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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti


NCERT Solutions for Hindi Class 8 Chapter 3 Hindi - FREE PDF Download

Chapter 3 Class 8 Hindi Deewanon Ki Hasti in NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi delves into the emotions and experiences of a poet who embodies the spirit of love and joy in a world that often lacks genuine affection. The poet reflects on the joy he spreads wherever he goes, symbolising that love and happiness are transformative forces. However, there’s also a sense of melancholy as the poet feels the weight of his unfulfilled expectations and the lack of reciprocity from the world around him. This chapter encourages readers to appreciate the complexities of human emotions and the importance of resilience in the face of disappointment.

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Our solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant NCERT Solutions break the lesson into easy-to-understand explanations, making learning fun and interactive. Students will develop essential language skills with engaging activities and exercises. Check out the revised CBSE Class 8 Hindi Syllabus and start practising Hindi Class 8 Chapter 3.

Glance on Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 (Vasant) Deewanon Ki Hasti  

  • The chapter explores the duality of spreading joy and experiencing sorrow, highlighting the poet's emotional journey.

  • The poet’s persistence in sharing love despite not receiving it back emphasises the strength of the human spirit.

  • Rich imagery enhances the emotional depth, vividly illustrating the poet's experiences.

  • The poet’s reflections on life serve as a philosophical commentary on the nature of happiness and fulfilment.

  • The poem resonates with readers, prompting them to reflect on their own experiences of love, loss, and perseverance.

Access NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti

1. कवि ने अपने आने को ‘उल्लास’ और जाने को

‘आँसू बनकर बह जाना’ क्यों कहा है?

उत्तर: कवि ने अपने आने को ‘उल्लास’ इसलिए कहा है क्योंकि कवी जहाँ भी जाता है वह खुशियाँ-ही-खुशियाँ बिखेर देता है जिसकी वज़ह से सभी लोग कवी को पसंद करने लगते है। इसलिए वह जहाँ भी जाते है वहाँ उल्लास भर जाता है। और जब कवी वहाँ से जाता है तो लोगो के मन में दुःख उमड़ अत है जिसकी वज़ह से वह रोने लग जाते है इसलिए कवी ने कहा है जाते समय आँसू बन कर बेह जाते है।  

2. भिखमंगों की दुनिया में बेरोक प्यार लुटानेवाला कवि ऐसा क्यों कहता है कि वह अपने हृदय पर असफलता का एक निशान भार की तरह लेकर जा रहा है? क्या वह निराश है या प्रसन्न है?

उत्तर: कवि के अनुसार ये स्वार्थी दुनिया इतनी लालची है कि इसने कभी निस्वार्थ भाव से कुछ देना कभी सीखा ही नहीं। कवि ने जिंदगीभर लोगों को सच्चा प्यार दिया, लेकिन दुनिया ने उसे बदले में प्यार नहीं किया। इसी वजह से कवि निराश है, उसे लगता है कि वह लोगों के मन में प्रेम और खुशियों के बीज बोने में असफल ही रह गया।

3. कविता में ऐसी कौन-सी बात है जो आपको सबसे अच्छी लगी?

उत्तर: कविता में सबसे अच्छी बात यह है की कवी जिस अंदाज़ से वह अपना जीवन जीता है वह मनुष्य को बहुत लुभाता है।  वह हर परिस्थिति में खुश रेहन कर सारे काम करना चाहता है और कवी का मन्ना है की सुख व् दुःख दोनों ही हमारे जीवन का अहम् पाठ है जिसे हमें हर हाल में निभाना है ख़ुशी-ख़ुशी।  कवी का कहना है की हमें हर परिस्थिति में हार नहीं माननी है।   

भाषा की बात

4. संतुष्टि के लिए कवि ने ‘छककर’ ‘जी भरकर’ और ‘खुलकर’ जैसे शब्दों का प्रयोग किया है। इसी भाव को व्यक्त करनेवाले कुछ और शब्द सोचकर लिखिए, जैसे – हँसकर, गाकर।

उत्तर: 1. खींचकर

2. पीकर

3. मुस्कराकर

4. देकर

5. मस्त होकर

6. सराबोर होकर

Learnings of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti

  • Students learn to identify and articulate complex emotions related to love, joy, and disappointment.

  • Chapter 3 offers insights into poetic devices, enhancing students’ skills in analysing literature.

  • Readers are encouraged to embrace resilience and hope, even in the face of unreciprocated feelings.

  • Chapter 3 prompts philosophical contemplation about the meaning of life and the value of emotional experiences.

  • Engaging with the poet's experiences encourages empathy and a deeper understanding of human relationships.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 (Vasant)

  • Class 8 Chapter 3 Hindi NCERT Solutions provides detailed explanations and answers for all chapters, ensuring that students grasp the complete syllabus effectively.

  • The solutions are created according to the NCERT curriculum, making them ideal for exam preparation and ensuring that all important topics are covered.

  • The NCERT solutions simplify complex concepts, helping students understand difficult topics and themes.

  •  By studying the solutions, students can learn how to articulate their thoughts better and improve their writing skills in Hindi.

  • NCERT Solutions include various questions, helping students practise effectively and prepare thoroughly for their exams.

Important Study Material Links for Hindi Class 8 Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti

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Important Study Material Links for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3


Class 8 Deewanon Ki Hasti Questions


Class 8 Deewanon Ki Hasti Notes


NCERT Solutions of Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti captures the essence of love and the pain of unreciprocated feelings, inviting readers to reflect on their emotional landscapes. Through vivid imagery and heartfelt expression, the chapter emphasises the importance of resilience and joy in life. The NCERT Solutions provided in this PDF will support students in their understanding and appreciation of the poem's themes and literary techniques.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi 

After familiarising yourself with the Class 8 Hindi Chapter 4 Question Answers, you can access comprehensive NCERT Solutions from all Hindi  Class 8 Vasant textbook chapters.

NCERT  Class 8 Hindi Other Books Solutions

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi - Durva  


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi - Sanshipt Budhcharit 


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi - Bharat Ki Khoj

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti

1. What is the main theme of Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti in NCERT Solutions?

The main theme of Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti revolves around the duality of spreading joy and experiencing sorrow in a world lacking genuine affection.

2. How does the poet express emotions in NCERT Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti?

The poet expresses emotions through vivid imagery and personal reflections, highlighting the complexity of love and disappointment.

3. What is the significance of resilience in Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti?

Resilience is significant as it demonstrates the poet's determination to share love and joy despite facing unreciprocated feelings.

4. What literary devices are used in NCERT Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti?

The chapter employs literary devices such as imagery and metaphor to enhance emotional depth and convey the poet's experiences.

5. How can readers relate to the themes of Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti?

Readers can relate to the themes by reflecting on their own experiences of love, loss, and the pursuit of happiness in challenging circumstances.

6. What lessons does Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti impart?

The NCERT Solutions chapter 3 imparts lessons about the importance of sharing love, maintaining resilience, and embracing the complexities of human emotions.

7. How does the poem NCERT Solutions of Chapter 3 encourage philosophical reflection?

The poem encourages philosophical reflection by prompting readers to consider the nature of happiness, fulfilment, and the emotional experiences that shape their lives.

8. What role does imagery play in NCERT Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti?

Imagery plays a crucial role by vividly illustrating the poet's emotional experiences, allowing readers to connect deeply with the text.

9. What insights can students gain from studying Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti?

Students can gain insights into emotional expression, the resilience of the human spirit, and the philosophical aspects of love and life.

10. How does Class 8 Hindi  Chapter 3 Deewanon Ki Hasti enhance reading comprehension skills?

The chapter enhances reading comprehension skills by encouraging students to analyse themes, imagery, and the emotional resonance within the text.