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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments - Free Latest PDF (2024-25)


Class 9 English Chapter 2 The Adventures of Toto Question Answers FREE PDF Download

English is a large open sea of subjects, topics, literary devices, and more. The Class 9 English Moments Chapter 2, ‘The Adventures of Toto, ’ deals with Toto the dog and his adventures with the author’s grandfather. The chapter highlights the values of being well-behaved and responsible around others. Vedantu provides comprehensive NCERT Solutions to The Adventures of Toto Question Answers in PDF format, which is absolutely FREE to download to help students study anywhere, anytime, and easily on the go.

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Students can also find the Class 9 English Syllabus to get a complete overview of what topics and chapters are covered in the main and supplement textbooks for English Class 9.

Glance at Chapter 2, The Adventures of Toto - Class 9

  • Toto, a mischievous monkey with striking features, was bought by the narrator's grandfather for five rupees and added to his private zoo, causing various disturbances and damage in the household.

  • He spoiled ornamental wallpaper, damaged a peg, and tore the narrator's blazer into pieces, leading to his being hidden in the narrator's closet by Grandfather.

  • On a trip to Saharanpur, Toto caused trouble at the station, leading to the stationmaster mistaking him for a dog and charging a ticket for him.

  • As Toto grew, he was transferred to a stable with the donkey, Nana, where he continued his antics despite Grandmother's eventual acceptance of him.

  • The family eventually became fed up with Toto's behaviour, and Grandfather sold him back to the Tonga driver for three rupees, emphasising the importance of responsibility and proper behaviour.

  • You can find comprehensive NCERT Solutions to The Adventures of Toto Question Answers here on Vedantu.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 2 – The Adventures of Toto

Important Questions:

1. How does Toto come to grandfather’s private zoo?

Ans: Toto had been enslaved by a tonga owner. The grandfather becomes sympathetic to the monkey and decides that Toto would be better off in his own private zoo. So he paid five rupees to the tongawallah for Toto.

2. “Toto was a pretty monkey.” In what sense is Toto pretty?

Ans: Toto was a very attractive monkey. His sparkling eyes twinkled with mischief beneath deep-set brows, and his dazzling white teeth were frequently exhibited in a smile that scared the living daylights out of elderly Anglo-Indian ladies. His hands, on the other hand, appeared dried up, as if they had been pickled in the sun for years. His fingers, on the other hand, were swift and cunning, and his tail, although adding to his fine appearance, also served as a third hand. He could suspend it from a limb and use it to scoop up any delicacy that was out of his reach.

3. Why does grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog?

Ans: Toto posed a serious threat to everyone in the house. Even at night, the other creatures in grandfather's zoo were at Toto's mercy. As a result, grandfather decided to help the other animals at the zoo by transporting Toto to Saharanpur. The ticket collector was adhering to his procedures. He equated Toto with a dog because there seemed to be no regulation for adjusting a monkey's meal. The creativity of ticket collectors attempted to classify all pets of a particular size as dogs.

4. How does Toto take a bath? Where has he learned to do this? How does Toto almost boil himself alive?

Ans: Toto takes a bath in a tub filled with hot water. It immerses each of its legs in the water and washes them with soap. Because monkeys are skilled at imitating others, Toto has learned how to bathe properly by watching the narrator do so. Toto enjoys taking baths in warm water. So, after checking the temperature of the water in the kettle, Toto sits in it. He's probably too stupid to realize the dangers of boiling water, so he bobs his head up and down in the kettle.

5. Why does the author say, “Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long”?

Ans: Toto was attractive and intelligent, but he was also a thief. By destroying dishes, tearing garments, and ripping curtains, he caused a lot of damage to the house. He also frightened the guests by ripping holes in their clothes. He didn't get along with the other animals in the house, either. Toto once went too far by scooping up a plate of pulao and eating it while running on a branch. When he was chastised, he tossed the plate away and broke it. This is when, because he couldn't stand the damages he'd experienced as a result of Toto's antics, grandfather decided he'd had enough of Toto.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for The Adventures of Toto Question Answers

  • The Class 9 English Moments Chapter 2 Question Answer solutions will provide you with an easy understanding of the entire chapter.

  • The NCERT Solution of The Adventures of Toto Class 9 Questions and Answers will help you clear all your doubts and get your fundamentals straight.

  • The NCERT Solution of English Moments Class 9 Chapter 2 will also provide you with more insights into the entire chapter.

  • Students can refer to all these solutions and prepare effectively for the exams. Students can also revise the whole chapter by referring to these solutions before attending any exams.

  • Vedantu takes utmost care to ensure it is quite easy for students to study and prepare English lessons as relevant and up-to-date study materials for all chapters are available in one place.

  • The course material provided is sufficient, and students do not have to waste time searching for additional resources to prepare for their exams.

  • These NCERT Solutions to The Adventures of Toto Question Answers strictly adhere to the prescribed CBSE syllabus and exam pattern.

  • The solutions are available for free download in PDF format. This means students can study anywhere, anytime on the go.

  • Top subject matter experts create the solutions considering the students' requirements.

  • Simple and comprehensible language is used while preparing the solutions to make learning interesting and easy to retain for students.


The  Class 9 English Moments Chapter 2 Question Answers provide comprehensive and detailed explanations, analyses, and interpretations of the prescribed literature and textbook content. These solutions serve as valuable resources for students to enhance their understanding and proficiency in the English language. The solutions cover a wide range of topics, including prose, poetry, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. They offer step-by-step explanations, sample answers, and contextual understanding to help students effectively engage with the texts and develop their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. By providing in-depth explanations and examples, the NCERT Solutions for The Adventures of Toto Class 9 Questions and Answers facilitate a deeper comprehension of literary texts, enabling students to grasp the underlying themes, characters, and literary techniques employed by the authors.

Important Study Material Links for Class 9 English Moments Chapter 2


Study Material Links for Moments Chapter 2 The Adventures of Toto


Class 9 The Adventures of Toto Revision Notes


Class 9 The Adventures of Toto Important Questions

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Moments

Study Material for NCERT Class 9 English:

Now that you have a thorough understanding of the NCERT Syllabus for Class 9 English, you can take a look at some of the material that will take your preparation to the next level. These can be used as supplementary material to your main study routine:

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments - Free Latest PDF (2024-25)

1. Grandfather Always Referred to Toto as a Pretty Monkey. In What Sense, do you Think he Always Referred to the Monkey as Pretty?

Toto has beautiful and bright eyes with sparkling mischief and gracious tail, that always served him as a third hand. Referring to the beautiful smile Toto has, his grandfather always referred to him as a pretty monkey.

2. How do you Think Toto Came to the Private Zoo?

Toto’s grandfather always used to love animals passionately. One day, as he was coming across, he saw a beautiful monkey along the tonga-driver. He immediately decided to buy Toto, and he eventually did for about five rupees. That’s how Toto came into the private zoo.

3. What is the story “The Adventures of Toto” about?

The adventures of Toto is about a mischievous monkey named Toto who is bought by the grandfather of the narrator. The story records the mischievous behaviour of the monkey and the relationship he has with the family members. To get a detailed summary of this chapter, visit Vedantu. Learn more about this chapter and download a PDF of NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 Class 9 English for free of cost.

4. Who is the author of this story?

The story ‘The Adventures of Toto’ is written by Ruskin Bond. The story is about the narrator's grandfather and his monkey Toto. To get in-depth knowledge of this chapter, students can get guidance from the NCERT Solutions prepared by the experts for the students of Class 9 English. The solution PDFs and other study materials such as important questions and revision notes can also be downloaded from the Vedantu app as well for free of cost.

5. What were the animals present in Grandfather’s private zoo?

The private zoo maintained by the grandfather had a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tiny squirrel and a pet goat. Toto, the monkey, was the new addition to the family. Vedantu offers the best NCERT Solutions to help students get well versed in each chapter and prepare and revise for their exams. The solution PDFs and other study materials such as important questions and revision notes can also be downloaded from the Vedantu app as well for free of cost.

6. Is Chapter 2 of English Class 9 important for the exams?

Yes, Chapter 2 of English Class 9 is important for the exam. Since the questions in the exams can be asked anywhere from the text, students need to be prepared to answer any type of question. To get in-depth knowledge of each chapter, Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions for all the chapters in Class 9 English. For more details, download the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 2 of Class 9 English.

7. How are NCERT Solutions beneficial to this chapter?

With the help of NCERT Solutions, students will be able to gain an easy understanding of this chapter. NCERT Solutions for Adventures of Toto will help students clear all their doubts. The experts’ panel at Vedantu carefully created these NCERT Solutions to help students get more insights in this chapter. Download the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 2 of Class 9 English to prepare for your exams.

8. Where can I find Class 9 English Moments Chapter 2 Question Answer in Short? 

You can find both long and short answers to Class 9 English Moments Chapter 2, The Adventures of Toto, here on Vedantu. These solutions are in PDF format and are absolutely FREE to download to study anywhere, anytime on the go.

9. Are the NCERT Solutions for The Adventures of Toto Question Answers accurate?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments Chapter 2 Question Answers are compiled by top professionals and subject matter experts here at Vedantu. These professionals have been dealing with the NCERT and CBSE syllabus for years and fully understand everything that goes into writing the perfect answer.

10. What happens when Grandfather takes Toto to the railway station?

Toto, being the mischievous monkey that he is, creates a ruckus in the railway station. Grandfather hides him in a bag, inside which he constantly moves and rolls around, and while Grandfather buys the ticket, he pops his head out of the bag, attracting the attention of the stationmaster, who mistakes him for a dog. Overall, Toto does not control his actions and behaviour despite being in a public space as crowded as the railway station.