NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Force and Laws of Motion - FREE PDF Download
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Force and Laws of Motion
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Force and Laws of Motion
1. What is force and its effects described in force and laws of motion class 9?
A push or a pull on anybody is called Force. The direction in which a body is pushed or pulled is called the direction of the force. For example, if a horse cart is pulled by a horse in the east direction then that ‘pull’ is the force and east is the direction of the force.
Effects of Force
We cannot see the force but through its effect, we can identify the force. There are various effects of force as explained below-
Making a stationary body move. For example, Kicking a ball at rest.
A force can stop a moving body. For example, Brakes applied on a moving cycle.
2. What are the 3 Laws of Motion from class 9 science chapter 8?
Newton gave the 3 laws of motion that describe the motion of moving bodies.
First Law of Motion:- A body at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will continue in motion with uniform speed unless an external force is applied on the body to change its state of rest or uniform motion.
Second Law of Motion:- The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the applied force, and takes place in the direction in which the force acts.
Third Law of motion: To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Example: Firing of Gun.
3. Which concepts in the NCERT Solutions for class 9 science chapter 8 question answers are important from the exam perspective?
Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Force and Laws of Motion is a practical chapter that carries high weightage in the exam. This chapter carries 27 marks, hence you need to know the important topics that you should prepare well. The following are some of the important topics from this chapter that you should prepare thoroughly:
Balanced and Unbalanced forces
First Law of Motion
Inertia and mass
Second Law of Motion
Mathematical Formulation of the second law of motion
Third Law of Motion
Conservation of motion.
4. What is Force and its Laws from NCERT ch 8 science class 9?
Force is referred to as the frequency of action to change the motion of any object or person. You apply force to change the motion of an object from the resting stage to motion or vice versa. Several characteristics, such as the weight of the object, the height at which the object is placed, and the slope of the path, determine the force needed to be applied on an object. Force is applied to accelerate or develop the motion in an object or to decline the already induced motion of the object.
5. How many laws of motion are there and what do they imply?
There are three laws of motion described by Newton. These are:
First Law of Motion - If an object is at rest, it will stay at rest unless a net force is applied to it. If an object is in motion, it will stay in motion unless a net force is applied to it.
Second Law of Motion - More force applied, more acceleration.
Third Law of Motion - For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Students can refer to force and laws of motion class 9 PDF to get all the solved answers for FREE.
6. Where can I find the downloadable solutions for Class 9 NCERT Chapter 8 force and laws of motion?
To find the downloadable solutions for NCERT Class 9 chapter 8, follow these steps -
Click on the link NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science (Physics) Chapter 8
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You can also get important questions here to practice more questions for the exam.
7. What are the key points to choose NCERT Solutions for class 9 force and laws of motion ?
In NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 8, Force and Laws of Motion, you will find many identities and formulae that you need to keep in mind while solving the numericals. You should have a guide with yourself to understand the tricks to solve these questions faster. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Chapter 8 are prepared by subject specialists, and they are highly accurate. You will get many tricks to solve your question even faster than before. You can have a deep study about these on the Vedantu Mobile app and for free of cost.
8. What are some important questions from laws of motion class 9 exercise answers PDF?
This chapter holds a lot of information for CBSE board exams. Some of the important questions are:
Laws of Motion
Types of Forces
Inertia and Mass
9. What other resources can help me with force and laws of motion?
Students can refer to NCERT Solutions, PDFs, and study materials related to class 9 force and laws of motion notes provided by Vedantu for FREE.