NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I Chapter 5 - Democratic Rights PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Democratic Rights
1. How can you Justify the Restrictions on the Right to Freedom?
Some restrictions are justified like Indian citizens need permission to visit a few border lines for security issues. Any citizen can travel to any part of the country. But to maintain law and order and safeguard different communities, certain reasonable restrictions are very much justified. Another restriction that is also justified is that to safeguard the local population's interest, outsiders cannot buy property in some country areas. It saves the linguistic and cultural dignities of individual communities. But it is unjustified when the government bans a book stating against the ruling party. This curbs the freedom of expression of an individual and builds an oppressive environment that is not tolerable.
2. What do you Mean by Cultural and Educational Rights? Also, State the Importance of the Right to Freedom of Religion.
India is a diverse country with multiple religions, languages, cultures, regions, and people having individual characteristics and identity. One has to preserve these diversities for the minorities and other sections of the society. For this, we have cultural and educational rights. The Right to establish educational institutes provides the minority with the Right to open and run educational institutions. While granting aid to them, the government should not discriminate. The minorities also can preserve the language, script, culture, or join government institutes under the Right to conserve the language script and culture section. The Right to freedom of religion proves that India is secular, and all religions are the same. No state government institute is supposed to give religious education.
3. What are democratic rights in Chapter 5 of Democratic Rights of Class 9?
'Rights' are the claim of every person and these protect them from oppression, provide them with equality and other necessities. But, a right when granted to an individual should hold equal weight as an obligation to respect other individuals' rights as well. When these rights are recognized both by the government and the society, they become the law, thus constituting what is known as democratic rights.
4. What do you mean by Right against exploitation according to Chapter 5 of Democratic Rights of Class 9?
The Right Against Exploitation safeguards an individual from being exploited because the Constitution has laid down provisions to prevent the exploitation of minority communities in society. Three specific evils have been identified by the Constitution and deemed illegal:
Human trafficking.
Forced and bonded labor.
Child labour.
These three have been exploiting people for years, so the Constitution has recognized them and made them illegal for those vulnerable to such exploitation.
5. What are the important definitions coming under Chapter 5 of Democratic Rights of Class 9?
The given points focus on the main concepts in the chapter of Democratic Rights in class 9:
Democratic Rights.
Claim and Covenant.
Fundamental Rights.
Forced and Bonded labor.
Amnesty International.
Ethnic group.
These definitions help students identify their rights and help them understand that they form the basis of other concepts in the chapter and thus, are important definitions to be kept in mind.
6. How are NCERT Solutions advantageous in learning Democratic Rights Textbook in Class 9?
Vedantu's NCERT Solutions offer expert answers to the exercise problems for the chapter on Democratic Rights Textbook of Class 9. These solutions help the students in writing well-structured and informative answers on their own for their exams. This is solely due to the easily explained answers. Thus, these solutions provide an effective way of understanding the chapter and writing the answers with all the techniques and tips provided in the solutions. The solutions are free of cost and also available on Vedantu Mobile app as well as Vedantu website.
7. How is India justified as a secular state as per Chapter 5 of Democratic Rights of Class 9?
The fundamental rights guarantee the right to practice and follow any religion, thus bringing in the concept of secularism. The following statements justify that India practices secularism:
Each individual in India is free to follow and practice any religion.
There is no official religion that belongs to India because of various religious communities.
Every religious community is free and has the right to manage and practice its customs and affairs.