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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 3 Poem Rain On The Roof


NCERT Solutions Chapter 3: Rain on the Roof Class 9 Questions and Answers FREE PDF Download

Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Rain on the Roof Class 9 Questions and Answers. The Class 9 English Rain on the Roof chapter talks about the feelings that go through the author’s mind when it rains. These NCERT Solutions are compiled and vetted by top professionals and subject matter experts with multiple years of experience dealing with the NCERT syllabus. This ensures the authenticity and accuracy of these solutions. The solutions are prepared by Vedantu experts and are constantly checked and updated to ensure they comply with the latest CBSE Class 9 English Syllabus.

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Glance on NCERT Rain on the Roof Class 9 English:

  • The Class 3 English Chapter 1 poem, Rain on The Roof, highlights the emotion the poet feels when it rains.

  • He describes the sound and the sensation of raindrops falling on the roof as soothing, sending a tingle or a shiver within his body.

  • He also explains how the feeling of rain invokes thoughts of his mother. In his childhood, the narrator’s mother used to tell him stories and anecdotes. He misses those times and describes them as some of the best years of his life.

  • Overall, the class 9 English Rain on the Roof question answer focuses on the positive feelings associated with rain. Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT solutions for Class 9 english

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 3 – Rain on the Roof

1. What Do the Following Phrases Mean to You? Discuss in Class.

  • Humid Shadows
    Ans: The dark clouds that produce rain are referred to as "humid shadows."

  • Starry Spheres
    "Starry spheres" refers to the star-studded night sky.

  • What a Bliss
    "What a delight" relates to the poet's happiness. When it rains, the poet retires to his cottage to listen to the rain patter on the roof.

  • A Thousand Dreamy Fancies Into Busy Being the Start

This relates to the poet's different imagined thoughts and imaginations.

  • A Thousand Recollections Weave Their Air-Threads Into Woof

This phrase refers to the poet's recollection of a lovely image made up of many recollections.

2. What Does the Poet Like To Do When It Rains?

Ans: When it rains, the poet enjoys lying in his rustic chamber bed with his head tucked against the pillow and listening to the quiet rain patter.

3. What is the Single Major Memory That Comes to the Poet? Who are the “Darling Dreamers” He Refers To?

Ans: The poet's single most vivid recollection is of his mother and her loving expression. The "darling dreamers" are the poet and his siblings as children when their mother gently puts them to sleep.

4. Is the Poet Now a Child? is His Mother Still Alive?

Ans: No, the poet is no longer a child. He has reached adulthood. He thinks of her when he's inside his cozy cottage, admiring the rain pattern on the roof.

5. When You Were a Young Child, Did Your Mother Tuck You In, As the Poets Did?

Ans: Yes, much like the poet's mother, my mother used to tuck me in when I was a small child.

6. Do You Like Rain? What Do You Do When It Rains Steadily or Heavily As Described in the Poem?

Ans: Yes, I enjoy the rain. When it starts to rain, I go inside and enjoy the weather with my family. We like to drink tea and chit chat. My father tells me about his life experiences and lessons, we go back down memory lane and I usually talk about my school. It's quite fulfilling as we get to spend quality family time.

7. Does Everybody Have a Cozy Bed To Lie in When It Rains? Look Around You and Describe How Different Kinds of People or Animals Spend Time, Seek Shelter, etc. During Rain.

Ans: When it rains, not everybody has the privilege of a warm bed to relax in. Not everyone gets to experience the cosiness of a warm house when it rains. Animals have been seen seeking shelter beneath trees and the tin roofs of roadside tea stalls. People on the street swat these critters away and try to cram them into the establishments' limited space. The wretched creatures are left shivering and soaked on the roadways. Visitors who are waiting for the rain to stop usually purchase tea and snacks, which makes the proprietors of such kiosks quite happy.

Question 1.

Name the poet of the poem ‘Rain on the Roof’.

(a) The name is Robert Frost

(b) The poet’s name is Subramanian

(c) The poet is Coates Kinney

(d) The name of the poet is W.B. Yeats


Answer: (c) The poet is Coates Kinney

Question 2.

To which sound does the poet listen?

(a) The poet listens to - the sweet music of insects

(b) The poet listens to - the sweet music of piano

(c)The poet listens to -  the sweet music of raindrops

(d) all the options are incorrect


Answer: (c) The poet listens to - the sweet music of raindrops

Question 3.

Where did the poet’s mother reside?

(a) Poet’s mother resided in another town

(b) She stayed in a village

(c) Poet’s mother lived with the poet

(d) Poet’s mother unfortunately died


Answer: (d) Poet’s mother unfortunately died

Question 4.

Where does the poet hear the rain making a noise?

(a) The poet listens to the rain in the room

(b)The poet listens to the rain on the roof

(c)The poet listens to the rain in the garden

(d) The poet listens to the rainin the lanes


Answer: (b) The poet listens to the rain on the roof

Question 5.

What does the poet says about the shingles?

(a) The shingles twinkles like the raindrops

(b) The shingles twinkles like the hailstones

(c) The shingles twinkles like the brass-bells

(d)The shingles twinkles like the  silver bangles


Answer: (a) The shingles twinkles like the raindrops

Question 6.

How does the poet describe his bliss?

(a) He says bathing in the rain will give him bliss

(b) he says bliss is getting a lot of money

(c) The poet says about going to an office in the rain is a perfect bliss

(d) lying on the bed in a joyful mood is a bliss for the poet


Answer: (d)  lying on the bed in a joyful mood is a bliss for the poet

Benefits of Class 9 Chapter 3 Rain on the Roof Question Answers

  • NCERT Solutions for The Rain on The Roof Class 9 Questions and Answers are provided by professionals and subject matter experts at Vedantu. These experts hold years of experience in dealing with NCERT syllabus, thus ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the solutions.

  • Solutions to The Rain on the Roof Question Answers are available to download in PDF format for FREE. This helps students study anywhere, anytime, on the go.

  • Vedantu offers simple, easy-to-understand NCERT solutions to Rain on The Roof Class 9 Questions and Answers. This helps students easily grasp and retain the answers provided.

  • The Solutions to Class 9 English Poem Rain On The Roof Question Answers are constantly checked and updated for the 2024-25 syllabus, thus ensuring the relevance of the answers.

Important Study Materials for Class 9 Chapter 3

Now that you have a grasp on the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Rain on The Roof Question Answers, you can take a look at the following links below to further enhance your understanding of the chapter:

Study Material links for Class 9 English Chapter 3: Rain on the Roof

Class 9 Rain on the Roof Summary

Class 9 Rain on the Roof Worksheet


The Rain on the Roof Class 9 poem emphasises the importance of rain in our lives by talking about the different feelings or emotions that arise that one can feel when it is raining. Something as natural as the sound of rain hitting the rooftops can take you back to your childhood or any other positive/negative emotions linked to it. Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT Solutions to Class 9 Rain On The Roof Question Answer.

Important Study Material Links for Class 9 Chapter 3 Poem


Study Material Links for Chapter 3 Rain On The Roof


Class 9 Rain On The Roof Revision Notes


Class 9 Rain On The Roof Important Questions

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Beehive (Poem)

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Beehive

Study Material for NCERT Class 9 English:

Now that you have a thorough understanding of the NCERT Syllabus for Class 9 English, you can take a look at some of the material that will take your preparation to the next level. These can be used as supplementary material to your main study routine:

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 3 Poem Rain On The Roof

1. Does the Poet Enjoy the Pitter-Patter of the Rain Lying in his Cottage-Chamber Bed?

The poet stares at the humid shadows hovering over the starry sky. He is lying in this cottage-chamber bed. He feels the melancholy darkness weep in the form of rain. He presses onto his pillow and listens to the pitter-patter of soft raindrops falling on the cottage roof.

2. In the Poem “Rain on The Roof,” What Feelings About the Rain do the Poet Express?

At the very beginning of the poem, the poet compares rain to tears of the dark, gloomy clouds. However, while he lies in his cottage chamber bed, he listens to the patter of raindrops on the shingles. This derives him the most pleasure, and he is lost in fantasies and memories.

3. What does bliss rain on the roof mean?

In the poem “Rain on the Roof,” bliss refers to the happiness the poet gets when he is in his cosy cottage, enjoying the pitter-patter of the rain falling upon his roof. He basks in the glory of nature and ponders upon its therapeutic properties. He also recalls the time he spent with his mother.

4. Who is the poet of the poem “Rain on the Roof”?

The poem “Rain on the Roof” is written by the poet Coates Kinney. The detailed overview and summary of this chapter can be obtained on the Vedantu Mobile app or on the Vedantu website ( for free.

5. What do humid shadows mean here?

Humid shadows here mean the dark clouds that are responsible for producing rain.

6. What is the message of the poem “Rain on the Roof”? 

The poem "Rain on the Roof" conveys the concept that nature has a huge impact on people. Rain affects the poet's feelings. He begins to reflect on his past, notably his mother and her love for him. Rain heals the poet's inner self in the same way that it heals the earth. The poet is in a state of happiness while listening to the rain.

7. Who are the ‘Darling Dreamers’ and why?

The poet and his brothers are called the "darling dreamers" when the poet recollects the memories of their mother lovingly putting them to sleep as youngsters. They are called “darling dreamers” because they are young children with hopes of a brighter future and they have dreams that they wish to fulfil.

8. Where can I find Class 9 English Rain on The Roof Question Answer?

You can find comprehensive NCERT Solutions to the Class 9 English Poem Rain On The Roof Question Answer on Vedantu. Top professionals and subject matter experts with years of experience dealing with the NCERT Syllabus vetted and compiled these solutions.

9. Who does the poet think of when it rains in The Rain on The Roof Class 9 poem?

The poet is reminded of his mother when he hears the sound of the soft raindrops hitting the roof in The Rain on The Roof Class 9 poem. He gets nostalgic and remembers the time in his childhood when his mother used to share stories and anecdotes when it rained.