Olympiad Exams for Class 7 | List, Books, Registration Dates, Study Material
FAQs on Olympiad for Class 7
1. Name some of the best Olympiad exams for Class 7.
Here's a list of some of the best Olympiad Class 7 exams.
Akhil Bhartiya Hindi Olympiad (ABHO)
National Science Olympiad (NSO)
National cyber Olympiad (NCO)
National Interactive Mathematics Olympiad (NIMO)
2. What type of questions are asked in the Olympiad exam?
Questions in the Olympiad exam are asked as per section given below:
Section 1- Subjective
Section 2- Logical Reasoning
Section 3- High Order Thinking Questions
3. Is the Olympiad exam free?
No! A certain registration fee is applicable for students each time when they enrol for a different subject Olympiad exam.
4. What are the passing marks of the Olympiad exam?
From every school, students’ participation should be at least 10 students per class and to qualify the exam, a student should get 50% marks to appear in the second-level Olympiad exam.
5. Do the Olympiad exams have negative marking?
No, there is no format for negative marking in the olympiad exam.
6. How many NSO mock tests should one practice to prepare for the exam?
Before the test, students are advised to take 5 to 10 practice exams. They will be better able to assess their degree of intellect and plan effectively.