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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind - Free PDF Download

Vedantu provides you with NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4. The study materials for the Beehive Class 9 Chapter 4 include simplified explanations with step-by-step discussions. We provide smart techniques to assist students with their exam preparations. In NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter A Truly Beautiful Mind, we provide answers according to the NCERT guidelines. Expert teachers have curated NCERT Solution for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 according to the latest syllabus. You can download the NCERT Solutions PDF for free and prepare to top in your examinations.

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NCERT Solutions For Class 9


Class 9 English Beehive

Chapter Name:

Chapter 4 - A Truly Beautiful Mind

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 4, titled 'A Truly Beautiful Mind,' delves into the world of literature with a captivating story. This chapter explores the intricate facets of character development and narrative techniques, inviting students to engage in a deeper understanding of the text. These solutions provide valuable insights, analyses, and answers to questions, helping students appreciate the artistry of storytelling while honing their language skills. 'A Truly Beautiful Mind' is a literary journey that not only enriches language proficiency but also encourages critical thinking, making it an essential part of the English curriculum for Class 9 students.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 – A Truly Beautiful Mind

1. Here are Some Headings for Paragraphs in the Text. Write the Number(s) of the Paragraph(s) for Each Title Against the Heading. The First One is Done for You.

1. Einstein’s Equation

Ans: 9

2. Einstein Meets his Future Wife

Ans: 7

3. The Making of a Violinist

Ans: 3

4. Mileva and Einstein’s Mother

Ans: 10

5. A letter that Launched the Arms Race

Ans: 15

6. A Desk Drawer Full of Ideas

Ans: 8

7. Marriage and Divorce

Ans: 11

2. Who Had These Opinions About Einstein?

(i) He was Boring.

Ans: Einstein was considered boring by his playmates.

(ii) He was Stupid and Would Never Succeed in Life.

Ans: Einstein's headmaster used to think that he was stupid and assumed he would never succeed in his life.

(iii) He was a Freak.

Ans: Einstein’s mother used to think that he was a freak.

3. What are the Reasons for the Following:

I. Einstein Leaving the School in Munich for Good.

Ans:  Einstein used to hate his school’s regimentation in Munich therefore he left it for good.

ii. Einstein Wanting To Study in Switzerland Rather Than in Munich.

Ans: Switzerland was a more liberal city that’s why he wanted to study there rather than in Munich.

iii. Einstein Seeing in Mileva an Ally.

Ans: Mileva, just like Einstein himself, disapproved of the people who didn’t like art, literature or music, so he found an ally in her.

iv. What Do These Tell You About Einstein?

Ans:  These tell us that he was a liberal and cultured person and he loved freedom.

4. Why Did Einstein Call His Desk Drawer at the Patent Office?

Ans:  Einstein called his desk drawer at the patent office, i.e. the “bureau of theoretical physics” as he had used the drawer to store his secretly developed ideas.

5. Why Did Einstein Write a Letter to Franklin Roosevelt?

Ans: The letter by Einstein to Roosevelt was written to warn about the bomb effect and he also wanted to encourage them to create a bomb so as to utilize it’s destruction potential.

6. How Did Einstein React to the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Ans: Einstein was shook by the news of disaster in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He also wrote a public letter to the United. He wanted a world government to be formed to cease nuclear weapons.

7. Why Does the World Remember Einstein as a “World Citizen”?

Ans: Einstein put a lot of effort towards democracy and world peace. Alongside being a great scientist, he also fought against the use of arms. 

8. Here are Some Facts From Einstein’s Life. Arrange Them in Chronological Order.

( ) Einstein publishes his special theory of relativity.

( ) He is awarded the Nobel prize in Physics.

( ) Einstein writes a letter to U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and

 warns against Germany building an atomic bomb.

( ) Einstein attends a high school in Munich.

( ) Einstein’s family moves to Milan.

( ) Einstein is born in the German city of Ulm.

( ) Einstein joins a university in Zurich, where he meets Milega. 

( ) Einstein dies.

( ) He provides a new interpretation of gravity.

( ) Tired of the school’s regimentation, Einstein withdraws from school.

( ) He works in a patent office as a technical expert. 

( ) When Hitler comes to power, Einstein leaves Germany for the United States.


(1) Einstein is born in the German city of Ulm.

(2) Einstein attends a high school in Munich.

(3) Einstein’s family moves to Milan.

(4) Tired of the school’s regimentation, Einstein withdraws from school.

(5) Einstein joins a university in Zurich, where he meets Mileva.

(6) He works in a patent office as a technical expert.

(7) Einstein publishes his special theory of relativity.

(8) He provides a new interpretation of gravity.

(9) He is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

(10) When Hitler comes to power, Einstein leaves Germany for the United States.

(11) Einstein writes a letter to U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and warns against Germany building an atomic bomb.

(12) Einstein dies.

9. Here are Some Sentences From the Story. Choose the Word From the Brackets Which Can Be Substituted for the Italicised Words in the Sentences.

(1). A Few Years Later, the Marriage Faltered. (Failed, Broke, Became Weak).

Ans: Became weak.

(2). Einstein Was Constantly at Odds With People at the University. (On Bad Terms, in Disagreement, Unhappy)

Ans: In disagreement

(3). The Newspapers Proclaimed His Work As “A Scientific Revolution.” (Declared, Praised, Showed)

Ans: Declared

(4). Einstein Got Ever More Involved in Politics, Agitating for an End to the Arms Buildup. (Campaigning, Fighting, Supporting)

Ans: Campaigning

(5). At the Age of 15, Einstein Felt So Stifled That He Left the School for Good. (Permanently, for His Benefit, for a Short Time)

Ans: Permanently

(6). Five Years Later, the Discovery of Nuclear Fission in Berlin Had American Physicists in an Uproar. (In a State of Commotion, Full of Criticism, in a Desperate State)

Ans: In a state of commotion

(7). Science Wasn’t the Only Thing That Appealed to the Dashing Young Man With the Walrus Moustache. (Interested, Challenged, Worried)

Ans: Interested

10. Study the Following Sentences.

  • Einstein Became a Gifted Amateur Violinist, Maintaining This Skill Throughout His Life.

  • Letters Survive in Which They Put Their Affection Into Words, Mixing Science With Tenderness.

The Parts in Italics in the Above Sentences Begin With –Ing Verbs, and are Called Participial Phrases. Participial Phrases Say Something More About the Person or Thing Talked About or the Idea Expressed by the Sentence as a Whole. For Example:

  • Einstein Became a Gifted Amateur Violinist. He Maintained This Skill Throughout His Life.

Complete the Sentences Below by Filling In the Blanks With Suitable Participial Clauses. The Information That Has To Be Used in the Phrases Is Provided as a Sentence in Brackets.

  1. ____, the Fire Fighters Finally Put Out the Fire. (They Worked Round the Clock.)

Ans: Working round the clock, the fire fighters finally put out the fire

  1. She Watched the Sunset Above the Mountain, ____ (She Noticed the Colours Blending Softly Into One Another.)

Ans: She watched the sunset above the mountain, noticing the colours blending softly into one another.

  1. The Excited Horse Pawed the Ground Rapidly, ____ (While It Neighed Continually.)

Ans: The excited horse pawed into the ground rapidly, neighing continually.

  1. ____, I Found Myself in Bangalore, Instead of Benaras. (I Had Taken the Wrong Train.)

Ans: Having taken the wrong train, I found myself in Bangalore, instead of Benaras.

  1. ____, I Was Desperate To Get to the Bathroom. (I Had Not Bathed for Two Days)

Ans: Having not bathed for two days, I was desperate to get to the bathroom.

  1. The Stone Steps, ____ Needed To Be Replaced. (They Were Worn Down)

Ans: The stone steps, being worn down, needed to be replaced.

  1. The Actor Received Hundreds of Letters From His Fans, ___ (They Asked Him To Send Them His Photograph.)

Ans: The actor received hundreds of letters from his fans, asking him to send them his photographs.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 - A Truly Beautiful Mind - Benefits of NCERT Solutions 

English Literature has its unique appeal considering the approach to storytelling in each story. The CBSE curriculum supports the habit of reading and storytelling. They also consider the age of the targeted audience. Hence, they include stories that will make an impact on people in their formative years. One such impressionable chapter is 'A Truly Beautiful Mind'. It is a story that paints a new picture of Albert Einstein. 

  1. The chapter (Chapter 4 Beehive Class 9) talks about a specific incident in the scientist's life. There are instances where students may find it challenging to comprehend the layers of the story and the meaning in depth. 

  2. Hence, at Vedantu, we provide quality English solutions to promote the student's interest. Our experienced teachers have curated NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4. 

  3. Since it is an excellent but complicated read, we have offered the best solutions possible to the questions. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind will simplify your read. We have split the intext questions into two sections:

  • Thinking about the chapter

  • Thinking about the language

  1. We have provided the subheadings for some of the answers which refer to the paragraphs within the chapter. Students have to match the section heading with the number of paragraphs. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind - How to Deal with the Problematic Portions of Chapter 4?

Since it is a difficult chapter, you can refer to our NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter A Truly Beautiful Mind. We have provided headings for the significant portions of the chapter:

  • Einstein's meeting with his future wife

  • Marriage and Divorce

  • A desk full of ideas

  • The making of the violinist

  • Mileva and his mother

You can refer to the text and go through it at least once before reading our study materials. You will be able to answer all questions correctly by reading the text thoroughly. You can first try to frame the answers yourself. You can then refer to our answer to include portions you like. 

1. What incidents are mentioned about the Second World War in the Chapter 'A Truly Beautiful Mind'?

Ans: Beehive Class 9 Chapter 4 A truly Beautiful Mind talks about how deeply Albert Einstein was shaken by the Hiroshima and Nagasaki incident. He continuously urged the United Nations to form a government for the world, which would prevent any such further occurrences. Einstein wrote a letter to the President of America, informing him about the capabilities of the destructive power of the atom bomb. 

He worked to establish peace in the world until he died in 1955. Though we know this great person as a 'world's citizen', he had a difficult childhood. His cognitive abilities developed much slower than other children.

Through this chapter of Einstein's life, students learn about the hurdles one has to cross to achieve success. While this is a marvellous chapter, the intext questions are challenging to answer without guidance. We have provided the answers to our discussions. You can download the PDF for free on Vedantu.

Solved Example

1. Why Does the World Know Einstein as a 'World Citizen'?

Answer: Albert Einstein is known as a 'world citizen' because of his efforts to work towards world peace and democracy. He also stood against the use of any means of arms.

2. Why did Einstein hate school?

Ans: Einstein hated school because of the strict decor in school and extreme sense of discipline in the school.

3. Why was Einstein called ‘brother boring’?

Ans: Einstein was known as ‘Brother Boring’ as he never mixed up with his classmates.

Tips to Study English Better

Following are the tips which will help you to study English better:

  1. Students must study the context of English in a better way.

  2. They must solve the questions and answers at the end of the chapters in order to have a better understanding of the lessons. 

  3. The students are also required to solve the previous year’s question papers and study the sample papers in order to prepare for the exam well.

  4. They must also revise the paper well enough to have a total grasp before the examination. 

Hope this article will be beneficial for the students while preparing for their CBSE Class 9 English exams. This article consists of the NCERT Solutions free pdf which will help the students to practise the questions and answers well from Chapter 4 ‘A Truly Beautiful Mind’.

Importances of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 4- A Truly Beautiful Mind

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 4 - "A Truly Beautiful Mind" hold significant importance in a student's English language and literature education. They serve as a valuable tool for understanding and analysing the literary elements within the chapter, including character development, plot intricacies, and narrative techniques. By providing clear and comprehensive explanations, these solutions aid students in improving their language proficiency, enriching their vocabulary, and enhancing their comprehension skills. 

Moreover, they encourage critical thinking by posing thought-provoking questions that require students to delve into the text's themes and motifs. This not only prepares them for examinations but also fosters a deeper appreciation of literature, promoting a holistic approach to learning that goes beyond mere memorization. In essence, these solutions are a guiding light in the exploration of literary works, nurturing both language competency and literary appreciation.


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 4 - "A Truly Beautiful Mind" play a vital role in shaping students' understanding of literature and language. They offer a comprehensive insight into the literary aspects of the chapter, from character development to plot intricacies, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. These solutions are not only instrumental in exam preparation but also serve as a catalyst for deeper literary appreciation. By providing explanations and guidance, they enable students to engage with the text on a profound level, enriching their language proficiency and nurturing a holistic approach to literature. Thus, these solutions are an indispensable resource for students seeking a truly beautiful understanding of English literature.

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 4


Study Material Links for Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind


Class 9 A Truly Beautiful Mind Revision Notes


Class 9 A Truly Beautiful Mind Important Questions

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Beehive

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Beehive (Poem)

Study Material for NCERT Class 9 English:

Now that you have a thorough understanding of the NCERT Syllabus for Class 9 English, you can take a look at some of the material that will take your preparation to the next level. These can be used as supplementary material to your main study routine:

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind

1. What are some of the most critical questions from the chapter a Truly Beautiful Mind?

We have listed some of the most critical questions that are likely to come in your examinations:

  • What did Albert Einstein call his desk drawer at the office? Why?

  • Why did Einstein write a letter to F. Roosevelt?

  • Why do we remember Einstein as a 'world citizen'?

  • What was Einstein's reaction to the incident of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

There are many more questions which are essential and can come in your examination. It will help if you go through the chapter thoroughly to answer all the questions correctly. You can get more questions if you refer to our NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4. 

2. Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive chapter A Truly Beautiful Mind a reliable content?

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive chapter A Truly Beautiful Mind contains simplified versions of all the intext questions and many more. These solutions will be helpful for you to understand and frame your answers. They will undoubtedly help you to prepare for your exams. We have arranged all the answers successfully according to their order in the book. The straightforward arrangement of the solutions will help you to go through the chapter in an orderly fashion and effectively. Expert teachers have framed all the solutions with years of experience. Hence, these will be beneficial in scoring good marks in your examination. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 is a reliable study material.

3. What are the benefits of referring to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4?

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 have been framed by subject experts at Vedantu to provide students with the help they may need when facing difficulty in answering questions that are available at the end of each chapter. These questions are very important for the preparation and referring to Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions will provide students with accurate and well-explained answers that can help them achieve good marks in the exams.

4. Where can I find the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4?

You can find NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 4 on the Vedantu app and website. These solutions have been made available for students free of cost to help them achieve an in-depth understanding of everything that they read through the chapters. Students can access and download the NCERT Solutions free of cost from Vedantu’s website and mobile app. The solutions are meant to help students write answers that are precise and presentable and can help them prepare well before their Class 9 English exams.

5. Is Chapter 4 of Class 9 English easy?

If a student understands the story presented by the author, it becomes easy as the student will then be able to answer the questions on his own. When you read it and understand it, even after a few months, you tend to remember it. Hence, a revision before the exam is enough to score good marks. Since A Beautiful Mind is not only interesting but also inspiring, this chapter is very easy.

6. What is the chapter A Beautiful Mind of Class 9 English about?

A Beautiful Mind is a chapter in Class 9 and it is about Einstein. Reading this chapter helps us understand him as a person. It provides a snippet of his journey, which the students will not only enjoy but also find inspiring. To know more about the chapter or for questions and answers, students can visit Vedantu. Here, you can also access NCERT Solutions for free, which will help you study better for the exams. 

7. How was Einstein as a person?

Einstein was cultured and liberal. In fact, he was fond of art, literature, and even music, and didn’t think highly of people who found them uninteresting. He was also someone who loved his freedom and had his own set of quirks that made him the man he was. A complete explanation of the chapter is provided on the Vedantu website.