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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 Pad


NCERT Solutions for Hindi Class 9 Chapter 6 Pad - FREE PDF Download

Explore the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 6 Pad. This resource helps students understand the chapter better. It includes clear explanations, summaries, and answers to NCERT questions according to the Latest nd answers to NCERT questions according to the Latest CBSE Class 9 Hindi Syllabus. The chapter tells the story of a bus journey, making it relatable and enjoyable for students. By downloading this FREE PDF, students can get the help they need to study and prepare for their exams effectively.

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This guide provides easy-to-understand answers and key points that simplify learning. It is designed for students to grasp the main ideas of the chapter without difficulty. With these NCERT Solutions Class 9 Hindi Sparsh, students can practise and improve their skills in Hindi. Don't miss the chance to download this valuable resource for FREE and enhance your learning experience.

Glance on Class 9 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 6 - Pad (पद)

Chapter 6, "Pad," is a thought-provoking poem that delves into themes of devotion, the essence of spirituality, and the struggles faced by individuals in their quest for divine connection. Here’s a brief overview of the poem:

  • The poem expresses the deep devotion of the speaker towards Lord Ram, highlighting the significance of faith and spiritual connection in one's life.

  • It reflects on the emotional and spiritual struggles faced by the speaker in trying to break free from worldly attachments and distractions that hinder their devotion.

  • The use of vivid imagery and powerful symbols throughout the poem captures the essence of the speaker's longing for a pure connection with the divine.

  • The poem encourages readers to reflect on their own spiritual journeys, questioning how they can maintain their connection to faith amidst life's challenges.

  • The poignant expression of feelings and thoughts resonates with readers, evoking a sense of empathy and introspection regarding their own beliefs and spiritual practices.

  • Ultimately, the poem serves as an inspiration for readers to cultivate inner strength and perseverance in their spiritual pursuits, encouraging them to remain steadfast in their devotion.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 – Pad पद

1. निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए-

(क) पहले पद में भगवान और भक्त की जिन-जिन चीजों से तुलना की गई है, उनका उल्लेख कीजिए।

पहले पद में भगवान और भक्त की निम्नलिखित चीजों से तुलना की गई है:


  • भगवान की तुलना चंदन से की गई है और भक्त की तुलना पानी से । 

  • भगवान की तुलना घन बन से की गई है और भक्त की तुलना मोर से।

  • भगवान की तुलना चाँद से की गई है और भक्त की तुलना चकोर से। 

  • भगवान की तुलना दीपक से की गई है और भक्त की तुलना बाती से। 

  • भगवान की तुलना मोती से की गई है और भक्त की तुलना धागे से |

(ख) पहले पद की प्रत्येक पंक्ति के अंत में तुकांत शब्दों के प्रयोग से नाद-सौंदर्य आ गया है, जैसे-पानी, समानी आदि। इस पद में से अन्य तुकांत शब्द छाँटकर लिखिए।

उत्तरः पहले पद में से अन्य तुकांत शब्द हैं:

  • चंदन - जल

  • घन - मन

  • चाँद - ताँद

  • दीपक - बिखक

  • मोती - बुनती

(ग) पहले पद में कुछ शब्द अर्थ की दृष्टि से परस्पर संबद्ध हैं। ऐसे शब्दों को छाँटकर लिखिए-

उत्तर: पहले पद में अर्थ की दृष्टि से परस्पर संबद्ध शब्द हैं:

  • चंदन और जल 

  • चाँद और चकोर 

  • दीपक और बाती

  • मोती और धागा

(घ) दूसरे पद में कवि ने 'गरीब निवाजु' किसे कहा है? स्पष्ट कीजिए।

उत्तरः दूसरे पद में कवि ने 'गरीब निवाजु' भगवान को कहा है। इस शब्द के माध्यम से कवि भगवान की उस विशेषता की ओर इशारा कर रहे हैं कि वे गरीबों और निर्धन लोगों के प्रति बहुत दयालु और मददगार हैं। भगवान उन लोगों की भलाई और सहायता करते हैं, जो विपरीत परिस्थितियों में होते हैं।

(ङ) दूसरे पद की 'जाकी छोति जगत कउ लागै ता पर तुहीं ढरै' इस पंक्ति का आशय स्पष्ट कीजिए।

उत्तर: इस पंक्ति का आशय है कि जिस व्यक्ति को भगवान की कृपा और आशीर्वाद प्राप्त होता है, उसकी किसी भी गलती या कमी को भगवान खुद सुधारते हैं और उसके प्रभाव को दुनिया पर नहीं पड़ने देते। यानी, भगवान अपने भक्त की किसी भी त्रुटि या कमी को क्षमा कर देते हैं और उसकी सुरक्षा करते हैं।

(च) “रैदास' ने अपने स्वामी को किन-किन नामों से पुकारा है?

उत्तर: “रैदास ने अपने स्वामी को निम्नलिखित नामों से पुकारा है:

  • चंदन - घन

  • चाँद

  • दीपक - मोती

(छ) निम्नलिखित शब्दों के प्रचलित रूप लिखिए-


1. मोरा: मेरा

2. चंद: चाँद

3. बाती जोति: बाती की ज्योति

4. बरै बड़ा

5. राती रात

6. छत्र: छात्र

7. धेरै धारण करता 

8. छोति: क्षति

9. तुहीं: तुम 

10. गुसईआ: गुरु

2. नीचे लिखी पंक्तियों का भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए-

(क) जाकी अँग- अँग बास समानी

(ख) जैसे चितवत चंद चकोरा

(ग) जाकी जोति बरै दिन राती

(घ) ऐसी लाल तुझ बिनु कउनु करै

(ङ) नीचहु ऊच करै मेरा गोबिंदु काहू ते न डरै


(क) इस पंक्ति का भाव यह है कि जिस व्यक्ति के हर अंग में भगवान की महक बसी हुई हो, वह व्यक्ति सच्चे भक्त और भक्तिरस में निमग्न होता है। यहाँ "बास" से तात्पर्य है भगवान की उपस्थिति या कृपा जो हर अंग में समाई हुई है।

(ख) यह पंक्ति यह दर्शाती है कि जिस प्रकार चकोर पक्षी चंद्रमा की ओर निरंतर निहारता है और उसकी ओर अपनी पूरी ध्यान केंद्रित करता है, वैसे ही भक्त भी अपने प्रभु की ओर पूरी श्रद्धा और समर्पण के साथ देखता है। यह भाव भक्त की प्रभु के प्रति गहरी चाहत और प्रेम को व्यक्त करता है। 

(ग)इस पंक्ति का भाव है कि जिस व्यक्ति के भीतर प्रभु की ज्योति यानी भक्ति का प्रकाश दिन-रात स्थिर रहता है, वह व्यक्ति हर समय प्रभु की भक्ति और प्रेम में समाहित रहता है। यह उन भक्तों के में है जिनके दिल और मन में प्रभु की ज्योति का अद्वितीय और निरंतर प्रकाश है।

(घ) इस पंक्ति में कवि अपने प्रभु से कहते हैं कि ऐसी लालसा और भक्ति, जो केवल तुमसे जुड़ी है, किसी और के साथ नहीं हो सकती। यहाँ पर "लाल" का अर्थ है गहरी और सच्ची भक्ति या प्रेम, जो विशेष रूप से प्रभु के प्रति है और किसी और के प्रति नहीं हो सकती

(ङ) इस पंक्ति का भाव है कि प्रभु गोबिंद (कृष्ण) किसी भी नीच को ऊच बना सकते हैं और वे किसी से हीं हैं। प्रभु की शक्ति और दया इतनी बड़ी है कि वे सामाजिक पद और स्थिति की परवाह किए बिना सबको समान मानते हैं और किसी भी स्थिति में सक्षम होते हैं।

3. रैदास के इन पदों का केंद्रीय भाव अपने शब्दों में लिखिए।


  • पहले पद का केंद्रीय भावः राम का नाम अब रैदास से अलग नहीं हो सकता। उन्होंने राम के नाम को अपने जीवन का अभिन्न हिस्सा बना लिया है, और वह पूरी तरह से उनके प्रति समर्पित और अनन्य भक्त हैं।

  • दूसरे पद का केंद्रीय भाव: प्रभु दीन दयालु, कृपालु, और सर्वशक्तिमान हैं। वे अपनी कृपा समाज में नीच समझे जाने वाले लोगों को भी उच्च स्थान दे सकते हैं। वे वास्तविक उद्धारकर्ता हैं, जो बिना किसी डर के सभी की सहायता करते हैं।

Pad: Class 9th Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 Summary

In the old Hindi poem, the poet says how the Name of Lord Rama has imbibed in his mind, body and soul. He compares Lord Rama to pearls and all the devotees together are the string that makes a necklace. He uses excellent metaphors to make the readers understand how Lord Rama matters in his life. He compared Lord Rama as the dark cloud in the sky and himself to a peacock dancing before the rain hits. He considered Lord Rama as his master and himself as his slave. He always wants to be enslaved by his charisma and love.

In NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 Pad, Aisi Lal Tujh Binu, you will find out how the poet has expressed his never-ending love and devotion for Lord Rama. He also wants everyone to follow the same and create an example of humanity, brotherhood and peace by shunning idol worshipping. NCERT Solutions Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Ch 6 suggests that there is no need to worship an idol when Lord Rama resides inside everyone.

In Ramayana, Lord Rama showed extreme compassion for the poor. For him, everyone was the same. Even though he was the king, he remained the same for everyone. He set an example that the poet wants everyone to follow. In this poem, you will find the utmost devotion shown by Raidas for Lord Rama. To understand the meaning of the lines, you will need the assistance of CBSE Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 solutions.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 6 Pad

  1. Enhanced Understanding of Themes: The NCERT Solutions provide detailed explanations of the themes of devotion, spirituality, and the emotional struggles depicted in the poems. This helps students grasp the deeper meanings behind the verses.

  2. Clarity in Poetic Devices: The solutions break down various poetic devices used in the poems, such as imagery, symbolism, and metaphors. This aids students in appreciating artistic expression and enhances their literary analysis skills.

  3. Structured Answers for Exam Readiness: With well-organised answers to chapter-related questions, students can prepare effectively for exams. The structured format helps them learn how to articulate their interpretations and analyses clearly.

  4. Encouragement of Critical Thinking: The poems encourage students to reflect on their personal beliefs and spiritual experiences. The NCERT Solutions prompt critical thinking, allowing students to connect the poems' themes to their own lives.

  5. Improvement of Language Skills: Engaging with these solutions helps students improve their language skills, as they learn to express their thoughts on complex themes in a coherent and articulate manner.

  6. Accessibility and Convenience: The NCERT Solutions are readily available online, making it easy for students to access them for study and revision at their convenience, reinforcing their learning experience.

  7. Promotion of Emotional Awareness: The poems evoke deep emotions related to faith and devotion, and the solutions help students explore these feelings, fostering greater emotional awareness and connection to the content.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 6: Pad offer essential support for students aiming to deepen their understanding of the poems. By engaging with these solutions, students can effectively prepare for their exams while fostering critical thinking and emotional awareness regarding their spiritual beliefs. The accessibility of these resources ensures that students can review the material conveniently, making their learning experience both enriching and rewarding. Ultimately, the insights gained from these poems and their solutions inspire students to reflect on their journeys of faith and the significance of devotion in their lives.

Important Study Material Links for Class 9 Hindi - Sparsh Chapter 6 पद


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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 Pad

1. What Does the Saint Want us to Focus on?

According to the Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 solutions, the saint wanted us to focus on the prime religion, humanity. He did not believe in idol worshipping. He believed that Lord Rama resides in everyone. Hence loving others with compassion will be the best devotion one can show.

2. How can one Prepare the Best Answers for Sparsh Class 9 Chapter 6?

When you follow NCERT Solutions Class 9 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6, you will find how beautifully the teachers have crafted the possible answers for the exercise questions. Follow the format used to understand the poem and prepare the answers on your own.

3. What strategy should students follow to study Class 9 Chapter 6 Hindi?

Students can ace their Class 9 Hindi Chapter 6 exams by following the below-mentioned strategies;

  • Read the textbook content multiple times.

  • Understand the meaning of the chapter instead of just mugging it up.

  • Prepare the textbook questions well. You can use Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 9

  •  to get beautifully crafted answers.

  • Prepare answers from different sample papers.

  • Online resources like Vedantu can guide you well in this regard. 

4. Is Class 9 Chapter 6 Hindi easy to follow?

Classical Hindi used in the NCERT textbook can many times be difficult for students to follow. Hence, students need to make an extra effort to brush their vocabulary as much as they can. They should also understand the context, plot, and meaning behind the text and not cram it all up. Reading the text over and over again helps sharpen your language skills, making subjects like Hindi easier to follow. Also, Chapter 6 is fairly easy once the concept is understood. 

5. Do I need to practise all the questions provided in Class 9 Hindi NCERT Solutions Chapter 6?

Yes, students should practise all questions provided in their textbooks for Class 9 Chapter 6. Hindi is a subject that requires constant practice as it is a language.  Furthermore, students should also prepare questions and answers from as many sample papers as they can. You can look for solutions for Chapter 6 on the page NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi. These solutions are available FREE of cost on the Vedantu website.

6. What do you know about the poet “Raidas”?

Ravidas, popularly known as “Raidas” was a famous poet born in Banaras. He lived between 1388-1518. Many of his works revolve around spirituality. He did not believe in ritualistic worship, rather, he believed that humanity, kindness, and compassion are the highest forms of worship. His literary works contain a high degree of spirituality and symbolism. Adi Granth and Panchvani are two of his oldest and famous literary works.

He is venerated in many parts of India as a respected guru.    

7. Has the poet used metaphors efficiently in “Ab Kaise Choote Ram Naam''?

“Raidas'' successfully uses several metaphors in “Ab Kaise Choote Ram Naam.” For instance, he compares the worshippers to a string while comparing god to pearls in a necklace. Similarly, he uses many other metaphors here. He also compares his lord to clouds, while the worshippers are like peacocks themselves. Another beautiful metaphor that he uses is that of a lamp and its wick. Here, he compares the lamp to god and the worshippers as the wick that emanates the flame from the lamp.

8. How can NCERT Solutions help in understanding this chapter?

NCERT Solutions provides clear explanations and structured answers to questions related to the chapter. They help students grasp key concepts, clarify doubts, and reinforce their understanding of the text.

9. Are NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 Pad helpful for exam preparation?

Yes, these solutions are very helpful for exam preparation. They offer detailed answers to important questions, making it easier for students to review the material and prepare effectively for assessments.

10. How do NCERT Solutions promote a reading habit among students?

By emphasising the value of personal libraries and the joy of reading, NCERT Solutions encourages students to cultivate a reading habit. The solutions highlight how books contribute to personal growth and learning, motivating students to explore literature.

11. How can students improve their writing skills using these NCERT Solutions?

Students can improve their writing skills by studying the structured responses provided in the NCERT Solutions. By analysing the way ideas are presented and articulated, they can learn to express their thoughts clearly and effectively in their writing.