NEET Important Questions Plant Kingdom
Plant Kingdom NEET Questions 2025
FAQs on Plant Kingdom NEET Questions 2025
1. What is the phylogenetic relationship of Cycas with any other group of Plants?
Cycas is a plant that is evergreen and it looks like a palm. Cycas exhibits a phylogenetic relationship with Pteridophyte. The characteristics include the following:
Seed shedding when the embryo is immature.
Growth is Slow.
Wood is Monocyclic.
Only a little secondary growth.
Circinate Ptyxis.
Leaf Bases are Persistent.
Microsporangia arrangement is well-defined archegonia (Group of plants including bryophytes, pteridophytes, and gymnosperms).
2. How is gametophyte a dominant phase in the life cycle of bryophytes?
Gametophytes have the male reproductive organ known as antheridia and the female reproductive organ known as archegonia. This concludes that it produces male gametes known as antherozoids and female gametes known as egg cells. The gametophyte is the dominant form and it is also the most familiar phase of the bryophyte life cycle. The Zygote then forms a body that is multicellular known as a sporophyte.
3. How important is Algae?
Economically, ALgae are very important in several ways, in the given points we will know how:
Algae help in carbon dioxide fixation.
Algae are also the simplest forms of producers that exist in the food chain.
Algae help in increasing the oxygen level that dissolves in the environment.
Different species of algae are used as a major source of food as well.
Algae are also the source of crude oil.
Algae are also used in Pharmaceutical products.
Algae are used in Industrial products as well.
4. What are double fertilisation and triple fusion?
When one male gamete fertilises the egg cells which results in the formation of the diploid zygote, the other male gametes fuse with another two polar nuclei resulting in the formation of a triploid zygote. This triploid Zygote develops into an endosperm and this process is known as double fertilisation.
When the three haploid nuclei fuse and result in forming an endosperm, that process is known as triple fusion.
5. Describe Parasitic Algae
Parasitic Algae are also known as the common plant pathogen. These parasitic Algae can be easily found in warm and humid climates. These are commonly found in leathery leaves of plants like litchi, hollies, viburnums, magnolias, etc. These parasitic algae are the major cause of foliar disease and red rust of tea leaves. An example of these kinds of algae is Cephaleuros, which is a parasitic green alga. The students have to repeatedly read and revise so they can remember the topics accurately.