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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 3 The Little Girl


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 3 - The Little Girl PDF Download

A parent and child have one of the strongest bonds in the world. A child sees his parents all the time when he’s growing up. This story present in Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 3 precisely depicts this relation. Moreover, you get to see different types of people and their relationships with children. Kezia’s father might be harsh on her many times, but in reality, he really cares for her and always tries to help her out. Her little mistakes made him angry and the one big mistake that she made in the story made her father beat her up with the scale. Download Vedantu CBSE NCERT Solutions to get a better understanding of all the exercises questions. Get access to Maths NCERT Solutions Class 9 at Science Students who are looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science will also find the Solutions curated by our Master Teachers really Helpful.

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NCERT Solutions For Class 9


Class 9 English Beehive

Chapter Name:

Chapter 3 - The Little Girl

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Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

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Chapter Wise

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  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes


Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter -3 The Little Girl

Thinking about the Text

I. Given below are some emotions that Kezia felt. Match the emotions in Column A with the items in Column B.



1. Fear or terror

(i) Father comes into her room to give her a goodbye kiss

2. Glad sense of relief

(ii) Noise of the carriage grows fainter

3. A “funny” feeling, perhaps of understanding

(iii) Father comes home

(iv) Speaking to father

(v) Going to bed when alone at home

(vii) Father stretched out on the sofa, snoring




1. Fear or terror

(i) Father comes into her room to give her a goodbye kiss
(iii) Father comes home  
(iv) Speaking to father
(v) Going to bed when alone at home
(vii) Father stretched out on the sofa, snoring

2. Glad sense of relief

(ii) Noise of the carriage grows fainter

3. A “funny” feeling, perhaps of understanding

(vi) Father comforts her and falls asleep

II. Answer the Following Questions in One or Two Sentences.

1. Why was Kezia afraid of her father?

Ans: Kezia had a strict father, and she was afraid of him. He always went around the home commanding everyone. He worked hard at the office and never took out time to play or talk to her. She was terrified by the way he looked at her over his spectacles. Even his appearance terrified her. He had big hands and a heavy face and a big mouth, especially when he yawned. 

2. Who were the people in Kezia’s family?

Ans: Kezia had a small family consisting of her mother, father, grandmother, and herself.

3. What was Kezia’s father’s routine

(i) Before going to his office?

Ans: Kezia used to go to her room to give her a casual kiss before going to the office.

(ii) After coming back from his office?

Ans: He needed tea in the drawing-room when he returned back from the office. He asked Kezia to pull off his boot and his mother to bring him newspaper and slippers.

(iii) On Sundays?

Ans: He would sleep comfortably on the sofa on Sundays. He would stretch out on the sofa, cover his face with a handkerchief and put his feet on cushions, and doze off.

4. In what ways did Kezia’s grandmother encourage her to get to know her father better?

Ans: Kezia’s grandmother asked her to improve communication between her parents. She asked her to talk with them in the drawing-room and suggested she make a beautiful pincushion from yellow silk as a gift for her father’s birthday.

III. Discuss these questions in class with your teacher and then write down your answers in two or three paragraphs each.

1. Kezia’s efforts to please her father resulted in displeasing him very much. How did this happen?

Ans: Grandmother advised Kezia to develop her relationship with her father by communicating more. On Sunday, she sent her to the drawing-room but instead of talking her presence would irritate him and he would call her ‘little brown owl.’

For her father’s birthday, her grandmother advised her to make a yellow silk pincushion. When she was done stitching the three sides, she searched around to find something to fill in the cushion and found sheets to fill in. It turned into a disaster since the sheets had an important speech for the Port Authority. He scolded her for touching and rubbing his important papers and hit her with a ruler on her palm.

2. Kezia decides that there are “different kinds of fathers”. What kind of father was Mr. Macdonald, and how was he different from Kezia’s father?

Ans: Kezia compared her father to another father living next door. He was a gentle father and had a loving and forgiving nature. He treated his kids in a friendly manner and played with them. He had an aura opposite to her own father. He never punished his kids. On the other hand, Kezia’s father was strict and disciplined.

3. How does Kezia begin to see her father as a human being who needs her sympathy? 

Ans: Kezia was afraid of her father. His physical appearance and the way he looked at her also scared her. But her views towards him gradually changed. Once her grandmother and mother left Kezia at home since they had to visit the hospital. At night she had a nightmare and called for her grandmother. Since they were not at home, his father attends to her in that situation and takes her in his arms, and snuggles her to sleep next to him. He slept before her, and she realized that he works hard and must be so tired from the daily exhaustion. This alters her feelings towards her father and tells him the same by stating that he has a ‘big heart’.

Thinking about Language

I. Look at the Following Sentence.

1. Use an appropriate word from the synonyms given above in the following sentences. Clues are given in brackets.

(i) She was_____________by the news of her brother’s wedding. (very pleased)

Ans: She was thrilled by the news of her brother’s wedding.

(ii) I was ____________ to be invited to the party. (extremely pleased and excited about)

Ans: I was delighted to be invited to the party.

(iii) She was ___________at the birth of her granddaughter. (extremely happy)

Ans: She was overjoyed at the birth of her granddaughter.

(iv) The coach was ___________ with his performance. (satisfied about)

Ans: The coach was pleased with his performance.

(v) She was very ___________with her results. (happy about something that has happened). 

Ans: She was very happy with her results.

2. Study the use of the word big in the following sentence. He was so big− his hands and his neck, especially his mouth… Here, big means large in size.

Now, consult a dictionary and find out the meaning of big in the following sentences. The first one has been done for you.

(i) You are a big girl now. older

(ii) Today you are going to take the biggest decision of your career. _________

Ans: most important

(iii) Their project is full of big ideas. ____________

Ans: innovation

(iv) Cricket is a big game in our country. _____________

Ans: popular

(v) I am a big fan of Lata Mangeskar. ___________

Ans: great

(vi) You have to cook a bit more as my friend is a big eater. _____________

Ans: gourmand

(vii) What a big heart you’ve got, Father dear. ____________

Ans: generous


1. Underline the verbs of reporting in the following sentences.

(i) He says he will enjoy the ride.

Ans:  He says she will enjoy the ride.

(ii) Father mentioned that he was going on a holiday.

Ans: Father mentioned that he was going on a holiday.

(iii) No one told us that the shop was closed.

Ans: No one told us that the shop was closed.

(iv) He answered that the price would go up.

Ans: He answered that the price would go up.

(v) I wondered why he was screaming.

Ans: I wondered why he was screaming.

(vi) Ben told her to wake him up.

Ans: Ben told her to wake him up.

(vii) Ratan apologised for coming late to the party. 

Ans: Ratan apologized for coming late to the party.

2. Some verbs of reporting are given in the box. Choose the appropriate verbs and fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

were complaining shouted replied       remarked        ordered           suggested

(i) “I am not afraid,” ____________ the woman.

Ans: “I am not afraid,” replied the woman.

(ii) “Leave me alone,” my mother ______________.

Ans: “Leave me alone,” my mother shouted.

(iii) The children _____________ that the roads were crowded and noisy.

Ans: The children were complaining that the roads were crowded and noisy.

(iv) “Perhaps he isn’t a bad sort of a chap after all,” ______________ the master.

Ans: “Perhaps he isn’t a bad sort of a chap after all,” remarked the man.

(v) “Let’s go and look at the school ground,” ______________ the sports teacher.

Ans: “Let’s go and look at the school ground,” suggested the sports teacher.

(vi) The traffic police ____________ all the passers-by to keep off the road. 

Ans: The traffic police ordered all the passers-by to keep off the road.


Form pairs or groups and discuss the following questions. 

1. This story is not an Indian story. But do you think there are fathers, mothers, and grandmothers like the ones portrayed in the story in our own country? 

2. Was Kezia’s father right to punish her? What kind of a person was he? You might find some of these words useful in describing him: 













1. This story isn't based in India, but the characters act similar to the individuals we observe in India. They have their cultural hierarchy built upon similar grounds. Men are seen as the leaders of the society and family, who, irrespective of their decisions, must be supported by the obedient women and girls in the house. Their say is final and must be followed diligently. Trustworthy fathers like Kezia’s rule and govern the family for their welfare. 

2. It was necessary to make Kezia realize her mistake and learn her lesson. The father could have acted a bit more supportive and should have tried to understand her problem from her perspective too.

Kezia’s father gives us an image of a strict and emotionless father in the beginning. He ordered everything around the home. He was a short-tempered person and wore anger on his sleeves. He punished Kezia for her mistakes and never had proper communication with her. Once when Kezia tore his speech paper he hit her badly. By the end of the story, we get to know that he had a gentle heart and was actually an affectionate and caring person. 


Has your life been different from or similar to that of Kezia when you were a child? Has your perception of your parents changed now? Do you find any change in your parents’ behavior vis-à-vis yours? Who has become more understanding? What steps would you like to take to build a relationship based on understanding? Write three or four paragraphs (150–200 words) discussing these issues from your own experience.

Ans: My life experience was similar to that of Kezia when I was a child. Though I was never physically punished by my parents, I struggled with being accepted the way I was. I was always pushed for working harder, gaining better scores, and being an all-rounder. I was never appreciated by them when I worked hard but couldn't get a position in class or in a competition. This made me push myself beyond the zone I was required to and caused a lot of strain between us. Yes, gradually over years I have found them accepting the way I am. We have tried to improve our communication and develop a better understanding of our likes and dislikes. 

To build a relationship based on understanding there should be proper communication. No one should try to change the other based on their perception of how they want the other person to be. This not only disrupts their individuality but also makes them feel unacceptable being their true self. Accept the person the way they are and let them know if there is something about them you find uncomfortable.

Beehive Class 9 Chapter 3 - Free Solution PDF Download

However, the story takes a turn when her mother was hospitalized, and she was left alone with her father. The day went like any other day, but when the night came, that’s when things went a little different. Kezia, the main character from Little girl Chapter 3 Class 9 English book, had a nightmare and woke up scared. She was screaming and crying very badly. That’s when her father came and took her to his room, where he made her stop crying and made her cold feets hot by rubbing his against her. That’s when she realized her father loves her as much as any other father in the world. The only difference is he doesn’t have time to show it as he’s always working, and when her father comes home, he is tired.

From Class 9th English Beehive Chapter 3 The Little Girl, you were introduced to the girl named Kezia who is the main character of this story. The author is referring to her in the title “The Little Girl.'' The main story revolves around the relationship between father and daughter but as a whole, it's more about a relationship between a parent and a child.

You can get a free PDF of all the questions from this chapter in the exam. All the answers are written by expert teachers who have more than 5 years of experience teaching English. You can download this PDF and access it anytime you want, even if you are offline.


Important Study Material Links for Chapter 3 The Little Girl


Class 9 The Little Girl Revision Notes


Class 9 The Little Girl Important Questions

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Beehive

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Beehive (Poem)

Study Material for NCERT Class 9 English:

Now that you have a thorough understanding of the NCERT Syllabus for Class 9 English, you can take a look at some of the material that will take your preparation to the next level. These can be used as supplementary material to your main study routine:

Benefits of CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 3

With the help of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 3, The Little Girl, you will get to know about various aspects of how this story can change your perspective towards your parents and how important it is for a parent and a child to communicate with each other. Given below, we have written down some of the benefits of the reading Ch 3 English Class 9 Beehive.

  • First, you get to know about the different aspects of life, you see a father who is playing with his children, and then there is Kezia’s father who doesn’t even have time or strength left when he comes back home after work.

  • Likewise, it shows how children can be easily influenced and can start having trouble with their parents if the communication doesn’t work out from both sides.

  • As a parent, it is one’s duty to help their children in tough times, and that’s what Kezia’s father did when she got scared in the night. However, parents need to understand that scolding and beating a child will only lead to differences between the parent and the child.

  • As a result, a parent always needs to control their anger and forgive their children for making mistakes and teach them how to do the thing properly so the next time they won’t be making the same mistake.

  • Moreover, a single act of kindness can also change what the children think about you, so you need to be careful when you are in their presence. A child learns a lot from their parents just by seeing them.

  • Lastly, the story shows that no matter how bad you think someone is, you don’t really know the full story behind their behaviour, so you should not judge people and make your assumptions without actually realizing what they have been through.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 3 The Little Girl

1. How did Kezia’s Efforts to Please her Father Make him More Furious?

Kezia was quite afraid of her father as he used to talk to him quite harshly. For her father’s upcoming birthday, her grandmother told her to make a pin-cushion as a present. This pin-cushion Kezia thought to be the turning point and that she would be able to please her father. However, she made a mistake while trying to find papers for making the pin. She got her hands on her father’s port authority speech. She tore those pages to stuff the case. When her father looked for the papers, he got to know they were torn by Keiza, which leads to him beating her with a ruler. Thus, her efforts have made him furious.

2. What are the Different Types of Father Kieza Thought There are in the World, and How was Mr McDonald Different From her Father?

In her opinion, Kieza thought her father was very harsh on her. He didn’t talk to her in a polite manner, which she wanted. Instead, he always has a bit of harshness in his tone. Most of the time, Kieza avoided him and didn’t want to come in front of him as she was quite afraid of him. On the other hand, her father never actually spent time with her.

The family of Mcdonald lived next door to her house. On one of the evenings, she saw Mr Mcdonald playing with his children. A baby was sitting on his shoulder, and two little girls were hanging from his coat pockets. They were having a good time as all of them were laughing and dancing. She saw Mr Mcdonald was friendly while her father was harsh.

3. Give a brief summary of Chapter 3 the little girl?

The story revolves around a girl and her father. It shows you the different aspects of life. It tells the importance of communication between children and parents. It also shows the nature of a responsible father towards her daughter and how kindness can change the perspective of others for you. Detailed solutions for Chapter 3 Beehive English Class 9 is available on Vedantu.

4. What does this chapter tell about a father and daughter relationship?

It is a parent's responsibility to assist their children in difficult situations, and that is exactly what Kezia's father did when she was terrified in the middle of the night. Parents must recognise, however, that scolding and hitting a child will only result in conflict between the parent and the child. A parent must always manage his or her wrath, forgive their children for making errors, and teach them how to do things correctly so that they do not make the same mistake again.

5. What was the turning point in this chapter?

When her mother was sick and she was left alone with her father, the tale took a turn. The day carried on as usual, but when night arrived, things took a turn for the worst. This was the turning point in this chapter.

6. Describe Kezia’s father.

You get to observe a variety of people and their interactions with youngsters. Kezia's father may be tough on her at times, but he genuinely cares about her and is always willing to assist her. Her minor infractions enraged him, and the one major blunder she committed in the narrative resulted in her father slamming her with the scale. Detailed Solutions for Chapter 3 Beehive English Class 9 are available on Vedantu at free of cost. Students can download the Vedantu app to access these resources. 

7. What does the story The little girl in class 9 English teach us?

The little girl in class 9 English teaches us not to judge anybody. Everyone is going through some or another phase in their lives and we should not judge them for their actions. We don't really get to know why a person is doing things in a certain way. We should stop assuming and start accepting more.