NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 3 - The Little Girl PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 3 The Little Girl
1. How did Kezia’s Efforts to Please her Father Make him More Furious?
Kezia was quite afraid of her father as he used to talk to him quite harshly. For her father’s upcoming birthday, her grandmother told her to make a pin-cushion as a present. This pin-cushion Kezia thought to be the turning point and that she would be able to please her father. However, she made a mistake while trying to find papers for making the pin. She got her hands on her father’s port authority speech. She tore those pages to stuff the case. When her father looked for the papers, he got to know they were torn by Keiza, which leads to him beating her with a ruler. Thus, her efforts have made him furious.
2. What are the Different Types of Father Kieza Thought There are in the World, and How was Mr McDonald Different From her Father?
In her opinion, Kieza thought her father was very harsh on her. He didn’t talk to her in a polite manner, which she wanted. Instead, he always has a bit of harshness in his tone. Most of the time, Kieza avoided him and didn’t want to come in front of him as she was quite afraid of him. On the other hand, her father never actually spent time with her.
The family of Mcdonald lived next door to her house. On one of the evenings, she saw Mr Mcdonald playing with his children. A baby was sitting on his shoulder, and two little girls were hanging from his coat pockets. They were having a good time as all of them were laughing and dancing. She saw Mr Mcdonald was friendly while her father was harsh.
3. Give a brief summary of Chapter 3 the little girl?
The story revolves around a girl and her father. It shows you the different aspects of life. It tells the importance of communication between children and parents. It also shows the nature of a responsible father towards her daughter and how kindness can change the perspective of others for you. Detailed solutions for Chapter 3 Beehive English Class 9 is available on Vedantu.
4. What does this chapter tell about a father and daughter relationship?
It is a parent's responsibility to assist their children in difficult situations, and that is exactly what Kezia's father did when she was terrified in the middle of the night. Parents must recognise, however, that scolding and hitting a child will only result in conflict between the parent and the child. A parent must always manage his or her wrath, forgive their children for making errors, and teach them how to do things correctly so that they do not make the same mistake again.
5. What was the turning point in this chapter?
When her mother was sick and she was left alone with her father, the tale took a turn. The day carried on as usual, but when night arrived, things took a turn for the worst. This was the turning point in this chapter.
6. Describe Kezia’s father.
You get to observe a variety of people and their interactions with youngsters. Kezia's father may be tough on her at times, but he genuinely cares about her and is always willing to assist her. Her minor infractions enraged him, and the one major blunder she committed in the narrative resulted in her father slamming her with the scale. Detailed Solutions for Chapter 3 Beehive English Class 9 are available on Vedantu at free of cost. Students can download the Vedantu app to access these resources.
7. What does the story The little girl in class 9 English teach us?
The little girl in class 9 English teaches us not to judge anybody. Everyone is going through some or another phase in their lives and we should not judge them for their actions. We don't really get to know why a person is doing things in a certain way. We should stop assuming and start accepting more.