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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 4 - Mati Wali


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 4 - Mati Wali PDF Download

NCERT Solutions provides the best and useful material for Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 4. Students can find all the answers long and short easily in the material. NCERT Solutions Class 9 Kritika Chapter 4 Hindi provides all MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers to score good marks in the examination. Every topic and subtopic is explained with examples which makes understanding easy. For exam preparations, students can rely on this book. By using NCERT Solution Class 9 Kritika Chapter 9 Hindi , students can face exams with confidence.


NCERT Solutions For Class 9


Class 9 Hindi Kritika

Chapter Name:

Chapter 4 - Mati Wali

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

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Access NCERT Solutions for class 9 Hindi कृतिका ।। Chapter 4 : माटीवाली

1.'शहरवासी सिर्फ माटी वाली को नहीं, उसके कंटर को भी अच्छी तरह पहचानते हैं। आपकी समझ से वे कौन से कारण रहे होंगे जिनके रहते 'माटीवाली”को सब पहचानते थे?

उत्तर : पुरे टिहरी शहर में सिर्फ वही एक थी जो सबको माटी पहुंचाती थी , उसका कोई भी प्रतिद्वंदी नहीं था।  उसका कंटर भी अलग तरह का ही था कपड़ों से लिप्त बिना ढक्क्न का ऊपर से खुला जो की उसे दूर से ही पहचानने योग्य बना देता था। साथ ही माटीवाली एक हँसमुख स्वभाव वाली महिला थी एवं माटीवाली की लाल मिट्टी हर घर की आवश्यकता थी,जिससे चूल्हे-चौके की पुताई की जाती थी। इसके बिना किसी का काम नहीं चलता था। ​इस कारण स्वाभाविक रूप से सभी लोग उसे जानते थे।

2. माटी वाली के पास अपने अच्छे या बुरे भाग्य के बारे में ज्यादा सोचने का समय क्‍यों नहीं था?

उत्तर : जिस इंसान की ज़िदगी इस बात पर निर्भर करती हो की उसे कितने घर में माटी पहुँचाने के बाद आज दो रोटी मिलेगी , जो कर्म से भयभीत नहीं होता हो। जिसके समक्ष जीवन का सबसे बड़ा प्रश्न ही ये हो कि अपने बूढ़े और खुद को दिन में कम से कम एक बार पेट भर खाना मिल जाये।  रोज का जीवन जीना ही जिसका संघर्ष हो उसे अच्छे और बुरे भाग्य जैसे दार्शनिक प्रश्नों के बारे में सोचने का वक़्त कहाँ ही होगा।  माटी वाली ऐसी ही एक महिला थी जिसके पास अपने कर्म और जीवन की मूलभूत समस्या से ही निपटने का वक़्त नहीं था तो अपने अच्छे या बुरे भाग्य के बारे में ज्यादा सोचने का समय कहाँ ही होता।

3. “भूख मीठी कि भोजन मीठा” से क्या अभिप्राय है?

उत्तर : भूख और भोजन के मध्य एक सम्बन्ध है, अगर भूख हो तो ही स्वाद आता है। अगर पेट भरा हो तो पकवान भी स्वादहीन होता है। उपरोक्त पंक्ति का यही अभिप्राय है कि भूख ही इस सम्पूर्ण विश्व में सर्वाधिक स्वादिष्ट चीज है।

4 . 'पुरखों की गाढ़ी कमाई से हासिल की गयी चीज़ों को हराम के भाव बेचने को मेरा दिल गवाही नहीं देता"-मालकिन के इस कथन के आलोक में विरासत के बारे में अपने विचार व्यक्त कीजिए।

उत्तर : विरासत हमारी सबसे कीमती चीज़ होती है। हमें निश्चय ही इसका ध्यान रखना चाहिए।  हमारे पुरखों ने जो बहुत ही मुश्किल एवं प्रयत्नों के बाद हासिल किया वही हमे विरासत में देकर गए। हमे उसकी रक्षा करनी चाहिए एवं चंद पैसों के लिए उसे नहीं खोना चाहिए।

5. माटी वाली का रोटियों का इस तरह हिसाब लगाना उसकी किस मजबूरी को प्रकट करता है?

उत्तर : माटी वाली का रोटियों का हिसाब लगाना उसकी गरीबी , फटेहाली एवं आर्थिक परेशानियों के मजबूरी को प्रकट करता है। यह भी बताता है कि किस तरह दिन भर जी तोड़ मेहनत करने के बाद भी उसे दो वक़्त की रोटी नहीं मिलती।

6 . “आज माटी वाली बुड्ढे को कोरी रोटियाँ नहीं देगी! - इस कथन के आधार पर माटी वाली के हृदय के भावों को अपने शब्दों में लिखिए।

उत्तर : माटी वाली का रोटी बचा कर ले जाना एवं तमाम दिन की मेहनत के बाद भी यह सोचना की आज जो थोड़े पैसे कमाए है उससे प्याज खरीद कर साग बनाने का विचार करना, माटी वाली का अपने पति के प्रति प्रेम और लगाव को व्यक्त करता है।  यह बताता है कि किस तरह तमाम मुश्किलों के बाद भी उसके हृदय में अपने पति के प्रति इतना प्रेम उमड़ता है। यह  जीवनसाथी के प्रति अटूट प्रेम, समपर्ण तथा निष्ठा के भावों को भी बताता है।

7 . गरीब आदमी का श्मशान नहीं उजड़ना चाहिए। इस कथन का आशय स्पष्ट कीजिए।

उत्तर : गरीब आदमी का श्मशान नहीं उजड़ना चाहिए - इस कथन का आशय यह है कि एक गरीब पूरा जीवन ही मुश्किलों एवं कठिनाइयों में गुजार देता है। मरने के बाद तो उसे सम्मानजनक जगह मिलना चाहिए।  एक जगह तो हो जहाँ बिना किसी परेशानी के साथ वो सो सके किन्तु माटीवाली के पति के साथ यह भी ना हो सका। वह बेचारा पूरी ज़िंदगी ही विवशता एवं तंगी में जीता रहा और जब मरा तो शमशान भी जल्दफ़्न हो गया और उसका घर भी तथाकथित प्रगति के कारण हुए विस्थापन का शिकार हो गया ।

8. 'विस्थापन की समस्या” पर एक अनुच्छेद लिखिए।

उत्तर : विस्थापन एक बहुत ही बड़ी एवं प्रासंगिक समस्या है। कोई भी एक शहर में जहाँ वो रहता है अपनी ज़िंदगी का निर्माण करता है उसका परिवार , उसके दोस्त उसका रोजगार सब वहीँ होता है और एक दिन किसी मजबुरी में जब उसे वह जगह छोड़नी पड़ती है तो उसके ऊपर वज़्र पात हो जाता है। उसे वापस अपनी पूरी ज़िंदगी का निर्माण करना होता है।

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 4 - Mati Wali

Free NCERT Solutions Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 4 pdf is available on this page for download .The material is very useful for exam preparations since it comes with all types of questions and answers in an easy format. NCERT Solutions Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 9 contains the answers which are provided by subject experts. Our study material explains the chapter in the most understandable formats which act as a quick guide for revision. 

Introduction to chapter 4

Chapter 4 of Hindi, Mati Wali” is a story whose premise is based around an old lady who used to sell soil in the small of Tehri. The story is written by Vidyasagar Nautiyal. The story is a social commentary on the dichotomy of rich and poor classes of society. 

The story revolves around Matiwali, an old woman who sustains her life by selling soil to the locals of the town. In the small town, she did not have any competition as she was the sole seller. The writer then proceeds to describe the mundane daily activity of the old lady, the writing beautifully portrays the discipline and hard-working nature of the lady. 

One day, as the old lady returned to her home after selling the soil, she was astonished to find her husband dead. Soon after his death, she was informed that there would be a dam construction in the town. This led to the loss of her home and occupation, in a short period of time the matiwali lost all her home and her companion. The story ends with a tragic note where the old lady sits outside her home and pleas her condition to the passing strangers.

About the Author

Vidyasagar Nautiyal was born in Tehri Garhwal on September 29, 1933.

He was a politician from the left. Vidyasagar Nautiyal is a well-known writer and politician. He began writing at the age of 18 and gained notoriety in 1953 when his story 'Bhains Ka Katya' was featured in a literary journal.

'Tehri Ki Kahaniyan' was published in 1985, followed by 'Bhim Akela' (travel memoir) in 1994 and 'Suraj Sabka Hai' in 1997.'Phat Ja Panchdhar' and 'Suchchi Dor' became extremely popular stories.

Shri Vidyasagar Notiyal received the inaugural literary award in Dehradun on June 4, 2000. Vidyasagar Nautiyal died in a Bangalore hospital on Saturday, February 12, 2012.

NCERT Solution For Class 9 Hindi Chapters Chapter 4 - Kritika

NCERT Solutions Hindi Class 9 Chapter 4 - Kritika belongs to a chapter named as Mati Wali. The chapter is all about a soil seller and her life. The material explains the story about her life in detail, how she struggles in her life to get food every day for her along with her old husband. NCERT Solutions Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 4 covers all the important questions from this chapter with proper and explained answers which make things easy for students to understand. The material is prepared here according to the latest CBSE syllabus and NCERT curriculum.

Class 9 Hindi Chapter Wise Marks Weightage

Chapter 4 from Class 9 Hindi Kritika has the highest weightage and is the most important chapter. Questions from this chapter come every year in exams and many questions are repeated from this material. By preparing from NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 4, students can get the expected marks and score better.

Here is Some More Information About The Content of Chapter 4 Hindi Class 9

  • 4.1 Reasons for the popularity of soil sellers.

  • 4.2 About the situation of the soil seller.

  • 4.3 Explanation of a proverb given.

  • 4.4 About the importance of hard-earned for our forefathers. (Long answer)

  • 4.5 Mati wali's struggle for food.

  • 4.6 Mati wali's emotions when she got tips for her hard work.

  • 4.7 Struggle for the life of a poor man.

  • 4.8 Problems faced by poor people in displacements from one place to the other.

  • 4.9 Answer questions in your own words. 10 Questions (Long answers ).

Why Are NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Chapter 4 Important?

  • The material provides simplified answers which are easy to understand and memorize.

  • The questions and the answers are given pointwise along with important points about the question.

  • The material provides all the important topics covered in Class 9 Hindi Chapter 4

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 4 provides all the questions which are important from an exam point of view.

  • Using the NCERT Solution Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 4, students can master the chapter without difficulty.

NCERT Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapterwise Solutions

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 4 - Mati Wali

1. What was the reason that everyone in the city knew about the soil seller. What was the reason for her popularity?

Everyone knew about the soil seller and her canister because she was the only soil seller in Tihary city. No one was in the city to compete with her. She was the only soil seller who used to sell soil to everyone to color their house. Everyone in the city used to color their house with red soil, so they needed it every day. Soil seller was the only seller who used to give that red soil to everyone.

2. Why does the mati seller use to count the roties every day? Why was she so helpless?

The Mati seller used to count her roties every day as she had no other option to earn and get food for her. She had only one option for her earning that was selling soil in everyone's house. She had to work hard every day to get food for her and her old husband. She was never able to rest for a single day because if she rests for one day, she would be unable to get food for her and her husband for that day.

3. How can you answer the questions of this chapter correctly?

This chapter is the life story of a soil seller. Follow the NCERT Solutions to learn how to answer the questions for this chapter. The answers should be written remembering the marks carried by each question, neither too long nor too short. Also, it will be more scoring if you use better vocabulary and mention the key points from the chapter. Hindi Literature is a fun subject when you study it more like a story than trying to mug up all the details.

4. Why should you use NCERT Solutions for this chapter?

NCERT Solutions for this chapter provides a detailed explanation of the story and curated answers to the questions that will help you boost your preparations. It is best used as a reference book for revisions before your tests and exams or during the time of preparation to get guidance on how to answer the questions and what type of questions can be asked from a certain chapter. NCERT Solutions help you cover all aspects of learning for each subject and chapter.

5. What is the summary of Class 9 Hindi Chapter 4: Mati Wali?

This chapter is the life story of a mud seller. She is the only mud seller in the city and hence, well known by everybody. The story tells us about her daily struggles to earn enough money to provide food for her old husband and herself. It is mentioned in the chapter that she had to count the number of chapatis because she often ran out of food. It teaches us about the importance of hard work.

6. Is the chapter ’Mati Wali’ important?

The chapter ‘Mati wali’ from Class 9 is essential for the exams. The chapter holds the highest weightage, and the students should prepare it well. Apart from the course perspective, the story holds crucial life lessons. It teaches the students about challenges life throws at people regardless of their hard work. Money and society play an important part in everyone’s life even if they do not want more than the minimum necessities.

7. Is this chapter difficult?

Hindi in Class 9 is not difficult if you read through the chapter and study materials. You should find the word meanings for better understanding. Refer to the NCERT Solutions for each chapter and solve the questions given in the textbooks. If you follow all these things, you can indeed find the subject easy. Hindi is spoken in our daily lives and learning it as a subject is relatively smooth.