Air Pollution - Brief Explanation
Air pollution is essentially the existence of an excessive amount of harmful substances that are present in the atmosphere of the earth. One of the primary sources of air pollution is specific gases like ammonia, carbon monoxide, methane, and CFC amongst others. Air pollution can be described as a modification in the air quality which is characterised by biological or physical pollutants, and chemical measurements in the air. It is the rise in the proportion of some specific constituents or the presence of impurities in the atmosphere.
Causes of Air Pollution
Air pollution is majorly caused by the presence of toxic substances in the atmosphere and it is largely produced by human activities. Air pollution can also be caused sometimes by natural phenomena like dust storms, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions deteriorating air quality.
Sources of Air Pollution
There are various sources of air pollution. They are as follows.
Emission from Industries and Factories: The factories and industries release massive amounts of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, chemicals plus other organic compounds in the air that results in the contamination of the air.
Fossil Fuel Combustion: Fossil fuels like coal and oil are combusted for electricity and transportation on road produces air pollutants such as nitrogen and sulphur di-oxide.
Waste Production: It is usually caused by methane generation in landfills.
Agricultural Activities: The fertilisers, insecticides, and pesticides are utilized for agricultural activities that can emit harmful chemicals in the environment.
Types of Air Pollution
The types of air pollution can be mainly divided into natural sources and artificial sources.
Natural Sources: The natural sources of air pollution are chemicals like sulphur, ash, and chlorine which is released from volcanic eruptions, fires in the forest, methane combustion caused by animal digestion such as cattle.
Human-made Sources: The main reason behind artificial sources contributing to air pollution is due to the combustion of some specific fuels. The majority of industrial sources burn fuel using heating devices and the waste gets into the air. The major human-made sources of air pollution are free sources such as automobiles, planes, and water transportation.
Consequences of Air Pollution
Effects on the environment: Air pollution has a big impact on plant evolution as it prevents photosynthesis in various cases. It also has an impact on air purification and can lead to acid rain, snow, fog, and frost which are mainly caused by the combustion of fossil fuels.
Global warming: Global warming is mainly caused by climate change. The presence of greenhouse gases provides benefits to the planet however the concentration of these gases in excess amounts results in climate change and global warming.
Impact on human health: Air pollutants cause severe health risks even when they are present in small quantities. The main causes of the air pollutants are mercury, lead, benzene, and dioxins.
Prevention of Air Pollution
There are various ways in which we can control and stop air pollution. We can use clean and renewable fuel sources for energy production. Conservation of energy is another important concept in the prevention of air pollution. Eco-friendly transportation in the form of hydrogen and electric vehicles is an effective way of reducing pollution. And finally, the construction of green buildings gives structures that are resource-efficient plus responsible for reducing the carbon footprint.
FAQs on Air Pollution
1. What are the major causes of air pollution?
The main causes of air pollution are as follows.
Burning of fossil fuels: Fossil fuels combustion emits harmful chemicals and sulfur dioxide, which are used in transportation and other related activities. This can have a serious health impact on our day-to-day life and lead to adverse effects on the environment. Besides fossil fuel combustion, emissions from factories, mining operations, agricultural activities, and waste products are the major reasons for air pollution.
2. What are the steps for preventing air pollution?
Air pollution is one of the major problems that affect planet earth today. For reducing the air pollution on planet earth, it is important for all parties to come together and contribute towards the reduction of air pollution. Some of the steps that can be taken in this regard are reduction in use of private vehicles, eliminating the use of wood stove and fireplace, avoiding the burning of leaves and trash, and removing the usage of gas-powered lawn or garden equipment.
3. How is air pollution affecting life on planet earth?
Air pollution has a major impact on living beings and the functioning of the planet earth. Air pollution has an impact on the quality and purity of air that we breathe and this can lead to respiratory as well as heart problems. Air pollution is also one of the big reasons behind global warming and it has a big impact on the natural habitat of animals as well as plants.
4. What is the advantage of referring to the Vedantu notes on “Air pollution”?
The Vedantu notes on “Air pollution” provide high-quality reference material and learning notes for the students. These notes cover various sections related to air pollution and provide a comprehensive analysis of each of the sections including types of air pollution, sources and causes of pollution, preventing air pollution, and so on. The structured and accurate presentation of the notes is immensely beneficial to the students for preparing for their exams.
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If you want to study from the Vedantu notes on “Air pollution” then it can be easily downloaded from the app or the website. These notes are available to download for free in the form of PDF files. You just need to click on the “Download PDF” option that exists on the website and the app. This will download the notes in the form of PDF on your device for offline use.