to the tailor, due to which the tailor was very happy, and he put five knots on the cap of the sparrow. The tailor was happy as he got the right wages for doing hard work.

8. What was the topic of discussion between the male and female sparrow in Chapter 18 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

One day, the female sparrow saw human beings wearing colorful clothes, and she got attracted. She also wanted to wear beautiful and colorful clothes like human beings. The male sparrow explained to her that human beings cover their beautiful bodies with their clothes. They also cover their feet and hands with clothes so that they do not have to work. But, the female sparrow disagreed with the male sparrow. She said that clothes make them beautiful and protect them from different weather conditions.