English Class 9 Moments Chapter 4 Question Answer - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments - Free Latest PDF (2024-25)
1. Discuss the Plot in The Kingdom of Fools Class 9 NCERT Solutions Briefly.
The story 'Kingdom of Fools revolves around a state governed by an incompetent king and his group of foolish ministers. These people in command did nothing for the benefit of the people of the state because they didn't have the faintest idea of how to rule a kingdom rightfully. The last string of patience of the people broke when the king and ministers declared a bizarre order to be followed, stating that people are to do the work of the morning at night and vice versa. This strange order gave readers a clear understanding of how the king and his ministers had very less ideas about dictatorship and politics.
2. How will Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for in The Kingdom of Fools Question Answer Help Students?
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Moments Chapter 4 Question Answer provided by Vedantu comes in an easily downloadable PDF format and which is absolutely free of cost. Students can access the PDF files provided by us from the website or app for preparation for the exams. Experts answer the long and short questions at Vedantu, and the answers are easy to understand, accurate, and crisp. With the help of Vedantu, enhance your English skills with the high-quality study materials provided by us that will help in polishing your knowledge about the matter being taught in school and eventually will result in students scoring higher marks.
3. What is the kingdom of fools?
Kingdom of Fools is a folktale taken from the ‘Folktales of India’ by A.K Ramanujan. The story is about a kingdom governed by a half-witted king and his foolish ministers. The story records the dangers created by the foolish people. To gain more insights into this chapter, students are advised to make use of the NCERT Solutions provided by Vedantu to help them prepare for their exams. These questions are created by the subject experts and are 100% reliable.
4. What is the summary of the kingdom of fools?
The Kingdom of Fools is about how foolishness can cost one’s life. A kingdom governed by a foolish king is visited by a guru and his disciples. The guru is astonished by the orders given by the half-witted king to his people. The king asked his people to sleep during the day and work at night. Guruji found that the things sold were all at the same price. After some days, the Guru Ji left the kingdom and his disciples decided to stay because they didn't want to leave the place where everything costs only one rupee. Trouble happens to a disciple and he calls Guruji for help. Guruji with his intelligence helps his disciple and the people of the king.
5. Who visited the Kingdom of fools?
Guruji and his disciples visited the kingdom of fools. Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions offers answers to all the questions which will help the students prepare for their exam. Visit the Vedantu website or download the Vedantu app to download the PDF of Class 9 English Moments Chapter 4 free of cost.
6. What is the theme of the kingdom of fools?
The theme of The Kingdom of Fools is how half-witted people can be dangerous and can make irrational decisions that can affect the people around them. And also how greediness can land you in trouble that may cost your life. Visit the Vedantu website to find a detailed analysis given by expert teachers and score high marks in exams.
7. Where can I find In the Kingdom of Fools Questions and Answers?
You can find NCERT Solutions to In The Kingdom of Fools Class 9 Questions and Answers on Vedantu, compiled by master teachers. class 9 English Moments chapter 4 question answers in short, are also constantly checked and updated to comply with the latest syllabus and will be sure to help you boost your exam preparation.