IBO 2024-25 Challenge Registration
FAQs on IBO Registration
1. What is the goal of the IBO Competition?
The goal of the IBO competition is to encourage secondary students to promote their careers in Biology. In bringing together the intellectual genius, IBO challenges and encourages the students to expand their talent and promote a career in science. The objective of the IBO competition is to:
Encourage active interest in Biology studies.
Enhance networking and understanding between biology students.
Enhance and exchange ideas about Biology education
2. What is the responsibility of the International Jury in the IBO Competition?
Delegates from each participant country form the International Jury. The responsibility of the jury is to translate examination papers and approve the questions, answers, and marking scheme. The jury members verify and approve the marking process and final scores of the students. This information is kept confidential until the official announcement of the result.
3. What does the National Biology Olympiad (NBO) refer to?
NBO refers to the national organising body in any participating country or region.