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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 7 Public Facilities


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 7 Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download

Class 8 Civics NCERT Solutions Public Facilities highlights the importance of government-provided fundamental services like water, healthcare, and education for public health. These facilities are important for ensuring a high quality of life and building equality. The NCERT Solutions for this chapter include concise and clear answers to all textbook questions and activities. 

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Class 8 Civics Chapter 7 Public Facilities Class 8 questions and answers are discussed mostly through the use of water. These solutions were created by experts and are available for free download in PDF format to help students with their studies as part of the Class 8 social science syllabus.

Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 7 Public Facilities

  • Public Facilities Class 8 discusses the importance of public facilities such as water, healthcare, and education, which are provided by the government to ensure a good quality of life and promote equality among citizens. 

  • It focuses on issues related to water availability and management, highlighting the government's role in providing and maintaining these essential services. 

  • Class 8 Public Facilities also addresses the challenges faced in delivering these facilities to all sections of society. 

  • The NCERT Solutions offer clear and detailed answers to the textbook questions, aiding students in their exam preparation. 

  • By studying Class 8 Public Facilities, students gain a deeper understanding of the significance of public facilities and their impact on daily life.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter - 7 Public Facilities

1. Why do you think there are so few cases of private water supply in the world?

Ans: Water is a vital amenity, hence there are very few occurrences of privatised water supply around the world. A state's water supply is a public service that every government must provide to all of its residents. Water prices surged when water supply was placed in the hands of private enterprises, making it expensive for the majority. In places like Bolivia, this has led to riots, protests, and violent demonstrations. As a result, it has been decided that water supply services should be handled by the government.

2. Do you think water in Chennai is available and affordable for all? Discuss.

Ans: In Chennai, not everyone has access to or can afford water. The degree of money one makes in the city is proportional to the availability of a decent, consistent water supply. On average, municipal supply covers only approximately half of the needs of the city's residents. In places like Anna Nagar, senior government officials can arrange for a complete water tanker to be sent to them. Most areas, such as Mylapore, only get water once every two days. People in Madipakkam buy bottled water for drinking, but the situation in the slums is the worst. In the slums, a single tap provides water to over thirty families for less than an hour each day. Apart from the availability of water, only the wealthy can purchase bottled water and water purifiers and so have access to "safe" drinking water. Drinking water that is "sufficient and safe" is denied to the impoverished.

The government must ensure that citizens of the city have access to "adequate and safe" drinking water to live a good life.

3. How is the sale of water by farmers to water dealers in Chennai affecting the local people? Do you think local people can object to such exploitation of groundwater? Can the government do anything in this regard?


The sale of water by farmers to water dealers in Chennai has a variety of effects on the local population:

  • The water is being taken away for agricultural irrigation. As a result, the scarcity of water for irrigation has an impact on agriculture.

  • The communities will use this water for common supply and drinking.

  • As a result of extensive water exploitation, groundwater levels in certain places have plummeted.

Yes, residents can protest such severe exploitation of groundwater since it is a public resource or a gift from nature to which everyone has an equal right, and thus no one can sell or take it solely.

Poor farmers are the ones who suffer the most from the usage of groundwater, thus they have a strong voice in protesting such abuse.

In this sense, the government must play a critical role in determining an acceptable alternative. Many public services, like access to safe drinking water, are recognised as part of the Right to Life in our Constitution. As a result, the government must ensure that these rights are safeguarded for everyone to live a good life. The government can prohibit private corporations from selling water and find effective ways to offer water to the general public at a low cost. It can also preserve water by employing techniques such as "rainwater harvesting."

4. Why are most of the private hospitals and private schools located in major cities and not in towns or rural areas?

Ans: The services provided by these private hospitals and institutions are prohibitively expensive for the poor and even many middle-class people. The infrastructure and service quality provided by these hospitals and institutions are unquestionably superior. Cities have a higher concentration of wealthy and ambitious people who can afford the costs than towns or rural locations. This is why private hospitals and schools are typically found in major cities rather than in small towns or rural areas.

5. Do you think the distribution of public facilities in our country is adequate and fair? Give an example of your own to explain.

Ans: While there is no doubt that public facilities should be freely available to everybody, the reality is that there is a serious lack of such facilities. Our country's distribution of public facilities is insufficient and unequal. For example, Delhi citizens have access to all public services, including healthcare and sanitation, water, power, schools, colleges, and public transportation. However, when we travel a few miles away, such as Mathura or Aligarh, citizens encounter a serious lack of essential facilities. Water shortages and power failures are common problems in those areas. Public transport is also not well established. Towns and villages have limited services when compared to urban areas and large cities. Poorer neighbourhoods receive less service than richer neighbourhoods. Handing over these facilities to private corporations is not an option. The crucial reality is that every person in the country has a right to these services, which should be given reasonably.

6. Take some of the public facilities in your area, such as water, electricity, etc. Is there scope to improve these? What in your opinion should be done? Complete the table.

Is it available?

How can it be improved?




Public Transport


Is it available? 

How can it be improved?



Creating separate water tanks and making sure water is available at all times.



Making electricity available 24 hours a day by reducing theft and conserving it.



There is no need for improvement. However, if there are not enough roads, the development of new roads, more flyovers, and highways will be helpful.

Public Transport


Public transportation is good, but better connectivity to more areas of the city can be achieved by bringing on new buses and increasing their frequency.

7. Are the above public facilities shared equally by all the people in your area? Elaborate.

Ans: No, the previously mentioned facilities are not distributed equally among the areas. Water supply is not distributed properly among all people. Slum residents depend on a single water tap, but each middle-class home has its water connection. While middle-class families buy water from tankers to meet their requirements, poor people in slums cannot afford it. Other resources, like power, roads, and public transportation, are shared equally by everyone.

8. Data on some of the public facilities are collected as part of the Census. Discuss with your teacher when and how the Census is conducted. 

Ans: The Census is conducted every ten years in India to gather data about the population and various public facilities. During the Census, government officials visit households to collect information about the number of people living there, their age, education, occupation, and access to public facilities like water, electricity, and sanitation. The collected data helps the government understand the needs of the population and plan for the provision and improvement of public facilities. Discussing this with your teacher can provide more detailed insights into the process and importance of the Census in managing public resources effectively.

9. Private educational institutions - schools, colleges, universities, technical and vocational training institutes are coming up in our country in a big way. On the other hand, educational institutes run by the government are becoming relatively less important. What do you think would be the impact of this? Discuss.

Ans: The facilities and infrastructure of government-run educational institutions are inadequate. Private educational institutions have greater facilities and infrastructure but often charge exorbitant tuition that only the wealthy can afford. As a result, only the wealthy will have access to high-quality education. The weaker parts of society are deprived of quality education if government-run educational institutions are not up to mark. As a result of this discrepancy, only the wealthy will benefit from a good education, while the poor will be denied it. This will exacerbate the economic and social divide between the rich and the poor. As a result, the country's overall progress will be harmed.

Topics Covered in Class 8 Civics Chapter 7 Public Facilities

Civics Chapter 7 Class 8 Topics

  1. Water and the People of Chennai

  1. Water as Part of the Fundamental Right to Life

  1. Public Facilities

  1. The Government’s Role

  • Whose point of view do you agree with?

  1. Water Supply to Chennai: Is it Available to All?

  1. In Search of Alternatives

  1. Conclusion

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 7 Public Facilities

  • Students will understand the importance of public facilities like water, healthcare, and education, appreciating their role in ensuring a good quality of life. 

  • Public Facilities Class 8 solutions provide exact answers to textbook questions, which helps with exam preparation and performance. 

  • By studying these solutions, students improve their mathematical, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. 

  • Public Facilities Class 8 explains the management and difficulties of public facilities, making complex topics more understandable. 

  • Students will also learn about the government's role in providing critical services while encouraging equality and expanding their civics knowledge. 

  • Real-world examples and scenarios make learning more meaningful and practical by connecting theoretical information to real-world applications.

Important Study Material Links for Class 8 Civics Chapter 7 Public Facilities

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Class 8 Public Facilities Important Questions


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter Public Facilities helps students learn about the government's key services such as water, healthcare, and education. These solutions support students in understanding the chapter's material, examining the topics provided, and preparing for their exams. By working through this chapter, students will learn about the challenges of ensuring public facilities for all and the critical role these services play in increasing quality of life and developing fairness. Overall, Class 8 Civics Chapter Public Facilities solutions provide students with useful information and increase their understanding of the importance of public services.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 7 Public Facilities

1. Why do you think there are not many instances of private water supply on the planet in Class 8 Civics Ch Public Facilities?

There are hardly any instances of private water supply on the planet because:

  • Private organizations bargain for benefit in the market.

  • In the water department, there is no or less benefit.

2. Do you think the water in Chennai is accessible and affordable for everyone in the city in Class 8 Civics Ch Public Facilities? Examine.

Water isn't equally accessible to all residents in Chennai. In Public Facility Class 8 certain territories like Anna Nagar get bounteous water while zones like Saidapet get almost no water. The city normally faces the issue of water scarcity. Regions that are near the capacity get more water though provinces far away get less water. The problem of water is mainly faced by poor people. In Public Facility Class 8 the working class, when facing water deficiencies, can avail water through an assortment of private methods, for example, burrowing bore wells, purchasing water from big haulers, and utilising filtered water for drinking.

3. What are Public Facilities Class 8?

In Class 8 Civics Ch Public Facilities Public facilities are those essential facilities that are required to be provided to everyone. Some of these facilities are health, sanitation, public transport, colleges, schools, public transport, water and more. 

4. What do you mean by universal access according to Class 8 Civics Chapter Public Facilities?

In Public Facility Class 8 universal access means access to a facility given to all. Water is one public facility that has universal access. So, it means that any person irrespective of his sex, religion, caste, race, place of birth, and more has access to water at an affordable price. This universal access to water has been established through the Right to Water in the Right to Life under Article 21 of the Fundamental Rights in India in Class 8 Civics Chapter Public Facilities.

5. What are the conditions and statistics of water diseases in India according to the Class 8 Civics Chapter Public Facilities?

Water diseases are very rampant in India. The country has one of the largest numbers of water disease cases. The most common water diseases are cholera, diarrhoea, and dysentery. On a daily basis, as many as 1600 Indians (out of which most are children below 5 years of age) die due to water diseases. The death is partly caused due to contaminated water supply, which means that the drinking water is not fit for drinking. 

6. Why are public facilities important in Public Facilities Question Answer?

Public Facilities Question Answer are important because these are the basic needs that are very essential for a standard of living. Some of these public facilities are health facilities like hospitals, water, sanitation, educational institutions like schools and colleges, public transport, etc. These public facilities are guaranteed by the Right to Life (Article 21), which is facilitated by the government.  So, governments play a major role in providing the basic needs of the people. 

7. Where does the government get money for Public Facilities Question Answer? 

The main source of revenue that is used by the government to provide public facilities to its people is through the collection of Goods and Services Tax and other types of taxes that are paid by the citizens and other entities in India. There are other non-tax revenue sources as well which can be used by the government to incur the expenses for providing public facilities. Find more details in Class 8 Civics Ch 7.

8. How does the government ensure access to public facilities in Class 8 Civics Ch 7?

In Class 8 Civics Ch 7 the government ensures access to public facilities by implementing a variety of schemes and policies, investing in infrastructure development, and maintaining services such as water supply, healthcare, and education to reach all sections of society. These efforts aim to provide essential services equitably and efficiently.

9. What challenges are faced in providing public facilities?

The challenges in providing public facilities include inadequate infrastructure, limited funding, uneven distribution of resources, and maintenance issues. These factors can hinder the effective delivery and accessibility of essential services, impacting the quality of life for many citizens.

10. How does Chapter 7 help students understand Public Facilities Class 8 PDF Questions and Answers better?

Chapter 7 helps students by offering comprehensive explanations, real-life examples, and detailed solutions to questions. It highlights the significance and functioning of public facilities, enabling students to understand their role in society and the challenges involved in their provision and maintenance.

11. What role do citizens play in the effective use of Public Facilities Class 8 PDF Questions and Answers?

Citizens play a vital role by responsibly using public facilities, participating in community initiatives, and holding the government accountable for maintaining and providing these services. Active citizen involvement ensures that public facilities are used efficiently and kept in good condition for everyone's benefit.

12. What is the main focus of Chapter 7 - Public Facilities Class 8 PDF Questions and Answers?

The main focus of Public Facilities Class 8 PDF questions and answers is to understand the essential services provided by the government, such as water supply, healthcare, and education, which are crucial for the well-being of citizens.