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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 4 Forest Society and Colonialism


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Start learning with Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Chapter 4. Download the Forest Society and Colonialism PDF, which clarifies fundamental principles essential for grasping the subject's complexities, using Class 9 History NCERT Solutions.

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By accessing the NCERT Solutions for Forest Society and Colonialism, students gain comprehensive insights into essential concepts such as the impact of colonial policies on forest societies, the transformation of the natural environment, and the dynamics of ecosystems. These solutions provide detailed explanations that align with the curriculum, ensuring a thorough understanding of the historical and environmental changes during colonial rule. Check out the revised Class 9 Social Science Syllabus, and start preparing for exams.

Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Chapter 4 Forest Society and Colonialism

  • History Class 9 Chapter 4 - Forest Society and Colonialism provides a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between colonial policies and forest societies, fostering a deeper appreciation for historical and environmental studies.

  • History Class 9 Chapter 4 delves into the transformative impact of British colonial rule on forest societies in India.

  • It provides a foundational understanding of the historical context of forest conservation and management in India.

  • It enhances critical thinking by examining the socio-economic impacts of colonialism on forest societies.

  • Comprehend the motives behind British forest policies and their long-term effects on India's environment and society.

  • Understanding the resilience and resistance of tribal communities helps in appreciating their cultural heritage and historical significance.

  • Utilising the Class 9 History Chapter 4 Questions and Answers PDF can help students evaluate their knowledge and enhance their understanding of mediaeval history.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Chapter 4 - Forest Society and Colonialism

1. Discuss how the changes in forest management in the colonial period affected the following groups of people:

i. Shifting Cultivators

Ans: During the colonial period, the new forest laws barred shifting cultivation. Many indigenous tribes who were shifting cultivators who depended upon this method of agriculture for centuries faced the loss of their livelihood. They did not have their land and banning this agricultural method forced them to migrate and take up other occupations. Many shifting cultivators had to take up working in the tea plantations.

ii. Nomadic and Pastoralist Communities

Ans: Nomadic and pastoralist communities depend on forest resources for their livelihood. During the colonial period, the new forest laws took away their rights to graze animals in the forest land. Hunting, gathering forest products such as grass, leaves, bamboo, spices, honey, etc. without permission became criminal offenses. Thus, those nomadic communities who depended on forests lost their livelihood. They were declared as criminal tribes. Many Nomadic and pastoralist communities had to shift towards working in factories, plantations, logging mills under government management.

iii. Firms Trading in Timber/Forest Produce

Ans: During the colonial period, the new forest laws brought forests under the hold of the British government as resources. Companies dealing with timber production and other forest produce could take lease of the forest from the government. The market was booming for forest products especially timber due to its use in infrastructure, furniture making, ship making, etc. Thus, firms engaged in the timber trade and forest products made good profits. 

iv. Plantation Owners

Ans: During the colonial period, the plantation owners could get forest land at cheaper rates. Members of indigenous forest communities were recruited for minimal wages as plantation laborers. Due to new policies, the plantation laborers could not leave to go back to their villages. Thus, Plantation owners gained not only ownership of the forest lands but also cheap labor to maintain the business. Thus, the plantation business became profitable in colonial India.

v. Kings/British Officials Engaged in Shikar

Ans: Though hunting was made illegal to the indigenous forest tribes and common mass in colonial India, the same became a sport for Kings, zamindars, and British officials. British viewed killing large animals such as tigers, wolves, leopards as a process to make India a civilized nation. Between \[1875 - 1925\] approximately \[80,000\] tigers, \[150,000\] leopards and \[200,000\] wolves were killed alone in India. Thus, the population of wild species certainly declined.

2. What are the similarities between colonial management of the forests in Bastar and Java?

Ans: The colonial management of forests in Bastar district of India and Java of Indonesia can be noticed plainly. The colonial government took away the rights of the forest dwellers and forced them to choose a different occupation. The forest dwellers of both areas had to migrate and take on work in plantations under British landowners.

3. Between \[{\mathbf{1880}}\] and \[{\mathbf{1920}}\], forest cover in the Indian subcontinent declined by \[{\mathbf{9}}.{\mathbf{7}}\]

million hectares, from \[{\mathbf{108}}.{\mathbf{6}}\] million hectares to \[{\mathbf{98}}.{\mathbf{9}}\] million hectares. Discuss the role of the following factors in this decline:

i. Railways

Ans: The British government started the construction of the railways in India after establishing the colonial rule. To supply a large number of wooden sleepers for the railway track, a large number of sal trees were cut. The government gave the contractors full access to get timbers to form the forest. The forests around the railway tracks soon disappeared. 

ii. Shipbuilding

Ans: The British depended upon their navy for the expansion and maintenance of large colonial areas over the world. The main trade routes during \[1880 - 1920\] were shipping routes. Thus, shipbuilding was a booming industry in Britain. The colonial government used Indian forest as the resource for shipbuilding raw materials such as Oak timbers. Thus, this industry contributed to the disappearance of forests in India. 

iii. Agricultural expansion

Ans: The growing population of Europe needed a large supply of food grains. The British government used India as a supplier of grains. To meet the demand, new forest areas were cleared to make way for agricultural land.

iv. Commercial farming

Ans: Before the colonial period, farmers mainly cultivated food grains. To supply raw materials for the textile industry of Britain, the colonial government forced the farmers to grow cash crops like cotton and indigo. Thus, Indian agriculture became commercialized. To increase the cash crop production, new forest lands were cleared to turn them into agricultural land.

v. Tea/coffee plantations

Ans: British brought tea and coffee cultivation in India as demand for them increased in Britain. The climate of southern India was suited for coffee cultivation and thus in many places of Karnataka coffee plantations were established. Similarly, the northeastern hills and Darjeeling became the hubs for tea cultivation. British individuals began to buy forest lands at a cheap rate and forest dwellers were forced into plantation work for minimal wages. The forest lands were cleared and plantations were built.

vi. Adivasis and other peasant users

Ans: The forest dweller Adivasis depended on the forest for their livelihood.  They had always protected the forest lands. But forest law issued by the colonial government left them without any rights over forest lands. So, they have less impact on deforestation during \[1880 - 1920\]. But at the same time, other peasants took the opportunity to increase agricultural land areas.

4. Why are forests affected by wars?

Ans: During wars, forests become resources to supply wood. The bombings and fire destroy forest cover and kill many plants and animals. Forests are cut down to build new military bases, air stations. As the world had observed, during World War II, the Dutch burned down sawmills and teak logs in the jungle area in Java to keep those resources out of the Japanese army’s hands. The destroyed forest became exposed for agriculture and was never returned.

Topics Covered in Class 9 History Chapter 4 Forest Society and Colonialism

History Chapter 4 Class 9 Topics

1. Why Deforestation?

  • Land to Be Improved

  • Sleepers on the Tracks

  • Plantations

2. The Rise of Commercial Forestry

  • How Were the Lives of People Affected?

  • How Did Forest Rules Affect Cultivation?

  • Who Could Hunt?

  • New Trades, New Employment, and New Services

3. Rebellion in the Forest

  • The People of Bastar

  • The Fears of the People

4. Forest Transformations in Java

  • The Woodcutters of Java

  • Dutch Scientific Forestry

  • Samin’s Challenge

  • War and Deforestation

  • New Developments in Forestry

Benefits of Referring to Forest Society and Colonialism Class 9 Questions and Answers

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 9 SST History Chapter 4 maintains the correct approach of presenting structured answers and also helps students deal with time management.

  • NCERT forest society and colonialism class 9 question answer provides insights into the historical context of modern environmental policies and issues, making the study more relevant to current events.

  • Class 9 History Chapter 4 questions and answers offer detailed insights into the socio-economic and cultural impacts of colonial policies on forest societies, enriching students' historical knowledge.

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Forest Society and Colonialism focus on accuracy, hence including these answers can rather be quite beneficial to get better marks. 

  • Forest Society and Colonialism class 9 question answer helps students practise interpreting data, such as population statistics and forest cover changes, improving their ability to draw informed conclusions.

  • According to the CBSE syllabus for Class 9 History, these solutions enable students to grasp essential historical knowledge and skills required for academic success.

  • In addition to the solutions, Vedantu's subject experts provide important questions for NCERT class 9 History Chapter 4, facilitating easy syllabus revision before exams.

Along with NCERT Solutions Class 9 History Chapter 4, students can refer to Class 9 Forest Society and Colonialism Revision Notes and Forest Society & Colonialism Important Questions for effective preparation.


The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Chapter 4: Forest Society and Colonialism provides a valuable resource for students aiming to deepen their understanding of the complex interactions between colonial rule and forest societies in India. This aspect fosters a deeper appreciation for the cultural heritage and historical significance of these communities. NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4: Forest Society and Colonialism empower students with the knowledge and skills necessary to analyse historical events critically,

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 4 Forest Society and Colonialism

1. How did NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Chapter Forest Society and Colonialism help to score better?

History can seem a little overwhelming with tons of information on a particular topic and several unknown sections initially. However, by following the right approach one can easily master these topics and get satisfactory marks as well.

However, spending hours researching, memorising, or thoroughly studying is never enough to improve report cards. The aim should be to practise History Ch 4 Class 9 NCERT Solutions alongside to clarify all sorts of doubts.

Most of the students struggle with understanding the basics when they take up a specific subject. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 4 helps these students learn the basics that eventually reflect on their report cards. 

2. What is meant by forest society and colonialism according to Chapter 4 of India and the Contemporary Textbook of Class 9?

Forest society and colonialism refer to the act implemented by the British parliament prohibiting Indians from using the forest as well as forest products. The British believed that the Indians were exploiting the forest with their agricultural practices. But it was Britishers who exploited the forest for consumer purposes. To gain in-depth knowledge on this chapter, make use of the NCERT solutions for Social Science provided by Vedantu.

3. What is the meaning of colonial forest according to Chapter 4 of India and the Contemporary Textbook of Class 9?

The colonial forest was set up by the Britishers to protect the forest from the Indians who they believed to be causing deforestation. However, the forest was destroyed by the Britishers for their benefit. NCERT Solutions for the Chapter “ Forest Society and Colonialism'' are prepared by the experts at Vedantu for the benefit of the students.

4. What is colonialism according to Chapter 4 of India and the Contemporary Textbook of Class 9?

Colonialism is an act of occupying the colonies or the territories of a country, exploiting their resources, and forcing the natives of a country to adapt to the coloniser's language and culture. Colonialism happened mainly because of its power over the colonised countries and to attain economic supremacy. You can make use of the NCERT solutions offered by Vedantu to learn the concepts and prepare to ace all your exams.

5. Which forests are the best according to the Colonial Govt in Chapter 4 of India and the Contemporary Textbook of Class 9?

The British parliament implemented an act in 1878 called The Forest Act and divided the forest into three categories. They are reserved, protected, and a village forest. The forest that is considered to be the best is the Reserved Forest. These forests are prohibited for the common people. Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science,  prepared by experts to make the students understand and get well-versed in all the chapters.

6. What will students learn in Chapter 4 of India and the Contemporary Textbook of Class 9?

The students will learn about Deforestation, The rise of commercial forestry, the rebellion in forests, and The forest transformation in Java in Chapter 4 of India, and the Contemporary Textbook of Class 9. With the help of Vedantu, students of Class 9 can download the NCERT solutions prepared by professionals to clear all the doubts students might have and help them in revision and preparation for their exams to secure a perfect score. The solutions provided by Vedantu are free of cost. They are available on the Vedantu mobile app and the Vedantu website(

7. What topics are covered in forest society and colonialism questions and answers?

NCERT Forest Society and colonialism questions and answers cover the impact of colonial policies on forest societies, including the Indian Forest Acts, changes in forest cover, economic priorities of colonial rule, and resistance movements by tribal communities.

8. How can NCERT class 9 history chapter 4 questions and answers help in understanding the impact of colonial policies on forest societies?

NCERT forest society and colonialism questions and answers provide detailed explanations of how British colonial policies affected forest resources and tribal communities. They include real-life examples and case studies that make the concepts easier to understand and relate to.

9. What are the key benefits of using NCERT class 9 history ch 4 question answer for exam preparation?

NCERT class 9 history ch 4 question answers offer a variety of question types (objective, subjective, and analytical), preparing students for different exam formats. They also provide ample practice questions and answers to reinforce learning and build confidence.

10. How do NCERT class 9 history ch 4 question answer enhance analytical skills?

The class 9th history chapter 4 question answer includes critical analysis questions that encourage students to evaluate the effects of colonial policies and the responses of forest societies. This practice improves their ability to think critically and draw informed conclusions.

11. What real-world applications are included in class 9th history chapter 4 question answer?

Forest Society and Colonialism PDF discusses the historical context of modern environmental policies and issues, helping students understand the long-term impacts of colonialism on forest management and conservation.

12. What is the significance of studying resistance movements in Chapter 4?

From class 9 history chapter 4 questions and answers PDF, studying resistance movements helps students appreciate the resilience and struggles of tribal communities against colonial oppression, providing a deeper understanding of their historical and cultural significance.