Introduction to AIPMT
The AIPMT or NEET as it is known today is an All India level entrance examination that is conducted every year to allow candidates who want to pursue a bachelor's course in Medicine to secure admission among the top medical colleges in India. These examinations are considered the entrance examination for MBBS and Dental studies students. The AIPMT or NEET is a highly competitive examination and has questions in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. This examination is one of the most competitive examinations in the world and the students preparing for the examination is supposed to be very well versed with the subjects and have a good understanding of the technical details of the subject as that will help them become a good doctor in the future who will have the lives on common people in their hands.
Syllabus of AIPMT or NEET
The Medical entrance examinations are very tough and highly competitive exams in the world. In order to ensure success in these examinations, the students must have a comprehensive idea of the syllabus of all three subjects and what are the topics that will be covered. To get the full list of topics for all the subjects that have been carefully crafted by experts at Vedantu can be found here:
AIPMT Syllabus Biology
As you can see, the AIPMT Syllabus Biology comprises different chapters from both classes. Make sure you go through the chapters one by one. Try to mix and match sections that are nearly similar and finish them together.
For instance, the chapters ‘Cell structure’ from Class 11 and ‘Cell Function’ from Class 12 is based on the study of cells. So, if you study them one after another, it will be easier for you to understand as well as remember the information for longer.
Similarly, you can mix and match other chapters too. For example, ‘Human Physiology’ from Class 11 and ‘Plant Physiology’ from Class 12 can be prepared together with a comparative study on them.
Yet another vital subject in the NEET examination in Chemistry. Herein, students often find it challenging to tackle theory, numerical, and equations at once. However, a comparative and smart study will help you in handling it quite comfortably. Check the syllabus below -
AIPMT Syllabus Chemistry
Similar to Biology, you can also handle AIPMT Syllabus Chemistry with a bit of smart study. Jot down the chapters that are similar in approach. Additionally, also list every relevant formula for your reference.
Students often skip Physics considering it is not required in cracking medical entrances such as the NEET examination. However, it is not so in reality, and you must study it with equal attention to the other subjects. The syllabus is given below for your convenience.
AIPMT Syllabus Physics
After an assessment of the syllabus of these subjects, you can say that the AIPMT Syllabus Biology comprises various chapters from both classes. So, you have to make sure you go through all the chapters one by one. You should mix and match sections that are nearly similar and finish them together.
Many students who have taken Biology sometimes tend to ignore physics as it requires mathematical tools, which is a very wrong way of preparing for your examinations and Physics must be prepared in a proper manner.
Chemistry is always assumed to be a scoring subjects and with a good understanding of the syllabus of Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry, you should be confident of scoring well in the examinations.
With this, Vedantu would like to wish All the Best to the students preparing for NEET Examinations.
As most students want to skip this subject, handling AIPMT Syllabus Physics can be more comfortable with smart study. For example, you can study Electrostatics and current electricity together for a holistic approach.
Also, look for the section on thermodynamics, the behavior of an ideal gas, kinetic theory. You will find it easier to handle these at once since they require an understanding which is common to that of chemistry. Make sure you practice related numerical too.
Aim Higher, Approach Smarter, and Work Harder for Higher Score. Now that you are aware of all the three subjects for AIPMT make sure you study thoroughly. Preparing for this will also help you in acing the NEET examination with higher grades. Since the medical field is caught up with fierce competition among aspirants, cracking the same is not child’s play.
Hard work teamed with smart effort is the key to ultimate success in this case. This will enable you to streamline your preparation as well as cover most of the topics with the right effort.
So, without any further ado, note the AIPMT syllabus and jumpstart your preparation.
All the best!
FAQs on AIPMT Syllabus
1. What can I do if I am not satisfied with my AIPMT performance? Can I appear again?
AIPMT is conducted once every year. You can opt for the exam only once in a year. Note that the scores are also valid for a specific year. However, you can appear for the exam in the following year again if necessary.
2. What is the difference in weightage for each class subject?
Both Class 11 and 12 have almost similar weightage. So, you will have to prepare subjects from both the classes with equal importance.
3. What is the cutoff for each subject?
The cut-off is decided once the exam is over. It depends on multiple factors such as level of difficulty and number of students appearing along with the number of vacancies. Besides, it also differs for candidates who belong to reserved and unreserved categories.
4. What is the difference in weightage for each class?
The syllabus for the NEET Examination is divided between Class 11 and Class 12. The topics are covered in these two classes and approximately the weightage of the topics of class 11 has a 40:60 ratio with the syllabus taught in class 12. This weightage is not strict and changes from time to time but usually, it has been observed that the syllabus of class 12 gets more weightage.
5. What is the cutoff mark for each subject?
The cutoff mark is the minimum number of marks that each student has to secure in each subject to be eligible to get a rank in the results of the examinations. This cutoff is kept very low and is just kept as a measure to check that the students who are clearing the exam should have some knowledge about all three subjects. This ensures that students do not completely leave out a subject from their preparations.
6. What is the ideal duration for AIPMT or NEET preparation?
The ideal duration of preparation for AIPMT or NEET is two years when the students are in their +2 standard of education. The topics which have been selected for the syllabus for the AIPMT examination have been crafted from the perspective of students who are going through the education of these two years. Two years is a sufficient period for any student to ace the entrance examination provided he has done a good study during his preparation period.
7. What is the importance of Physics from the perspective of NEET Examinations?
Physics is one of three subjects asked during the AIPMT examination and has a 1/3 weightage in the marking scheme of the examinations. Many students who have taken Biology as a subject tend to ignore Physics because they find it complicated. That should not be the approach of an ideal student and efforts must be made on your weaker sections during your preparations. The students who do not have mathematics as a subject must pay special attention to physics.
8. What is the ideal age to start preparing for AIPMT Examinations?
It is very hard and unfair to pinpoint at a time in your student life when you should dedicatedly start preparing for your NEET examinations, many students dream about becoming a doctor when they grow up and that requires good knowledge about Biology, students who have a good hold over the basics of biology from their primary and secondary education period will definitely have an advantage over other students but the two years of preparatory phase must be very disciplined.