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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Understanding Marginalisation


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Chapter 5 Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Questions and Answers focuses on the issues that marginalised communities meet in India. It shows how certain groups of people are excluded and have limited access to resources because of their social, economic, or cultural backgrounds. This chapter explores how marginalisation affects people and communities, as well as the significance of recognising and addressing these challenges.

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Class 8 Civics NCERT Solutions for this chapter provide clear and deep answers to the textbook's problems, allowing students to better understand the main topics. These solutions were created by experts and are available for free download in PDF format to help students with their studies as part of the Class 8 Social Science Syllabus.

Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 5 Understanding Marginalisation

  • Understanding Marginalisation in Civics Chapter 5 Class 8 explains the challenges faced by marginalised communities in India.

  • Marginalisation means moving certain groups to the outskirts of society, reducing their access to resources and opportunities.

  • Economic exclusion restricts a group's economic opportunity and resources, resulting in poverty and increasing marginalisation.

  • Cultural exclusion refers to denying people the right to express their culture, language, and traditions, resulting in a loss of cultural identity.

  • Understanding Marginalisation Question Answer in this chapter are designed to make complex ideas easier to understand.

  • These definitions help students understand the major topics presented in Civics Chapter 5 Class 8 and understand the importance of addressing marginalisation in society.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 5 Understanding Marginalisation

1. Write in your own words two or more sentences of what you understand by the word “marginalisation”.

Ans: Marginalisation refers to being pushed out of the mainstream to the margins of the society as insignificant. Experiences of marginalisation are connected to adversity, discrimination, poverty, caste and helplessness. The marginalised person or the community are kept away from basic and essential services like education, health services, clean drinking water to keep them marginalised. The following are some of the basis upon which marginalisation occurs.:

i. On the basis of caste

ii. On the basis of class

iii. On the basis of gender

iv. On the basis of race

v. On the basis of religion.

2. List two reasons why Adivasis are becoming increasingly marginalised.

Ans: The marginalised person or the community are kept away from basic and essential services like education, health services, and clean drinking water to keep them marginalised. The term ‘Adivasis’ means the original inhabitants. These are the communities that are or have been in close association with the forests. However, with time, adivasis are becoming increasingly marginalised. One of the reasons is their distinct culture. The cultural practices of adivasis are different from the mainstream religions. The prevalent stereotyped belief that they are reluctant to accept progressive ideas, led to their marginalisation. The second reason is the increasing cutting down of trees, which has forced them to shift to urban settings. The feeling of alienation from the new environment due to their different lifestyles and prejudiced attitudes towards them, has led to their marginalisation.

3. Write one reason why you think the Constitution’s safeguards to protect minority communities are very important?

Ans: Since the majority communities have more representation, there can be a greater impact of the majority culture on socio-political actions. This is the reason why the Indian Constitution acknowledged the need to protect minorities against discrimination and marginalisation. Another reason is to ensure cultural diversity, equality and justice for all.

4. Re-read the section on Minorities and Marginalisation. What do you understand by the term minority?

Ans: The term "minorities" refers to communities with a lesser population than those with a larger population. Muslims, for example, make up around 13.4% of India's population and are considered a minority community. Some other minority communities are Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists.

5. You are participating in a debate where you have to provide reasons to support the following statement: “Muslims are a marginalised community”. Using the data provided in this chapter, list two reasons that you would give.

Ans: If I will be supporting the statement that ‘Muslims are a marginalised community’ in a debate. Following would be my reasons:

i. According to the census 2011, Muslims make up only 14.2 per cent of the Indian population which leads to their lesser representation. Hence, which makes it a religious minority.

ii. Access to basic amenities is much less in the case of Muslims. Access to tap water is 43.7 percent in the case of the majority religious group, Hindus, whereas, in the case of Muslims, it is 35.8 percent. 

6. Imagine that you are watching the Republic Day parade on TV with a friend and she remarks, “Look at these tribes. They look so exotic. And they seem to be dancing all the time”. List three things that you would tell her about the lives of Adivasis in India.

Ans: Following are the three things that I will say to my friend in this situation:

i. Adivasis have a rich and distinct culture. The lack of knowledge by the mainstream society of the traditions and cultural activities of the adivasis gave birth to stereotyped opinions towards them.

ii. There is an interdependent relationship between adivasis and the forest. Hence, due to the cutting of forests, they have lost their homelands and have been forced to adjust to new lifestyles.

iii. Often, the representation of tribal communities in the media is unrealistic and dramatic, which ends up inflating the stereotypes.

7. In the storyboard you read about how Helen hopes to make a movie on the Adivasi story. Can you help her by developing a short story on Adivasis?

Ans: Helen may find the following story useful. 

There used to be an adivasi community living their life freely in the forest. They take care of the forest and in return the forest provides them with all the necessary resources. One day, the government decided to start a ‘Development Project’ and ‘modernize’ the lives of the adivasi community. The people of that community were very happy earlier but soon they realised that they would lose everything they have in return to nothing, in this ‘Development Project’. They protested and tried to raise their voices against the orders but nobody came forward to help them. Eventually goons were sent to beat and threatened the adivasi people to leave their land. The story ends with the adivasi family who used to have everything, now have nothing and are crushed under the stress and betrayal by the people in power.

8. Would you agree with the statement that economic marginalisation and social marginalisation are interlinked? Why?

Ans: I agree that economic marginalisation and social marginalisation are interlinked because:

i. Marginalised communities face social discrimination and are denied access to necessary resources to improve their quality of life. Access to clean water, education, health services, and respectable employment are a few of such services. Hence, their social marginalisation leads to their economic marginalisation.

ii. The lack of education and health services leads to the lack of skills acquired by members of the marginalised community. Due to the absence of skills, the marginalised group could never develop and stayed stuck in the web of social discrimination.

Topics Covered in Class 8 Civics Chapter 5 Understanding Marginalisation


Civics Chapter 5 Class 8 Topics


What Does it Mean to be Socially Marginalised?


Who is Adivasis?


Adivasis and Stereotyping


Adivasis and Development


Minorities and Marginalisation


Muslims and Marginalisation



Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 5 Understanding Marginalisation

  • The NCERT Solutions for Civics Chapter 5 Class 8 are created by experienced educators to guarantee accuracy and quality.

  • These solutions completely cover all of the chapter's key concepts and subjects, allowing students to understand and properly study the content.

  • Civics Chapter 5 Class 8 teaches students about the challenges that marginalised groups face and how they affect society ensuring thorough understanding.

  • The solutions clarify complicated issues such as social, economic, and cultural isolation, making them more understandable.

  • Following the latest and most current CBSE requirements, these solutions properly prepare students for their exams.

  • Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Understanding Marginalisation Question Answer provides excellent support for students' self-study, allowing them to attempt their exams with confidence.

Important Study Material Links for Class 8 Civics Chapter 5 Understanding Marginalisation


NCERT Solutions for Civics Chapter 5 Class 8 Understanding Marginalisation, is very helpful for students. These answers, created by expert lecturers, clearly explain all relevant topics. They help students understand the problems that marginalised people face and how they affect society. Following the most recent CBSE criteria, these answers guarantee students are well-prepared for exams. Using these resources will improve student's awareness of marginalisation and build a strong foundation for civics.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Understanding Marginalisation

1. Which is the main community whose story of Marginalisation has been explained in the NCERT Book Class 8th Civics Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Questions And Answers?

The community whose marginalisation has been explained in the NCERT Class 8 Civics Understanding Marginalisation is that of the Adivasis. They are also called the original inhabitants of a land. Various aspects of Adivasi life have been explained in Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Questions And Answers, such as who they are, the stereotypes that society has formed about them, their relationship with development, their stories of displacement and militarisation, and common lack of food leading to malnourishment. Additionally, the chapter also talks about the marginalisation of the Muslim community.

2. What are the Statistics of Muslim Marginalisation in India According to the NCERT Class 8 Civics Understanding Marginalisation?

NCERT Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Questions And Answers provides a few statistics to explain how Muslims have been marginalised in comparison with Hindus in India. It shows the same in terms of the type of housing (i.e. kuccha or pakka), the availability of electricity, and access to clean drinking water. Besides this, statistics have also been mentioned in Class 8 Civics Understanding Marginalisation of the minimum percentages of Muslims in government jobs such as IAS, IPS, IFS, PSUs, and public sector banks. The literacy rate of Muslims in India is also provided in comparison with that of other religions followed in India.

3. What Does it Mean by Marginalisation According to the Class 8 Civics Understanding Marginalisation PDF?

Marginalisation, according to the Class 8 Civics Chapter 5 Question Answer, is when some communities are put towards the side. This happens to a lot of communities that are not in the majority and so they are not given equal attention and importance. When the needs of smaller communities are sidelined and neglected so that bigger communities are given more importance, it is called the marginalisation of that smaller community. The Class 8 Civics Chapter 5 Question Answer explains marginalisation in terms of two communities that often go through it: Adivasis and Muslims.

4. How can students prepare for the annual exam using the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Understanding Marginalisation ch 5?

Students can prepare for their annual exams using the NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 5 Question Answer available on Vedantu. The NCERT Solutions in PDF has chapter-wise explanations of all the in-text questions as well as fully solved exercise questions as well. Practising these questions from the Class 8 Civics Chapter 5 Question Answer will help in strengthening their concepts.

5. List two reasons why Adivasis are becoming increasingly marginalised discussed in NCERT Chapter 5 Understanding Marginalisation Question Answer?

In Class 8 Civics Ch 5 the two reasons why Adivasis are becoming increasingly marginalised are:

  • Limited access to land and forest: Forest tribal lands have been taken over by powerful companies for carrying out mining and other industrial projects. This has limited the access of the Advisasi’s to their lands causing their displacement. 

  • Stereotype: Adivasis are stereotyped as someone backward, primitive, and exotic. They are looked at through the lens of their customs, headgear, dance, clothes, etc.

6. What do you understand by Marginalisation in Class 8 Civics Ch 5? Give an example.

In Class 8 Civics Ch 5 Marginalisation can be understood as forcefully pushing someone to the sides to take the centre. Many groups in India have been marginalised to the fringes of society. One example of marginalisation in India is the status of Adivasis. The Adivasis are constantly marginalised by preventing their access to the land and forest as big companies have taken over them for industrial projects and also stereotyping Adivasis as exotic, primitive, and backward.

7. What do you understand by Ghettoisation in Class 8 Civics Ch 5?

In Class 8 Civics Ch Understanding Marginalisation Ghettoisation can be understood as a process in which marginalised groups are forced to migrate from one area to another. In India, the Adivasis and Muslims are being subjected to this ghettoisation process by stereotyping them and preventing their access to resources. Both the communities have been deprived of social benefits leading to their underdevelopment. The Adivasis have limited access to the forest land because big companies have taken over.

8. Why do we need to safeguard the minorities in Class 8 Civics Ch Understanding Marginalisation?

We need to safeguard the minorities in Class 8 Civics Ch Understanding Marginalisation because they are also a part of our community who have been marginalised to the sides of our society leading to displacement and dispossession. According to the Indian Constitution, the culture of the majority can have a major influence on how the government and society express themselves. This can put the minority communities at a disadvantage leading to their marginalisation. That is why safeguarding minorities is so important in Class 8 Civics Ch Understanding Marginalisation.

9. What does Class 8 Civics Chapter Understanding Marginalisation Question Answer teach students?

Class 8 Civics Chapter Understanding Marginalisation Question Answer teaches students about the concept of marginalisation and how certain groups in society face exclusion and discrimination. It covers the social, economic, and cultural aspects of marginalisation and explains why it is important to address these issues to create a more inclusive and fair society.

10. How can NCERT Class 8 Civics Chapter Understanding Marginalisation Question Answer help students in their studies?

The NCERT Class 8 Civics Chapter Understanding Marginalisation Question Answer provides detailed and clear answers to the textbook questions, helping students understand the key concepts better. These solutions break down complex topics into easy-to-understand explanations, making it easier for students to study and prepare for exams. They also help reinforce the lessons learned in the chapter, ensuring a strong grasp of the subject.