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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 5 Pastoralists In The Modern World


NCERT Solutions for Pastoralists in the Modern World Class 9 Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download

Chapter 5 of Class 9 History NCERT Solutions, ‘Pastoralists in the Modern World,’ explains the life and struggles of pastoral communities in the context of modern changes. This chapter highlights the transformations that pastoralists have undergone due to colonial policies, economic pressures, and environmental changes. It examines the adaptation strategies of pastoral communities, the impact of government policies, and the challenges they face in sustaining their traditional livelihoods.

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Learn social science with Class 9 History Chapter 5 questions and answers. The answers provided offer clear and precise solutions to pastoralists in the modern world class 9 questions and answers, helping you study complex topics and prepare effectively for exams. Check out the revised class 9 social science syllabus and start with Vedantu for academic excellence.

Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Chapter 5 Pastoralists in the Modern World

  • Class 9 History Chapter 5 questions answer involves understanding the interactions between pastoralist societies and modern state policies.

  • Learn about the lives of pastoralists, the impact of colonial and modern policies on their communities, and the transformation of their traditional practices with Class 9 History Chapter 5 questions and answers.

  • Explore how colonial rule and contemporary state interventions affected pastoralist societies.

  • Pastoralists in the modern world class 9 questions and answers detailed insights into various pastoralist groups, their seasonal migration patterns, and their adaptive strategies to diverse environments.

  • The Class 9th History Chapter 5 gives an analysis of the ongoing issues faced by pastoralists today, including land rights and access to resources.

  • Provides a comprehensive understanding of the changes in pastoralist societies over time, particularly during and after the colonial period.

  • Encourages students to critically evaluate the impact of external policies on indigenous practises and lifestyles.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Chapter 5 Pastoralists in the Modern World

Q1. Explain Why Nomadic Tribes Need To Move From One Place to Another. What are the Advantages to the Environment of This Continuous Movement?

Ans. The nomadic tribes need to move from one place to another for the following reasons:

a. They don't have access to regular fields where they can feed their cattle. They require pastures for their livestock to graze.

b. They cannot stay in one place for lengthy periods of time due to a lack of pasture and water.

c. They reside in lower hills during the winter when the high mountains are covered in snow. Their herds have access to grazing in the dry scrub forests.

d. During the summer, nomads began travelling up mountain slopes to summer grazing grounds. As the summer season approaches, the snow melts and the mountain fields turn green.

There are many advantages to the environment of this continuous movement. The pastoralists' cyclic movement provides enough time for natural vegetation to recover. Humans and animals use the vegetation on the upper tracks of mountains and in the foothills, which is not allowed to overgrow. The pastoralist's constant activity gives manure to the fields and allows the pastures to recover. Grazing on pastures avoids land from being overused for agriculture and other purposes.

Q2. Discuss Why the Colonial Government in India Brought In the Following Laws. In Each Case, Explain How the Law Changed the Lives of Pastoralists:

(i) Waste Land rules

Ans. The colonial rulers deemed all grazing grounds to be waste lands because they provided them no revenue. If this land could be converted to cultivated farmland, it would improve land revenue as well as agricultural production of jute, cotton, and wheat. It was for this reason that the Waste Land laws were created. They did, however, ring the death knell for pastoralists, because a rise in cultivated land meant a clear drop in pastures, and hence a loss of a source of income. 

(ii) Forest Acts

Ans. Forest Acts were implemented to conserve and preserve forests for commercially valuable timber. Pastoralists' lives were forever impacted as a result of these actions. Many forests that had formerly offered significant feed for their livestock were now closed to them. They were given licences that tracked their arrival and exit from the forests. They couldn't spend as much time in the woods as they wanted because the permit limited the amount of days and hours they could spend there.

(iii) Criminal Tribes Act 

Ans. The British authorities regarded nomadic people with suspicion and contempt, because of their constant migration. Unlike rural people in villages, who were simple to identify and control, they couldn't be traced down or confined to a certain location. As a result, colonial powers considered nomadic tribes to be criminals. In 1871, the Criminal Tribes Act was established, further destabilising the lives of pastoralists who were now required to live in registered settlements and were forbidden from leaving without a government authorization.

(iv) Grazing Tax

Ans. Grazing tax was imposed by the colonial authority in order to increase revenue. Pastoralists were required to pay a tax on each animal grazing on the pastures. Then the contractors were auctioned off this right. They charged the highest tax possible in order to recover the money they had paid to the government and make as much profit as possible. Later, the government began collecting taxes on its own. The pastoralists were harassed by tax collectors as a result of this. It became a financial burden for the pastoralists.

Q3. Give Reasons To Explain Why the Maasai Community Lost Their Grazing Lands.

Ans. In 1885, an international boundary was drawn between the two territories of British Kenya and German Tanganyika, dividing Maasai land in half.

The richest pastures were set aside for white communities, and the Maasai tribes in south Kenya and north Tanzania were assigned arid, small territories. Due to a shortage of suitable grazing places and a two-year drought, the Maasai tribes lost about 60% of their livestock. Their problems were worsened by increased cultivation and marketing of game reserves. As a result of the growing authority of colonies and negative impact on the Maasai's social life, this community gradually lost all of its grazing areas.

Q4. There Are Many Similarities in the Way in Which the Modern World Forced Changes in the Lives of Pastoral Communities in India and East Africa. Write About Any Two Examples of Changes Which Were Similar for Indian Pastoralists and the Maasai Herders.

Ans. Following were the similarities between the conditions of Indian Pastoralists and Maasai herders- 

1. Colonial powers regarded all uncultivated land as wasteland. It didn't generate any cash or produce any agricultural products. This land was turned over to agriculture. In most cases, the lands taken over were actually grazing tracts used by pastoralists on a regular basis, therefore the spread of cultivation ultimately resulted in the reduction of pastures, posing a dilemma for both Indian pastoralists and Maasai.

2. The colonial authority began placing limitations on pastoral groups in the nineteenth century. They were given permits that permitted them to move out with their stock, although obtaining permits without being harassed was difficult. Those found guilty of breaking the regulations received harsh punishment.

Topics Covered in Class 9 History Chapter 5 Pastoralists in the Modern World

History Chapter 5 Class 9 Topics

1. Pastoral Nomads and Their Movements

  • In the Mountains

  • On the Plateaus, Plains and Deserts

2. Colonial Rule and Pastoral Life

  • How Did These Changes Affect the Lives of Pastoralists?

  • How Did the Pastoralists Cope with These Changes?

3. Pastoralism in Africa

  • Where Have the Grazing Lands Gone?

  • The Borders Are Closed

  • When Pastures Dry

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History Chapter 5 Pastoralists in the Modern World

  • Class 9 History Chapter 5 questions and answers provide clear context about the life and practices of pastoralist societies, colonial policies, and their impacts, enhancing overall comprehension.

  • Get insights into contemporary issues faced by pastoralists, linking historical events to present-day scenarios with Class 9 History Chapter 5 questions and answers.

  • Enhances understanding of environmental conservation and the socio-economic dynamics of land use, which are relevant today from Class 9th history chapter 5 question answer.

  • Class 9th history chapter 5 solutions are aligned with the updated CBSE guidelines for Class 9, ensuring students are well-prepared for exams.

  • Clear explanations of complex socialist ideas and principles help in grasping the core concepts in History Chapter 5 Class 9.

  • In pastoralists in the modern world class 9 questions and answers provide accurate answers to textbook questions and assist in effective exam preparation and better performance.

  • According to the CBSE syllabus for Class 9 History, these solutions enable students to grasp essential historical knowledge and skills required for academic success.

Along with NCERT Solutions History Class 9 Chapter 5, students can refer to Class 9 Pastoralists In The Modern World Revision Notes and Pastoralists In The Modern World Important Questions for effective learning.


The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Chapter 5: Pastoralists in the Modern World serves as an invaluable resource for students seeking a comprehensive understanding of the historical and contemporary issues faced by pastoralist communities. These solutions provide detailed explanations and context, making complex concepts more accessible and enhancing overall comprehension.NCERT Solutions for Chapter 5 empowers students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and analyse the interactions between pastoralist societies and external policies.

Important Study Material Links for Class 9 History Chapter 5


Important Study Material Links for Class 9 Chapter 5


Class 9 Pastoralists In The Modern World Revision Notes


Class 9 Pastoralists In The Modern World Important Questions

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 5 Pastoralists In The Modern World

1. How can you Use the Class 9 SST Pastoralists in The Modern World Solution?

You can use the solution for Class 9 SST History Ch 5 as a reference to find out the best way to frame an answer related to the exercises. Your writing skill will increase and you will be able to concentrate better in this chapter.

2. Is it Easy to Prepare CBSE Class 9 History Pastoralists in The Modern World?

With the help of the NCERT Solution of History Class 9 Chapter 5, you can conveniently prepare the chapter. Use the answers to the exercise questions for better revision.

3. Why Should you Follow Vedantu’s Solution for Class 9 History Chapter 5 Pastoralists in The Modern World?

The answers are absolutely specific to the questions. They follow the CBSE rules and specified word count precisely.

4. How has pastoralism advanced in the modern world discussed in Pastoralists in the modern world class 9 questions and answers?

Pastoralism is a way of maintaining the cattle, sheep, camels, goats, and donkeys where these animals travel from one place to another in search of water and food. Nomads are the people who also move from place to place taking care of these animals. They produce milk, meat, animals, skin, and wool. These people earn through trade and transport whereas others combine pastoral activity with agriculture or do other odd jobs as the earnings are uncertain.

5. What is pastoralism in World History?

Nomads are people who move from one place to another for a living. It is a form of animal husbandry where domestic animals travel along with their owners. With changing laws and rules, the life of pastoralists is affected but they adapt to the changes. These pastoralists are never mentioned in most of the history textbooks. However, the world is now recognizing the importance of Pastoralism in hilly and dry areas in the world.

6. Where can students download the NCERT solutions for Chapter 5 of Class 9 Social Science?

Students can download the NCERT Solutions from the official website of Vedantu or they can use the Vedantu app and download the PDF of the solutions onto their phone. NCERT Solutions can be a great guidance for the students since they can study at their own pace and understand the concepts well. Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions provide all the questions and answers for Chapter 5 of Class 9 Social Science prepared by experts to help students ace their exam.

7. What are the topics covered in Chapter 5 of Social Science Pastoralists in the Modern World class 9 questions and answers?

There are several topics covered in Chapter 5 of Class 9 Social Science. These topics are -

  • Pastoral nomads and their movement

  • Colonial rule and pastoral life

  • Pastoral in Africa

To learn the topics in detail, the NCERT Solutions offered by Vedantu is the best choice. Subject experts carefully design these questions and answers to help the students understand these topics, clear all their doubts and get well-versed in this chapter.

8. What are the benefits of referring to the Class 9 History Chapter 5 pastoralists in the modern world question answer?

NCERT Solutions is the best reference material one can use to prepare for the exams. Vedantu, with the help of subject experts, created the NCERT Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 5. To make studying easy and interesting, they designed a series of questions and answers that will help students get thorough in all the concepts. These solutions can be revision material for students to prepare before the exam. The Solutions contain the answers to all questions from the Class 9 Social Science NCERT textbook and are also available on the Vedantu app.

9. What topics are covered in class 9 history chapter 5 questions and answers?

Class 9 History Chapter 5 questions and answers cover the life and practices of pastoralist societies, the impact of British colonial policies, and the transformation of these societies in the modern world. It also discusses the challenges faced by pastoralists today, including issues related to land rights and access to resources.

10. How do NCERT class 9th history chapter 5 question answer help in understanding the impact of colonial policies on pastoralist societies?

The NCERT class 9th history chapter 5 question answer provides detailed explanations of how British colonial policies restricted pastoralist movements and altered their traditional lifestyles. These solutions include real-life examples and case studies that help students relate to the concepts and understand their practical implications.

11. How do pastoralists in the modern world question answer enhance analytical skills?

The pastoralists in the modern world question answer include questions that encourage critical thinking and analysis of historical events and their long-term effects on pastoralist societies. This helps students develop their ability to interpret data and draw informed conclusions.

12. What real-world applications are included in History Class 9 chapter 5 question answer?

History class 9 chapter 5 question answer discusses contemporary issues faced by pastoralists, such as land rights and resource access, linking historical events to present-day scenarios. This provides students with a better understanding of the ongoing struggles and resilience of pastoralist communities.

13. How do NCERT class 9 history ch 5 question answer help in understanding the transformation of pastoralist societies?

The class 9 history ch 5 question answer explains the socio-economic and cultural changes that occurred due to colonial and modern state interventions. They provide insights into how pastoralist societies have evolved and adapted to new challenges over time, enhancing students' understanding of historical continuity and change.